In RS3, in addition to regular attacks, characters can use Techs (Waza in Japanese, Skills in the Remaster)
mainly in order to affect the enemies' HP or status in battle, at the cost of TP / Tech Points (WP / Waza Points in Japanese).
All techs (except Kungfu) are weapon-dependent (e.g. you cannot use a Sword tech without having a Sword equipped).
Some specific weapons have built-in techs, which sometimes need to be sparked. See also the Weapon section.
There is also a special category: Evade skills, which allow you to evade specific enemy attacks.
Note: For Formations Techs (Ftechs), see the Gameplay > Commander Mode section.
Before they can be used, skills must be learnt in battle. Some characters start with a few techs (see Initial Equip & Skills).
In battle, there is a chance, if requirements are met, to learn (trigger, spark) a tech: a light bulb flashes above your character's head.
This is also the case for Evade skills: when targeted by specific enemy skills, the character has a chance to learn how to evade them.
In a nutshell, here are the factors in play to spark techs:
- It is easier to learn new techs when fighting strong enemies (some techs can only be learnt against very strong enemies).
- To learn a few specific techs, some other tech must be used (otherwise the simplest is to keep using the basic attack; see Note 3 just below).
- It depends on the learning difficulty of each tech: some techs are easy to learn, some are difficult.
- It depends on the Spark Type of your character (depending on his/her weapon of choice): it determines which techs can be sparked more easily by your character (although there is a very slim chance that anyone can spark any tech if the monster is strong enough).
- It is easier when you have a Weapon Mastery (TP) Crown (how to get a Crown) or when you have 0 MaxMP.
- It becomes more difficult to spark techs if tech sparking has already occured in the current battle.
For more details, see also the Tech Sparking Chances & Formula section.
Then, those techs must be mastered. If you keep using a tech you will eventually master it (confirmation message after winning a battle), and it is very important: mastered techs can be equipped and used by anyone in the party. Evade skills must also be mastered to be permanently available.
For more details, see the Tech Mastering Chances & Formula section.
1) To raise your chances to spark a specific tech (superfluous until endgame):
- Equip ALL your characters with the necessary weapon (and the necessary tech if the tech you want to learn sparks only from another specific tech).
- Find a strong enemy, ideally an Asura, save your game.
- Battle (have ALL your characters try to spark the tech), reload/retry until successful, then flee from the battle, save, and get ready to master the tech you just sparked.
2) To raise your chances to master a specific tech:
- [Remaster only] Equip the Expert Ring and the Master Ring.
- Any enemy can do (choose the weakest you can find, like the first enemy in the Phantom Maze of the Remaster edition), save your game.
- Activate Dragon God Descent if your character has it, then use the tech to defeat the enemies, reload/retry until successful.
3) Which tech(s) should be used to spark new techs?
All techs must/can be sparked by using the basic weapon attack, except:
Sword (1) | - Sword Flash/Shimmering Slash --> use Sweep Down/Knee Split or Flying Water Cut/Riptide |
Greatsword (3) |
- Stealing Hands/Disarm --> use Shadow Move/Incorporeal Stance - Reverse Wind/Headwind Rush --> use Sweep Draw/Running Slash - Earth Crescent/Waning Moon --> ume Earth Run/Gravedigger |
Axe (3+2) |
- Megahawk --> use Tomahawk - Sky Drive --> use Tomahawk - Deadly Spin --> use Blade Roll/Twist and Turn - Hand Axe and Francisca's Yoyo/Yo-yo --> use Tomahawk - Hawkwind/Falconwind's Orbit Borer/Reverse Orbit --> use Tomahawk or [Remaster only] Axel Spin |
Mace (2) |
- Grand Slam --> use Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike - Shell Split/Nutcracker --> use Hard Hit/Crushing Blow |
Epee (1) | - Screwdriver --> use Mindstare/Mesmerize |
Spear (1+1) |
- Beast God Stab/Divine Lancer --> use Aiming/Aim - Dragon Spear/Sm'augg's Round Slicer --> use Swing/Reaper |
Bow (3+1) |
- Continue Shot/Multishot --> use Quick Arrow/Nock - Shadow Kill/Buster --> use Shadow Sew/Weave - Million Dollar/Millionnaire --> use Random Arrow/Rapid Volley - Dobi/Composite Bow's Death Arrow/Deathshot --> use Quick Arrow/Nock |
Martial (7) |
- Giant Swing --> use Air Throw/Tumble, Niagara Buster or Reverse Throw/Slam - Niagara Buster --> use Air Throw/Tumble, Giant Swing or Reverse Throw/Slam - Reverse Throw/Slam --> use Air Throw/Tumble, Giant Swing or Niagara Buster - Meteor Kick --> use Kick, Air Throw/Tumble or Bolt/Thunder Kick - Evil Breaker/Crush --> use Instant Power/Pressure Point - Tiger Break --> use Powerup Fist/Punishing Palm |
For all other techs, the basic attack is enough, because: there is no need to fill your tech inventory with extra techs (all tech slots are precious and tech inventory should never be full), sparking difficulty does not change that much, and enemies are generally weak enough, when you have a full party, to be dispatched with basic attacks only. Note also that sparking needs not be done consciously until endgame (i.e. do not battle in order to spark techs until endgame).
To be usable in battle, techs must be equipped on each character in the Select menu.
In the Select menu, choose Tech and you reach the Tech Equip menu.
To equip a skill, select a skill category on the right side, A, select a skill, A.
One character can only equip 8 skills at most, at any time.
You can inspect the equipped skill list on the left side.
Here is what means what:
We are not all coded equal! While any character can equip and use any already-mastered tech (which is awesome in itself),
each character belongs to one of the 12 Tech Learning Types, each with a different set of techs available for easier sparking on their list.
In a nutshell:
- Types 01 to 08 specialize in one weapon and have all (or most of*) its techs on their aptitude list.
- Type 09 is varied (focus on Sword, Greatsword, Mace, Spear)
- Type 10 is a special Spear type (close to Type 09)
- Type 11 can spark many different techs
- Type 00 has few sparkable techs on their list
* The exceptions are:
- Type 02 (Earth Crescent/Waning Moon only more easily learnable by Types 09, 10 & 11)
- Type 04 (Swallow hit, by Types 09 & 10)
So who is which type?
For your main character, the weapon specialty you chose at the start determines their Tech Sparking Type, with three exceptions (09-11), as shown on the left column below. For all your other party members, when you recruit them their default Type is fixed as shown on the right column below.
Main Character's Favorite Weapon
| Recruitable Party Members |
| Bai Meiling/Meiniang, Fullbright, Muse, Tiberius, Undine |
| Harid/Khalid, Julian, Poet, Tatyana |
| Wood, (Katarina) |
| Herman, Black, Zo/Rukh |
Mace / Staff
| Nora |
| Fat Robin, Leonid, Mikhail, Monica, Robin |
| Fairy/Peony, Thomas |
| Sara, Zhi Lin/Ling |
| Boston, Ellen, Snowman/Flurry |
Harid or Katarina + Greatsword
| Paul, Shonen/Young Boy |
Harid, Katarina, Julian or Mikhail + Spear
| Sharl/Charl, Yan/Yang Fan |
Ellen or Sara + Shortsword
| x |
Note (SFC): There is a glitch in the game: if you chose a different weapon than the default weapon for your main character, you must save, reset and load your save IN GAME once for the Type change to be effective. Otherwise, your main character will still be on his default Type.
Note: A character can be good at sparking techs and terrible at using them (and the contrary can be true also), because how effectively a character uses a weapon or tech depends solely on their fixed stats. E.g. 1: Leonid type 05 (good at sparking Epee techs) but low DEX (hence terrible at Epee). E.g. 2: Undine type 00 (terrible at sparking techs in general) but high DEX (hence good at Epee & Bow).
Note: Even if a tech is not on a character's learning list, there is a very small chance that you can spark it. So there is no real need to overthink this (unlike in Romancing Saga 2).
For the detailed lists of learnable techs see below the Tech Sparking Types Tables
Good Skill Sparking Spots:
- Ogre (Spark 17) in the Devil King/Archfiend Castle, i.e. the stationary Beastman in front of the painting, in the room after the stairs and Gon.
- Magma/Magmite (21) and Cerberus (24) in the Fire Fortress and/or the Giant (23) at the Holy King/Matriarch Trials.
- Pois Gion/Poison Gigant (33) in Leonid's Castle, appear when fighting the stationary zombies if your party is strong already. The Carpenters (25) and stronger versions of Dragon Zombies (29) that come before it can be of use too.
Asura is the regular enemy with the highest Spark/Flash LVL (35) hence the best enemy to learn new techs from.
Fighting Asura is possible:
- in the Ancient Ruins / Temple Ruins (stationary Demon, re-appears as long as you do not defeat the boss)
- in Kings Capitol / City of Kings (Harid/Khalid only)
- in the Phantom Maze (Remaster Edition only) in zone 3.5 (go to zone 4 and go back once).
- the boss in the monster-infested Thieves' Cave / Bandit's Hideout (stationary Fairy, disappears when defeated)
- the bosses in Robins' Quest in Yamas/Yarmouth (both Demon enemies at the end can be Asura).
Reminder: it is mostly easier to spark techs with characters with a TP Crown or with MaxMP=0.
Note: The other regular enemies with high Flash LVL are:
- Zera Beetle (35)
- Alef/Aleph, Lizard Lord/Lizardman Lord, Triton (34)
- Ming Wang/Vidyaraja, Pois Gion/Poison Gigant (33)
Note on Attack Types, Attributes and Effects
Attacks have several parameters that determine their Type(s), Attribute(s), or which Status change / effect they can inflict.
Quite logically, these parameters also determine armor defenses (see the Armor section).
There are three main categories (which are differently defended against):
- Type: Slash Hit Pierce Shot / Heat Cold Bolt Status (Def = armor Def Points, Shield Def or Evade)
- Attribute: Water Throw Sonic Stare Ground (Def = Immunities)
- Status Change: Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind (Confusion & its variants) Poison Stun (Def = Resistances, i.e. Immunities; but there seem to be many cases when your own shield status resistances do not activate, bugged).
Category | Type | Main Attacks & Techs |
Physical | Slash | Sword, Greatsword, Axe |
Hit | Axe, Mace/Staff, Kungfu | |
Pierce | Epee, Spear | |
Shot | Bow | |
Magic | Heat | Psycho Burst |
Cold | Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade attacks | |
Bolt | Bolt Pierce/Piercing Lightning, Plasma Shot, Bolt/Thunder Kick | |
Status | Aiming/Aim, Dragon Hit/Snake Blaster, Instant Power/Pressure Point, Evil Breaker/Crush | |
None | None | All counters, Meteor Kick, Tiger Break, Draw Sword/Quick Draw, Swallow Hit/Reverse Swallow |
Attribute | Techs |
Water | x |
Throw | Kungfu throw Techs, Meteor Kick |
Sonic | Dimension Cut/Dimensional Slash, Scare Voice/Siren Scream, Aerobit/Vortex Drive, *Resona/Resonance Weep, *Everyone's Song/Folk Song |
Stare | Ice/Icy Stare, Charm Stare/Enchanting Gaze, Mindstare/Mesmerize |
Ground | Earth Run/Gravedigger, Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike, Grand Slam, Leg Sweep, Swing/Reaper |
Status Change | Effect | Main Techs |
Death | Target is instantly killed. | Backstab, Dimension Cut/Dimensional Break, Final Letter/Eulogy, Shadow Kill/Shadow Buster, *Death Arrow/Deathshot |
Petrify | Unable to take action (='Death' for enemies). | Midas Touch |
Paralysis | Unable to take action, block or evade for some turns. | Ice/Icy Stare, Blunt Strike, Imprison, Meteor Thrust/Stardust, Shadow Sew/Weave, Plasma Shot |
Sleep | Unable to take action, block or evade until being hit. |
Brain Split/Skull Splitter (Mace) |
Dark |
Blind: reduce Accuracy of Physical attacks. | Saming/Eye Gouge, Flash Arrow |
Mind (Confusion) | May Forget to act. Variants: Berserk (may target ally or enemy alike), Charmed (below). | Scare Voice/Siren Scream, Mindstare/Mesmerize, Brain Split/Split Cranium (Spear), Id Break, Fairy Arrow/Faerie Arrow |
Charmed | Target becomes an ally. | Charm Stare/Enchanting Gaze |
Poison | Damage at the end of every turn. (Dmg depends on target's Max HP and CON) |
Dragon Hit/Snake Blaster |
Stun | Unable to take action, block or evade for the rest of the turn. |
Sweep Down/Knee Split, Hyper Hammer, Eathquake Hit/Seismic Strike, Feint, Leg Sweep, *Swing/Reaper, Kungfu throw techs, Meteor Kick |
Silence | Unable to use techs or magic. Atk up. | Firecracker, Fairy/Faerie Arrow |
Note on TP Cost and Expenditure
All techs cost 1 TP less when a character has a TP / Weapon Mastery Crown (when (max TP + 5) / (max MP + 5) ≥ 10).
Effective TP cost is calculated as such by order of priority:
1) If Final Strike is used, all TP is consumed
2) If Dragon God is active, further TP cost=0
3) If applicable, -1 TP discount (Robins for Epee or Weapon Mastery Crown, non-cumulative: max discount = -1TP)
4) If any Devil King item is equipped, TP cost is doubled
E.g. Robin (innate Epee discount) equipped with the Devil King Shield (TP cost x2) uses Screwdriver (7 TP Epee Tech): TP consumed = (7-1) x2 = 12TP.
Note: In the Remaster Edition, the Expert Ring halves the raw SP cost of techs, rounded down.
E.g. Ellen with a SP Crown and equipped with the Expert Ring and the Archfiend's Shield uses Sky Drive: ([9/2 = 4]-1) x2 = 6TP.
Note on Tech Dmg and Stats
This conveniently sums up on which of the attacking character's static stats depends tech damage.
Adapted from with additions.
In general:
Techs | Stats |
Sword Greatsword Axe Mace Spear |
Epee Bow |
Kungfu | STR & SPD |
With the following exceptions:
Techs | Stats |
Snake Sword/Serpentsvard, Snake Shot, Sidewinder, Shotwave | STR |
Earth Run/Gravedigger, Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike, Grand Slam | STR & Weapon Weight |
Chop Down/Riposte, Stealing Hands/Disarm, Just Meet/Dead-on, Matador, Windmill, Exorcist/Exorcising Slash | DEX |
Blade Net, Scare Voice/Siren Scream, Flash Arrow, Star Stream? | INT |
Misty Ice/Arctic Rush, Were Buster/Hunter's Fury, Inner Eye/Rapid Volley EX, Final Strike | INT & TP Cost |
Psycho Burst, Shield Rush/Shield Bash | WIL & HP |
Repeater Techs: Holo Sword/Mirage Blade, Split Body/Doppelslasher, Deadly Spin, Yoyo/Yo-yo, Round Slicer, Tri-Shooter, Continue Shot/Multishot. | (Previous) |
Ratio Techs: Dimension Cut/Dimensional Slash, Aerobit/Vortex Drive. | (E MaxHP) |
Throws: Air Throw/Tumble, Giant Swing, Niagara Buster, Reverse Throw/Reverse Slam. | (E CON) |
- Techs depending on TP Cost see their damage logically go up when the character is equipped with Devil King items, but much less than proportionally.
- The damage of attack items (Spirit Stone, Sand of Mars, Eternal Ice) depends on INT & MaxHP.
- Focus, Power Heal, Shatter Staff/Staff Strike & Blood Suck/Suck Blood depend on INT.
- Weapon-transformation techs take into account the value of the weapon got after transformation. Awakening/Alarm is treated as a Greatsword tech.
- Of course, there are always other variables in the dmg formulae, e.g. RGN, the character's Weapon LV, the Weapon's Attack Value... See the tech tables below & reference links in the Resources section (particularly Ultianima's dmg tables [jp] from which *all* other data seem to come from).
Note on the following Tables
Next to the name of the Tech is the (TP Cost). Below the Japanese is the name in the Remaster edition.
The initial Target can be: one enemy (1E) or more (+), at close range (CR) or not, the enemy front row only (Front Row), all enemies (All), all units on the battlefields (ALL), one ally (1P), all allies (Party), or Self.
Acc is an accuracy indicator; next are the factoring (Stats) that accuracy depends on.
Pwr is a base dmg indicator; next the (Stats) on which damage output is dependent.
Those Stats can be any stat: LVL (Weapon Skill Level), W (Weapon Weight), Atk (Weapon Atk), HP (current HP), MaxHP, and all the fixed stats (STR DEX SPD CON INT WIL CHAR), and also the Enemy's (E before the abbreviation, e.g. ECON = Enemy's CON).
Hit# is the number of times a Tech hits.
Simply put, Pwr x Hit# is a good indicator of the efficiency of a particular Tech. Acc has to be taken into account for such 'Repeater Techs' (Serial/Consecutive Attacks): if one of the attacks does not hit, damage drops.
Mod is a dmg modifier.
For all those numbers: the higher the better.
Type states the Types & Attributes of the attack:
- SL (Slash), HI (Hit), PI (Pierce), SH (Shot), HE (Heat), CO (Cold), BO (Bolt), STS (Status)
- WTR (Water), TH (Throw), SO (Sonic), STA (Stare), GR (Ground)
Monsters may have defenses & immunities against all these categories.
- Additionally: FL means critical vs. Flying status.
Also, a few techs have a magical element and may change the magic environment of the battlefield:
- Wind (Windmill, Double Dragon/Dual Dragons, Aerobit/Vortex Drive)
- Fire (Firecracker)
- Earth (Earth Run/Gravedigger, Earth Crescent/Waning Moon, Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike, Grand Slam, Beast God Stab/Divine Lancer).
A few techs do not have any Type: All Counter techs, Meteor Kick, Tiger Break, Draw Sword/Quick Draw, Swallow Hit/Reverse Swallow.
These negate all enemy defenses (i.e. the Def values from their items, but not an enemy's defensive stance 50% bonus reduction).
E Def: Any attack may trigger the Enemy's Defenses, if available:
MS (Magic Shield), EV (Evade Techs), CT (Counter Techs), SD (Shield Defense or Evade; SD- means halved activation rate).
The Spark / Special column lists from which tech(s) the tech can be sparked from (the number after the tech name is the Tech Spark Rank: the higher the number, the more difficult it is to spark this tech - see also Tech Sparking Types and Tech Sparking List) and details the tech particuliarities or effects if applicable.
Also, a convenient reminder at the beginning of each category: the techs that cannot be sparked by using a basic attack.
Here is the full list of those techs.
The mention 'Cannot be countered' reflects the absence of a CT flag and specifies that the tech cannot be countered by an enemy's Counter tech (including Aunas' Fire Mantle). They are:
- SWORD: Backstab, Holo Sword/Mirage Blade, Sword Flash/Shimmering Slash, Star Stream (but not Star Burst/Supernova), Final Strike (Sword),
- GREATSWORD: Earth Run/Gravedigger, Dancing Sword,
- AXE: Tomahawk, Sky Drive, Yoyo/Yo-yo, Orbit Borer/Reverse Orbit, Final Strike (Axe),
- MACE: Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike, Grand Slam, Draw Sword/Quick Draw, Swallow Hit/Reverse Swallow,
- EPEE: Snake Shot, Bolt Pierce/Piercing Lightning, Firecracker, Snake Sword/Serpentsvard
- SPEAR: Aiming/Aim, Dragon Hit/Snake Blaster, Double Dragon/Dual Dragons, Great Wheel/Giant Swing, Meteor Thrust/Stardust,
- All BOW techs,
- MARTIAL: Air Throw/Tumble, Instant Power/Pressure Point, Evil Breaker/Evil Crush, S Dimension/Spatial Persona, Tiger Break,
- and all Counter techs (Stealing Hands/Disarm, Chop Down/Riposte, Just Meet/Dead-on, Matador, Windmill, Counter) and Sword Parry but you will have a hard time inflicting damage with this ; )
Note that there are techs that deal a critical hit ('Crit vs. X') against specific Races of enemies (Undead, Skeleton, Plant..): see the Monsters section.
Two-handed attacks do not allow the activation of your character's shield (if equipped with one).
Such are all BSword, Spear, Bow Techs. A few Kungfu attacks are also 2-handed (Throws, some Vampire magics).
Note: Successful Petrify / Insta-Death prevents item drop. Exception: Leonid's Gentle Touch/Caress.
To see if your character can spark a specific Tech more easily, see the Tech Sparking Types Tables & the Tech Sparking Lists.
Part of the mined data is invalid or unused (like E Def for some Status techs) or hackers simply could not figure out what the data was for.

There is only one sword tech that cannot be sparked from a basic attack:
- Sword Flash/Shimmering Slash (use Sweep Down/Knee Split or Flying Water Cut/Riptide)
Sword (0) 剣 |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL STR DEX W) |
8 x 1 (STR) |
3 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Basic attack. |
Parry (0) パリイ |
Target | Evade | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
x | 50 | x | x | SL | x | Spark: Sword 12. Evade tech. |
Sweep Down (0) なぎ払い Knee Split |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL STR DEX W) |
12 x 1 (STR) |
2 | SL Stun |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 3. May also Stun. |
Double Mist (2) かすみ二段 Artful Slash |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 150 (LVL STR DEX W) |
40 x 1 (STR) |
4 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 10, Rude Sword/Brusque Slice 11. The 1st attack is a feint. |
Rude Sword (1) 失礼剣 Brusque Slice |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL STR DEX W) |
120 x 1 (STR) |
3 | SL | x | Spark: Sword 9, Double Mist/Artful Slash 11. |
Cross Slash (4) 十文字斬り |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL STR DEX W) |
80 x 2 (STR) |
4 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 13, Sweep Down/Knee Split 10.
Crit vs. Undead. |
Flying Water Cut (4) 飛水断ち Riptide |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL STR DEX W) |
160 x 1 (STR) |
6 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 17, Sweep Down/Knee Split 14. |
Backstab (7) バックスタッブ |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 80 (LVL STR DEX W) |
400 x 1 (STR) |
4 | SL Death |
MS | Spark: Sword 20, Gushing Wind/Gale Slash 20. May Insta-kill. Cannot be countered. |
Dragon Tail (6) 龍尾返し Dragon's Tail |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL STR DEX W) |
200 x 2 (STR) |
7 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 22, Sweep Down/Knee Split 20, Flying Water Cut/Riptide 18. 2 strikes. |
Gushing Wind (8) 疾風剣 Gale Slash |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL STR DEX W) |
200 x 4 (STR) |
7 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 26, Double Mist/Artful Slash 21, Backstab 25. 4 strikes. |
Holo Sword (4) 残像剣 Mirage Blade |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1+ | 110 (LVL STR DEX W) |
120 x 1 (Previous) |
3 | SL | x | Spark: Sword 28, Double Mist/Artful Slash 23, Split Body/Doppelslasher 15. Attacks (1+SwordLVL/10) targets with the Rude Sword/Brusque Slash Tech. Cannot be countered. |
Dimension Cut (3) 亜空間斬り Dimensional Slash |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 60 (WIL EffectValue) |
x | x | STS, SO | MS EV | Spark: Sword 24, Flying Water Cut/Riptide 21. Status Sonic Attack to all enemies. Damage per enemy = MaxHP/4+RGN(1∼SwordLVLx3). |
Satsuki Rain (10) 五月雨斬り Monsoon Slash |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL STR DEX W) |
200 x 3 (STR) |
8 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 29, Double Mist/Artful Slash 26. Plays first. 3 strikes. |
Split Body (7) 分身剣 Doppelslasher |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL STR DEX W) |
8 x 1 (Previous) |
3 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 31. Hits the target (1+SwordLVL/10) times. Very powerful, endgame. |
Sword Flash (9) 剣閃 Shimmering Slash |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 130 (LVL STR DEX W) |
200 x 1 (STR) |
14 | SL | x | Spark: Sweep Down/Knee Split 39, Flying Water Cut/Riptide 38. Also hits all enemies in line behind. Cannot be countered. |
Golden Dragon (12) 黄龍剣 |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 150 (LVL STR DEX W) |
600 x 2 (STR) |
12 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Sword 38, Flying Water Cut/Riptide 39, Satsuki Rain/Monsoon Slash 42. 2 strikes. Strong tech. |
*Demi Rune (1) Demi-Lune デミルーン Demilune |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL STR DEX W) |
100 x 2 (STR) |
3 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Curved Sword Tech. 2 strikes. |
*Demi Echo (4) デミルーンエコー Demilune Echo |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL STR DEX W) |
100 x 3 (STR) |
7 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Demi Rune/Demilune 18. Curved Sword/Scimitar Tech. Also hits enemies in the row behind if one is adjacent to the initial target. |
*Spider Net (1) スパイダーネット Spiderweb |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 65 (LVL WIL) |
x | STS | MS EV SD | Spark: Spider/Spyder 17. Attempt to reduce the enemy's SPD by (SwordLVL/5). |
*Blade Net (3) ブレードネット |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 100% | 160 (INT) |
5 | SL | MS EV SD | Spark: Spider/Spyder 22, *Spider Net/Spiderweb 14. |
*Ice Stare (3) 氷の瞳 Icy Stare |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 90 (LVL WIL) |
x | x | STS, STA Paralyze |
MS EV CT | Spark: Evil Eye 23, *Charm Stare/Enchanting Gaze 20. Mind Stare attempt to Paralize one enemy. |
*Charm Stare (3) 魅惑の瞳 Enchanting Gaze |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 65 (LVL WIL) |
x | x | STS, STA Charm |
MS EV SD | Spark: Evil Eye 23, *Ice Stare/Icy Stare 20. Mind Stare attempt to Charm one enemy. |
*Scare Voice (4) スケアーボイス Siren Scream |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | 80 x 1 (INT) |
2 | STS, SO Confuse |
SD- | Spark: Screamer 25. Status Sonic attack. Also attempts to Confuse all enemies. |
*Star Burst (7) スターバースト Supernova |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (?) |
160 x 1 (?) |
6 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: SevenStar/Triones 27. Changes into LV SevenStar/Triones Sword (Atk=60). |
*Star Stream (7) スターストリーム |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | 800 x 3? (INT?) |
12 | SL CO BO | x | Also STR SPD +8 to self. Cannot be countered. LV SevenStar/Triones Sword only. Reverts to SevenStar/Triones Sword (Atk=35). |
*Final Strike (All) ファイナルストライク |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | (INT, Used TP) |
12 | HE CO BO | MS | Uses all remaining TP. Weapon breaks. Base dmg= Used TP x24. Cannot be countered. Bloody/Sanguinator, Screamer, Invoker/Demon Slayer only. |

There are 3 BSword techs that cannot be learned from a basic attack:
- Stealing Hands/Disarm (use Shadow Move/Incorporeal Stance)
- Reverse Wind/Headwind Rush (use Sweep Draw/Running Slash)
- Earth Crescent/Waning Moon (use Earth Run/Gravedigger)
Note: For a list of the weapons that you can steal with Stealing Hands/Disarm, see the Monsters section.
Big Sword (0) 大剣 Greatsword |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 1 (STR) |
3 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Basic attack. |
Blunt Strike (0) みね打ち |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 40 (WIL LVL) |
x | x | SL Paralyze |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: BSword 4. Attempt to Paralyse one enemy. |
Rollup Strike (1) 巻き打ち Sunder |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 125 (LVL W STR DEX) |
60 x 1 (STR) |
4 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: BSword 8. |
Chop Down (4) 切り落とし Riposte |
Target | Evade | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
x | 35 (LV SPD W ESPD) |
(DEX) | 6 | x | x | Spark: BSword 13. Counter Tech. |
Smash (4) スマッシュ |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR DEX) |
200 x 1 (STR) |
6 | SL HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: BSword 16. |
Sweep Draw (3) 払い抜け Running Slash |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 1 (STR) |
6 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: BSword 15, Rollup Strike/Sunder 17. |
Earth Run (4) 地走り Gravedigger |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1+E CR | 100% | 200 x 1 (STR W Atk) |
5 | SL, GR Earth |
MS EV SD | Spark: BSword 23, Sweep Draw/Running Slash 21. Earth-element Ground attack. Hits enemies in a straight line. Cannot be countered. |
Shadow Move (2) 無形の位 Incorporeal Stance |
Target | Evade | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
x | 60 (LV SPD W ESPD) |
x | x | x | x | Spark: BSword 18. Evade tech. |
Brook Rush (6) ブルクラッシュ Bullrush |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
600 x 1 (STR) |
7 | SL HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: BSword 32, Smash 25. |
Stealing Hands (7) Barehand Catch 無刀取り Disarm |
Target | Evade / Counter |
Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 40 (LV SPD/DEX W ESPD) |
(DEX) | 8 | x | x | Spark: Shadow Move/Incorporeal Stance 22. Counter Tech. Attempt to parry, steal the enemy's weapon (if one empty hand slot) and counter. Remaster: Disarm is incompatible with Everfrost Blade or Flame Mantle. |
Reverse Wind (7) 逆風の太刀 Headwind Rush |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
200 x 2 (STR) |
9 | SL | MS EV CT SD- | Spark: Sweep Draw/Running Slash 28. 2 strikes. |
Nature Dance (11) 乱れ雪月花 Scattered Petals |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
400 x 3 (STR) |
11 | SL | MS EV CT SD- | Spark: BSword 39, Reverse Wind/Headwind Rush 35. 3 strikes. |
Earth Crescent (9) 地ずり残月 Waning Moon |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 125 (LVL W STR DEX) |
400 x 1 (STR) |
14 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Earth Run/Gravedigger 42. |
*Exorcist (5) 退魔神剣 Exorcising Slash |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | 400 x 1 (DEX) |
8 | STS | MS | Spark: Yotoryuko/Exorciser 22. Works only on Undead (and race-less) enemies. |
*Ice Sword (0) 氷の剣 Everfrost Blade |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
140 x 1 (STR) |
3 | SL CO | MS EV CT SD | Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade basic attack. |
*Misty Ice (8) 霧氷剣 Arctic Rush |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | 100 (INT) |
11 | SL CO | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade 29. INT-based hit-all Cold attack. |
*Dancing Sword (3) ダンシングソード |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
400 x 3 (STR) |
11 | SL | MS EV CT SD- | Spark: Triple/Triumvirate 25. Same atk stats as Nature Dance/Scattered Petals. Cannot be countered. Transforms into Triple/Triumvirate Epee until battle ends. |
*Moulin Rouge (4) ムーランルージュ |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 130 (LVL W STR DEX) |
80 x 1 (STR) |
7 | SL | MS EV CT SD | Transformed Masquerade only. |

There are 3 Axe techs that cannot be learned from a basic attack:
- Megahawk (use Tomahawk)
- Sky Drive (use Tomahawk)
- Deadly Spin (use Blade Roll/Twist and Turn)
- Hand Axe and Francisca's Yoyo/Yo-yo (use Tomahawk)
- Hawkwind/Falconwind's Orbit Borer/Reverse Orbit (use Tomahawk)
All Tomahawk-based attacks cannot be countered.
Axe (0) 斧 |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR) |
32 x 1 (STR) |
3 | SL HI | MS EV CT SD | Basic attack. |
Tomahawk (1) トマホーク |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 100 (LVL W STR) |
60 x 1 (STR) |
3 | SL HI | MS | Spark: Axe 4. Cannot be countered. |
Skull Crush (3) スカルクラッシュ Headsplitter |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR) |
100 x 1 (STR) |
3 | SL HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Axe 10. STR -5. Crit vs. Skeleton. |
Big Log Chop (4) 大木断 Cut Timber |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR) |
80 x 1 (STR) |
5 | SL HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Axe 14. Crit vs. Plant. |
War Cry (1) ウォークライ |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
Self | x | x | x | SL HI | x | Spark: Axe 5. Raises character's STR & CON by 7+(AxeLVL/5). |
Hyper Hammer (4) ハイパーハンマー |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR) |
160 x 1 (STR) |
4 | SL HI Stun |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Axe 16. May also Stun. |
Axel Turn (5) アクセルターン Axel Spin |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR) |
40 x 1 (STR) |
7 | SL HI | MS EV CT SD- | Spark: Axe 22, Hyper Hammer 18. Character's SPD +8. |
Blade Roll (5) ブレードロール Twist and Turn |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL W STR) |
140 x 1 (STR) |
5 | SL HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Axe 25, Big Log Chop/Cut Timber 21. Also hits the other enemies. |
Megahawk (6) メガホーク |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 85 (LVL W STR) |
200 x 1 (STR) |
4 | SL HI | MS SD | Spark: Tomahawk 16. Hits all enemies. |
Dimension Cut (6) 次元断 Dimensional Break |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 20 (WIL) |
(STR) |
x | STS Death |
x | Spark: Axe 21, Big Log Chop/Cut Timber 19, Blade Roll/Twist and Turn 21. Attempt to Insta-kill all enemies. |
Dynamic Hit (8) マキ割ダイナミック Dynamic Chop |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR) |
600 x 1 (STR) |
9 | SL HI | MS EV SD | Spark: Axe 30, Big Log Chop/Cut Timber 26. Crit vs. Plant. |
Sky Drive (9) スカイドライブ |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 125 (LVL W STR) |
100 x 1 (STR) |
13 | SL HI | x | Spark: Tomahawk 36. CON -10. Cannot be countered. |
Deadly Spin (10) デッドリースピン |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR) |
60 (Previous) |
3 | SL HI | MS EV | Spark: Blade Roll/Twist and Turn 40. Strikes 2+(AxeLVL/20) times with Tomahawk. |
*Yoyo (5) ヨーヨー Yo-yo |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 90 (LVL W STR) |
32 (Previous) |
3 | SL HI | MS EV SD | Spark: Tomahawk 34. Hits the target (1+AxeLVL/10) times. Cannot be countered. Handaxe, Francisca only. |
*Genghis Khan (3) ジンギスカン Ironside Wrath |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 50 (LVL W STR) |
100 x 5 (STR) |
4 | SL HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Viking 20. 5 strikes. Viking only. |
*Orbit Borer (11) オービットボーラ Reverse Orbit |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR) |
600 x 3 (STR) |
10 | SL HI | MS | Spark: Tomahawk 41, Axel Turn/Axel Spin 36 [bugged on SFC]. 3 powerful strikes. Cannot be countered. Hawkwind/Falconwind only. |
*Final Strike (All) ファイナルストライク |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | (INT, Used TP) |
12 | HE CO BO | MS | Uses all remaining TP. Base dmg= Used TP x24. Cannot be countered. Buster & Devil King/Archfiend's Axe only. Weapon breaks (Devil King/Archfiend's Axe returns as new at the end of the battle). |

There are 2 Mace/Staff techs that cannot be learned from a basic attack:
- Grand Slam (use Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike)
- Shell Split/Nutcracker (use Hard Hit/Crushing Blow)
Mace/Staff/Club (0) 棍棒 |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL W STR DEX) |
8 x 1 (STR) |
3 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Basic attack. |
Brain Split (1) 脳天割り Skull Splitter |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL W STR DEX) |
20 x 1 (STR) |
3 | HI Sleep |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Mace 7. May cause Sleep. INT -3. |
Hard Hit (3) ハードヒット Crushing Blow |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
80 x 1 (STR) |
4 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Mace 11. |
Just Meet (2) ジャストミート Dead-on |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
x | 35 (LV SPD W ESPD) |
(DEX) | 5 | x | x | Spark: Mace 12. Counter tech. |
Rotation Hit (4) 回転撃 Rotator |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL W STR DEX) |
120 x 2 (STR) |
4 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Mace 15. 2 strikes. |
Bone Crush (4) 骨砕き Bonecrusher |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL W STR DEX) |
20 x 1 (STR) |
5 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Mace 18, Brain Split/Skull Splitter 11. CON -5. Crit vs. Skeleton. |
Earthquake Hit (6) 大震撃 Seismic Strike |
Target | Acc | Pwr x Hit# | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | 200 x 1 (STR W ATK) |
5 | HI, GR Earth Stun |
x | Spark: Mace 21. Ground, Earth-element attack to all enemies. May Stun. Cannot be countered. |
Aerobit (3) エアロビート Vortex Drive |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 40 (WIL EffectValue) |
x | x | STS, SO Wind |
MS | Spark: Mace 23, Hard Hit/Crushing Blow 21. Wind Status Sonic attack. Reduce enemy's HP by ((MaxHP/8)x3)+RGN(1∼MaceLVLx3). |
Stone Cut (7) 削岩撃 Rock Splitter |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL W STR DEX) |
120 x 5 (STR) |
5 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Mace 28, Rotation Hit/Rotator 25, Bone Crush/Bonecrusher 23. Crit to Earth Spirit enemies. |
Gravity Break (6) 活殺重力破 Gravity Wave |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL W STR DEX) |
20 x 1 (STR) |
8 | HI STS | MS EV CT SD- | Spark: Mace 37, Aerobit/Vortex Drive 30. SPD -5. |
Grand Slam (9) グランドスラム |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | 800 (STR W Atk) |
7 | HI, GR Earth |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike 30. Delayed Earth Ground dmg to all (effective at the end of the turn). Battlefield elemental change roll occurs twice (casting, turn end). Water-element enemies are immune (strangely). Cannot be countered. |
Shell Split (11) かめごうら割り Nutcracker |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL W STR DEX) |
400 x 1 (STR) |
11 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Hard Hit/Crushing Blow 39. SL HI PI SH HE Def -50%. Crit vs. Water. |
*Bless (1) ブレス Breath |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1P | x | x | STS | x | Spark: Glory Staff/Staff of Glory 28. Raise STR by 8+(MaceLVL/10). Glory Staff/Staff of Glory only. |
*Power Heal (0) パワーヒール |
Target | Acc | Heal | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1P | x | (MaxHP EffectValue INT LVL) | 2 | STS | x | Recover HP. Life Cane/Staff of Vivacity only. |
*Escape Out (5) 振り逃げ (Swing & Run (Flee), i.e. 'Uncaught 3rd Strike' in baseball) Stealthy Swing |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 115 (LVL W STR DEX) |
60 x 1 (STR) |
5 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Golden Bat 15. Hits then becomes invisible (see the Status section, Note 7, for details on the Invisible status). Golden Bat only. |
*Midas Hand (4) マイダスハンド Midas Touch |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 25 (WIL) |
x | x | STS Stone |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Golden Bat 20. Attempt to Petrify (=Insta-kill) one enemy. Golden Bat only. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||||||
*Spell Enhance (1) スペルエンハンス Acuity |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1P | x | x | x | STS | x | Spark: Rune/Runic Staff 12. Raise INT by 8+(MaceLVL/10). Rune/Runic Staff only. |
*Draw Sword (3) 居合抜き Quick Draw |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR DEX) |
400 x 2 (STR) |
10 | x | x | Spark: Training/Bladed Cane 25. Powerful tech. Cannot be countered. Turns into an Epee until battle ends. |
*Swallow Hit (7) 抜刀ツバメ返し Reverse Swallow |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL W STR DEX) |
800 x 2 (STR) |
15 | x | x | Spark: Training/Bladed Cane 42, *Draw Sword/Quick Draw 35. Very powerful. Cannot be countered. Turns into an Epee until battle ends. |
*Shatter Staff (1) シャッタースタッフ Staff Strike |
Target | Acc | Heal | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
Party | x | (MaxHP EffectValue INT LVL) | 8 | STS | x | Recover HP to all characters. Life Cane/Staff of Vivacity & Rune/Runic Staff only. Weapon breaks. |

There is only one Epee tech that cannot be learned from a basic attack:
- Screwdriver (use Mindstare/Mesmerize)
Epee (0) 小剣 Shortsword |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 140 (LVL W STR DEX) |
4 x 1 (DEX) |
3 | PI | MS EV CT | Basic attack. |
Feint (0) フェイント |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 60 (LVL W STR DEX) |
x | x | STS Stun |
x | Spark: Epee 4. Attempt to Stun one enemy. |
Axel Sniper (1) アクセルスナイパー Lightspeed |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 155 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 1 (DEX) |
4 | PI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Epee 9. SPD +8 |
Imprison (1) インプリズン |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 40 (LVL WIL) |
x | x | STS Paralyze |
EV CT | Spark: Epee 13. Attempt to Paralyze one enemy. |
Mindstare (2) マインドステア Mesmerize |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 55 (LVL WIL) |
x | x | STS Confuse |
EV CT | Spark: Epee 15. Attempt to Confuse one enemy. |
Snake Shot (4) スネークショット |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
Front Row | 140 (LVL W STR SPD) |
200 x 1 (STR) |
4 | PI Death |
MS EV | Spark: Epee 17, Mindstare/Mesmerize 15. Attacks the enemy's front row. Insta-Death chance vs. Frogs. Cannot be countered. |
Bolt Pierce (5) ライトニングピアス Piercing Lightning |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 155 (LVL W STR DEX) |
80 x 1 (DEX) |
6 | PI BO | MS EV | Spark: Epee 21, Axel Sniper/Lightspeed 15. Plays first. SPD +8. Cannot be countered. |
Matador (3) マタドール |
Target | Evade | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 40 (LV SPD W ESPD) |
(DEX) | 7 | x | x | Spark: Epee 13. Counter tech. |
Screwdriver (7) スクリュードライバー |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 140 (LVL W STR DEX) |
100 x 1 (DEX) |
9 | PI | MS EV CT | Spark: Mindstare/Mesmerize 35. Crit vs. Female enemies. |
Southern Cross (7) サザンクロス |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 140 (LVL W STR DEX) |
200 x 5 (DEX) |
6 | PI | MS EV CT | Spark: Epee 30. 5 stabs. Crit vs. Undead. |
Firecracker (10) ファイアクラッカー |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 140 (LVL W STR DEX) |
200 x 1 (DEX) |
8 | PI Fire, Stun |
MS | Spark: Epee 35, Bolt Pierce/Piercing Lightning 31. Piercing Fire attack to all. May Silence (Magic Stun). Cannot be countered. |
Final Letter (9) ファイナルレター Eulogy |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 140 (LVL W STR DEX) |
400 x 3 (DEX) |
11 | PI Death |
MS EV CT | Spark: Epee 42. May Insta-Kill. |
*Awakening (1) ウェイクアップ Alarm |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 150 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 1 (STR?) |
4 | PI | MS EV CT | Masquerade only. Changes into Masquerade BSword. |
*Were Buster (1) ウェアバスター Hunter's Fury |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 140 (100%?) |
100 x 1 (INT) |
5 | PI | MS EV CT | Spark: Silver Foil/Silver Fleuret 14. Crit vs. Beastman. |
*Nurse Heal (2) ナースヒール Medicate |
Target | Acc | Heal | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | x | (Previous Skill) | 1 | STS | x | Spark: Nightingale 17. Recover HP, cure all status ailments except Petrify, and resets all stats. |
*Snake Sword (7) 蛇剣 Serpentsvard |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 140 (LVL W STR SPD) |
200 x 1 (STR) |
7 | PI Death |
MS EV | Spark: Kris Naga 24. Strikes all enemies. Attempt to Insta-Kill Frogs. Cannot be countered. |

There is only one Spear tech that cannot be learned from a basic attack:
- Beast God Stab/Divine Lancer (use Aiming/Aim)
- Dragon Spear/Sm'augg's Round Slicer (use *Swing/Reaper)
Spear (0) 槍 |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL W STR) |
20 x 1 (STR) |
3 | PI | MS EV CT SD | Basic attack. |
Leg Sweep (0) 足ばらい Sweep |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
Front Row | 30 (WIL) |
x | x | PI, GR Stun |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Spear 5. Attempt to Stun the enemy's front row. Ground attack. |
Stone Stab (0) 石突き Lithic Thrust |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
60 x 1 (STR) |
3 | HI PI | MS EV CT SD- | Spark: Spear 9. |
Double Stab (2) 二段突き Double Thrust |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
80 x 2 (STR) |
4 | PI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Spear 11. 2 strikes. |
Aiming (2) エイミング Aim |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 150 (LVL W STR DEX) |
100 x 1 (STR) |
6 | PI STS | MS | Spark: Spear 13. Plays last. Cannot be countered. |
Windmill (3) かざぐるま |
Target | Evade | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
x | 40 (LV SPD W ESPD) |
(DEX) | 7 | Wind | x | Spark: Spear 13. Wind Counter tech. |
Brain Split (2) 脳削り Split Cranium |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
20 x 1 (STR) |
5 | PI Confuse |
MS EV CT SD- | Spark: Spear 16. May Confuse. |
Charge (3) チャージ |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
160 x 1 (STR) |
5 | PI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Spear 20. |
Dragon Hit (3) ミヅチ Snake Blaster |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 2 (STR) |
4 | PI STS Poison |
MS EV SD- | Spark: Spear 22, Double Stab/Thrust 22. May Poison. Cannot be countered. |
Spiral Charge (7) スパイラルチャージ |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
100 x 1 (STR) |
10 | PI | MS EV CT SD- | Spark: Spear 30, Brain Split/Split Cranium 27, Charge 28. |
Double Dragon (6) 双龍破 Dual Dragons |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
300 x 2 (STR) |
8 | PI Wind |
MS EV SD | Spark: Spear 28, Double Stab/Thrust 28, Dragon Hit/Snake Blaster 24. Strikes twice. Also hits the enemies behind in a straight line. Cannot be countered. |
Beast God Stab (6) 活殺獣神衝 Divine Lancer |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 3 (STR) |
9 | PI Earth |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Aiming/Aim 38. STR DEX SPD CON -5 |
Great Wheel (5) 大車輪 Giant Swing |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
200 x 1 (STR) |
7 | PI | MS EV SD | Spark: Spear 21, Stone Stab/Lithic Thrust 17. Hits all enemies. Cannot be countered. Good attack. |
Triple Thrust (10) 無双三段 Triumvirate |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
360 x 3 (STR) |
100 | PI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Spear 37, Double Stab/Thrust 36. 3 strikes. |
Meteor Thrust (9) 流星衝 Stardust |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
600 x 1 (STR) |
14 | PI Paralyze |
MS EV SD- | Spark: Spear 40. May Paralyze. Cannot be countered. |
*Swing (2) スウィング Reaper |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
Front Row | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
120 x 1 (STR) |
5 | PI, GR Stun |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Basic attack 16, Leg Sweep 14. Stunning Ground attack to the front row. Halberd and Dragon Spear/Sm'augg only |
*Round Slicer (7) ラウンドスライサー |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
60 (Previous) |
3 | PI | MS EV CT SD- | Spark: *Swing/Reaper 41. Strikes the target (1+SpearLVL/10) times with Stone Stab/Lithic Thrust. Dragon Spear/Sm'augg only. |
*Victory Song (3) 勝利の詩 Paean of Victory |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
Party | x | x | x | STS | x | Spark: Holy King/Matriarch's Spear 25. Raises STR INT CON SPD by (1+SpearLVL/5). The 'Run!' command becomes unusable. |
*Psycho Buster (5) サイコバースト Psychic Burst |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | (WIL HP) | x | HE | x | Spark: Will Spear/Spontoon 27. Higher WIL & lower HP = higher dmg. |
*Trishooter (1) トライシューター Triple Shot |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
20 (Previous) | 3 | PI | EV SD | Spark: Partisan, Lucerne/Lucem Guard, B./Blitz Lancer 13. Hits 3 enemies with the equivalent of the basic Spear attack. |

There are 3 Bow techs that cannot be learned from a basic attack:
- Continue Shot/Multishot (use Quick Arrow/Quick Nock)
- Shadow Kill/Shadow Buster (use Shadow Sew/Shadow Weave)
- Million Dollar/Millionnaire (use Random Arrow/Rapid Volley)
- Dobi/Composite Bow's Death Arrow/Deathshot (use Quick Arrow/Nock)
All Bow techs cannot be countered by an enemy's Counter tech.
Bow (0) 弓 |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
20 x 1 (DEX) |
3 | SH | MS EV SD | Basic attack. |
Shadow Sew (1) 影ぬい Shadow Weave |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 50 (LVL WIL) |
x | x | STS Paralyze |
MS EV SD | Spark: Bow 5. Attempt to Paralyze one enemy. |
Random Arrow (2) でたらめ矢 Rapid Volley |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 1 (DEX) |
3 | SH | MS EV SD | Spark: Bow 7. Becomes Inner-Eye if character suffers from Dark/Blind status. |
Id Break (3) イド・ブレイク |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 130 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 1 (DEX) |
4 | STS Confuse |
MS EV SD | Spark: Bow 9. Attempt to Confuse one enemy. INT -5. |
Beast Chaser (3) ビーストチェイサー |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 150 (LVL W STR DEX) |
200 x 1 (DEX) |
4 | SH | MS EV SD | Spark: Bow 14, Sidewinder 15. Crit vs. Beast. |
Quick Arrow (5) 瞬速の矢 Quick Nock |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 140 (LVL W STR DEX) |
40 x 1 (DEX) |
5 | SH | MS | Spark: Bow 18. Plays first. |
Flash Arrow (4) フラッシュアロー |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | 100 x 1 (INT) |
3 | SH STS Dark |
MS SD | Spark: Bow 21, Random Arrow/Rapid Volley 14. INT-dependent hit-all attack. May Blind. |
Sidewinder (5) サイドワインダー |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 130 (LVL W STR SPD) |
120 x 1 (DEX) |
6 | SH (Death) |
x | Spark: Bow 23, Beast Chaser 18. Crit to (and may Insta-Kill) Frogs. |
Shot Wave (6) ショットウェイヴ Arrow Barrage |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 140 (LVL W STR SPD) |
200 x 1 (STR) |
7 | SH (Death) |
MS SD | Spark: Bow 26, Beast Chaser 22, Sidewinder 25. Crit to - and may Insta-Kill if no immunity - Birds (Helldiver, Day Tripper/Raving Eagle, Sundiver, Garuda Wing/Caldawing, Byuni Bird/Buné's Byrd). |
Provoke Shot (2) 挑発射ち Taunting Shot |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 65 (LVL WIL) |
x | x | STS Berserk |
MS SD | Spark: Bow 30, Shadow Sew/Weave 25. May cause some Berserk status (enemy only uses random basic CR attacks). |
Plasma Shot (8) プラズマショット |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
400 x 1 (DEX) |
10 | SH BO Paralyze |
MS EV SD | Spark: Bow 38, Quick Arrow/Nock 31. Bolt attack. May Paralyze. |
Continue Shot (7) 連射 Multishot |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 110 (LVL W STR DEX) |
20 (Previous) |
3 | SH | MS EV SD | Spark: Quick Arrow/Nock 33. Shoots at the target (2+BowLVL/18) times with a basic attack. |
Shadow Kill (4) 影殺し Shadow Buster |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 25 (WIL) |
x | x | SH Death |
MS EV SD | Spark: Shadow Sew/Weave 27. Attempt to Insta-Kill one enemy. |
Million Dollar (10) ミリオンダラー Millionaire |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 150 (LVL W STR DEX) |
600 x 2 (DEX) |
12 | SH | x | Spark: Random Arrow/Rapid Volley 36. Strong tech. |
*Fairy Arrow (2) 妖精の矢 Faerie Arrow |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 120 (LVL W STR DEX) |
60 x 1 (DEX) |
6 | SH STS Confuse Silence |
MS EV SD | Spark: Fairy/Faerie's Bow 18. May Confuse & Silence (Magic Stun). INT WIL CHAR -3. |
*Resona Weep (1) レゾナンスウィープ Resonance Weep |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 60 (CHA) |
x | x | STS, SO Charm |
x | Spark: Canary/Canaria Bow 29. Sonic attempt to Charm all enemies (opposite sex). |
*Death Arrow (5) 死ね矢 Deathshot |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 90 (LVL W STR DEX) |
200 x 1 (DEX) |
5 | SH Death |
MS EV SD | Spark: Quick Arrow/Nock 24. May Insta-Kill. Dobi/Composite Bow only. |
Inner Eye (18) 心眼でたらめ矢 Rapid Volley EX |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 100% | 20 (INT) |
8 | SH | x | Performed instead of Random Arrow/Rapid Volley (can be used even if you don't have 18TP/SP). Activation condition: character suffers from Dark status. |

There are 7 Kungfu techs that cannot be learned from a basic attack:
- Giant Swing (use Air Throw/Tumble, Niagara Buster or Reverse Throw/Slam)
- Niagara Buster (use Air Throw/Tumble, Giant Swing or Reverse Throw/Slam)
- Reverse Throw/Slam (use Air Throw/Tumble, Giant Swing or Niagara Buster)
- Bolt/Thunder Kick (use Kick)
- Meteor Kick (use Kick, Air Throw/Tumble or Bolt/Thunder Kick)
- Evil Breaker/Crush (use Instant Power/Pressure Point)
- Tiger Break (use Powerup Fist/Punishing Palm)
Note about Leonid's Special Kungfu Magic
All 4 attacks appear in the Select Magic screen but in mined data they are listed as Kungfu and they effectively use SP/TP (WP). All 4 spells cannot be removed, and Leonid cannot learn any other kind of magic.
Punch (0) 素手 / パンチ |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (STR SPD) |
0 x 1 (STR SPD) |
3 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Basic attack. Boston's Trim: dmg x2. Fun fact: characters randomly throw a left, a right or an uppercut! |
Kick (0) キック |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 80 (STR SPD) |
40 x 1 (STR SPD) |
4 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Punch 7. |
Saming (0) サミング Eye Gouge |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (STR SPD) |
20 x 1 (STR SPD) |
2 | HI Dark |
MS EV CT SD | Spark: Punch 6. May Blind the target. |
Focus (0) 集気法 Way of Focus |
Target | Acc | Heal | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
Self | x | (MaxHP EffectValue INT LVL) | 3 | STS | x | Spark: Punch 6. Recover HP. |
Counter (1) カウンター |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
x | 35 (LV SPD W ESPD) |
(STR SPD) | 5 | x | x | Spark: Punch 9. Counter tech. Trim: dmg x2. |
Air Throw (1) 空気投げ Tumble |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL STR SPD) |
60 (LVL ECON) |
5 | HI, TH Stun |
x | Spark: Punch 10. Throw (2-handed). Dmg multiplier = 1+(LVL/5). May Stun. |
Giant Swing (3) ジャイアントスイング |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (LVL STR SPD) |
200 (LVL ECON) |
10 | HI, TH (Varies) |
MS CT | Spark: Air Throw/Tumble 19. Throw (2-handed). Dmg multiplier = 1+(LVL/10). Additional effects depend on the number of rotations: 1 (Stun, Stun Self, All Stats -1), 2 (Stun, Stun Self, All Stats -2), 3 (Stun, Stun Self, Paralysis, All Stats -3), 4 (Stun, Stun Self, Paralysis, All Stats -4) or 5 (Stun, Stun Self, Paralysis, All Stats -5, Insta-Death). |
Bolt Kick (3) 稲妻キック Thunder Kick |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (STR SPD) |
120 x 1 (STR SPD) |
5 | HI BO | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Kick 15. |
Instant Power (4) 短勁 Pressure Point |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (STR SPD) |
0 x 1 (STR SPD) |
5 | HI STS | x | Spark: Punch 24, Focus/Way of Focus 17. Cannot be countered. |
Niagara Buster (8) ナイアガラバスター |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100 (LVL STR SPD) |
600 (LVL ECON) |
10 | HI, TH Stun |
MS CT | Spark: Air Throw/Tumble 27, Giant Swing 29. Throw (2-handed). Dmg multiplier = 1+(LVL/10). May Stun. CON -5. Crit vs. Fish. |
Reverse Throw (5) 逆一本 Reverse Slam |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 120 (LVL STR SPD) |
300 (LVL ECON) |
10 | HI, TH Stun |
MS CT | Spark: Air Throw/Tumble 22, Giant Swing 24, Niagara Buster 21. Throw (2-handed). Dmg multiplier = 1+(LVL/10). May Stun. Phys (SL HI PI SH) & HE Defenses -10. |
Evil Breaker (6) 活殺破邪法 Evil Crush |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 110 (STR SPD) |
0 x 1 (STR SPD) |
6 | HI STS | x | Spark: Instant Power/Pressure Point 31. INT WIL CHA -5. Crit vs. Undead. Cannot be countered. |
S Dimension (6) 超次元ペルソナ Spatial Persona |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (STR SPD) |
400 x 1 (STR SPD) |
5 | HI Death |
MS | Spark: Punch 27. May Insta-Kill. Cannot be countered. |
Meteor Kick (8) 流星蹴り |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 70 (STR SPD) |
100 x 1 (STR SPD) |
7 | x, TH | MS CT | Spark: Kick 25, Air Throw/Tumble 26, Bolt/Thunder Kick 28. Throw (2-handed). May Stun. Phys (SL HI PI SH) & HE Defenses -10. |
Powerup Fist (7) 練気拳 Punishing Palm |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 110 (STR SPD) |
200 x 1 (STR SPD) |
6 | HI | x | Spark: Punch 30, Instant Power/Pressure Point 28. Hits all enemies. Cannot be countered. |
Tiger Break (12) タイガーブレイク |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E | 110 (STR SPD) |
0 x 1 (STR SPD) |
9 | x | x | Spark: Powerup Fist/Punishing Palm 41. STR CON +8. Very Powerful. Cannot be countered. |
Dragon Inferno (15) 龍神烈火拳 Shenlong Firefist |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 90 (STR SPD) |
600 x 4 (STR SPD) |
7 | HI | MS EV CT SD | Spark: Punch 38. 4 powerful strikes. |
*Blood Suck (0) 吸血 Suck Blood |
Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1P | 80 - 2 (INT) |
Abyss | x | Vampire magic. Drain HP from ally. 2-handed. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||||||
*Stare (4) 凝視 Gaze |
Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Spark / Special | |
All | 40 (CHA) | STS, STA Charm |
MS SD Abyss |
Vampire magic. Attempt to Charm all Female enemies. 2-handed. |
*Control Undead (8) アンデッド支配 Rise of the Damned |
Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
All | 75 | STS | Abyss | Vampire magic. Attempt to control Undead enemies or enemies with no race specified. |
*Gentle Touch (12) ジェントルタッチ Caress |
Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 35 | STS | MS SD- Abyss |
Vampire magic. 100LP dmg & 999HP drain. Does not work on Undead. |

There is only one Shield tech:
*Shield Rush (0) シールドラッシュ Shield Bash |
Target | Acc | Pwr x #Hit | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
1E CR | 100% | ? (WIL HP) | x | x | x | Higher WIL & lower HP = higher dmg. Spike(d) Shield only. |

One additional tech, granted by Poet's compulsory equipment, Poet Fidl.
Everyone's Song (0) みんなのうた Folk Song |
Target | Acc | Pwr | Mod | Type | E Def | Spark / Special |
Party | x | x | x | x | x | Raises INT CON MDef by (1+KungfuLVL/10). Poet/Minstrel's Fiddle only. |

Your characters can spark/learn Evade Skills ("Wards" in the Remaster), which allow them to evade automatically one or several specific enemy techs. Like regular techs, they must be sparked, mastered, equipped.
Sparking or Mastering Evade Skills follow the same rules as regular techs (cf. Tech Sparking & Mastering in the Advanced section).
Sparking Evade Skills depends on a difficulty level ('Spark LV' in the table below, the lower the easier) associated to each enemy tech that can spark the corresponding Evade Skill.
Mastering Evade Skills depends on an Evade Skill cost ('Cost' in the table below, the lower the easier) similar to the UsedTP cost of regular techs.
One way to learn/master a specific Evade Skill is to save your game, battle a specific enemy and have all your characters Defend (or use Focus) until the Evade is sparked (happens during the battle) or mastered (invisible, happens during a specific turn, definitive only at the end of the battle, save before killing and reload if the Evade was not mastered). This can take some time if you are not lucky..
As there is a chance to master the skill when you spark it, another way to got about Evade Skills, if you do not really care (to some extent they can be replaced by items), is to erase the Evade Skills not mastered after a battle (they quickly take too much space in your tech inventory).
Useful enemies for Evade Skills: Baku/Tapir (Hypnotize), Afkar/Edimmu (Blade Roll/Rolling Slash), Reaper (Death Sickle/Reaper's Scythe, Multi Attack/Frenzy, Far Hit/Snipe, Stare/Gaze, Rollup Strike/Sunder..), Ghast (Net, Stare/Gaze), Dobi (Random Arrow/Rapid Volley, Bone Crush/Bonecrusher), Skull Titan (Bolt Kick/Thunder Kick, Trample, Body Hit/Tackle), Asura (Pheromone, Net)..
Note that in the Remaster, all enemies are readily available for Ward-farming in the Phantom Maze.
Evade Skills are very useful in endgame battles and capital for solo runs.
The most important Evade skills are most likely Death Sickle/Reaper's Scythe & Stare/Gaze, to avoid the disastrous Insta-Death & Charm/Petrify/etc. techs.
Other important Evade skills include: Hypnotize/Hypnosis, Lifestea/Life Steal, Net, Pheromone.
And a lot of enemies use Bone Crush/Bonecrusher, Earthquake, Trample & Body Hit/Tackle.
Notes on the table below:
- Any Tech may spark the corresponding Evade Skill.
- If you have sparked an Evade Skill, you can master it against (and evade) any of the corresponding Techs.
- Enemies to spark or master Evade Skills differ because some monsters' FlashLV may be too low to spark the Evade Skill (while mastering a tech is unrelated to the monsters' SparkLV but only depends on the Evade Cost). Hence the 'To Master' column entails the complete lists.
- Evade Skills that seemingly cannot be sparked: Brain Split/Skull Splitter (脳天割り), Evade F9 (みきりえふく for Yami's Death Widow 死人ゴケ).
- According to mined data (may be unreliable), some 'Body Hit' techs cannot be evaded with the 'Body Hit' Evade Skill and another 'Face Hit' tech cannot spark the 'Face Hit' Evade (Spark LV = 255). Also, some other techs have an Evade Skill flag but Spark LV = 255: Glider Spike (グライダースパイク), Lifebreak (ライフブレイク). See Enemy Techs Data (Endo's [jp]).
- The official English translations, from the Remaster edition, of the 'Ward' skills are also added below the Japanese.
Evade Skill | Enemy Tech | Spark LV | To Spark | Cost | To Master | Master Chance |
Net ネット |
Plasma Net エクトプラズムネット |
19 | Mad Jester, Ghast, Yami, Asura | 6 | Arakes, Yami, Mad Jester, Ghost, Ghast, Arc Winger, Invoker, Asura, Spider Rose, Arachnoid, Arachne, Evil Spirit, Kuan Yin, Bunny, Destroyer (Light 1 2 4), [Taotie], [Yama] | 8.2% |
Blade Net ブレードネット |
24 | Kuan Yin, Destroyer (Forms 1&2) | ||||
Spider Net スパイダーネット |
25 | Destroyer (Form 4) | ||||
Slicing Slash 斬り払い Eliminate |
Sweep Down なぎ払い Knee Split |
8 | Thief, Great Thief, Skeleton, Crypt Elder, Giant, Max's Guard (Sword) | 1 | Thief, Great Thief, Crypt Elder, Giant, Scare Head, Sword God, Alve, Lizardman, Skeleton, Max's Guard (Sword) | 11.7% |
Sweep Draw 払い抜け Running Slash |
9 | Sword God, Alve, Lizardman | ||||
Multi Attack 多段攻撃 Frenzy |
Double Mist かすみ二段 Artful Slash |
32 | 4 | Thief, Great Thief, Crypt Elder, Alve, Scare Head, Hobgoblin, Lizardman, Belladonna, Reaper, Brother, Krypton, Warrior Frog, Sword God, Mantis God, Max's Guard (Sword), Aunas (Phantom) | 9.4% | |
3 Slash 三段斬り |
30 | Sword God, Mantis God, Alve, Lizardman, Reaper | ||||
5 Slash 五段斬り |
25 | Sword God, Mantis God | ||||
Rollup Strike 巻き打ち Sunder |
Rollup Strike 巻き打ち Sunder |
11 | Scare Head, Alve, Lizardman | 0 | Scare Head, Alve, Lizardman, Belladonna, Warrior Frog, Hobgoblin, Reaper, Brother, Krypton | 12.1% |
Rollup Chop 巻き斬り |
255 | [Cannot spark] | ||||
Smash スマッシュ |
Smash スマッシュ |
16 | Arake Demon, Barbarian, Giant | 1 | Arake Demon, Draconian, Scare Head, Giant, Ogre Batt, Carpenter, Barbarian, Belladonna | 11.7 % |
Far Hit 遠当て Snipe |
Far Hit 遠当て Snipe |
7 | Skeleton, Krypton, Sword God, Lizardman | 0 | Warrior Frog, Great Thief, Skeleton, Brother, Krypton, Hobgoblin, Scare Head, Sword God, Reaper, Lizardman | 12.1% |
Multiway マルチウェイ Doppelgangers |
Multiway マルチウェイ |
25 | Sword God, Mantis God | 1 | Sword God, Mantis God | 11.7% |
Thousand Bird 舞千鳥 Sand Plover |
Thousand Bird 舞千鳥 Dancing Plover |
20 | Alve, Lizardman, Arakes (Abyss) | 3 | Alve, Lizardman, Arakes (Abyss), Destroyer (Beast Arakes) | 10.2% |
Bone Crush 骨砕き Bonecrusher |
Skull Crush スカルクラッシュ Headsplitter |
15 | Arake Demon, Zelnams, Basilisk | 3 | Ill Head, Barisyldra, Bone Drake, Evil Demon, Ground Wolf, Bargest, Rock Ain, Sky Wolf, Boarer, Shock, Fossi Fish, Lake Boss, Ogre Lord, Barbarian, Earth, Barbarian, Afkar, Raptor, Grangich, Basilisk, Bite Snake, Kanherdraco, Winnah, Mad Bull, Archanoid, Beetle, Desert Trap, Sand Flapper, Biter, Ming Wang, Zelnams, Arake Demon, Max's Guard (Axe), Destroyer (Beast Wing Arakes), Yami, [Yama], War Demon, Strong Demon, Mallet Head, Triton, Goblin, Tigerman, Ogre, Dobi, Trentino, Peg Powler, Meldworm, Ren Wang, Cyclops, Giant, Maximus, Destroyer (Light 1 3) | 10.2% |
Bone Crush 骨砕き Bonecrusher |
255 | [Cannot Spark] | ||||
Blade Roll ブレードロール Rolling Slash |
Big Rotation 大回転 |
18 | Afkar, Arake Demon, Arakes (Phantom), Ogre Lord | 7 | Afkar, Arake Demon, Barbarian, Arakes (Phantom, Abyss), Ogre Lord, Max's Guard (Axe), Destroyer (Beast Arakes), Forneus (Abyss) | 7.4% |
Great Wheel 大車輪 Giant Swing |
18 | Ogre Lord, Forneus (Abyss) | ||||
Earthquake 地震攻撃 Shivers |
Earthquake Hit 大震撃 Seismic Strike |
15 | Ogre, Ren Wang, War Demon, Strong Demon | 3 | Ogre, Trentino, Meldworm, Maximus (guarded), Max's Guard (Sword, Spear), Arakes (Abyss), Mallet Head, War Demon, Ren Wang, Strong Demon, Earth, Galatia, Death Corroder, Medusa, Barisyldra, Magma, Crawler, Ming Wang, Soil Fish, [Dragon Ruler (Black 2)], Desert Trap, Cyclops, Ground Wolf, Rock Ain, Triceps, Arakes (Phantom) | 10.2% |
Crack クラック |
31 | |||||
Earthquake 地震 |
35 | Ming Wang, Arakes (Phantom) | ||||
Feint フェイント |
Feint フェイント |
9 | Warrior Frog, Croaker, Ikaros, Alve | 0 | Croaker, Fay, Fawn, Minity, Alve, Ikaros, Mako, Imp, Nuts, Algernon, Ghould Gulper, Wrapper, Warrior Frog, Soldier Frog, Mage Frog, Strange Eye | 12.1% |
Cat's Steal ねこだまし |
7 | Nuts, Algernon | ||||
Axel Sniper アクセルスナイパー Lightspeed |
Axel Sniper アクセルスナイパー Lightspeed |
9 | Elm Bird, Mushroom, Max Guard (Epee) | 0 | Wing Dragon, Elm Bird, Sun Diver, Mushroom, Helldiver, Day Tripper, Garuda Wing, Max Guard (Epee), Frisberg | 12.1% |
Screwdriver スクリュードライバー |
Screwdriver スクリュードライバー |
20 | Mushroom, Max Guard (Epee) | 5 | Mushroom, Max Guard (Epee), Arakes (Abyss) | 9% |
Leg Sweep 足払い Sweep |
Leg Sweep 足ばらい Sweep |
11 | Boarer, Nixie, Ogre Lord | 0 | Fey, Boarer, Nixie, Soldier Frog, Imp, Ogre Lord, Alef, Lizard Lord, Dead Spirit, Max's Guard (Spear), Dirty Lance | 12.1% |
Aiming エイミング Aim |
Aiming エイミング Aim |
15 | Boarer, Nixie, Lizard Lord | 0 | Boarer, Nixie, Soldier Frog, Arakes (Phantom), Alef, Lizard Lord, Max's Guard (Spear) | 12.1% |
Shadow Sew 影ぬい Shadow Weave |
Shadow Sew 影ぬい Shadow Weave |
6 | Thief, Fawn, Master Dobi, Ikaros | 2 | Brother, Thief, Fey, Fawn, Minity, Alve, Ikaros, Ogre Lord, Imp, Master Dobi, Bronze Mag, Silver Magi | 10.9% |
Random Arrow でたらめ矢 Rapid Volley |
Random Arrow でたらめ矢 Rapid Volley |
19 | Dobi, Master Dobi, Ogre Lord | 2 | Dobi, Master Dobi, Ogre Lord, Imp, Brother, Thief, Bronze Mag, Silver Magi, Ikaros | 10.9% |
Random Dart でたらめダート |
20 | Ikaros | ||||
Tentacle 触手 |
Tentacle 触手(弱) |
23 | Sundine, Mable Wagon | 2 | Cindy, Sundine, Mable Wagon, Heptopus, Sand Biter, Life Trap | 10.9% |
Tentacle 触手(強) |
17 | Mable Wagon | ||||
Trample ふみつけ |
Trample ふみつけ |
31 | Red Dragon, Skull Titan, Abyss Drake, Forneus (Phantom) | 2 | Red Dragon, Green Dragon, Black Dragon, Griffon, Abyss Drake, Death Fish, Lizard Lord, Dragon Ruler, Forneus (Phantom), Torcher, Afkar, Dragon Zomb (purple green), Carpenter, Raptor, Dancer, Day Tripper, Garuda Wing, Red Shoes, Byu Spirit, Galatia, Barisyldra, Bone Drake, Skull Titan, Cheshire, Yami, War Demon, Baku, Bargest, Chimear, Mako, Bunny, Fossi Fish, Ogre, Ogre Batt, [Yama], [Wanderlust] | 10.9% |
Body Hit 体当たり Tackle |
Rush 突進 |
28 | Skull Titan, Pois Gion | 4 | Boarer, Bargest, Death Fish, Pois Gion, Yami, Arakes (Phantom), Forneus (Phantom), Abyss Naga, Black Dragon, Lizard Lord, Barisyldra, Skull Titan, Elder Baboon, Death Fish, Whirlwind, Rotten Gion, Dragon Zomb (green, purple), Green Dragon, Zelnams, Byuni Dog, Abyss Drake, War Demon, Baku, Bunny, Kill Fish, Seakiller, Fossi Fish, Mallet Head, Ogre, Ogre Batt, Barbarian, Torcher, Ghoul Gulper, Carpenter, Wrapper, Warrior Frog, Raptor, Croaker, Draconian, Soldier Frog, Mage Frog, Lizard Lord, Winnah, Mad Bull, Beetle, Desert Trap, Sand Flapper, Griffon, Strange Eye, Red Shoes, Dancer, Arake Demon, Minotaur, Evil Demon, Enabler, Destroyer (Beast Water), Yami, [Yama] | 9.4% |
Body Hit 体当たり Tackle |
36 | |||||
Face Hit ぶちかまし |
34 | |||||
Bolt Kick 稲妻キック Thunder Kick |
Bolt Kick 稲妻キック Thunder Kick |
13 | Ogre, Lizard Lord | 1 | Thunder Fire, Byu Spirit, Torcher, Red Shoes, Plasma, Invoker, Skull Titan, Maximus, War Demon, Mako, Ogre, Ogre Batt, Afkar, Carpenter, Raptor, Lizard Lord, Dancer, Stormer, Vanadise | 11.7% |
Hypnotize 催眠 Hypnosis |
Hypnotize 催眠 Hypnosis |
22 | Enabler, Zera Beetle | 3 | Baku, Life Trap, Cyclops, Dream Devil, Strange Eye, Nuts, Enabler, Zera Beetle, Imp, Mako, Face Plant, Beetle, Ghost Fire, Cyclops, Abyss Naga | 10.2% |
Hypnotize (All) 催眠(全体) |
16 | Baku, Dream Devil | ||||
Death Sickle 死神のカマ Reaper's Scythe |
Deathgod Stove 死神のカマ Reaper's Scythe |
24 | Aunas (Phantom), Reaper, Mantis God | 3 | Aunas (Phantom), Reaper, Mantis God, Destroyer (Aunas, Dark Wing 1) | 10.2% |
Lifesteal ライフスティール Life Steal |
Lifesteal ライフスティール Life Steal |
16 | Life Trap, Wet Ruby | 2 | Snake Girl, Algernon, Life Trap, Corpse Eye, Lilith, Nite Flower, Wet Ruby, Ill Head, Nosferan, Wind Flower, Soul Sucker, Despiser, Splash, Corpseman, Circle Kill, Dragon Zomb (purple), Psn Leech, Clown, Evil Spirit, Kuan Yin, Echidna, Minity, Abyss Naga, Galatia, [Taotie] | 10.9% |
Pheromone フェロモン |
Pheromone フェロモン |
18 | Arake Demon, Enabler, Asura | 3 | Water Flower, Arachne, Arake Demon, Enabler, Asura, Abyss Naga, Water Flower, | 10.2% |
Stare 凝視 Gaze |
Stare/Gaze (Charm) 凝視(魅了) |
16 | Lilith, Enabler, Zera Beetle | 4 | Lilith, Arc Winger, Basilisk, Enabler, Medusa, Mad Jester, Zera Beetle, Reaper, Ghast, Despiser, Splash, Windbloom, Croaker, Melting Man, Beetle, Clown, Strange Eye, Ghost, Corpse Eye, Ghast, Minity, Byuni Baby, Cyclops, Abyss Naga, Byunei (air 2 4, Abyss), Galatia, Destroyer (Light 2 4, Beast Wind), Ill Head, Nosferan, Nue, Bunny, Face Plant, Windbloom (Ice Galaxy) | 9.4% |
Stare/Gaze (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) |
28 | Enabler, Arc Winger, Zera Beetle | ||||
Stare/Gaze (Petrify) 凝視(石化) |
25 | Medusa, Basilisk, Zera Beetle |
The following tables list which tech can be sparked by which Tech Sparking Type.
It basically tells you if your character can learn this tech or that tech.
Or, which Type of character to pick if you want to learn tech so-&-so during your playthrough.
'*' signals a built-in tech of a weapon.
At the end of each line is added which atk or tech (Sparking Tech) must or can be used to learn the tech in question; the number (Spark Rank) after the sparking tech name reflects the difficulty to learn the desired tech by using that atk or tech (1 being the easiest).
This information is found below, in a different form, in the Tech Sparking List.
If you want to know more about the tech sparking system, see below Tech Sparking Formula.
There is a small chance for any Type to spark any tech if requirements are met (enemy's strength, tech).
Endo's original mined data [jp]:
Tech Name (TP) / Type | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | Sparking Techs & Spark Rank |
Parry (0) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | Sword 12 |
Sweep Down (0) Knee Split | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Sword 3 |
Double Mist (2) Artful Slash | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Sword 10, Rude Sword/Brusque Slice 11 |
Rude Sword (1) Brusque Slice | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | o | Sword 9, Double Mist/Artful Slash 11 |
Cross Slash (4) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Sword 13, Sweep Down/Knee Split 10 |
Flying Water Cut (4) Riptide | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | x | o | o | x | Sword 17, Sweep Down/Knee Split 14 |
Backstab (7) | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | x | o | Sword 20, Gushing Wind/Gale Slash 20 |
Dragon Tail (6) | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | o | Sword 22, Sweep Down/Knee Split 20, Flying Water Cut/Riptide 18 |
Gushing Wind (8) Gale Slash | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | Sword 26, Double Mist/Artful Slash 21, Backstab 25 |
Holo Sword (4) Mirage Blade | x | o | o | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | Sword 28, Double Mist/Artful Slash 23, Split Body/Doppelslasher 15 |
Dimension Cut (3) Dimensional Slash | x | o | x | o | x | x | o | x | x | o | o | o | Sword 24, Flying Water Cut/Riptide 21 |
Satsuki Rain (10) Monsoon Slash | x | o | o | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o | Sword 29, Double Mist/Artful Slash 26 |
Split Body (7) Doppelslasher | x | o | o | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | Sword 31 |
Sword Flash (9) Shimmering Slash | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | Sweep Down/Knee Split 39, Flying Water Cut/Riptide 38 |
Golden Dragon (12) | x | o | o | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | Sword 38, Flying Water Cut/Riptide 39, Satsuki Rain/Monsoon Slash 42 |
*Demi Echo (4) Demilune Echo | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Curved Sword) Demi Rune/Demilune 18 |
*Spider Net (1) Spiderweb | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Spider) 17 |
*Blade Net (3) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Spider) 22, *Spider Net/Spiderweb 14 |
*Ice Stare (3) Icy Stare | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Evil Eye) 23, *Charm Stare/Enchanting Gaze 20 |
*Charm Stare (3) Enchanting Gaze | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Evil Eye) 23, *Ice/Icy Stare 20 |
*Scare Voice (4) Siren Scream | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Screamer) 25 |
*Star Burst (7) Supernova | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (SevenStar) 27 |
Tech Name (TP) / Type | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | Sparking Techs & Spark Rank |
Blunt Strike (0) | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | GSword 4 |
Rollup Strike (1) Sunder | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | GSword 8 |
Chop Down (4) Riposte | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | GSword 13 |
Smash (4) | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | GSword 16 |
Sweep Draw (3) Running Slash | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | o | GSword 15, Rollup Strike/Sunder 17 |
Earth Run (4) Gravedigger | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | x | o | o | o | GSword 23, Sweep Draw/Running Slash 21 |
Shadow Move (2) Incorporeal Stance | x | x | o | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | x | GSword 18 |
Brook Rush (6) Bullrush | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | GSword 32, Smash 25 |
Stealing Hands (7) Disarm | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | x | Shadow Move/Incorporeal Stance 22 |
Reverse Wind (7) Headwind Rush | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | x | x | o | o | o | Sweep Draw/Running Slash 28 |
Nature Dance (11) Scattered Petals | x | o | o | x | x | x | o | o | x | o | o | o | GSword 39, Reverse Wind/Headwind Rush 35 |
Earth Crescent (9) Waning Moon | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o | Earth Run/Gravedigger 42 |
*Exorcist (5) Exorcising Slash | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Yotoryuko) 22 |
*Misty Ice (8) Arctic Rush | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade) 29 |
*Dancing Sword (3) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Triple) 25 |
Tech Name (TP) / Type | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | Sparking Techs & Spark Rank |
Tomahawk (1) | x | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | x | x | o | Axe 4 |
Skull Crush (3) Headsplitter | x | o | x | o | o | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | Axe 10 |
Big Log Chop (4) Cut Timber | x | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | Axe 14 |
War Cry (1) | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | Axe 5 |
Hyper Hammer (4) | x | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | x | x | o | Axe 16 |
Axel Turn (5) | x | x | o | o | o | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | Axe 22, Hyper Hammer 18 |
Blade Roll (5) Twist and Turn | x | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | x | x | o | Axe 25, Big Log Chop/Cut Timber 21 |
Megahawk (6) | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | Tomahawk 16 |
Dimension Cut (6) Dimensional Break | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | x | Axe 21, Big Log Chop/Cut Timber 19, Blade Roll/Twist and Turn 21 |
Dynamic Hit (8) Dynamic Chop | x | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | x | x | o | Axe 30, Big Log Chop/Cut Timber 26 |
Sky Drive (9) | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | Tomahawk 36 |
Deadly Spin (10) | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | Blade Roll/Twist and Turn 40 |
*Yoyo (5) Yo-yo | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Hand Axe, Francisca) Tomahawk 34 |
*Genghis Khan (3) Ironside Wrath | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Viking) 20 |
*Orbit Borer (11) Reverse Orbit | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | x | x | o |
(Hawkwind) Tomahawk 41 [Axel Turn (36) bugged] |
Tech Name (TP) / Type | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | Sparking Techs & Spark Rank |
Brain Split (1) Skull Splitter | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Mace 7 |
Hard Hit (3) Crushing Blow | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Mace 11 |
Just Meet (2) Dead-on | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Mace 12 |
Rotation Hit (4) Rotator | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Mace 15 |
Bone Crush (4) Bonecrusher | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | Mace 18, Brain Split/Skull Splitter 11 |
Earthquake Hit (6) Seismic Strike | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Mace 21 |
Aerobit (3) Vortex Drive | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | Mace 23, Hard Hit/Crushing Blow 21 |
Stone Cut (7) Rock Splitter | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Mace 28, Rotation Hit/Rotator 25, Bone Crush/Bonecrusher 23 |
Gravity Break (6) Gravity Wave | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | Mace 37, Aerobit/Vortex Drive 30 |
Grand Slam (9) | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | o | x | x | o | Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike 30 |
Shell Split (11) Nutcracker | x | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | o | o | x | Hard Hit/Crushing Blow 39 |
*Bless (1) Breath | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Glory Staff) 28 |
*Escape Out (5) Stealthy Swing | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Golden Bat) 15 |
*Midas Hand (4) Midas Touch | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Golden Bat) 20 |
*Spell Enhance (1) Acuity | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Rune Staff) 12 |
*Draw Sword (3) Quick Draw | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | o | x | (Training Cane) 25 |
*Swallow Hit (7) Reverse Swallow | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | x | (Training Cane) 42, *Draw Sword/Quick Draw 35 |
Tech Name (TP) / Type | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | Sparking Techs & Spark Rank |
Feint (0) | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Epee 4 |
Axel Sniper (1) Lightspeed | o | o | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | x | o | Epee 9 |
Imprison (1) | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Epee 13 |
Mindstare (2) Mesmerize | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Epee 15 |
Snake Shot (4) | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Epee 17, Mindstare/Mesmerize 15 |
Bolt Pierce (5) Piercing Lightning | x | o | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | x | o | Epee 21, Axel Sniper/Lightspeed 15 |
Matador (3) | o | o | o | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | x | o | Epee 13 |
Screwdriver (7) | x | x | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | x | o | Mindstare/Mesmerize 35 |
Southern Cross (7) | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Epee 30 |
Firecracker (10) | x | o | o | x | x | o | x | o | x | x | x | o | Epee 35, Bolt Pierce/Piercing Lightning 31 |
Final Letter (9) Eulogy | x | x | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | x | o | Epee 42 |
*Were Buster (1) Hunter's Fury | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Silver Foil) 14 |
*Nurse Heal (2) Medicate | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Nitingale) 17 |
*Snake Sword (7) Serpentsvard | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Kris Naga) 24 |
Tech Name (TP) / Type | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | Sparking Techs & Spark Rank |
Leg Sweep (0) Sweep | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Spear 5 |
Stone Stab (0) Lithic Thrust | x | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | x | Spear 9 |
Double Stab (2) Double Thrust | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Spear 11 |
Aiming (2) Aim | x | o | x | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | o | Spear 13 |
Windmill (3) | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | x | x | o | o | o | Spear 13 |
Brain Split (2) Split Cranium | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Spear 16 |
Charge (3) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | Spear 20 |
Dragon Hit (3) Snake Blaster | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Spear 22, Double Stab/Thrust 22 |
Spiral Charge (7) | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | Spear 30, Brain Split/Split Cranium 27, Charge 28 |
Double Dragon (6) Dual Dragons | x | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | o | o | Spear 28, Double Stab/Thrust 28, Dragon Hit/Snake Blaster 24 |
Beast God Stab (6) Divine Lancer | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | x | x | o | o | x | Aiming/Aim 38 |
Great Wheel (5) Giant Swing | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Spear 21, Stone Stab/Lithic Thrust 17 |
Triple Thrust (10) Triumvirate | x | x | o | x | o | x | o | x | x | o | o | x | Spear 37, Double Stab/Thrust 36 |
Meteor Thrust (9) Stardust | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | Spear 40 |
*Swing (2) Reaper | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o |
(Halberd, Dragon Spear) Spear 16 Leg Sweep 14 |
*Round (7) Slicer | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | (Dragon Spear) *Swing/Reaper 41 |
*Victory Song (3) Paean of Victory | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Holy King) 25 |
*Psycho Buster (5) Psychic Burst | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | (Will Spear) 27 |
*Trishooter (1) Triple Shot | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | o | o | (Partisan, Lucerne, B. Lancer) 13 |
Tech Name (TP) / Type | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | Sparking Techs & Spark Rank |
Shadow Sew (1) Shadow Weave | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Bow 5 |
Random Arrow (2) Rapid Volley | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Bow 7 |
Id Break (3) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Bow 9 |
Beast Chaser (3) | x | o | x | x | x | o | x | o | x | x | x | o | Bow 14, Sidewinder 15 |
Quick Arrow (5) Quick Nock | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | o | o | o | Bow 18 |
Flash Arrow (4) | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | x | x | o | Bow 21, Random Arrow/Rapid Volley 14 |
Sidewinder (5) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Bow 23, Beast Chaser 18 |
Shot Wave (6) Arrow Barrage | x | x | o | x | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | Bow 26, Beast Chaser 22, Sidewinder 25 |
Provoke Shot (2) Taunting Shot | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | o | o | x | Bow 30, Shadow Sew/Shadow Weave 25 |
Plasma Shot (8) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Bow 38, Quick Arrow/Quick Nock 31 |
Continue Shot (7) Multishot | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | x | o | o | x | Quick Arrow/Quick Nock 33 |
Shadow Kill (4) Shadow Buster | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | o | x | o | o | x | Shadow Sew/Shadow Weave 27 |
Million Dollar (10) Millionaire | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | Random Arrow/Rapid Volley 36 |
*Fairy Arrow (2) Faerie Arrow | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Fairy) 18 |
*Resona Weep (1) Resonance Weep | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | (Canary) 29 |
*Death Arrow (5) Deathshot | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | (Dobi) Quick Arrow/Quick Nock 24 |
Tech Name (TP) / Type | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | Sparking Techs & Spark Rank |
Kick (0) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Punch 7 |
Saming (0) Eye Gouge | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Punch 6 |
Focus (0) Way of Focus | o | x | o | o | o | x | o | x | o | o | o | x | Punch 6 |
Counter (1) | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Punch 9 |
Air Throw (1) Tumble | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | Punch 10 |
Giant Swing (3) | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | o | x | x | o | Air Throw/Tumble 19 |
Bolt Kick (3) Thunder Kick | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | x | x | o | Kick 15 |
Instant Power (4) Pressure Point | x | x | o | x | x | x | o | x | o | o | o | x | Punch 24, Focus/Way of Focus 17 |
Niagara Buster (8) | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | o | x | x | o | Air Throw/Tumble 27, Giant Swing 29 |
Reverse Throw (5) Reverse Slam | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | Air Throw/Tumble 22, Giant Swing 24, Niagara Buster 21 |
Evil Breaker (6) Evil Crush | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | Instant Power/Pressure Point 31 |
S Dimension (6) Spatial Persona | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | x | x | o | Punch 27 |
Meteor Kick (8) | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | Kick 25, Air Throw/Tumble 26, Bolt Kick/Thunder Kick 28 |
Powerup Fist (7) Punishing Palm | x | x | o | o | o | x | o | x | o | o | o | x | Punch 30, Instant Power/Pressure Point 28 |
Tiger Break (12) | x | x | x | o | o | x | x | x | o | x | x | o | Powerup Fist 41 |
Dragon Inferno (15) Shenlong Firefist | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | o | o | x | Punch 38 |
This table lists the possibility and difficulty of sparking a tech from another attack or tech.
Endo's original mined data:
By Khajiit Rankin
The information is mostly from this website:
[Note: Dead link: the new site is:]
It was originally posted on the Game FAQ forum by Zach Keene.
The format:
The tech without a -> in front of it is the one you have to use to learn the techs below it.
The number behind the techs is the difficulty of learning them (Tech Spark Rank).
A * means you have to use a special weapon to learn and use the tech.
Techs can be on the list more than once, that just means they can be learned from more than one tech. The difficulty can vary though, it's usually easier to learn if you use a certain tech.
00: Punch ->96: Kick (7) ->97: Saming/Eye Gouge (6) ->98: Focus/Way of Focus (6) ->99: Counter (9) ->9A: Air Throw/Tumble (10) ->9C: Bolt Kick/Thunder Kick (18) ->9D: Instant Power/Pressure Point (24) ->A1: S Dimension/Spatial Persona (27) ->A3: Powerup Fist/Punishing Palm (30) ->A5: Dragon Inferno/Shenlong Firefist (38) 96: Kick ->9C: Bolt Kick/Thunder Kick (15) ->A2: Meteor Kick (25) 98: Focus/ ->9D: Instant Power/Pressure Point (17) 9A: Air Throw/Tumble ->9B: Giant Swing (19) ->9E: Niagara Buster (27) ->9F: Reverse Throw/Reverse Slam (22) ->A2: Meteor Kick (26) 9B: Giant Swing ->9E: Niagara Buster (29) ->9F: Reverse Throw/Reverse Slam (24) 9C: Bolt Kick/Thunder Kick ->A2: Meteor Kick (28) 9D: Instant Power/Pressure Point ->A0: Evil Breaker/Evil Crush (31) ->A3: Powerup Fist/Punishing Palm (28) 9E: Niagara Buster ->9B: Giant Swing (29) ->9F: Reverse Throw/Reverse Slam (21) 9F: Reverse Throw/Reverse Slam ->9B: Giant Swing (30) ->9E: Niagara Buster (29) A3: Powerup Fist/Punishing Palm ->A4: Tiger Break (41) |
01: Sword ->0F: Parry (12) ->10: Sweep Down/Knee Split (3) ->11: Double Mist/Artful Slash (10) ->12: Rude Sword/Brusque Slice (9) ->13: Cross Slash (13) ->14: Flying Water Cut/Riptide (17) ->15: Backstab (20) ->16: Dragon Tail (22) ->17: Gushing Wind/Gale Slash (26) ->18: Holo Sword/Mirage Blade (28) ->19: Dimension Cut/Dimensional Slash (24) ->1A: Satsuki Rain/Monsoon Slash (29) ->1B: Split Body/Doppelslasher (31) ->1D: Golden Dragon (38) ->20: *Spider Net/Spiderweb (17) ->21: *Blade Net (22) ->22: *Ice Stare/Icy Stare (23) ->23: *Charm Stare/Enchanting Gaze (23) ->24: *Scare Voice/Siren Scream (25) ->25: *Star Burst/Supernova (27) 10: Sweep Down/Knee Split ->13: Cross Slash (10) ->14: Flying Water Cut/Riptide (14) ->16: Dragon Tail (20) ->1C: Sword Flash/Shimmering Slash (39) 11: Double Mist/Artful Slash ->12: Rude Sword/Brusque Slice (11) ->17: Gushing Wind/Gale Slash (21) ->18: Holo Sword/Mirage Blade (23) ->1A: Satsuki Rain/Monsoon Slash (26) 12: Rude Sword/Brusque Slice ->11: Double Mist/Artful Slash (11) 14: Flying Water Cut/Riptide ->16: Dragon Tail (18) ->19: Dimension Cut/Dimensional Slash (21) ->1C: Sword Flash/Shimmering Slash (38) ->1D: Golden Dragon (39) 15: Backstab ->17: Gushing Wind/Gale Slash (25) 17: Gushing Wind/Gale Slash ->15: Backstab (20) 1A: Satsuki Rain/Monsoon Slash ->1D: Golden Dragon (42) 1B: Split Body/Doppelslasher ->18: Holo Sword/Mirage Blade (15) 1E: Demi Rune/Demilune* ->1F: Demi Echo/Demilune Echo* (18) 20: *Spider Net/Spiderweb ->21: *Blade Net (14) 22: *Ice Stare/Icy Stare* ->23: *Charm Stare (20) 23: *Charm Stare ->22: *Ice Stare/Icy Stare (20) |
02: Greatsword ->28: Blunt Strike (4) ->29: Rollup Strike/Sunder (8) ->2A: Chop Down/Riposte (13) ->2B: Smash (16) ->2C: Sweep Draw/Running Slash (15) ->2D: Earth Run/Gravedigger (23) ->2E: Shadow Move/Incorporeal Stance (18) ->2F: Brook Rush/Bullrush (32) ->32: Nature Dance/Scattered Petals (39) ->34: *Moulin Rouge (20) ->35: *Exorcist/Exorcising Slash (22) ->37: *Dancing Sword (25) 29: Rollup Strike/Sunder ->2C: Sweep Draw/Running Slash (17) 2B: Smash ->2F: Brook Rush/Bullrush (25) 2C: Sweep Draw/Running Slash ->2D: Earth Run/Gravedigger (21) ->31: Reverse Wind/Headwind Rush (28) 2D: Earth Run/Gravedigger ->33: Earth Cresent/Waning Moon (42) 2E: Shadow Move/Incorporeal Stance ->30: Stealing Hands/Disarm (22) ->32: Nature Dance/Scattered Petals (35) 09: Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade ->36: *Misty Ice/Arctic Rush (29) |
03: Axe ->38: Tomahawk (4) ->39: Skull Crush/Headsplitter (10) ->3A: Big Log Chop/Cut Timber (14) ->3B: War Cry (5) ->3C: Hyper Hammer (16) ->3D: Axel Turn/Axel Spin (22) ->3E: Blade Roll/Twist and Turn (25) ->40: Dimension Cut/Dimensional Break (21) ->41: Dynamic Hit/Dynamic Chop (30) ->45: *Genghis Khan/Ironside Wrath (20) 38: Tomahawk ->3F: Megahawk (16) ->42: Sky Drive (36) ->44: *Yoyo/Yo-yo (34) ->46: *Orbit Borer/Reverse Orbit (41) 3A: Big Log Chop/Cut Timber ->3E: Blade Roll/Twist and Turn (21) ->40: Dimension Cut/Dimensional Break (19) ->41: Dynamic Hit/Dynamic Chop (26) 3B: War Cry ->45: *Genghis Khan/Ironside Wrath (15) 3C: Hyper Hammer ->3D: Axel Turn/Axel Spin (18) 3D: Axel Turn/Axel Spin ->46: *Orbit Borer/Reverse Orbit (36) 3E: Blade Roll/Twist and Turn ->40: Dimension Cut/Dimensional Break (21) ->43: Deadly Spin (40) |
04: Mace ->49: Brain Split/Skull Splitter (7) ->4A: Hard Hit/Crushing Blow (11) ->4B: Just Meet/Dead-on (12) ->4C: Rotation Hit/Rotator (15) ->4D: Bone Crush/Bonecrusher (18) ->4E: Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike (21) ->4F: Aerobit/Vortex Drive (23) ->50: Stone Cut/Rock Splitter (28) ->51: Gravity Break/Gravity Wave (37) ->54: *Bless/Breath (18) ->55: *Power Heal (10) ->56: Escape Out/Stealthy Swing (15) ->58: *Spell Enhance/Acuity (12) ->59: *Draw Sword/Quick Draw (25) ->5A: *Midas Hand/Midas Touch (20) ->5B: *Swallow Hit/Reverse Swallow (42) 49: Brain Split/Skull Splitter ->4D: Bone Crush/Bonecrusher (11) 4A: Hard Hit/Crushing Blow ->4F: Aerobit/Vortex Drive (21) ->53: Shell Split/Nutcracker (39) 4C: Rotation Hit/Rotator ->50: Stone Cut/Rock Splitter (25) 4D: Bone Crush/Bonecrusher ->50: Stone Cut/Rock Splitter (23) 4E: Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike ->52: Grand Slam (30) 4F: Aerobit/Vortex Drive ->51: Gravity Break/Gravity Wave (30) 59: *Draw Sword/Quick Draw ->5B: *Swallow Hit/Reverse Swallow (35) |
05: Epee ->5D: Feint (4) ->5E: Axel Sniper/Lightspeed (9) ->5F: Imprison (13) ->60: Mindstare/Mesmerize (15) ->61: Snake Shot (17) ->62: Bolt Pierce/Piercing Lightning (21) ->63: Matador (13) ->65: Southern Cross (30) ->66: Firecracker (35) ->67: Final Letter/Eulogy (42) ->69: *Were Buster/Hunter's Fury (14) ->6A: *Nurse Heal/Medicate (17) ->6B: *Snake Sword/Serpentsvard (24) 5E: Axel Sniper/Lightspeed ->62: Bolt Pierce/Piercing Lightning (15) 60: Mindstare/Mesmerize ->61: Snake Shot (15) ->64: Screwdriver (35) 62: Bolt Pierce/Piercing Lightning ->66: Firecracker (31) |
06: Spear ->6E: Leg Sweep (5) ->6F: Stone Stab/Lithic Thrust (9) ->70: Double Stab/ Double Thrust (11) ->71: Aiming/Aim (13) ->72: Windmill (13) ->73: Brain Split/Split Cranium (16) ->74: Charge (20) ->75: Dragon Hit/Snake Blaster (22) ->76: Spiral Charge (30) ->77: Double Dragon/Dual Dragons (28) ->79: Greal Wheel (21) ->7A: Triple Thrust/Triumvirate (37) ->7B: Meteor Thrust/Stardust (40) ->7C: *Swing/Reaper (16) ->7E: *Victory Song/Paean of Victory (25) ->7F: *Psycho Buster/Psychic Burst (27) ->80: *Tri-shooter (13) 6E: Leg Sweep ->7C: *Swing/Reaper (14) 6F: Stone Stab/Lithic Thrust ->79: Great Wheel/Giant Swing (17) 70: Double Stab/Double Thrust ->75: Dragon Hit/Snake Blaster (22) ->77: Double Dragon/Dual Dragons (28) ->7A: Triple Thrust/Triumvirate (36) 71: Aiming/Aim ->78: Beast God Stab/Divine Lancer (38) 73: Brain Split/Split Cranium ->76: Spiral Charge (27) 74: Charge ->76: Spiral Charge (28) 75: Dragon Hit/Snake Blaster ->77: Double Dragon/Dual Dragons (24) 77: Double Dragon/Dual Dragons ->7A: Triple Thrust/Triumvirate (34) 7C: *Swing/Reaper ->7D: *Round Slicer (41) |
07: Bow ->82: Shadow Sew/Shadow Weave (5) ->83: Random Arrow/Rapid Volley (7) ->84: Id Break (9) ->85: Beast Chaser (14) ->86: Quick Arrow/Quick Nock (18) ->87: Flash Arrow (21) ->88: Sidewinder (23) ->89: Shot Wave/Arrow Barrage (26) ->8A: Provoke Shot/Taunting Shot (30) ->8B: Plasma Shot (38) ->8F: *Fairy Arrow/Faerie Arrow (18) ->90: Resonance Weep* (29) 82: Shadow Sew/Shadow Weave ->8A: Provoke Shot/Taunting Shot (25) ->8D: Shadow Kill/Shadow Buster (27) 83: Random Arrow/Rapid Volley ->87: Flash Arrow (14) ->8E: Million Dollar/Millionaire (36) 85: Beast Chaser ->88: Sidewinder (18) ->89: Shot Wave/Arrow Barrage (22) 86: Quick Arrow/Quick Nock ->8B: Plasma Shot (31) ->8C: Continue Shot/Multishot (33) ->92: *Death Arrow/Deathshot (24) 88: Sidewinder ->85: Beast Chaser (15) ->89: Shot Wave/Arrow Barrage (25) ->92: *Death Arrow/Deathshot (30) 89: Shot Wave/Arrow Barrage ->85: Beast Chaser (13) ->88: Sidewinder (22) |
The original Japanese v. is here. |
Additional info, originally by Zach Keene:
"Axel Turn can't spark Orbit Borer due to a bug [corrected in the Remaster version]. If you have a hex editor, changing the byte at 3E145C from $71 to $F1 should fix it. To fix the Axel Turn bug, you can also just use this PAR code: FE125CF1."
Tech sparking occurs during a character's turn in battle.
After the light bulb has appeared, the tech is definitively learned and you can flee the battle if you wish.
But if you remove from your Tech Equip List (Select Menu) a tech that you have not mastered yet (in red letters), you lose it for good and you have to learn it again.
The formula used to determine tech sparking is:
Sparking Probability (%) = [Base Spark Rate x (8 - Spark Count) / 8 - 1 ] / 255 x 100
where Base Spark Rate is calculated
- based on the difference between the Enemy Spark Rank (ESR, mainly refered to as Enemy Flash Level, see the Monster List) and the Tech Spark Rank (TSR, the tech sparking/flashing difficulty, the number between brackets in the Tech Sparking List above)
- confronted to one of two probability tables, depending on whether you have a Weapon Mastery (TP) Crown or 0 Max MP (better chances), or not (worse chances),
and where Spark Count is the number of tech sparks that occured so far in the present battle (following that the Sparking Probability decreases with each new tech sparked in the same battle, and that 8 is the max number of sparks in one battle).
This formula is used only for the techs that are on the character's Aptitude List (the list of the techs a character can learn, depending on his/her Type, which depends on his/her favorite weapon).
In a nutshell:
1) When the tech is in the character's Aptitude List,
and if no tech has been sparked yet in the current battle (Spark Count = 0),
the official Sparking Probabilities are:
ESR minus TSR | Crown Bonus or 0 Max MP | No Crown Bonus |
10 or higher | 19.2% | 15.3% |
9 | 18.0% | 14.9% |
8 | 17.6% | 14.9% |
7 | 16.8% | 14.1% |
6 | 16.1% | 13.7% |
5 | 14.9% | 12.9% |
4 | 14.1% | 11.8% |
3 | 12.9% | 11.0% |
2 | 11.8% | 9.8% |
1 | 10.5% | 8.6% |
0 | 9.4% | 7.5% |
-1 | 7.8% | 7.9% |
-2 | 6.7% | 4.7% |
-3 | 5.5% | 3.5% |
-4 | 4.3% | 2.7% |
-5 | 3.1% | 1.6% |
-6 | 2.0% | 0.8% |
-7 | 1.2% | 0% |
-8 | 0.4% | 0% |
-9 or lower | 0% | 0% |
2) When the tech is not in the character's Aptitude List,
if ESR-TSR ≥ -9 then the official Sparking Probability is 1/255 (0.4%)
whatever the Spark Count may be.
This means that when trying to spark techs with a high SparkLV, it can be easier to do so with a character who does not have the tech on his aptitude list. Concretely: when trying to learn Tiger Break, have everyone in your party use Powerup Fist/Punishing Palm: sometimes you'll be surprised to see Type 01 characters, for example, learn it first.
* Note: The 1/255 Value Bug *
Effective probabilities are slightly different: the lowest non-zero value is in fact 9/1024, not 1/255.
(Mentioned by Khajiit Rankin on
This is actually good for the player, actual probabilities being slightly higher than intended by the programmers.
Thus the Revised Tech Sparking Probability Table is:
Enemy FlashLV minus Tech Spark Rk |
Tech in Aptitude List (and Spark Count = 0) |
Tech not in Aptitude List |
TP Crown or MaxMP=0 |
No TP Crown | ||
10 or higher | 20.9% | 16.4% | 0.9% |
9 | 19.8% | 16.0% | 0.9% |
8 | 19.34% | 16.02% | 0.9% |
7 | 18.4% | 14.6% | 0.9% |
6 | 17.8% | 14.4% | 0.9% |
5 | 16.0% | 13.8% | 0.9% |
4 | 14.6% | 12.7% | 0.9% |
3 | 13.8% | 12.0% | 0.9% |
2 | 12.7% | 10.5% | 0.9% |
1 | 11.4% | 9.5% | 0.9% |
0 | 10.2% | 8.0% | 0.9% |
-1 | 8.3% | 5.9% | 0.9% |
-2 | 7.1% | 4.3% | 0.9% |
-3 | 5.3% | 2.9% | 0.9% |
-4 | 3.6% | 2.3% | 0.9% |
-5 | 2.6% | 1.8% | 0.9% |
-6 | 2.0% | 1.1% | 0.9% |
-7 | 1.4% | 0.0% | 0.9% |
-8 | 0.9% | 0.0% | 0.9% |
-9 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.9% |
-10 or lower | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Tech Mastering is only validated after winning a battle (you get a confirmation message).
Note that the attack must be used (obviously) but need not succeed (it can miss and still be mastered).
The Tech Mastering formula is:
RGN(0~255) ≤ 30 - Used TP x 7/4
From which comes that it is easier for techs with a low effective TP cost.
Effective TP cost is influenced by character & Crown discounts, the Devil King/Archfiend items penalty and the Dragon God/Descent spell.
Mastering a tech is thus easiest (12.1% probability) with Dragon God active (during which TP cost = 0)
but becomes impossible when effective TP consumption ≥ 18.
Note: You can master at most 4 techs per battle.
Here are the probabilities of mastering a tech depending on Consumed TP:
UsedTP (TP) | Master Chance (%) |
0 | 12.1 |
1 | 11.7 |
2 | 10.9 |
3 | 10.2 |
4 | 9.4 |
5 | 9 |
6 | 8.2 |
7 | 7.4 |
8 | 6.6 |
9 | 6.3 |
10 | 5.5 |
11 | 4.7 |
12 | 3.9 |
13 | 3.5 |
14 | 2.7 |
15 | 2 |
16 | 1.2 |
17 | 0.8 |
18 | 0 |
Sidenote: RGN (Randomly Generated Numbers) in RS3 [jp]:
Last but not least, monsters too have techs! This is quite important: in order to know what you can block or which item you should equip, it is necessary to know the attributes of enemy attacks.
All actions and techs for all bosses and most fixed enemies are in the dedicated Bosses Section.
- Enemies with Counter in their action list (be careful!): Evil Demon, Imp, Nuts, Demon, Minotaur, Strong Demon, Mako, Nixie (3), Krypton (3), Hobgoblin, Werewolf (3), Peg Powler (3), Mys Dragon (2), Draconian (3), Gnashing (4), Stray Cat (4), [Wonderlust (2)], Ming Wang (2), Dancer (3), Algernon (2), Byu Spirit (3).
- Enemies' Charm. The enemies' charming attacks have effect on characters of the opposite gender and on some characters of unknown gender (Fairy/Peony is both Male and Female and can be charmed by either; Boston & Snowman/Flurry have no gender and cannot be charmed). Note that Shields can activate against Charm attacks but the status ailment will be applied; on the other hand, Guards (evade-type shields) function and can protect your characters properly. The Holy King/Matriarch's Helm grants Mind immunity (including vs. Charm).
In general it is not really important to know what the damage (or accuracy) formulae are exactly: but only which stats the formulae rely on.
You can find that information for each tech or spell in the tables of the Techs section and in the Magic section.
Nevertheless, it can be interesting and useful to have a look at the specific formulae to see what is happening behind the scenes, and in which respects the variables are important (or not).
Preliminary Explanations
Pwr, Hit# and Mod are values found in the Tech tables, specific to each tech.
STAT = the relevant character's stat, also found in the Tech page (here is a Summary), each tech relying on a different stat: STR, DEX, MAG/INT or WIL. This value is the actual stat value, after any (de)buff applied during battle.
ASPD = Attack Speed, which is your character's SPD stat factored by total equipment weight (W) and by Formation bonus or penalty (F), like so: ASPD = [SPD - (W÷2)]×F, and any (de)buff applied during battle.
LV = Skill (Weapon or Magic) Level.
ATK = Weapon Attack Value.
WW = Weapon Weight.
Both values are found in the Items page
MaxHP = character's Max HP
NowHP = character's current HP
DEF = Target's relevant Defense value.
If the attack has several attributes, the smallest relevant DEF value is used.
The attack attribute(s) are found in the Tech tables.
ECON = Target's actual CON stat.
EMaxHP = Target's Max HP
The DEF, ECON and EMaxHP values are found in Zach Keene's Bestiary for all monsters, and in the Boss section for the main enemies.
RGN = Randomly Generated Number, between 1 and LV×3.
If LV=0, RGN=0.
Last but not least,
C = this value depends on your character's relevant LV, as per the table below:
Skill LV | 'C' Value for | |||||||
Sword | Gsword | Axe | Mace | Epee | Spear | Bow | Martial | |
0 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 |
1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 0 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 1 |
3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 1 |
4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 1 |
5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 2 |
6 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 2 |
7 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 5 | 2 |
8 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 2 |
9 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 6 | 3 |
10 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 7 | 6 | 10 | 7 | 3 |
11 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 8 | 6 | 10 | 7 | 3 |
12 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 8 | 7 | 11 | 8 | 4 |
13 | 10 | 10 | 11 | 9 | 7 | 12 | 8 | 4 |
14 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 12 | 9 | 5 |
15 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 11 | 9 | 13 | 9 | 5 |
16 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 12 | 9 | 13 | 10 | 6 |
17 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 13 | 10 | 14 | 10 | 6 |
18 | 13 | 13 | 15 | 14 | 11 | 14 | 10 | 7 |
19 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 15 | 11 | 15 | 11 | 7 |
20 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 15 | 12 | 8 |
21 | 15 | 15 | 17 | 17 | 13 | 16 | 12 | 9 |
22 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 13 | 16 | 13 | 9 |
23 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 18 | 14 | 17 | 14 | 10 |
24 | 16 | 17 | 19 | 19 | 15 | 17 | 14 | 11 |
Skill LV | 'C' Value for | |||||||
Sword | Gsword | Axe | Mace | Epee | Spear | Bow | Martial | |
25 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 16 | 18 | 15 | 11 |
26 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 20 | 16 | 18 | 16 | 12 |
27 | 19 | 19 | 20 | 20 | 17 | 19 | 17 | 12 |
28 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 21 | 18 | 19 | 18 | 13 |
29 | 20 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 18 | 20 | 19 | 13 |
30 | 21 | 21 | 22 | 21 | 19 | 21 | 20 | 14 |
31 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 20 | 21 | 21 | 14 |
32 | 22 | 23 | 22 | 22 | 21 | 22 | 22 | 15 |
33 | 23 | 23 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 23 | 15 |
34 | 24 | 24 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 24 | 16 |
35 | 25 | 25 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 25 | 16 |
36 | 26 | 25 | 23 | 23 | 24 | 24 | 26 | 16 |
37 | 26 | 26 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 24 | 27 | 17 |
38 | 27 | 27 | 24 | 24 | 26 | 25 | 28 | 17 |
39 | 27 | 27 | 24 | 24 | 27 | 25 | 29 | 17 |
40 | 27 | 27 | 24 | 24 | 28 | 25 | 30 | 18 |
41 | 27 | 28 | 24 | 25 | 29 | 26 | 31 | 18 |
42 | 28 | 28 | 24 | 25 | 29 | 26 | 32 | 18 |
43 | 28 | 28 | 25 | 25 | 30 | 27 | 33 | 19 |
44 | 28 | 29 | 25 | 25 | 31 | 27 | 34 | 19 |
45 | 28 | 29 | 25 | 26 | 31 | 27 | 35 | 20 |
46 | 29 | 29 | 26 | 26 | 32 | 28 | 36 | 20 |
47 | 29 | 30 | 26 | 26 | 33 | 28 | 37 | 20 |
48 | 29 | 30 | 26 | 26 | 33 | 28 | 38 | 21 |
49 | 29 | 30 | 26 | 27 | 34 | 29 | 39 | 21 |
50 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 40 | 22 |
Note: There are general RS3-specific calculation rules for all formulae:
- all division totals and square roots are rounded down to closest integer
- priority to content between brackets
- priority to modulo operations
- calculation from left to right in order
- if totals between brackets are negative, then = 0
- if a grand total is negative, then = 0
General Weapon DMG Formula
For most weapon techs:
DMG = D × (128-DEF-ECON÷2) ÷128 - DEF×2
where D = Pwr×Hit# + [C×STAT + C×(50-C)÷8] ÷4×Mod + [Mod+C+ (STAT-19) ÷2] × (ATK-DEF÷2) ÷2 + RGN
- For techs that transform one weapon into another, the category and values of the second weapon apply.
E.g. For Awakening/Alarm: Masquerade Greatsword.
- For techs that take into account consumed TP/SP for dmg, this is reflected in the tech 'Pwr' value: TPx24 for Final Strike, 100+TPx8 for Misty Ice/Arctic Rush, 100+SPx140 for Were Buster/Hunter's Fury, 20+SPx10 for Inner Eye/Rapid Volley EX.
- For critical hits (techs vs enemies of a certain Race grant a critical hit), DEF = 0.
- DEF = 0 also for techs with no attribute (All counters, Meteor Kick, Tiger Break, Draw Sword/Quick Draw, Swallow Hit/Reverse Swallow).
Looking at the formula, one can remark that:
- The part (LV-19) ÷2 has no influence on dmg if LV<21.
By comparison, due to the nature of the formula, LV when LV>21 has much less influence on tech dmg than on spell dmg.
- Due to (ATK-DEF÷2), unless weapon ATK minus target's DEF > 2, Weapon ATK has no influence on tech dmg.
DMG Formula for Repeater Techs
DMG = D × n × (128-DEF-ECON÷2) ÷128 - DEF×2
where D = Pwr×Hit# + [C×STAT + C×(50-C)÷8] ÷4×Mod + [Mod+C+ (STAT-19) ÷2] × (ATK-DEF÷2) ÷2 + RGN
The formula for Repeater Techs is similar to the general formula, but there are two major differences:
1) There is no specifically associated LV: the last Skill LV used in calculation is used (= the one used for the attack performed immediately before the current attack, be it by a friend or a foe). If a repeater tech is used right after a reset, LV=0.
2) There is an extra factor: n = number of attacks, which varies depending on LV and Tech Type.
This value is not a simple multiplier but determines the number of times that the calculation of the part that precedes it (= D) is repeated (including an accuracy roll for each of these attacks). Hence, as n increases, and if all attacks hit, dmg can increase very significantly (as it is the total raw dmg, not each attack dmg independantly, that is confronted to the target's DEF and CON).
-Type A: Split Body/Doppelslasher, Yoyo/Yo-yo, Round Slicer: n=LV÷10+1
-Type B: Deadly Spin: n=LV÷20+2
-Type C: Continue Shot/Multishot: n=LV÷18+2
-Type D: Holo Sword/Mirage Blade, Tri-Shooter/Triple Shot: n=1, which means that each target gets attacked only once (but these techs attack several targets).
Skill LV | 'n' value for Type | |||
A | B | C | D | |
0~9 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
10~17 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
18~19 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
20~29 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
30~35 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
36~39 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
40~49 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 1 |
50 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 1 |
DMG Formula for Earthquake Techs
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = Pwr×Hit# + C x (STR + ATK) ÷4 + C x Mod x WW x (STR - WW x2) ÷8 + RGN
Curiously, the dmg for Earth Run/Gravedigger, Earthquake Hit/Seismic Strike and Grand Slam depends on your Weapon Weight (WW)! and ofc on STR, incidentally in a greater proportion than the general dmg formula, and your Weapon Atk value.
Ratio DMG Formula
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = EMaxHP ÷8 x m + RGN
For Dimension Cut/Dimensional Slash and Moon Read/Lunar Mirror, m = 2
For Aerobit/Vortex Drive, m = 3
It is interesting to note that the damage of those 3 techs in completely unrelated to Weapon Atk Pwr and only incidentally (and minimally) related (through RNG) to Skill LV.
Weapon Counter Techs DMG Formula
DMG = (DEX + Weapon Atk Pwr ÷2) x C x Mod ÷2 + RGN
This concerns Chop Down/Riposte, Stealing Hands/Disarm, Just Meet/Dead-on, Matador & Windmill.
Note that the Weapon Atk Pwr for Stealing Hands/Disarm is that of your original weapon (not that of the stolen weapon).
For Martial Counter: see Martial Dmg Formula below.
DMG Formula for WILL Techs
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = WIL x A + (MaxHP - NowHP) ÷16 x B ÷ (MaxHP÷64+1) + RGN
For *Psycho Buster/Psychic Burst, A=8 and B=500.
For Shield Rush/Bash, A=5 and B=48.
The dmg of those two techs, dependent on the WIL stat, is also dependent on your current HP, and the lower the better (more accurately, when the difference between your MaxHP and current HP is high).
Shield Rush/Bash: unfortunately, B is too low for the tech to give off any noticeable dmg; moreover, there is no corresponding Skill LV, so RGN=0.
Martial DMG Formula (Except Throws)
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = Pwr×Hit# + √(STR x SPD) x C x Mod + (STR-19) ÷2x (C+Mod) + RGN
From which we can see that:
- STR and SPD both count equally for damage,
- unless STR>20, in which case STR becomes the predominant factor.
- Counter has no attribute and nullifies ECON.
- For Boston's regular attack (Scissors/Trim) and Counter: DMGx2
- For Tiger Break, STR = STR+8
DMG Formula for Throws
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = (Pwr×Hit# + C) x n + (ECON-15) x LV + RGN
We notice that:
- The character's Martial LV (from LV, C & n) is the main stat here as far as dmg is concerned.
- The enemy's CON is also important, and in general enemies with large sprites have a high CON, which means higher dmg. The drawback is that a higher ECON means a lower attack success chance: a character with high STR is helpful there.
The multiplicative value 'n' varies depending on the tech:
- Air Throw/Tumble: n = LV÷5+1
- Giant Swing, Niagara Buster, Reverse Throw/Reverse Slam: n = LV÷10+1
Martial LV | 'n' value for | |
Air Throw | Other Throws | |
0~4 | 1 | 1 |
5~9 | 2 | |
10~14 | 3 | 2 |
15~19 | 4 | |
20~24 | 5 | 3 |
25~29 | 6 | |
30~34 | 7 | 4 |
35~39 | 8 | |
40~44 | 9 | 5 |
45~49 | 10 | |
50 | 11 | 6 |
For spell and item damage formulae, see the Magic Damage section.
Damage formulae at Ultianima with an online dmg calculator [jp]:
Accuracy formulae are another interesting thing to look at.
The idea is that the left part of the equation must be higher than a RGN that varies between 0 and 100.
- See the Preliminary Explanations of the Skill Dmg Formula section above for abbreviations and comments.
- Additionally:
Acc = Tech Accuracy value, readily available in the pictorial Tables that detail each Tech above.
UpLV is one of the two enemy's index values that indicate the 'difficulty' of the enemy (it increases the probability for your characters to level up after battle).
General Weapon Accuracy Formula (Type 0x00)
Acc + LV + (STR - WWx4) + DEX -ESPDx2 > (RGN mod 100)
This formula concerns Sword, Greatsword, Mace and most Spear techs.
You can see that accuracy depends on LV, STR and Weapon Weight and DEX in a rather balanced manner, and that, while STR and DEX can be momentarily buffed in battle, the corresponding Skill LV is the only parameter that steadily grows during your playthrough, making tech accuracy steadily better over playtime.
Axe Accuracy Formula (Type 0x01)
Acc + (LV÷2) + (STR - WWx4) x4 -ESPDx2 > (RGN mod 100)
This formula concerns Axe and the basic Spear attack.
Axe tech Acc is lower than the rest and the Skill LV influence is halved: attacks have a higher chance of missing than other hand weapons. A high STR can make a difference, and STR-enhancing buffs (Berserk, War Cry, *Bless/Breath, *Victory Song/Paean of Victory), especially when cast by another fast character if possible, can come in doubly handy for axe users (for accuracy, for damage).
Bow & Shortsword Accuracy Formula (Type 0x02)
Acc + LV + (STR - WWx4) x4 + (DEX - 18) x4 -ESPDx3 > (RGN mod 100)
Note that DEX needs to be over 18 to influence tech accuracy.
Most Bow and Epee tech damage are DEX-based but STR is important (you need to be physically able to handle your Epee or Bow too!) and can be buffed in battle.
The Target's SPD also plays a more important (negative) role than for other techs.
Some Bow techs tend to miss more probably because of lower Acc values and higher Weapon Weight than Epees.
Insta-death Techs Accuracy Formula (Type 0x22)
Acc + LV + (STR - WWx4) + SPD -ESPDx2 > (RGN mod 100)
For Snake Shot, Snake Sword/Serpentsvard and Sidewinder vs. Frogs, Shot Wave/Arrow Barrage vs Birds. Rarely misses.
Martial General Accuracy Formula (Type 0x03)
Acc + STR + SPD -ESPDx2 > (RGN mod 100)
Note that Martial LV is of no influence for tech accuracy.
Only STR and SPD can be acted upon (formation, equipment, buffs).
This accuracy formula serves for most enemy techs.
Throws Accuracy Formula (Types 0x21 & 0x28)
Acc + STR + SPD + LV -UpLV -ECONx2 -ESPD > (RGN mod 100)
Plenty of factors affect the outcome negatively: debuffs may come in handy, especially Sky Drive (CON -10) or Beast God Stab/Divine Lancer (CON & SPD -5).
Counter Tech Activation Formula
For most counters:
Evade + [LV÷2] + (SPD-WW) - E SPD > (RGN mod 100)
For Martial Counter & Stealing Hands/Disarm:
Evade + [LV÷2] + (SPD-WW) - [E SPD÷2] > (RGN mod 100)
'Evade' is the equivalent of the 'Acc' stat for counter techs.
To raise the success rate of counters, ideally: a high SPD (can be raised with items, formation bonus, buff), a high LV, a light weapon, and debuffs to lower the enemy's SPD.
There is an additional roll for Stealing Hands/Disarm to be successful in stealing the enemy's weapon:
20 + DEX + [LV÷4] - E SPD > (RGN mod 100)
Additional Effect Activation Formula
After a successful accuracy roll (the attack hits), there is a second roll for techs that in addition to damage may have an additional effect (Status ailments, debuffs).
The formula is different for your characters and for the enemies but both are interesting (one shows what you need to make your attacks succeed, one shows what you need to make the enemies' attacks fail ; ).
A) For enemy attacks
[(STR+SPD+CON+MAG+WIL)÷2] + X ≤ (RGN mod 100)
'X' value depends on the effect:
Effect | X = |
Debuff / Poison / Sleep | 0 |
Confusion | WIL |
Stun / Dark | Status Def |
Paralysis | CON |
Silence | Status Def + 10 |
Petrification | CON + 10 |
Insta-death | CON + Status Def + 10 |
From which you can infer that the higher your stats the higher the probability for your characters to resist side-effects and debuffs. A tech like *Victory Song/Paean of Victory or *Everyone's Song/Folk Song (to name Party techs only) can be helpful.
Note: If a tech has several different effects, there is a separate roll for each.
B) For your characters
The basic shape of the formula is the same (stats + X ≤ RGN) but strangely (it may be a bug) the enemy's stats taken into account to decide if the effect hits or misses vary depending your character's position (spot) in your formation.
Spot | X |
1 | [(STR+SPD)÷2] |
2 | [(DEX+SPD+CON)÷2] |
3 | [(DEX+SPD+CHA+Status Def)÷2] |
4 | [(STR+SPD+CHA)÷2] |
5 | [(MAG+CHA)÷2] |
Since the value should be as low as possible for a hit, it results that spots 1 and 5 are the most favorable (only 2 stats taken into account) while spot 3 is the most unfavorable (5 stats).
The '+ X' part of the equation (which depends on the type of effect) is the same as in A).
Note: Giant Swing Bug
At its highest level, Giant Swing attempts to Stun, Paralyze and Insta-kill; but if an enemy is immune to any of those ailments, it becomes immune to all of them and Giant Swing's additional status ailments effects will all fail. This does not concern Giant Swing's possible stat debuff.
Status Ailment / Debuff / Special Techs Success Formulae
These techs only attempt to inflict an effect (no direct damage).
For most, there are two successive rolls (one evasion roll of sorts tha depends on the enemy's stats, and one accuracy roll that depends on the tech and your stats) and both must be successful.
Reminder: 'Acc' is the Accuracy value for each skill, readily available in the General Tables above.
* The general formulae for techs that inflict status ailments (Type 0x0E) and debuffs (0x0F) and the Insanity tech (0x26) are as follows:
1) [(E Status Def + E WIL)÷2] ≤ (RGN mod 100)
2) Acc + WIL + [LV÷2] > (RGN mod 100)
Part 2) has good chances of success but part 1) is a problem against strong enemies..
* There is a specific set of formulae for Type 0x12 techs, which are mostly Insta-death/Petrification techs (including Ftechs) and a few odd others (Leg Sweep, Terror Voice), and which all have a rather high chance to fail:
1) [(E Status Def + E WIL)÷2] ≤ (RGN mod 100)
2) Acc + WIL > (RGN mod 100)
* For HP Ratio DMG attacks (Type 0x18):
1) [(E Status Def + E WIL)÷2] ≤ (RGN mod 100)
2) Acc + WIL + [C÷2] > (RGN mod 100)
Those attacks are the only ones here where LV (through 'C') has any influence, however minimal.
* The formulae for Action Manipulation techs (0x2E: Control Undead/Rise of the Damned & Fatal Mirror) are:
1) [(E Status Def + E WIL)÷2] ≤ (RGN mod 100)
2) Acc > (RGN mod 100)
Status Def and a high WIL are your slow characters' only weapons against Fatal Mirror!
* Charm attacks (Type 0x20) have the 'opposite gender' condition and only one roll:
Acc + (CHA - E CHA) x2 > (RGN mod 100)
See the Charmers section.
* For HP Drain attacks (Types 0x1B & 0x1C):
[(E Status Def + E WIL)÷4] ≤ (RGN mod 100)
And for LP Drain attacks (Type 0x1D):
[(E Status Def + E WIL)÷2] ≤ (RGN mod 100)
Your only defenses for those two types to miss are a high Status def and a high WILL. Note that the Invisible Status won't protect you if it hits.
Thanks to specific skills or spells, it is possible to raise your characters' stats and LVs, and to lower those of your enemies.
Your enemies have similar skills and spells too!
Buffs and Debuffs behave differently:
- Buffs are cumulative (they stack) but lose 25% of their efficiency at the end of each round.
- Debuffs do not stack (latest effect applies), only disappear at the end of the battle or if erased by a skill/spell, but they can miss.
So debuffs are possibly more effective in battle, unless buffs also come with a power tech (like Tiger Break).
Buffs (stat/LV-enhancing skills or spells) lose 25% of their efficiency at the end of every turn (rounded down). This means that they disappear within a few turns. E.g. if you use Axel Turn/Axel Spin, your character gain +8 SPD, which becomes 6 at the end of the turn, then 4 at the end of the next turn, then 3, 2, 1, 0. Which also means that Buffs cast on another party member or on the whole party should be cast by a fast character, so that as many characters as possible may benefit from the full effect of the Buff on the initial turn.
Exception: Stoneskin also affects a Stone counter, that simply gains 5 at the end of every turn, until it reaches 64, when your character is Petrified. This Petrification effect stacks: several Stoneskins will make your character turn to stone faster.
Buffs are also cumulative (they stack).
The total bonus gets affected by the turn-end 25% efficiency loss. E.g. if you keep using Axel Turn/Axel Spin, your SPD will be affected like so: at T1 +8 -> 6, at T2: +8 = 14 -> 10, at T3: +8 = 18 -> 13, at T4: +8 = 21 -> 15, etc.
All in all the most effective buffs may be those that come as the additional effect of a skill (the best of which is Tiger Break). Otherwise the caster will have to keep casting the buff so that other characters may fully benefit from it. Nevertheless, it is perfectly possible to have a character dedicated to party stat-boosting – as long as they wouldn't deal more damage if that character attacked also (i.e. if you train Poet/Minstrel in Martial Arts to make the most of his party Song, wouldn't it be more effective for him to attack with Tiger Break instead? unless you have several very powerful attack mages in your party).
Note that Nurse Heal/Medicate, Mystic Water, Revival Light and Total Eclipse reset all buffs to zero.
In the tables below:
Name column: Mana Sword translation, followed by the original Japanese, and the Remaster translation.
PhysDef = (SL HI PI SH) DEF.
Special column: additional effects (Status Ailments, crit).
When enemies can also use the tech or spell, (de)buff formula difference or similarity is noted ('ibid.' = same formula as your characters).
'E only' = skill used by enemies only.
Buff Name | Effect | Special |
*Bless (54) ブレス Breath | STR +8+(MaceLVL/10) | Glory Staff/Staff of Glory only. |
Hard Fire (B2) ハードファイアー Flashfire | SPD +5+(FireLV/4) | E(B2): ibid. |
Axel Turn (3D) アクセルターン Axel Spin | SPD +8 | Self |
Axel Sniper (5E) アクセルスナイパー Lightspeed | Self E(4F): ibid. | |
Bolt Pierce (62) ライトニングピアス Piercing Lightning | Self | |
*Spell Enhance (58) スペルエンハンス Acuity | INT +8+(MaceLVL/10) | Rune/Runic Staff only. |
[Star Stream] (27) きょうりょくけんげき | STR SPD +8 | Self |
War Cry (3B) ウォークライ | STR CON +7+(AxeLV/5) | Self |
Berserk (B9) ベルセルク | STR CON +8+(EarthLV/5) | E(B9): ibid. |
Tiger Break (A4) タイガーブレイク | STR CON +8 | Self |
Stone Skin (BB) ストーンスキン Stoneskin | PhysDef +10+(EarthLV/8) | Petrify. Target: Self E(BB): 20+LV/8, Target: party member. |
Moon Glow (CE) ムーングロウ | SPD MDef +4+(MoonLVL/4) | E(CE): ibid. |
Morning Moon(59) モーニングムーン | STR INT CON SPD +2+(LV/5) | Target: casters. |
*Everyone's Song (95) みんなのうた Folk Song | INT CON MDef +1+(KungfuLV/10) | Target: Party. Poet/Minstrel's Fiddle only. |
*Victory Song (7E) 勝利の詩 Paean of Victory | STR INT CON SPD +1+(SpearLVL/5) | Target: Party. Cannot Flee. Holy King/Matriarch's Spear only. |
Power Save (95) パワーセーブ | STR CON +4+(KungfuLV/5) | E only. |
Glider Spike (1C) グライダースパイク Gliding Spikes | STR SPD +8 | E only. |
Smash (39) スマッシュ | STR SPD +8 | E only. |
Debuffs (stat/LV-lowering attacks), if successful, generally last until the battle ends.
Debuff activation may fail. Debuff-only attacks that miss properly display a 'Miss' message on the target, friend or foe. But for attacks that can apply a debuff as an additional effect to damage, there is unfortunately no other way to know if it actually activated than looking at the target's performance in battle.
Debuffs do not stack (they don't cumulate) and only the latest penalty applies (earlier debuff is overwritten).
The only way to get rid of a debuff is to use Nurse Heal/Medicate, Mystic Water or Revival Light. (If the character is down then revived, the debuff still applies.)
All enemies are suceptible to debuffs (even the Last Boss).
Note that Total Eclipse resets all stats for friends & foe, while Beast/Dark Wings and Type Changes (Byunei, Destroyer..) reset the enemy's stats only.
Note that Def-halving attacks cancel the immunity (def=128) that certain enemies have to a certain type of damage (def 128 -> 64).
Additional notes on the table below:
Debuff Name | Effect | Special |
Skull Crush (39) スカルクラッシュ Headsplitter | STR -5 | Crit: Skeleton E(44/4A): ibid. |
Bone Crush (4D) 骨砕き Bonecrusher | ||
Sparkling Mist (C3) スパークリングミスト | DEX -(WaterLV/3) | Target: All E(C3): LV/4 |
Gravity Break (51) 活殺重力破 Gravity Wave | SPD -5 | |
Super Gravity (BE) 超重力 Hypergravity | E(BE): ibid. | |
Heat Wave (C7) ヒートウェイヴ | Target: All E(C7): ibid. | |
*Spider Net (20) スパイダーネット Spiderweb | SPD -(SwordLV/5) | Spider/Spyder only. E (8C): LV/4 |
Niagara Buster (9E) ナイアガラバスター | CON -5 | Stun Crit: Fish. |
Sky Drive (42) スカイドライブ | CON -10 | |
Brain Split (Mace) (49) 脳天割り Skull Splitter | INT -3 | Sleep E(48): ibid. |
Id Break (84) イド・ブレイク | INT -5 | Confusion E(5D): ibid. |
*Fairy Arrow (8F) 妖精の矢 Faerie Arrow | INT WIL CHA -3 | Confusion, Silence Fairy/Faerie's Bow only. |
Evil Breaker (A0) 活殺破邪法 Evil Crush | INT WIL CHA -5 | Crit: Undead |
Beast God Stab (78) 活殺獣神衝 Divine Lancer | STR DEX SPD CON -5 | |
Reverse Throw (9F) 逆ー本 Reverse Slam | DEF -10 | Stun |
Meteor Kick (A2) 流星蹴り | ||
Shell Split (53) かめごうら割り Nutcracker | DEF /2 | Crit: Genryu |
Giant Swing (9B) ジャイアントスイング | ALL -(1∼5) | # of rotations 1∼5: Stun, Stun Self 3∼5: + Paralysis 5: + Insta-Death |
Rear Burn (27) やきごて Branding Iron | STR -5 | Crit: Skeleton E only. |
Flame (Single/All) (9B/9C) 火炎(単/全) Blaze | SPD -5 | E only. |
Hot Gas (A5/A6) 高温ガス(単/全) Scalding Gas | ||
Super Sonic (42) 超振動剣 Ultrasonic Wave | STR DEX -4 | Paralysis E only. |
Twine Around (Strong) (74) 巻き付き(強) | ||
Ming Wang Punch (9A) 明王拳 Pummel of Wisdom | INT WIL CHA -5 | Crit: Undead E only. |
Rat Fever (1B) ラットフィーバー | DEF /2 | E only. |
Elf Shot (1A) エルフショット Sylvan Shot | ALL -2 | E only. |
Elf Dart (61) エルフダート Sylvan Dart | ||
Blood Suck (Red) (78) 吸血(赤) Suck Blood | ||
HP Absorb (79) 体力吸収 | ||
Mega Suction (7B) メガサクション | ||
Beetlejuice (88) ビートルジュース | ||
Cold Air (Single/All) (9F/A0) 冷気(単/全) Frost |
See the Gameplay: Stats section for details about stats and LVs.
See the Techs section for details about each tech/skill.
See the Magic section for details about each spell.
See the Gameplay:CM section for details about FTechs and Fusion Spells.
Some skills ('built-in techs') are specific to particular weapons. See the Items section for details.
Lastly, for accuracy and effect activation chances, see the Techs:Accuracy Formulae section.