Note on the data sources:
Here is Endo's detailed original data-mined info about items [jp]:
It lists both player items and monster items (used by the devs to tweak monsters def & immunities, not listed below).
Note on item carrying capacity:
Your party can carry at most 48 items in the equipped slots (with restrictions) and 32 different sorts of items in the inventory.
In the inventory, unlike in the equipped slots, duplicates are aggregated (two Curve Swords count for two spaces if equipped but only for one if put in your inventory). This is important if you are far in a dungeon and about to run out of space in your inventory (try reorganizing and giving unique items to your characters, putting items with duplicates in your inventory). If you must, you can also discard items from your inventory.
Also, there are 3 storerooms where you can store (and from which you can take) your items.
They are located in Pidona (Pub basement), in Lance (basement of Anna's house) and in Loanne Castle (ground floor, lower-left, Mikhail only), all locations being apparently linked by magic (or a very long tunnel) since the totality of your stored items can be accessed from any storeroom.
You can store at most 9 of each of your weapons, armors and accessories, and at most 99 of each of your other items (usables).
From the start, Mikhail as a main character has several items at his disposal in his storeroom (Salve/Balm x20, Salve 2/Quality Balm x5, Soft/Depetrifier x5, Sand of Mars/Celestial Dust x5, Broad Sword/Broadsword x5, Silver Sword x1, Two-handed/Zweihander x3, Rapier x5, Long Spear x9, Amen Tomb/Amentum x1, Long/Longbow x5, Large/Great Shield x9, Knight/Knight's Shield x1, Knight/Knight's Armor x5, Soldier Suit x1, Full Face/Bascinet x9, Gauntlet/Steel Gauntlet x9, Leather Boots x9).
Technically, you may also store some of your items in the equipped slots of non-party members (about 200 slots in total)...
but the storerooms may prove more convenient ; )
Note that if your inventory is full you can Drop (throw away) items to make space, but they are not lost and will be found in your Storeroom!
This supposedly works anywhere except in Muse's Dream (items are lost).
Notes on items:
- One reason why grinding is completely superfluous in RS3 is that equipment makes all the difference. Really. If you are stuck against what seem like unbeatable enemies, you might have strayed in an endgame dungeon (e.g. the depths of Leonid's Castle). But most likely you are under-equipped and should buy yourself a few items (in Wilmington, for example). And if you are broke, here is where and when you can get money. If you have plenty of armor but are still stuck, know that each item has its specific defenses and immunities (see below), so maybe you should try equipping different items. (Also, using defensive formations like Tiger's Den/Tiger Ferocity or Genbu/Genbu Stance also helps a lot.)
- 'Undead Status' is caused by a few items (Death bow/Mortuus, Death Ring/Ring of Demise, true Dusk Robe/Twilight Robe). It means that the character cannot recover HP, nor be revived through HP recovery, from spells or techs (but HP regen & Reviver work).
- There are a few Abyss-elemental items (Dead Heart, Bone Ring, Bone Cross, fake & true Dusk Robe/Twilight Robe). They allow HP regen in Abyss magic environment (and prevent damage in Super-Abyss environment). Equipped Abyss items also halve the character's healing power to self or others (including Salves/Balms, even when used by the Commander from the Backpack). This penalty applies in all battle environments except Abyss (for the full list of default Abyss environments see this Note on Magic & Battle Environments) but this exception is unreliable, since Revival Light/Ray of Hope (Sun) & Moon Shine/Lunar Light (Moon) spells have a chance to change the battle environment (thus making the penalty apply again). The only way to take advantage of this exception would be to use built-in techs or the other, less potent, healing spells. See also this note on item-related HP regen.
- 'Fixed' items can never be unequipped/removed. With the exception of Bloody/Sanguinator (use Final Strike to break the item).
- For details on each built-in tech, see the Techs section.
- The official names of the 2019 Remaster Edition are found below the Japanese (and after slashes in the descriptions).
Each character has 4 'Hand' slots, which welcome weapons and shields alike (only 1 shield allowed).
- Shields do not activate when 2-handed weapons/techs or magic spells are used (except for Zo/Rukh).
- 'Drop', for weapons, indicates enemy item drop and usually possible Steal (cf. Enemy List).
- 'Steal' indicates that the weapon can only be stolen with the Greatsword Barehand Catch/Disarm skill, which requires at least one empty Hand slot to have chances to succeed. Only the weapons of specific enemies can be stolen with the Stealing Hands/Disarm tech. For the complete list of stealable weapons and details about the tech, see this specific Note in the Monster page.
Note about battle-transformable items Seven Star/Triones Blade, Triple/Triumvirate, Masquerade, Training Cane/Bladed Cane: if you use the built-in tech of those items (some you must spark first), the item takes its alternate form for the duration of the battle only. The Seven Star/Triones Blade is the only one that can revert to its original form during the same battle (Starstream tech).
Sorted by Attack Power.

Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Long Sword (08) 長剣 Longsword | 8 | - |
Drop/Steal: Skeleton Shops: Farce/Faros, Lance, Wilmington (100G) | 2 |
Curve Sword (0B) 三日月刀 (Curved) Crescent Blade | 12 |
Demi Rune/Demilune >> Demi Echo/Demilune Echo |
Drop/Steal: various Shops: Mules/Myules & Mung/Muenge (400G) | 2 |
Broad Sword (09) ブロードソード Broadsword | 14 | - |
Introductions Mikhail's Storeroom Drop: Draconian, Skeleton, Thief/Burglar Steal: Skeleton, Thief/Burglar Shops: Loanne, Pidona, Stanley, Wilmington (600G) | 2 |
Bloody (0D) ブラッディソード Sanguinator | 19 |
Final Strike (fixed item once equipped) |
Chest: Dead Man's Well, Leonid's Castle/Castle Leonid, Kings Capital/City of Kings Drop/Steal: Scare Head/Haunted Skull, Sword God/Bladewraith, Krypton/Crypton, Hobgoblin, Lizardman, Great Thief/Carmine (1000G) | 7 |
Spider (0E) スパイダーソード Spyder | 20 |
Spider Net/Spiderweb Blade Net |
Chest: Devil King/Archfiend Palace Drop: Lizardman Steal: Lizardman, Scare Head/Haunted Skull (2000G) | 2 |
Falchion (0C) ファルシオン (Curved) | 23 |
Demi Rune/Demilune >> Demi Echo/Demilune Echo |
Workshop (2000 + Curve Sword/Crescent Blade) | 2 |
Silver Sword (0A) 白銀の剣 | 25 | - |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shops: Librof/Ryblov, Wilmington, Yamas/Yarmouth (4000G) | 2 |
Screamer (0F) スクリーマー | 28 | Scare Voice, Final Strike |
Chest: Rotten Sea Ruins Drop/Steal: Sword God/Bladewraith (5000G) | 2 |
Evil Eye (10) イビルアイ | 34 |
Ice Stare/Icy Stare Charm Stare/Enchanting Gaze |
Workshop (9999G + Witch's Eye) | 2 |
Seven Star (13) 七星剣 Triones Blade | 35 |
Starburst/Supernova: changes into Seven Star (2) |
Get after defeating Maximus (10G) | 2 |
Invoker (12) 降魔の剣 Demon Slayer | 39 | Final Strike |
Drop: Ming Wang/Vidyaraja (8000G) | 2 |
Kamsheen (16) カムシーン (Curved) Khamsin | 41 |
Demi Rune/Demilune >> Demi Echo/Demilune Echo |
Kings Capital/City of Kings (9999G) | 2 |
Dragon Scale (11) 竜鱗の剣 Dragon Scale Blade | 43 | - |
Workshop (9999G + Drgn Scales/Dragon Scale) | 2 |
LV Seven Star (4C) 七星剣 Triones Blade | 60 |
Starstream (and changes back to Seven Star/Triones (1)) | - | 2 |

Note about the Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade
The Ice Sword (Re: Everfrost Blade) is a special weapon. It has a powerful hit-all tech and provides a permanent magic shield counter (like Fire/Flame Mantle) which will activate if directly hit by a physical attack (if your character has not played then, they lose their turn: the Ice Sword is better effectively used by fast characters). But the real peculiarity of the Ice Sword is that in fact it acts as a piece of armor with 128 def vs Cold, 'negating' all damage against Cold attacks (Megasuction, Suck Blood (Pink), Final Strike, Maelstrom, Frost), just like the Flame Mantle 'negates' (in fact 128 def vs Hot) all Fire attacks. This is particularly important against certain bosses (see these notes on a solo playthrough). Additionally, on SFC, it is used for the 9999 Counter Dmg Bug and for the Perfect Magic Shield Bug.
Remaster only: Note that equipping the Everfrost Blade prevents counter techs activation (including Disarm).
Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Big Sword (14) 大剣 Greatsword | 10 | - |
Drop/Steal: Belladonna Shops: Farce/Faros, Loanne, Wilmington (200G) | 2 |
Yoto Ryuko (1C) 妖刀龍光 (Katana) Exorciser | 13 |
(Battle Undead enemies >>) Exorcist/Exorcising Slash | Workshop (600G) | 4 |
Bastard Sword (17) バスタードソード | 17 | (Can use Sword techs) | Workshop (500G) | 3 |
Two Handed (15) ツヴァイハンダー Zweihander | 18 | - |
Mikhail's Storeroom Drop: Barbarian, Arake Demon/Alloces's Ogre Steal: Barbarian, Belladonna, Arake Demon/Alloces's Ogre Shops: Pidona, Stanley, Zweig (850G) | 4 |
Victory (19) 東方不敗 (Katana) Invincible East | 27 | - |
Steal: Alve/Alv, Ogre Batt/Ogre Warrior Shop: Xuan (2000G) | 4 |
Triple (1D) トリプルソード Triumvirate | 33 | Dancing Sword (transforms into Triple Epee) |
Steal: Giant (6660G) | 4 |
Masquerade (4D) マスカレイド | 35 |
Moulin Rouge (Can use Sword techs) | (Transformed Masquerade Epee) (10G) | 1 |
Flamberge (18) フランベルジュ | 34 | - | Workshop (4500G) | 4 |
Ice Sword (1B) 氷の剣 Everfrost Blade | 40 |
Misty Ice/Arctic Rush Permanent Freeze Wall/Frigid Veil Counter |
Ice Galaxy (10G) | 3 |
Beauty (1A) 月下美人 (Katana) Gekkabijin | 43 | - |
Drop/Steal2: Alve (7000G) | 3 |

Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Hand Axe (1E) 手斧 | 9 | (Tomahawk >>) Yoyo/Yo-yo | Shops: Kidlanto/Kyrdlund, Mules/Myules, Lance, Podol/Podorui (85G) | 3 |
Battle Axe (1F) 戦斧 Gothic Axe | 21 | - |
Drop/Steal: Afkar/Edimmu, Barbarian Shops: Xuan City & Yamas/Yarmouth (1600G) | 4 |
Francisca (21) フランシスカ | 25 | (Tomahawk >>) Yoyo/Yo-yo |
Workshop (4000 + Hand axe) | 3 |
Viking (22) バイキングアクス Viking Axe | 27 | Genghis Khan/Ironside Wrath |
Herman initial equip Chest: Herman's Treasure Cave Drop/Steal: Arake Demon/Alloces's Ogre (800G) | 4 |
Buster (24) バスターアクス Buster Axe | 30 | Final Strike |
Drop: Minotaur, Afkar/Edimmu Steal: Minotaur (4600G) | 4 |
Hawkwind (23) ホークウインド Falconwind | 34 | (Tomahawk >>) Orbit Borer/Reverse Orbit |
Chest: Rotten Sea Ruins (4800G) | 3 |
Brover (20) ブローヴァ Bullova | 36 | - | Workshop (6400G) | 4 |
Devil King (25) 魔王の斧 Archfiend's Axe | 42 |
TP/MP Cost x2 Final Strike (Axe comes back after battle) |
Get after defeating Maximus (1332G) | 5 |
Note: It is possible to 'lose' the Devil King Axe/Archfiend's Axe. Equip the DK Axe, a Greatsword (and the Stealing Hands tech), a random weapon and the Holy Grail. Battle an enemy from whom you can steal a weapon. First use the DK Axe's Final Strike, regain TP and Steal the enemy's weapon and win the battle: the DK Axe has nowhere to go back to...

Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Bat. Hammer (26) バトルハンマー Warhammer | 8 | - |
Poet/Minstrel & Nora initial equip MC if Favorite Weapon (80G) | 2 |
Life Cane (2E) 生命の杖 Staff of Vivacity | 10 |
Power Heal Shatter Staff |
Mikhail & Tiberius initial equip Chest: Podol/Podorui Cave, Ancient Ruins/Temple Ruins, Divine Tower/Archlord Tower, Huang City (2000G) | 1 |
Rune Staff (2D) ルーンの杖 Runic Staff | 13 |
Spell Enhance/Acuity Shatter Staff |
Chest: Divine Tower/Archlord Tower, Leonid's Castle/Castle Leonid [Remaster: Drop/Steal: Crypt Elder] (2000G) | 1 |
Club (29) 棍棒 Cudgel | 15 | - |
Chest: Offering Cave/Sacrificial Cave Drop: Torcher/Torturer, Trentino/Treantino Drop/Steal: Goblin, Dobi/Dobby Shop: Ake/Ache (20G) | 4 |
Training Cane (2F) 仕込み杖 Bladed Cane | 16 |
Draw Sword/Quick Draw >> Swallow Hit/Reverse Swallow (once per battle, changes into an Epee for the rest of the battle) |
Chest: Herman Treasure Cave Herman initial equip (5000G) | 1 |
Golden Bat (2B) ゴールデンバット | 19 |
Escape Out/Stealthy Swing Midas Hand/Midas Touch | Workshop (4000G) | 2 |
Glory Staff (2C) 栄光の杖 Staff of Glory | 20 | Bless |
Get after defeating Maximus Drop/Steal: Crypt Elder (SFC only) (10G) | 1 |
Twister (27) ツイスター | 22 | - |
Steal: Strong Demon/Colossus, War Demon/Juggernaut Undine & Fullbright initial equip (1800G) | 2 |
Slit Hammer (2A) スリッジハンマー Sledgehammer | 30 | - |
Kings' Capital/City of Kings Drop/Steal: Strong Demon/Colossus, War Demon/Juggernaut, Ogre (2700G) | 6 |

Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Foil (30) フルーレ Fleuret | 7 | - | Shops: Loanne, Wilmington (90G) | 1 |
Masquerade (24) マスカレイド | 9 |
Awakening (transforms into Masquerade BSword) |
Get after defeating Maximus (10G) | 1 |
Training Cane (4E) 仕込み杖 Bladed Cane | 10 |
(Transformed Training Cane/Bladed Cane Staff) (Can use Sword techs) | x | 1 |
Nitingale (36) ナイチンゲール Nightingale | 12 | Nurse Heal |
Chest: Fire Palace/Fire Fortress (1400G) | 1 |
Rapier (31) レイピア | 13 | (Can use Sword techs) |
Mikhail's Storeroom Drop/Steal: Mushroom/Funghoul Shops: Loanne, Pidona, Wilmington (450G) | 1 |
Silver Foil (35) シルバーフルーレ Silver Fleuret | 17 | Were Buster/Hunter's Fury | Workshop (1000G) | 1 |
Triple (38) トリプルソード Triumvirate | 22 | (Transformed Triple/Triumvirate Gsword) | x | 1 |
Gladius (33) グラディウス | 23 | (Can use Sword techs) | Workshop (2300G) | 1 |
Estoc (32) エストック | 28 | - |
Shops: Loanne, Wilmington, Yamas Mikhail starting equip (5000G) | 1 |
Kris Naga (37) クリスナーガ | 37 | Snake Sword/Serpentsvard | Workshop (9999G + Meteo Frag/Meteorite Shard) | 1 |

Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Long Spear (39) ロングスピア | 11 | - |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shop: Farce/Faros (250G) | 4 |
Partisan (3B) パルチザン | 15 | Tri Shooter/Triple Shot | Workshop (500G) | 4 |
Halberd (3C) ハルベルト | 20 | Swing/Reaper | Workshop (1000G) | 4 |
Lucerne (3E) ルツェルンガード Lucem Guard | 23 | Tri-Shooter |
Drop/Steal: Lizard Lord/Lizardman Lord, Nixie Shop: Vanguard (2400G) | 4 |
Amen Tomb (3A) アーメントゥーム Amentum | 27 | - |
Mikhail's Storeroom Drop: Lizard Lord / Lizardman Lord Drop/Steal: Soldier Frog/Rana Soldier, Alef/Aleph Shops: Stanley, Yamas/Yarmouth, Zweig (4600G) | 4 |
Will Spear (3F) ウィルスピア Spontoon | 30 | Psycho Buster/Psychic Burst |
Divine Tower/Archlord Tower (8000G) | 4 |
Beastman (40) 獣人の槍 Therian Spear | 34 | Swing/Reaper |
Drop/Steal: Ogre Lord (9000G) | 4 |
Holy King (41) 聖王の槍 Matriarch's Spear | 37 | Victory Song/Paean of Victory |
Get after defeating Maximus (10G) | 2 |
B. Lancer (3D) ('B.' = Blitz) ブリッツランサー Blitz Lance | 38 | Tri-Shooter/Triple Shot | Workshop (4000G + Partisan) | 4 |
Dragon Spear (42) 竜槍スマウグ Sm'augg | 45 |
Swing/Reaper >> Round Slicer |
Drop: Dragon Rulers/Lords (9999G) | 4 |

Name | Atk | Built-in Techs / Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Hunter (43) 狩人の弓 Hunting Bow | 7 | - | Shops: Justerm, Kidlanto/Kyrdlund, Lance, Podol/Podorui, Mung/Muenge Village (55G) | 3 |
Mikhail's Storeroom Long (44) 長弓 Longbow | 15 | - |
Introductions Shops: Libroff/Ryblov, Mules/Myules, Mung/Muenge Village, Pidona, Vanguard, Zweig (580G) | 5 |
Elder (46) エルダーボウ Elderwood Bow | 22 | - |
Chest: Zelnam's Den/Zelnam Haunt, Devil King/Archfiend Palace (2000G) | 3 |
Canary (47) カナリアの弓 Canaria Bow | 25 | Resona Weep/Resonance Weep | Workshop (2400G) | 3 |
Catalpa (45) あずさ弓 Sacred Bow | 26 | - |
Zhi Ling starting equip Shops: Mung/Muenge Village, Xuan (3900G) | 4 |
Dobi (4B) ドビーの弓 Composite Bow | 27 |
(Quick Arrow/Quick Nock >>) Death Arrow/Deathshot |
Drop/Steal: Dobi/Dobby, Master Dobi/Dobby Don (8400G) | 6 |
Fairy (48) 妖精の弓 Faeries' Bow | 30 | Fairy Arrow/Faerie Arrow |
Holy King/Matriarch Trials (55G) | 1 |
Enhanced (4A) 強化弓 Reinforced Bow | 34 | - |
Drop/Steal: Master Dobi/Dobby Don Workshop (8600G) | 6 |
Death (49) 死の弓 Mortuus | 42 | Undead Status | Workshop (9999G + Death Frag) | 5 |
Note: Battle Weapon Icons
In battle, most weapons are represented by a generic weapon, but a few have variants for special weapons.
Sometimes the icon just looks different, but it is just the various character designs that reveal more or less of the weapon icon, like so (hover your mouse cursor on the following image to see the difference):

Each character has 4 'Body' slots, which welcome pieces of Armor and Accessories.
(Some characters have unremoveable equipment that takes one slot.)
Exception: Shields use 'Hand' slots (4 slots, shared with weapons, only 1 shield allowed).
Note: Shields don't activate when 2-handed weapons/techs or magic spells are used (except for Zo).
In the 4 Body slots, there can only be at most 1 Armor, 1 Shirt, 1 Helmet, 1 Gauntlet, 1 Boots.
Wearing a Suit prevents from wearing Armor, Helmet, Gauntlet or Boots.
With a Dusk Robe, you can only equip Accessories.
Note on Defenses and Immunities:
The defenses categories are: Slash Hit Pierce Shot / Hot Cold Bolt Status.
Their value go from 0 to 128.
This means that there are not 2 def values only (physical and magical, as the Select Menu seems to suggest) but 8 in total.
There are only 3 items (Eternal Ice/Everfrost Crystal , Fire/Flame Mantle, Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade) with specific def values of 128 (respectively Hot & Cold / Hot / Cold), probably to remedy the fact that there is no 'Fire / Cold immunity' item parameter.
Immunities, on the other hand, are either a yes or no, and render immune to:
- specific Status ailments: Death (Insta-Death), Stone, Paralysis, Sleep, Dark (Blind), Mind (Confusion), Poison, Stun.
- specific attack attributes: Water, Throw, Sonic, Stare, Ground (Flying Status).
Defense & Immunity parameters are unrelated to the ability to regen HP in a specific battle magic environment (noted below as 'X env.: HP regen'), which seems to be a hidden (magic) parameter and is usually logically hinted to in the name of the item (e.g. Lake Armor allows HP regen in Water environment).
Note on Item Def Strengths and Weaknesses:
Item strong (+) against something (blue circle in-game) = def value is doubled (except when Hit is the only +: 50% bonus)
Very strong (++) (double blue circle) = tripled
Extremely strong (+++) (ibid.) = 128
Weak (-) (red triangle) = halved
Very weak (--) (red X) = 0
E.G.: Star Trail 32 / 24, Pierce- Shot- Bolt- = 32 Def vs Slash Hit, 16 vs Pierce Shot, 24 vs Heat Cold Status, 12 vs Bolt.
E.G.: Leather (Armor) 9 / 4 Hit+ = 9 Def vs Slash Pierce Arrow, 13 vs Hit, 4 vs Heat Cold Bolt Status.
Equipped items don't affect one another (def values just stack, immunities just apply), with the exception of HP regen in a specific environment (there is an item priority order: see this Note).
Some enemy attacks have more than one attribute: the weaker def value is taken into account.
But Shields can block if any of the attributes of the attack is on its def list.
Sorted by total Def (Def + M Def)
Except Shields, sorted in data order.

Note about the Devil King Shield
The Devil King Shield (Archfiend's Shield) sets up a Magic Shield that overrides and prevents any other Magic Shield (Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade Counter, Water Ball/Column, Dancing Leaves, Feather Seal, Self Burning/Immolation, Reviver, Illusion Sun/Parhelion, Shadow Servant, Dragon God Descent). Stat-boosting magics seem to work all right. As a Magic Shield, it can activate while its user attacks with 2-handed weapons, casts spells, or is temporarily unable to act (Paralized, etc.). As an item, the DKS behaves like a shield (hand slot only, cannot equip another shield) but does not count as one for the Silver Hand, which works as intended with the DKS equipped.
Note about Shields
Beside the special case of the Devil King Shield, there are, in Japanese, two sorts of shields: 'Shields' (盾) that if activated add extra Defense, and 'Guards' (ガード) that if activated nullify the attack (Evade).
Name | Block Def | Activation% | Type |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Small (50) 小盾 Small Shield | 10 | 40 | Cut Hit Stab Shot |
Introductions Shops: Loanne, Stanley, Wilmington (80G) | 3 |
Large (51) 大盾 Great Shield | 16 | 40 | Cut Hit Stab Shot |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shops: Faros, Wilmington, Zweig (300G) | 3 |
Knight (52) 騎士の盾 Knight's Shield | 20 | 40 | Cut Hit Stab Shot |
Mikhail's Storeroom Drop: Alef/Aleph Shops: Pidona, Wilmington, Yamas/Yarmouth (1200G) | 3 |
Spike (53) スパイクシールド Spiked Shield | 18 | 35 |
Cut Hit Stab Shot Tech: Shield Rush/Bash |
Herman's starting equip Chest: Herman's Treasure Cave, Limit Island/World's End Drop: Ogre Batt/Ogre Warrior (450G) | 3 |
Flame Beast (54) 炎獣の盾 Ignus Shield | 20 | 35 | Cut Hit Stab Shot Hot | Workshop (1600G + Flame Beast Armor/Ignus Leather) | 3 |
Water Mirror (55) 水鏡の盾 | 30 | 40 |
Cut Hit Stab Shot Hot Cold Bolt Stat | Drop: Mys Dragon/Genryu, Zera Beetle (6000G) | 3 |
Dragon Scale (56) 竜鱗の盾 Dragon Scale Shield | 35 | 35 |
Cut Hit Stab Shot Hot Cold Bolt | Workshop (9999G + Drgnscales Accessory/Dragon Scale) | 3 |
Devil King (57) 魔王の盾 Archfiend's Shield | Evade | (20?) |
MagShield vs. Cut Hit Stab Shot Hot Cold Bolt Stat Magic dmg +25% TP/MP Cost x2 |
Drop: Death Master (1332G) | 5 |
Light (58) ライトガード Heater | Evade | 15 | Cut Hit Stab |
Shops: Kidlanto/Kyrdlund, Mules/Myules (60G) | 1 |
Smart (59) スマートガード Rondache | Evade | 20 | Cut Hit Stab | Shops: Lance, Rashkuta (240G) | 1 |
Excel (5A) エクセルガード Sterling Shield | Evade | 30 | Cut Hit Stab | Workshop (1000G) | 1 |
Buckler (5B) バックラー | Evade | 18 | Cut Hit Stab |
Paul initial equip Drop: Soldier Frog/Rana Soldier, Warrior Frog/Rana Warrior, Brother/Bruiser, Hobgoblin, Scare Head/Haunted Skull (40G) | 1 |
Earth (5D) アースガード Earthen Guard | Evade | 25 | Cut Hit Stab Bolt | Workshop (2000G) | 1 |
Will (5E) ウィルガード Willguard | Evade | 20 |
Cut Hit Stab Shot Hot Cold Bolt Stat |
Chest: Rotten Sea Ruins (3000G) | 3 |
Wonder Bangle (5F) ワンダーバングル Wondrous Bangle | Evade | 99 | Shot |
Chest: Devil King/Archfiend Palace Drop: Medusa, Lilith (1800G) | 1 |

Name | Def / MDef | Resistances | Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Leather (90) 革鎧 Leather Armor | 9 / 4 | Hit+ | - |
Introductions Shops: Podol/Podorui, Kidlanto/Kyrdlund (180G) | 2 |
Bone Breast (77) ボーンブレスト Bone Breastplate | 18 / 10 | Pierce-- Shot-- Hot-- | - | Drop: Skeleton, Sword God/Bladewraith (2G) | 1 |
Soldier (60) 兵士の鎧 Squire's Armor | 14 / 6 | Bolt- | - | Shops: Loanne, Zweig (550G) | 6 |
Magician (98) 術士のローブ Caster's Robe | 8 / 12 | - | INT/MAG +1 | Shops: Lance, Vanguard (1200G) | 0 |
Hard Leather (91) リジッドレザー Rigid Leather | 13 / 6 | Hit+ | - | Shops: Justerm, Mules/Myules (430G) | 2 |
Knight (61) 騎士の鎧 Knight's Armor | 18 / 8 | Bolt- | - |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shops: Pidona, Yamas/Yarmouth (1000G) | 6 |
Crocodile (97) ワニ革の鎧 | 18 / 7 | Hit+ Cold-- | - |
Chest: Rotten Sea Ruins Shops: Ake/Ache (1400G) | 3 |
Flame Beast (73) 炎獣の革 Ignus Leather | 12 / 12 | Hot+ | Fire env.: HP regen |
Chest: Volcano's House, Fire Fortress Drop: Cerberus, Chimera (500G) | 2 |
Sorcerer (99) 道士のローブ Ascetic's Robe | 12 / 15 | - | INT/MAG +2 | Shops: Rashkuta, Xuan (2600G) | 0 |
Magic Beast (74) 魔獣の革 Morax Leather | 16 / 13 | Stat- | Moon env.: HP regen |
Chest: Limit Island/World's End, Crystal Ruins Drop: Nue, [Re: Sphinx, Taotie] (750G) | 2 |
Lobster (87) ロブスターメイル Lobster Mail | 25 / 5 | Hit- Status+ |
Immune: Water Water magic dmg + 25% |
Boston fixed armor (10G) | 0 |
Fish Scale (64) 魚鱗の鎧 Scale Armor | 20 / 10 | Bolt- | Immune: Water | Workshop (1800G + Fishscales/Fish Scale) | 6 |
Lake (9A) 湖水のローブ Lagoon Robe | 14 / 18 | - |
INT/MAG +1 Immune: Water Water env.: HP regen |
Undine initial equip Chest: Undine's house | 0 |
Silver Trail (62) シルバーチェイル Silver Mail | 22 / 16 | Pierce- Shot- | Immune: Sonic | Shops: Librof/Ryblov, Wilmington (2200G) | 4 |
Hidora (75) ヒドラ革 Hydra Leather | 20 / 10 | Hot+ | - | Drop: Dragonpansy/Pythos, Hidona/Pyrohydra, [Re: Zahhak] | 6 |
Brigandy (92) ブリガンディ Brigandi | 22 / 9 | Hit+ | - | Shops: Mung+Muenge Village, Vanguard (2400G) | 2 |
Beast Leather (95) ビーストレザー Bestial Leather | 21 / 16 | Hit+ Stat- | Moon env.: HP regen | Workshop (2000G + Magic Beast/Morax Leather) | 2 |
Lord (68) ロードアーマー Lordly Armor | 24 / 18 | Bolt- | - |
Mikhail initial equip (3000G) | 5 |
B. Dragon (6B) 蒼龍の鎧 Soryu Armor | 20 / 20 | - |
Immune: Sonic Wind env.: HP regen | Drop: Byuni Dog/Buné's Hound (10G) | 5 |
Sea Tortoise (6E) 玄武の鎧 Genbu Armor | 30 / 10 | - |
Immune: Water Water env.: HP regen |
Chest: Undersea Palace (10G) | 5 |
White Tiger (6D) 白虎の鎧 Byakko Armor | 25 / 15 | - |
Immune: Throw Earth env.: HP regen |
Chest: Devil King/Archfiend Palace (10G) | 5 |
Firebird (6C) 朱鳥の鎧 Shucho Armor | 15 / 25 | - |
Immune: Ground (Flying) Fire env.: HP regen |
Chest: Fire Palace/Fortress (10G) | 5 |
Star (65) 星辰の鎧 Celestial Armor | 27 / 16 | Bolt- | INT/MAG +2 |
Workshop (5500G + Meteo Frag) | 6 |
Fire (9B) 陽炎のローブ Sunflare Robe | 22 / 16 | Hot+ |
INT/MAG & WIL +1 Sun magic dmg +25% |
Drop: Enabler (4400G) | 0 |
Dusk Robe (Fake) (9E) 宵闇のローブ Twilight Robe | 42 / 42 |
Slash- Hit- Pierce- Shot- Hot-- Status-- |
Abyss Elemental |
Chest: Leonid Castle Drop: Reaper, Nosferan/Nosferatu (10G) | 0 |
War God (69) 武神の鎧 Bujin Armor | 35 / 8 | - | - |
Chest: Kings' Capital/City of Kings Shop: Xuan City (9999G) | 7 |
Stardust (9D) 星くずのローブ Stardust Robe | 18 / 21 | Bolt+ | CON/STA & INT/MAG +1 |
Chest: Maximus's Hideout/Base Drop: Mad Jester, [Re: Yama] (4200G) | 0 |
Star Trail (67) スターチェイル Star Mail | 32 / 24 | Pierce- Shot- Bolt- | INT/MAG +1 |
Chest: Crystal Ruins (9000G) | 4 |
White Silver (63) 白銀の鎧 Silver Armor | 28 / 18 | - | Immune: Sonic | Workshop (6000G + Silver Trail/Silver Mail) | 4 |
Fire Mantle (88) 炎のマント Flame Mantle | 8 / 10 | Hot+++ | Permanent Self-Burning (counter) |
Drop: Aunas/Aunus (3000G) | 0 |
Moon (9C) 月白のローブ Moonlight Robe | 14 / 27 | Cold+ |
INT/MAG +2 Moon magic dmg + 25% | Drop: Invoker/Evoker | 0 |
Gold Dragon (6F) 黄龍の鎧 Koryu Armor | 25 / 25 | - |
All Stats +1 Immune: Insta Death |
Chest: Huang City (10G) | 5 |
Devil King (66) 魔王の鎧 Archfiend's Armor | 20 / 40 | - |
All Stats +1 Immune: Water, Throw, Sonic, Stare TP/MP Cost x2 | Drop: Devil King/Archfiend Armor (1332G) | 5 |
Hid. Leather (96) ヒドラレザー Hydraskin Vest | 32 / 18 | Hit+ Hot+ | Immune: Poison | Workshop (8000G + Hidora/Hydra Leather) | 2 |
Dragon Scale (6A) 竜鱗の鎧 Dragon Scale Coat | 37 / 15 | Hot+ Cold+ Bolt+ | - | Workshop (9999G + Drgn Scales/Dragon Scale) | 6 |
Dusk Robe (9F) 宵闇のローブ Twilight Robe | 42 / 42 | Hot-- |
Immune: Stare/Gaze, Death Paralyze Sleep Dark Mind Poison Abyss Elemental Undead Status HP regen |
Leonid fixed equip (allows only accessories) (10G) | 0 |

Name | Def / MDef | Resistances | Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Headband (B4) ヘッドバンド | 1 / 6 | - | INT/MAG +1 | Workshop (400G) | 0 |
Knight (B5) ナイトキャップ Nightcap | 3 / 4 | - | Immune: Sleep | Workshop (1000G) | 0 |
Full Face (B0) フルフェイス Bascinet | 6 / 3 | Hit+ | Immune: Dark |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shop: Loanne (150G) | 2 |
Psycho (B2) サイコメット Psychic Hat | 8 / 1 | Hit+ |
INT/MAG +1 Immune: Dark | Mung/Muenge Village | 2 |
Horned (B3) 角かぶと Horned Cap | 9 / 3 | Hit+ | Immune: Dark |
Drop: Brother/Bruiser, Hobgoblin, Scare Head/Haunted Skull Shops: Mules/Myules, Xuan (240G) | 2 |
Evil Mask (B6) 邪眼のマスク | 5 / 10 | - | Immune: Stare/Gaze |
Workshop (1500G + Witch's Eye) | 0 |
Close (B1) クロースヘルム Closed Helm | 10 / 5 | Hit+ | Immune: Dark | Shops: Wilmington, Zweig (560G) | 2 |
Holy King (B7) 聖王のかぶと Matriarch's Helm | 8 / 8 | Hit+ | Immune: Dark, Mind |
Holy King/Matriarch's Trials (10G) | 2 |

Name | Def / MDef | Resistances | Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Tunic (A8) チュニック | 4 / 2 | - | - | Shops: Podol/Podorui, Kidlanto/Kyrdlund (70G) | 0 |
Silk (A9) シルティーク(???) Silk Shirt | 3 / 3 | Cold+ | CHA/2 for males, Boston & Snowman | Monica, Katarina, Muse, Undine initial equip | 0 |
Scarf (86) フラワースカーフ Floral Scarf | 1 / 7 | - |
Immune: Stun, Ground Wind env.: HP regen | Fairy fixed equip (10G) | 0 |
Cotton (72) サラサのシャツ Loose Shirt | 3 / 6 | - | Allows shield activation even with 2-handed weapons | Zo/Rukh fixed equip (10G) | 1 |
Demon Belt (AD) 羅刹のベルト (6D) Raksha Belt | 6 / 6 | - |
CON/STA +1 CHA/2 for females (except Fairy), Boston, Snowman | Chest: Devil King/Archfiend Palace Drop: Demon/Raksha, Evil Demon/Evil Ogre, Minotaur, Strong Demon/ColossusWar Demon/Juggernaut (1000G) | 0 |
Martial (AA) 武道着 Budo Gi | 9 / 5 | - | - |
Robin, Nora, Shonen/Young Boy, Zhi Ling initial equip Drop: Demon/Raksha, Evil Demon/Evil Ogre Shop: Xuan City (380G) | 0 |
Fur Vest (AB) 毛皮のベスト | 7 / 6 | Cold+ | - | Shop: Justerm, Kidlanto/Kyrdlund (440G) | 0 |
Nut (AE) ナッツのチョッキ (6E) Achene Gilet | 8 / 12 | Status- | - |
Chest: Maximus's Hideout/Lair Drop: Imp, Nuts/Achene (640G) | 0 |
E. Martial (AF) 強化道着 (6F) Padded Gi | 14 / 9 | - | - | Workshop (1800G + Martial) | 0 |

Note about the Silver Hand
- Equipped with Silver Hand / Silver Glove, Sharl/Charl stats go up (STR/DEX: from 5/3 to 21/19 on SFC, 23/19 on Remaster).
- For all other characters, it allows two attacks per turn (conditions: one-handed weapons only + no shield equipped + no hit-all tech): the chosen attack or tech (main), and an extra, normal attack (but more powerful) of the weapon either in the next slot if your main was in slot 1, or in the 1st slot if your main was in slots other than 1 (including kungfu). If you have only one weapon equipped and use it as main, this will be the only one attack (but if you use Kungfu as main, your only equipped weapon will be the sub).
- The Devil King Shield being a magic shield, it is compatible with the use & activation of the Silver Hand.
- Visually, the sub weapon plays first, then the main weapon.
- With long-ranged one-handed techs like Tomahawk as main, close-ranged weapons as sub also hit at long range.
- The roll to determine if the sub-weapon attack hits occurs only after a hit by the main weapon is decided. Hence, if the main weapon attack is evaded (Shield-Block), the sub-weapon will miss too. This also means that an attack that normally cannot be Shield-Blocked (like Epee regular attack) can be blocked if used as sub and if the main attack was Shield-Blocked.
- Skill level-up and tech sparking occurs for the main weapon only.
- Silver-handed Trim bug.
- Remaster Edition: New bugs when an Insta-Kill tech succeeds (this main attack plays first and will repeat to the next enemy as long as Insta-Death activates or until there are no more enemies), when using Golden Bat (can be hit even though invisible), or when the sub-weapon misses (in fact the main weapon misses; may be related to the following glitch). New visual glitch: the sub weapon may seem to cause the effects of the main weapon (e.g. Knee Split main & Club sub: Club goes first and seems to be able to Stun).
Name | Def / MDef | Resistances | Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Shell Blazer (BA) シェルブレーサー Shell Bracers | 6 / 3 | - | DEX +1 |
Chest: Podol Cave/Podorui Cave Shop: Librof/Ryblov (800G) | 0 |
Gauntlet (B8) ガントレット Steel Gauntlet | 7 / 4 | - | - |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shop: Farce/Faros, Loanne, Zweig (200G) | 1 |
Bone Ring (BE) 骨の腕輪 (Bone Bracelet) Bone Bangles | 8 / 8 | Shot-- Hot-- |
INT/MAG +1 Abyss-elemental | Drop: Abyss Drake/Abyssal Drake, Bone Drake (10G) | 2 |
Power Glove (BB) パワーグラブ Power Gloves | 9 / 5 | - | + 2 STR | Workshop (1200G) | 1 |
Duel Master (BC) デュエルマスター Duelmaster | 7 / 7 | - | STR & DEX +1 | Chest: Huang City (1600G) | 1 |
Silver Hand (BF) 銀の手 Silver Glove | 7 / 7 | - |
Sharl special equip. On others, conditionally allows two attacks per turn (see Note above). |
Chest: Muse's Dream (10G) | 1 |
Vambrace (B9) ヴァンブレイス Vambraces | 12 / 5 | - | - | Shop: Wilmington (900G) | 1 |
Ghost Hand (BD) 鬼神小手 (Demon God Gauntlet) Wargod Bracers | 16 / 4 | - | - | Chest: Kings' Capital/City of Kings (1800G) | 2 |

Name | Def / MDef | Resistances | Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Leather (C0) 革のブーツ Leather Boots | 4 / 3 | - | - |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shops: Justerm, Kidlanto/Kyrdlund, Mules/Myules, Podol/Podorui, Stanley, Xuan (80G) | 1 |
Hurricane (C4) 疾風のくつ Cyclone Shoes | 1 / 6 | - | SPD +2 | Chest: Kings' Capital/City of Kings (2600G) | 0 |
Clown (C3) 道化のくつ Jester's Shoes | 4 / 4 | - | CHA +1 |
Drop: Mad Jester (2000G) | 1 |
Holy King (C7) 聖王ブーツ Matriarch's Boots | 7 / 7 | - |
Immune: Stun Random first strike |
Holy King/Matriarch Trials (10G) | 5 |
Feather (C6) フェザーブーツ Feathered Boots | 5 / 12 | - |
SPD +2 Immune: Ground (Flying Status) |
Workshop (3000G + Tiny Feather/Avi's Feather) | 1 |
Plastic (C5) ラバーソウル Rubber Soles | 3 / 10 | Bolt++ | SPD +1 | Workshop (800G) | 1 |
Power (C1) 神威のブーツ Divine Boots | 12 / 7 | - | - | Chest: Huang City (980G) | 1 |

Name | Def / MDef | Resistances | Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Soldier (A0) ソルジャースーツ Soldier Suit | 25 / 10 | Bolt- | Immune: Dark |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shop: Zweig (2700G) | 13 |
Enhanced (A2) 強化装甲 Reinforced Armor | 26 / 14 | Hit- Cold- | Immune: Dark |
Drop: Alef/Aleph, Berserker, Bugger/Buggah (3500G) | 12 |
Protect (A1) プロテクトスーツ Protective Suit | 30 / 16 | Bolt- | Immune: Dark | Workshop (4000G) | 13 |
Mobile (A6) 機動装甲 (like Mobile Armor Gundam!) Mobile Armor | 32 / 24 | Cold- |
Immune: Dark Flight status |
Workshop (7000G + Enhanced) | 7 |
Titan (A4) タイタンスーツ Titan Suit | 32 / 24 | - |
CON/STA +2 Immune: Dark |
Chest: Crystal Ruins Drop: Cyclops, Ikaros/Icarus (9000G) | 12 |
Fort (A3) フォートスーツ Reinforced Suit | 45 / 26 | Bolt- | Immune: Dark | Workshop (9999G) | 15 |

Name | Def / MDef | Resistances | Special |
Location (Price) | Weight |
Dolphin Stat (D7) イルカ像 Dolphin Figurine | 0 / 1 | - |
Immune: Water Water magic pwr +25% Plot Item |
Chest: Herman Treasure Cave (9999G) | 0 |
Tiny Feather (DA) タイニイフェザー Avi's Feather | 2 / 2 | - | Immune: Ground | Drop: Griffon/Gryphon (10G) | 0 |
Teddy Bear (70) クマちゃん | 2 / 2 | Cold+ | - |
Tatyana fixed equip (10G) | 1 |
Pretty Ring (94) きれいな指輪 Fine Ring | 0 / 5 | - | - | Shop: Yamas/Yarmouth (10G) after selling Royal Ring | 0 |
Royal Ring (D8) 王家の指輪 | 0 / 5 | - |
Immune: Death HP Regen | Lance (top-right house), after reaching the talking door in the Devil King/Archfiend Palace (5000G) | 1 |
Fang Charm (D1) 牙のお守り Fang Amulet | 3 / 3 | Stat+ | STR +1 |
Chest: 200G Treasure Cave, Vanguard, Limit Island/World's End Drop: Serpent-like enemies (10G) | 0 |
Wing Charm (D2) 翼のお守り Wing Amulet | 3 / 3 | Stat+ | SPD +1 |
Chest: 100G Treasure Cave, Rotten Sea Ruins Drop: Helldiver, Biter, Wing Dragon/Pterodactyl, Sundiver, Blazer, Wyvern, Stormer (10G) | 0 |
Princess Necklace (F6) 姫のくびかざり [Remaster only] | 3 / 3 | - |
WIL +5 Khalid only: WIL CHA +5 | Phantom Maze (10G) | 0 |
Mage Ring (F7) 導士の指輪 [Remaster only] | 3 / 3 | - |
Raw MP cost/2 MAG +5 | Phantom Maze (10G) | 0 |
Expert Ring (F8) 達人の指輪 [Remaster only] | 3 / 3 | - |
Raw SP cost/2 STR +5 | Phantom Maze (10G) | 0 |
Master Ring (F9) 極意の指輪 [Remaster only] | 3 / 3 | - |
+50% master chance DEX +5 | Phantom Maze (10G) | 0 |
Fairy Ring (D5) 妖精環 | 0 / 7 | Stat+ | INT/MAG +1 | Drop: Alve/Alv | 0 |
Fishscales (DB) 魚鱗 Fish Scale | 2 / 6 | - | Immune: Water |
Chest: 120G Treasure Cave, Water/Undersea Palace, Devil King/Archfiend Palace Drop: Fish-like enemies (10G) | 1 |
Gold Medal (DD) ゴールドメダル | 4 / 4 | - | CHA/2 |
Zweig Tournament (1000G) | 0 |
Heartache (DE) ハートエイク | 0 / 9 | - | CHA +2 | Holy King/Matriarch Trials | 0 |
Hair Orna. (D3) 鳳の髪飾り Phoenix Hairpiece | 1 / 7 | Stat+ | CHA +1 |
Poet initial equip Drop: Alve/Alv, Dancer, Day Tripper/Raving Eagle, Garuda Wing/Caldawing, Griffon/Gryphon, [Re: Wanderlust] (10G) | 0 |
Troll Stone (CE) トロールストーン | 0 / 14 | Hot-- | HP Regen |
Drop: Golden Baum, [Re: Yama] (10G) | 0 |
Kris Knife (CB) クリスナイフ | 0 / 8 | Stat++ | - |
Workshop (3000G + Meteo Frag/Meteorite Shard) | 0 |
Bone Cross (C8) 骨十字 | 6 / 6 | - |
Abyss-elemental | Drop: Abyss Drake/Abyssal Drake, Barisyldra/Balisudra, Bone Drake, Death Shark/Scourge, Elm Bird, Frisberg/Hraesvelgr, Ill head/Eerie Skull, Mortalghost/Mortar Ghost (10G) | 0 |
Dead Heart (CA) デッドハート | 0 / 12 | - |
Abyss-elemental | Drop: Barisyldra/Balisudra, Dragon Zomb/Zombie, Gargoyle, Mortalghost/Mortar Ghost, Nue, Pois Gion/Poison Gigant, Rotten Gion/Putrid Gigant, Skull Titan, [Re: Sphinx] (10G) | 0 |
Moon Bone (C9) 月の骨 Lunar Bone | 2 / 10 | - |
Moon magic dmg + 25% Moon env.: HP regen |
Chest: Leonid's Castle Drop: War Bat/Werebat, Tigerman/Werecat, Werewolf (10G) | 0 |
Clear Pattern (CC) トウテツパタ一ン Taotie Pattern [Remaster only] | 0 / 10 | Stat+ | - |
Workshop (8000G) | 0 |
Witch's Eye (CD) 魔女の瞳 | 0 / 13 | - | Immune: Stare |
Chest: Undine's house, Maximus's Hideout/Lair (10G) | 0 |
Drgn Scales (DC) 竜鱗 Dragon Scale | 2 / 12 | - | - |
Chest: Leonid's Castle Drop: Byunei/Buné, Gwayne (500G) | 0 |
Fog Ring (D6) 霧の水環 Myst Ring [Remaster only] | 0 / 12 | Heat+ | - | Drop: Taotie (10G) | 0 |
Guard Ring (CF) ガードリング Ring of Fending | 8 / 8 | - | - |
Chest: Leonid's Castle, Mt. Loob/Louv, Volcano's house Drop: Arachne, Echidna, Nixer/Nyxer, Oannes, Peg Powler, Snake Girl/Cihuacoatl Shop: Stanley (2500G) | 0 |
Water Claw (D4) 水心の爪 Aqua Claw | 4 / 12 | - |
CON/STA +1 Immune: Water | Drop: Zera Beetle | 0 |
Candy Ring (D0) キャンディリング | 0 / 18 | - | INT/MAG +1 |
Drop: Smart Gelatin/Gel Matter (20G) | 0 |
Death Ring (D9) 死の指輪 Ring of Demise | 9 / 9 | - |
INT/MAG +2 Immune: Confusion Undead Status |
Workshop (10G + Death Frag/Deathshard) | 0 |
Dream Gem (DF) 夢みる宝石 | 0 / 18 | - | Immune: Sleep | Chest: Muses' Dream | 0 |
Eternal Ice (71) 永久氷晶 Everfrost Crystal | 4 / 1 | Hot+++ Cold+++ |
Immune: Stun Water Env.: HP regen Required to recruit Snowman (becomes fixed equip) | Ice Galaxy (10G) | 0 |
There are two kinds of usables:
- those you can only use from your item inventory screen
- those you can only use in battle (when equipped in a weapon slot)
Note: In Commander Mode, Battle-Usables can be used even if not equipped, via the Backpack screen.

Name | Effect | Location (Price) |
Barrier Stone (E9) 結界石 | Fully restores party's TP, MP, LP |
Drop: Arc Winger/Arch Swoopers, Death Fish/Scyther, Despiser, Fossi Fish/Petrified Fish, Triton Chests: Herman's Treasure Cave, Zelnam's Den/Haunt, Fire Fortress, Limit Island/World's End, Water/Undersea Palace, Ancient Temple Ruins, Mt. Taftan, Mt. Loob/Louv, Kings' Capital/City of Kings, Leonid's Castle, Huang City (4000G) |
Earl's Tears (EF) バクのなみだ Tapir's Teardrop | Fully restores party's TP, MP, LP |
Muse's Dream Drop: Baku/Tapir (10G) |
Edelweiss (E4) エーデルワイス (E3) Edelweiss | Restores 50 TP to party | Drop from Plant enemies (700G) |
Fairy Herb (ED) 妖精のハーブ Faerie's Harp | Restores 30 TP & MP to party | Chests: Fairy Village/Fairyville |
Heliotrope (E3) ヘリオトロープ (??) Heliotrope | Restores 10 TP to party | Drop from Plant enemies (400G) |
Life Potion (E8) 生命の素 Twig of Life | Restores all TP MP LP |
Drop: Dragon Rulers/Lords, [Remaster: Taotie] Craft: by Woman in Ake/Ache, top left house (from Life Elemnt/Root of Life) |
Mpotion (E5) 術酒 (E4) Puissance Liquor | Restores 20 MP | Shops: Lance, Moses/Mahzoz, Mung/Muenge Village, Podol/Podorui, Rashkuta (240G) |
Mpotion 2 (E6) 霊酒 (E5) Spirit Liquor | Restores 50 MP |
Drops Shops: Vanguard, Rashkuta (380G) |
Mpotion 3 (E7) 神酒 (E6) Divine Liquor | Restores all MP |
Drop: Enabler, Invoker/Evoker, Lilith, Medusa, Mys Dragon/Genryu, Yama, Zera Beetle Shop: Snow Town/Frostburg (980G) |
Pidon Jewel (EC) ピドナジュエル Pidona Jewel | Restores 50 TP & MP | Shop: Pidona (500G) |
Snake Scent (EB) 蛇香 Serpent Salts | Restores 10 TP & MP | Drop from Serpent enemies (10G) |
Tpotion (E0) 技の香薬 Skill Salts | Restores 30 TP | Shops: Justerm, Mung/Muenge Village, Lance, Podol/Podorui, Rashkuta, Xuan City (200G) |
Tpotion 2 (E1) 力の香薬 Strength Salts | Restores 100 TP |
Drops Shops: Rashkuta, Snow Town/Frostburg, Xuan City (500G) |
Tpotion 3 (E2) 心の香薬 Mind Salts | Restores all TP |
Chest: Crystal Ruins, Kings Capital/City of Kings Shops: Xuan City, Yamas/Yarmouth (1200G) |
Wild Herbs (EA) 野生の薬 Wild Herb | Restores 3 LP | Drop from Beast & Winged enemies (10 G) |

Name | Effect | Location (Price) |
Remedy (03) 万能薬 Panacea | Restores 200 HP and cures all status except Petrify | Shops: Librof/Ryblov, Rashkuta, Vanguard, Yamas/Yarmouth, Zweig (250G) |
Salve 1 (00) 傷薬 Balm | Restores 100 HP and heals poison |
Mikhail's Storeroom Drop: Belladonna Shops: Justerm, Kidlanto/Kyrdlund, Lance, Loanne, Mules/Myules, Mung/Muenge Village, Podol/Podorui, Rashkuta, Stanley (30G) |
Salve 2 (01) 高級傷薬 Quality Balm | Restores 400 HP and heals poison |
Mikhail's Storeroom Drop: Cyclops, Draconian, Ikaros/Icarus, Lizardman, Lizard Lord/Lizardman Lord, Master Dobi/Dobby Don, Arake Demon/Alloces's Ogre, Barbarian Shops: Farce/Faros, Librof/Ryblov, Mules/Myules, Pidona, Rashkuta, Vanguard, Xuan, Yamas/Yarmouth (200G) |
Salve 3 (03) 最高傷薬 Supreme Balm | Restores 800 HP and heals poison |
Chest: Divine Tower/Archlord Tower, Ancient Ruins/Temple Ruins Drop: Nue, Sphinx (200G) |
Sand of Mars (06) 火星の砂 Celestial Dust |
Attack 1 enemy May change battle env. to Fire |
Introductions Mikhail's Storeroom Shop: Mahzoz Drop: Aunas Mage/Aunus's Pixie, Cryptmagi/Crypt Magus (250G) |
Soft (04) 石化回復 Depetrifier |
Restores 200 HP and cures Petrify status |
Mikhail's Storeroom Shops: Ake/Ache, Mung/Muenge Village, Pidona, Rashkuta, Xuan (150G) |
Spirit Stone (05) 精霊石 Faerie Stone | Attack all enemies |
Introductions Chest: Podol/Podorui Cave, Dead Man's Well, Mt. Taftan, Offering/Sacrificial Cave, Herman's Treasure Cave, Crystal Ruins Drop from Spirit enemies (500G) |
Eternal Ice (07) 永久氷晶 Everfrost Crystal | Attack all enemies | Ice Galaxy (9999G) |

Name | Usage | Location |
Card (F4) カード |
To withdraw G from a bank (may own more than one) | Old Man in various Shops |
Death Frag (F2) 死のかけら Deathshard |
Used to craft weapons/armors (Workshop) |
Ancient Temple Ruins (Galatea) [Remaster: Phantom Maze] |
Fur Pelt (F3) 毛皮 Pelt |
Given to you by Wood/Ward if you ask for payment, sells for 800G | Wood/Ward (Justerm) |
Holy Grail (4F) 聖杯 |
TP regen (+1/turn) Equip in hand slot Needed to recruit Leonid | Leonid's Castle |
Life Elemnt (FE) 生命の大もと Root of Life |
Can be changed into a Life Potion by a woman in Ake (top-left house) | Chests |
Mana's Icon (EE) |
Mana Sword Secret Quest [Mana Sword patch only] | Poet |
Meteo Frag (F1) いん石のかけら Meteorite Shard |
Used to make weapons/armors (Workshop) | Devil King/Archfiend Palace (3), Water/Undersea Palace |
Poet Fidl (28) 詩人のフィドル Minstrel's Fiddle | Tech: Everyone's Song | Poet/Minstrel fixed equip |
Rat Poison (F0) ねこいらず Eradicator | Damages the rats in the Rat Cave | Professor's House |

This is a thematic side-section.
The Relics are powerful items left behind by the Devil King (Re: Archfiend) & the Holy King (Re: Matriarch), respectively about 600 & 300 years ago. Part of this list is given by Poet/Minstrel in one of his songs (Masquerade & Holy Grail are absent from the song).
The power-hungry pirate Jackal has been gathering the relics actively by any means necessary (namely theft & murder), using his cover as Maximus the head of the Pidona division of the Divine Church/Order, and has managed to get hold of the Seven Star sword, the Glory Staff, Masquerade (taken from Katharina at the end of her Introduction), the Holy King spear (taken from the Workshop during the succession war – Jackal killed Nora's father when the latter went looking for it) and the Devil King axe. You retrieve all these items by defeating him.
Some characters are related to the Holy King: the descendants of the Holy King still live in Lance (you get the Royal Ring from the elder and he gives you access to the Holy King Trials); Snowman/Flurry traveled with the Holy King; Fullbright's ancestor financially backed up the Holy King; Leonid has been around since before the Devil King and he is the guardian of the Holy Grail, which received the blood of the Holy King; Nora's ancestors helped the Holy King and forged the Holy King spear using Arake's own; Wood/Ward is a descendant of one of the Holy King's 12 Generals; possibly Mikhail too. Additionally, our favorite Poet travels the world to find inspiration and study the Holy King's Chronicles.
The 'strongest spells' are also Holy King's relics: it is the Holy King, Anna tells you, from whom originates the most powerful spell of each of the 4 Earthly magics (Dragon God Descent, Reviver, Super Gravity, Quick Time), which are blocked by the power of the Devil Lords until you seal the corresponding Abyss Gate.
There is one relic per item category (except Shirt).
Also, technically, the Holy King got a different Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade.
It is possible to own more than one copy of the following: Royal Ring, Glory Staff (SFC only, see below), Seven Star (and one LV Seven Star, ManaSword patch only).
Name | Stats | Special | Location (Value) |
Weight |
Seven Star (Sword) Triones Blade | Atk 35 |
Built-in tech: Starburst/Supernova changes the sword into Atk60 LV Seven Star. LV 7star/Triones's Starstream tech reverts it into the regular 7Star/Triones. |
Divine/Archlord Tower (get after defeating Maximus) (10G) | 2 |
Ice Sword (Gsword) Everfrost Blade | Atk 40 |
Built-in tech: Misty Ice/Arctic Rush + Permanent Freeze Wall counter |
Ice Galaxy (10G) | 3 |
Glory Staff (Mace) Staff of Glory | Atk 20 | Built-in tech: Bless/Breath |
Divine/Archlord Tower (get after defeating Maximus) Drop: Crypt Elder (SFC only) (10G) | 1 |
Masquerade (Epee) | Atk 9 |
Built-in tech: Awakening/Alarm (transforms into Atk35 Masquerade BSword) |
Divine/Archlord Tower (get after defeating Maximus) (10G) | 1 |
Holy King (Spear) Matriarch's Spear | Atk 37 | Built-in tech: Victory Song/Paean of Victory |
Divine/Archlord Tower (get after defeating Maximus) (10G) | 2 |
Fairy (Bow) Faeries' Bow | Atk 30 | Built-in tech: Fairy/Faerie Arrow |
Holy King/Matriarch Trials (55G) | 1 |
Holy King (Helmet) Matriarch's Helm |
PhysDef 8 MagDef 8 |
Strong vs Hit Immune: Dark, Mind |
Holy King/Matriarch Trials (10G) | 2 |
Holy King (Boots) Matriarch's Boots |
PhysDef 7 MagDef 7 |
Immune: Stun Random first strike |
Holy King/Matriarch Trials (10G) | 5 |
Silver Hand (Gauntlet) Silver Glove |
PhysDef 7 MagDef 7 |
Sharl/Charl's special item (un-cripples him). On other characters, allows 2 attacks per turn (one-handed weapons only + no shield equipped). | Muse's Dream | 1 |
Royal Ring (Accessory) |
PhysDef 0 MagDef 5 |
Immune: Death HP Regen | Lance (top-right house, after reaching the talking door in the Devil King Palace) (5000G) | 1 |
Holy Grail (Special Handslot Item) | - |
TP/SP regen (1/turn) Needed to recruit Leonid Equip: hand slot | Leonid's Castle | - |
Devil King (Axe) Archfiend's Axe | Atk 42 |
Skill/Spell Cost x2 Final Strike (Axe comes back after battle) |
Get after defeating Maximus (1332G) | 5 |
Devil King (Armor) Archfiend's Armor |
PhysDef 20 MagDef 40 |
All Stats +1 Immune: Water, Throw, Sonic, Stare Skill/Spell Cost x2 | Drop: Devil King/Archfiend Armor | 5 |
Devil King (Shield) Archfiend's Shield | Evade (20-25%) |
MagShield vs Cut Hit Stab Shot Hot Cold Bolt Stat Magic dmg +25% Skill/Spell Cost x2 |
Drop: Death Master (1332G) | 5 |

The Workshop / Blacksmith is located in Pidona (North, West, 2nd house, basement). When you go there for the first time, a cutscene occurs: reply that you will help Nora find the Holy King/Matriarch's Spear and the murderer of her father, a Jackal with red earrings (additional dialogue & clues if Herman/Black is in your party), and either keep her in your party (shortens item crafting 'time') or kick her out, go back to the Workshop and tell her to craft instead (definitive; adds 2 slots in the craftable items list). Careful: she is lost forever if you go see her with a party of 6.
Note: If you say you'll help Nora, kick her out of the party and go see her again, you only have the option to recruit her, unless you talk to Ken or recruit at least one worker. If you have, you also have the possibility to order her to craft weapons or armor. You can re-recruit (and re-kick) Nora as long as you do not order her to craft items (go see her with a party of 5 or fewer).
The Workshop allows you to have items researched and crafted in the basement and to buy duplicates at the shop(s) on the ground floor (2 to 4 items in their respective list serve as flags for each shop to appear: see list below). You can craft only one weapon and one armor at any time, and must choose from an imposed list of a few items (you may not be able to craft any item at a given time, if you don't have the required items, and that's a normal situation).
First you need to find the dispersed workers so that they can work for you (each adds one slot to the craftable items choice list).
Once you have found one, you need to assign him to either weapon or armor crafting (this is a definitive choice).
- If you keep Nora in your party, allot 2 to Weapons & 4 to Armor.
- If you don't keep Nora, allot 3 to Weapons and 3 to Armors, and tell Nora to develop Armor.
The Workshop consists of:
Ken (default)
Nora (if told to craft)
and the 5 remaining workers are found in:
Pidona: Claudius Family House (North, North-Eastern corner)
Stanley: Pub
Farce/Faros: Pub
Librof/Ryblov: Pub
Wilminton/Wilmington: Inn
Some items need to be 'unlocked' for them to have a chance to be available on the Workshop wish list.
To trigger the items in the Workshop, you must either encounter specific enemies or be attacked by specific techs:
Item(s) | Trigger |
Silver Foil (Silver Fleuret) | Encounter Warbat, Weretiger/Werecat or Werewolf. |
Yoto Ryuko (Exorciser) | Encounter Ghost or Ghast. |
Dragon Scale Blade/Shield/Coat | Encounter Dragon Ruler/Lord or Gwayne. |
Clear Pattern (Taotie Pattern) | Encounter Totetsu/Taotie (impossible on SFC / Remaster: Phantom Maze). |
Evil Eye & Evil Mask | Be attacked with Stare/Gaze (any). |
Plastic (Rubber Soles) Earth (Earthen Guard) | Be attacked with Electricity/Lightning Pierce, Thunderbolt or Mad Thunder. |
Fish Scale (Scale Armor) | Be attacked with Beetlejuice, Dissolve, Digest, Poison, Squall, Sparkling Mist or Maelstrom. |
Excel (Sterling Shield) | Be attacked with Cold Air/Frost (any) ? |
Flame Beast Shield (Ignus Shield) | Be attacked with Flame (any). |
Knight (Nightcap) | Be attacked with Hypnotize/Hypnosis (any), Mindstare/Mesmerize, Imprison or Nightmare. |
Hid. Leather (Hydraskin Vest) | Be attacked with Poison Fluid, Poison Gas (any), Poison Mist or Death Widow/Corpse Moss. |
Note: You will unlock all of them in the course of a normal playthrough. If you wish to help things a bit, look for the enemies in the Monsters section and most of the attacks in the Main Enemies & Bosses section.
After telling the blacksmiths which items you want, you have to wait: it takes time for them to craft the items.
Crafting 'time' is:
- 15 battles
- unless Nora is in your party: 10 battles
Note: You just have to start a battle (you can run away and it will still count as one).
If Mikhail is your main character, you can order them from the throne (Ruling Minigame).
Price for 1 item development: 50kG. No additional material is needed, which means you can develop all items and have duplicates.
You don't have a selection choice (same order as at the Workshop).
Waiting time: 15 battles/actions (or 10 if Nora is in the party), or one mass combat.
After which you get 2 copies of each item (in your storeroom).
See the Minigames section for details.
The links point to specific maps, bosses or walkthrough sections.
For info about mob monsters, see the Monsters Page and CTL+F their name.
For city locations, see the World Map.
Item | Location |
Death Frag/Deathshard (1 in the whole game) | Drop by Galatea (Ancient Ruins) [Remaster: + 1 Deathshard after defeating Zahhak in the Phantom Maze] |
Witch's Eye (2) | Chests in Undine's House, Maximus' Hideout |
Drgn Scales/Dragon Scale (3) | Chests in Leonid's Castle Drop by Byunei/Buné & Gwayne (Loob, Mt. Taftan) |
Meteo Frag/Meteorite Shard (4) | Chests in Devil King/Archfiend Palace (3) & Water/Undersea Palace |
Item | Location |
Enhanced (Suit)/Reinforced Armor | Drop by Alef/Aleph, Berserker & Bugger/Buggah |
Flame Beast (Armor)/Ignus Leather | Chests in Volcano's House & Fire Palace/Fortress Drop by Cerberus & Chimera |
Hidora/Hydra Leather | Drop by Dragonpansy/Pythos or Hidona/Pyrohydra |
Magic Beast/Morax Leather | Chests in Limit Island/World's End & Crystal Ruins Drop by Nue |
Tiny Feather/Avi's Feather | Drop by Griffon/Gryphon |
Item | Location |
Curve Sword/Crescent Blade | Shops in Mules/Myules & Mung/Muenge Village (400G) Drop (Find in Enemy List) |
Club/Cudgel | Shop in Ake/Ache (20G) Chest in Offering Cave/Sacrificial Cave Drop (see Enemy List or Staff Table above) |
Fishscales/Fish Scale | Chests in 120G Treasure Cave, Devil King/Archfiend Palace & Water/Undersea Palace Drop by Fish-like enemies (Find in Enemy List) |
Hand Axe | Shops in Kidlanto/Kyrdlund, Lance, Mules/Myules, Podol/Podorui (340G) |
Martial/Budo Gi | Shop in Xuan City (380G) Robin, Nora, Shonen/Young Boy, Zhi Ling starting equipment Drop by Demon/Raksha & Evil Demon/Evil Ogre |
Partisan | Pidona Workshop (500G) |
Silver Trail/Silver Mail | Shops in Wilminton/Wilmington & Librof/Ryblov (2200G) |
Note: In the Remaster, all enemies are readily available in the Phantom Maze, hence all Rare Materials can be considered as Common.
The Workshop can research and craft for you 30 different items: 18 weapons and 22 pieces of armor.
The first time, each item only requires the order to craft and, for some items, a specific item.
Later, at the Shop(s) upstairs, you can buy duplicates of the unlocked items for a price (plus the required item, if any was needed).
Note: Smart (Shield), available for Mikhail for 240G + Dragon Scale Sword if you have ordered the Dragonscale equips on your throne, is the regular Smart shield: do not buy it, it's a glitch.
Simply Search (Cmd+F) this page to see the detailed stats of each item (items are listed by category).
The shops appear at the counter on the ground floor when any of the items in bold are developed.
E.g. If B. Lancer is completed, Shop #2 will appear and the items in its list that have already been researched will be available for purchase.
Due to a programming mistake, Dragonscale (Shield) is not available in the shop (Smart appears instead).
Note: Taotie Pattern is only available in the Remaster Edition.
WEAPON SHOP 1 Partisan Bastard Sword Silver Foil/Fleuret Falchion Yoto Ryuko/Exorciser Halberd Death/Mortuus (Bow) Francisca Golden Bat |
WEAPON SHOP 2 Gladius Evil Eye Kris Naga Canary/Canaria Bow Flamberge B. Lancer/Blitz Lancer Brover/Bullova Enhanced/Reinforced Bow Dragon Scale Blade |
ARMOR SHOP 1 Headband Plastic/Rubber Soles Fish Scale Armor Protect/Protective Suit Death/Ring of Demise Knight/Nightcap Earth/Earthen Guard Kris Knife |
ARMOR SHOP 2 Beast/Bestial Leather Power Gloves Evil Mask E. Martial/PAdded Gi Flame Beast/Ignus Shield Excel/Sterling Shield Star/Celestial Armor Feather/Feathered Boots |
ARMOR SHOP 3 Mobile Armor Hid. Leather/Hydraskin Vest White Silver/Silver Armor [Taotie Pattern] Smart/Rondache Dragonscale/Dragon Scale Coat Fort/Reinforced Suit |
Shops are found in the various towns of the game.
You can buy what they have in stock and sell your own items (for half value), in exchange for Gold (G).
In some shops, there is a bank representative.
Note 1: Prices do not vary from one shop to another.
Note 2: There is no shop in Fairy Village, Great Arc, Huang City or Small Village.
The shop in Stanley does not sell you anything before you do the Stanley vs. Farce wargame.
Note 3: Recommendations. Spend money rather on defense items. Great affordable items – even at endgame – include Close/Closed Helm & Vambraces, and in the Workshop (see above), E. Martial/Padded Gi & Plastic/Rubber Soles. Slightly more expensive but possibly very useful are Silver Trail/Silver Mail & White Silver/Silver Armor (Sonic-immune) and Brigandy/Brigandi (strong vs. Hit).
Search (Cmd+F) this page to find the detailed stats for each item!
You may have noticed an old bearded man in a corner in several shops: he is a branch of the World Bank!
Talk to him when you have 1,000G over the limit of 10,000G: he gives you a Card to withdraw your excess money whenever you need it, by talking to him.
He can be found in Pidona, Librof/Ryblov, Wilmington, Yamas/Yarmouth (2nd shop, downstairs by the town square).
Note: Mikhail cannot access banks. His excess G automatically go to Loanne's Treasury, from which he cannot withdraw either.
Nevertheless, in Remaster NG+, if you use a Card got by another main character, you can withdraw from Loanne's Treasury.
AKE/ACHE![]() Club/Cudgel - 20G Crocodile - 1400G Soft/Depetrifier - 150G |
FARCE/FAROS![]() Long Sword/Longsword - 100G Big Sword/Greatsword - 200G Long Spear - 250G Soldier/Squire's Armor - 550G Knight's Armor - 1000G Close/Closed Helm - 560G Gauntlet/Steel Gauntlet - 200G Large/Great Shield - 300G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G |
JUSTERM![]() Hunter/Hunting Bow - 55G Hard Leather/Rigid Leather - 430G Fur Vest - 440G Leather Boots - 80G Salve 1/Balm - 30G Tpotion/Skill Salts - 200G |
KIDLANTO/KYRDLUND![]() Hand Axe - 85G Hunter/Hunting Bow - 55G Leather Armor - 180G Tunic - 70G Fur Vest - 440G Leather Boots - 80G Light/Heater - 60G Salve 1/Balm - 30G |
LANCE![]() Long Sword/Longsword - 100G Hand Axe - 85G Hunter/Hunting Bow - 55G Magician/Caster's Robe - 1200G Tunic - 70G Smart/Rondache - 240G Salve 1/Balm - 30G Tpotion/Skill Salts - 200G Mpotion/Puissance Liquor - 240G |
LIBROF/RYBLOV![]() Silver Sword - 4000G Amen Tomb/Amentum - 4600G Long/Longbow - 580G Silver Trail/Silver Mail - 2200G Shell Blazer - 800G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G Remedy/Panacea - 250G |
LOANNE![]() Broad Sword/Broadsword - 600G Big Sword/Greatsword - 200G Foil/Fleuret - 90G Rapier - 450G Estoc - 5000G Soldier/Squire's Armor - 550G Full Face/Bascinet - 150G Gauntlet/Steel Gauntlet - 200G Small/Small Shield - 80G Salve 1/Balm - 30G |
MOSES/MAHZOZ (SOUTH)![]() Magician/Caster's Robe - 1200G Mpotion/Puissance Liquor - 240G Mpotion 2/Spirit Liquor - 380G Sand of Mars/Celestial Dust - 250G |
MULES/MYULES![]() Curve Sword/Crescent Blade - 400G Hand Axe - 85G Long/Longbow - 580G Hard Leather/Rigid Leather - 430G Horned/Horned Cap - 240G Leather Boots - 80G Light/Heater - 60G Salve 1/Balm - 30G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G |
MUNG/MUENGE VILLAGE![]() Hunter/Hunting Bow - 55G Long/Longbow - 580G Catalpa/Sacred Bow - 3900G Curve Sword/Crescent Blade - 400G Leather Armor - 180G Brigandy/Brigandi - 2400G Salve 1/Balm - 30G Tpotion/Skill Salts - 200G Mpotion/Puissance Liquor - 240G Soft/Depetrifier - 150G |
PIDONA![]() Broad Sword/Broadsword - 600G Two Handed/Zweihander - 850G Rapier - 450G Long/Longbow - 580G Knight's Armor - 1000G Knight's Shield - 1200G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G Soft/Depetrifier - 150G Pidona Jewel - 500G |
PODOL/PODORUI![]() Hand Axe - 85G Hunter/Hunting Bow - 55G Leather Armor - 180G Tunic - 70G Leather Boots - 80G Salve 1/Balm - 30G Tpotion/Skill Salts - 200G Mpotion/Puissance Liquor - 240G |
RASHKUTA 1![]() Salve 1/Balm - 30G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G Remedy/Panacea - 250G Soft/Depetrifier - 150G Tpotion/Skill Salts - 200G Tpotion 2/Strength Salts - 500G Mpotion/Puissance Liquor - 240G Mpotion 2/Spirit Liquor - 380G |
RASHKUTA 2![]() Light/Heater - 60G Smart/Rondache - 240G Sorcerer/Ascetic's Robe - 2600G |
SNOW TOWN/FROSTBURG![]() Tpotion 2/Strength Salts - 500G Mpotion 3/Divine Liquor - 980G |
STANLEY (after Stanley vs. Farce)![]() Broad Sword/Broadsword - 600G Two Handed/Zweihander - 850G Amen Tomb/Amentum - 4600G Leather Armor - 180G Small/Small Shield - 80G Leather Boots - 80G Guard Ring/Ring of Fending - 2500G Salve 1/Balm - 30G |
VANGUARD![]() Lucerne/Lucem Guard - 2400G Long/Longbow - 580G Brigandy/Brigandi - 2400G Magician/Caster's Robe - 1200G Mpotion 2/Spirit Liquor - 380G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G Remedy/Panacea - 250G |
WILMINGTON 1![]() Long Sword/Longsword - 100G Broad Sword/Broadsword - 600G Silver Sword - 4000G Big Sword/Greatsword - 200G Two Handed/Zweihander - 800G Foil/Fleuret - 90G Rapier - 450G Estoc - 5000G |
WILMINGTON 2![]() Soldier/Squire's Armor - 550G Knight's Armor - 1000G Silver Trail/Silver Mail - 2200G Small/Small Shield - 80G Large/Great Shield - 300G Knight's Shield - 1200G Close/Closed Helm - 560G Vambraces - 900G |
XUAN CITY 1![]() Victory/Invincible East - 2000G Battle Axe - 1600G Catalpa/Sacred Bow - 3900G Soldier/Squire's Armor - 550G Horned/Horned Cap - 240G Leather Boots - 80G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G Soft/Depetrifier - 150G Tpotion/Skill Salts - 200G Tpotion 2/Strength Salts - 500G |
XUAN CITY 2![]() Victory/Invincible East - 2000G War God/Bujin Armor - 9999G Sorcerer/Ascetic's Robe - 2600G Martial/Budo Gi - 380G Tpotion 3/Mind Salts - 1200G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G Soft/Depetrifier - 150G |
YAMAS/YARMOUTH 1![]() Battle Axe - 1600G Estoc - 5000G Amen Tomb/Amentum - 4600G Knight's Armor - 1000G Knight's Shield - 1200G Tpotion 3/Mind Salts - 1200G |
YAMAS/YARMOUTH 2![]() Silver Sword - 4000G Estoc - 5000G Knight's Armor - 1000G Knight's Shield - 1200G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G Remedy/Panacea - 250G |
ZWEIG![]() Two Handed/Zweihander - 850G Amen Tomb/Amentum - 4600G Long/Longbow - 580G Soldier/Squire's Armor - 550G Close/Closed Helm - 560G Gauntlet/Steel Gauntlet - 200G Soldier/Squire's Armor - 2700G Large/Great Shield - 300G Salve 2/Quality Balm - 200G Remedy/Panacea - 250G |