Presentation & Sources - Notes
Presentation & Sources - Notes
Presentation & Sources
This section details the actions and techs of the main enemies.
The data below come from the crossing of several sources [jp]:
- Endo's Monster Action Sheets:
- augmented by KaeruLabo:
- KaeruLabo's Action Pattern data:
- KaeruLabo's Tech data:
- and Keen's tech sheet for readily access to Mana Sword's translation:
This data association does not exist in this form anywhere else, be it in Japanese or in English.
I put it together for the advanced players who want to have a closer look at the actions and techs of specific enemies (mainly bosses and static or representative enemies) in order to plan their battles (equipment, Evade skills, etc.) without having to switch constantly from an action list to an enemy tech list and vice versa, and for the inquisitive casual players who are just curious about the enemies and the nature of the techs they use.
I also coupled this with the Monsters section data, including Keene's Bestiary (generated from Endo's data with Mana Sword's translation) so that the interested players may have most of the info readily at their disposal in one place.
The choice of the featured monsters is subjective but basically entails the main monsters mentioned in the Alternative Quest Completion Order table. It makes no sense giving the complete data of the random monsters – for which the Monsters section is more than enough (item drops and maybe basic strengths & weaknesses being the most interesting information) – because you cannot prepare for them (being random in some respect) and because most can be killed in one or two turns, making an hypothetical preparation phase meaningless. Hence a choice of static or fixed enemies and bosses.
For the main bosses you will also find possible battle strategies building on the available info, and tactics if necessary, in various degrees of detail.
Monster action sets and probabilities
All enemies have 2 sets (A & B below) of 8 techs at their disposal.
RNG is an inherent part of action selection, but there is also a set probability to use preferably a tech from set A or B depending on the enemy, noted 'A/B = X(%)/Y(%)' in the tables below. Also, monsters have a limited list during the first turn (noted '1st turn: 1-X'), and there are some fixed patterns.
Some enemies have 2 actions per turn. If that is the case, the 2nd action is taken from set B.
Hence when you see below 'A/B: 100/0' and 2 actions per turn, it means that every turn, action 1 will be from set A, and 2 from set B.
If the 1st action 'plays first' ('First strike') or 'last', the 2nd action does too.
Also, some enemies have a predetermined first action:
Evil Demon (Julian-Monica): (1D) Face Hit (First Strike) ぶちかまし(先制)
Evil Demon: (6E) Face Hit ぶちかまし
Bargest: (6B) Rush 突進
Lake Boss: (E6) Freeze Wall フリーズバリア
Torcher: (B3) Self Burning セルフバーニング
Volcano: (B6) Fire Wall ファイアウォール
Undine: (C2) Water Ball ウォーターポール
Dancer: (E7) Charm (weak) 誘惑(弱)
Clown: (E7) Charm (weak) 誘惑(弱)
Blue Dragon: (A7) Electricity 電撃
Red Dragon: (9C) Flame (All) 火炎(全)
Zelnams: (A7) Electricity 電撃
Sphinx: (84) Death Widow (Riddle) 死人ゴケ(リドル)
Byuni Dog: (6B) Rush 突進
When you fight Gwayne, his first action can be: (A7) Electricity 電撃 or A0 Cold Air (All) 冷気 or (9C) Flame (All) 火炎(全)
Some enemy techs have the same name as techs used by your characters, but they are different techs with different stats, and they are most of the time disconnected from the weapons that the monsters may be equipped with (e.g. Thief is equipped with Curve Sword and Broad Sword, but beside the fact that all his techs are classified as Kungfu, like most other monster techs, he also has 'Bow' techs, and even Final Strike). The weapons are mainly a clever system to fine-tune monsters' ATK & DEF levels.
Some techs have special targeting patterns and target preferably:
- characters with low HP: Absorb HP (red)
- characters with LP>1, including characters who are invisible: Shadow Bolt, Stare (Paralyze), Stoneskin, Charm Sand, Glider Spike, Stone Bullet, Elf Shot, Multishot, Fireball, Teasing Whisper, Dissolve, Insanity, Spider Net, Beak, Thunderball, Tomahawk, Dragon Hit
- females: Screwdriver
- males: Smash, Body Drop
- and some have specific targeting rates (depending on your formation and on slot number): Dart, Id Break, Dart Special, Needle (Shot Single), Wind Dart, Poison Needle (Shot Single). This is superfluous data, but it shows the complexity of the tech targeting system!
Some techs have several variants:
- Face Hit: one regular version, one First Strike version:
(6E / 1D First Strike) Face Hit ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / (First Strike) Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
- Needle (16 17 18 19) & Poison Needle (21 22 23 24): for both there are 2 types with 2 sub-types:
Pierce (16 & 21 Weak / 17 & 22 Strong): Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
or Shot (18 & 23 Single / 19 & 24 All): Kungfu Shot (All) / MS EV SD / (Poison)
- Blood Suck has 2 variants:
(78 red / 7A pink) Blood Suck 吸血 Moon (7A: Cold) Status / MS SD / HP Drain, (78: All Stats Def-2 / 7A: Poison)
- Stare: 3 effects depending on the type: 93: Paralyze / 94: Petrify / 92: Charm. All have a common Evade Skill.
(93 94 92) Stare 凝視 Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze, Petrify or Charm / EVADE
- Twine Around and Tentacle have each 2 variants, one weaker, one stronger:
(73 / 74 stronger) Twine Around 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze (74: STR DEX-4)
(68 / 69 stronger) Tentacle 触手 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
- Body Hit: there are 3 differents techs (2D 2F: All / 6D: Single) with the same attributes and effects.
(2D 2F: All / 6D: Single) Body Hit 体当たり Kungfu Hit (All) / MS EV SD- / Stun / EVADE
- Poison Gas, Cold Air, Flame, Hot Gas & Poison Gas have 2 variants each: Single target (A3 9F 9B A5 A3) / All, weaker (A4 A0 9C A6 A4).
(A3 Single / A4 All, weaker) Poison Gas 猛毒ガス Kungfu Status (All) / SD / Poison, can change the battle environment to Abyss
(9F Single / A0 All, weaker) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold (All) / SD / All Stats Def-2
(9B Single / 9C All, weaker) Flame 火炎 Fire Heat (All) / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
(A5 Single / A6 All, weaker) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat (All) / SD / SPD-5
(A3 Single / A4 All, weaker) Poison Gas 猛毒ガス Kungfu Status (All) / SD / Poison, can change the battle environment to Abyss
- Supersonic has 2 variants: (96) single target / (97) All, stronger.
(96 Single / 97 All, stronger) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status (All) / MS SD / Sonic
- Hypnotize: (7C Single / 7D All) Hypnotize 催眠 Moon Status (All) / SD / Sleep / EVADE
- Charm: (E7 / E8 stronger) Charm 誘惑 Moon Status All / MS / Charm
- Pollen has 2 main variants: Dark (81), and Confusion to one (82) or to all (83).
(81) Pollen (Dark) 花粉(暗闇) Sun Shot Status / MS SD / Blind (Dark)
(82) Pollen (Confusion Single) 花粉(混乱:単) Sun Shot Status / MS SD / Confusion
(83) Pollen (Confusion All) 花粉(混乱:全) Sun Shot Status All / MS SD / Confusion
- Spore: 2 main variants: regular (85) or Poison to one (86) or to all (87).
(85) Spore ほうし Moon Shot Status / MS SD
(86) Spore (Poison) ほうし(毒:単) Moon Shot Status / MS SD / Poison
(87) Spore (Poison All) ほうし(毒:全) Moon Shot Status All / MS SD / Poison
- Earthlizer (Earth Riser) exists in 2 forms: offensive and defensive (which also prompts the Atk sort):
(E2) Earthlizer (Atk) アースライザー(攻) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot Row / MS / Plays last
(E3) Earthlizer (Def) アースライザー(防) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot Row / x / Plays first [-50% dmg against all attacks this turn only][glitched]
The names are those of the Mana Sword translation (after all, this site deals mainly with the 1995 SFC version of the game). I have added corrections when relevant (between brackets after the Japanese). Edit: I have also added the 2019 Remaster names. Hesitations about name correction: ダガージョー = Dagger Jaw? / 体力吸収 = Weakening Drain, or simply Drain?
The notation system is the same as for your characters' techs (see this Note about Tech Tables) but since I had more space here the types and attributes are written in full.
Techs that target all your characters: 'All'. Techs that targets friends and foes alike: 'ALL'.
EVADE = There is an Evade Skill for that tech.
And the monsters' data follows the same notation as the Monsters section (see these Notes for details), i.e.:
Enemy | Name Class & Rank (Race) Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Evade Def Block (%): Types Attribute & Status Resistances | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Note specifically that regarding the HP of the monsters that are also regular enemies, the static-enemy version can have as much as thrice the HP of the regular version, depending on your own Party LV.
Are also added, for the toughest enemies, their numeric stats (the 8 values for static stats, and 8 def values). Monsters are designed like your own characters, with stats & skills, and are equipped with items (from which come all def values). Here are reminders about static stats & skills values and about item-related defense categories.
Is also added the monsters' offensive equipment, which comes into view when considering the general atk strength of a specific monster: you have to take into account the static stats and the equipped weapon(s). Of course, in detail, it all depends on the techs used. Again, just like your own characters. The mention of other pieces of equipment is not relevant because for armor they translate directly into the def values, and because for shields the complete info is in the data table. (Moreover, there is plenty of monster-only equipment.)
General tips regarding battle strategies:
- Look at the enemy's techs: first equip the relevant Evade Skills, then adapt your defense items (lots of magic attacks: items with high magic defense; lots of Hit-attribute attacks: items with high physical def and Hit resistance, etc.), possibly change your formation (mainly against vertical or horizontal attacks).
- Look at the enemy's def stats and attributes to determine its immunities, resistances & weaknesses, and if relevant equip weapons & techs accordingly. Particularly, and more particularly still at the beginning, the simple use of Stun or Paralyze techs (usually very cheap), and Insta-Death or Petrify techs slightly later, can be of a great help.
- Battle magic environment can be changed with spells or techs with a magical element. This is a necessary condition to activate Earthly magic shields (Water Ball, Dancing Leaves). This is also the way to stop a monster's HP regeneration.
- Towards endgame, you learn strong offensive techs that include a debuff (Sky Drive, Shell Split, Evil Breaker, Beast God Stab..): during boss battles, start by using those. Some readily accessible debuff spells can complement nicely (Sparkling Mist, Heat Wave).
- Reviver considerably raises your chances of survival. A healer too. Focus can be useful early, and marginally later when hit with hit-all techs and your healer cannot possibly heal everyone in one turn.
See the Evade Skills section if you need or want to know against which enemies you can spark specific Evade skills.
Also, here are the Tech section & the Magic section.
There are also several bugs, glitches & tricks that can be very helpful defensively and offensively: see the Trivia section.
Lastly, keep in mind that this is mined data, hence to be taken with a grain of salt!
GARUDA WING / CALDAWING [No.223(DF): ガルダウイング]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Garuda Wing ガルダウイング Caldawing Special (Winged) Shinon Forest (Sinon Woodlands) | 501 / N Ground, Stun | x x Hair Orna. (Phoenix Hairpiece) | 5-5 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-1: 09 (Claw x2) A-2: 09 (Claw x2) A-3: 65 Kick A-4: 1C Glider Spike A-5: 09 (Claw x2) A-6: 09 (Claw x2) A-7: 09 (Claw x2) A-8: 6A Trample |
B-1: 0F Key Claw B-2: 28 Beak B-3: 28 Beak B-4: 4F Axel Sniper B-5: 13 Charge B-6: B5 Bard Song B-7: 14 Knocking B-8: 14 Knocking |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-3 |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(65) Kick キック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(0F) Key Claw かぎ爪 (Claw / Talon) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark
・(4F) Axel Sniper アクセルスナイパー (Accel Sniper) Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT / SPD+8 / EVADE
・(13) Charge チャージ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(B5) Bard Song バードソング (Bird Song) Fire Status All / SD- / Sonic, First Strike, Silence
・(14) Knocking ノッキング Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Paralyze with Shadow Sew (Shadow Weave) and Blind it with Saming (Eye Gouge) to make your life easier.
Walkthrough: Julian, Thomas, Ellen, Sarah, Harid, Monica Introductions.
EVIL DEMON / EVIL OGRE [No.013(0D) & 031(1F): 悪鬼]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Evil Demon 悪鬼 Evil Ogre Special (Demon) Opening Scenarii (Mikhail, Harid, Katharina, Monica), Zweig Tournament | 806 / N | TPotion (Skill Salts) Martial (Budo Gi) Demon Belt (Raksha Belt) | 8-7 1-PartyLV/16 |
A-1: 12 Horn A-2: 12 Horn A-3: 65 Kick A-4: 99 Counter A-5: 13 Charge A-6: 66 Strong Strike A-7: 14 Knocking A-8: 67 Super Strike |
B-1: 10 Teeth B-2: 10 Teeth B-3: 10 Teeth B-4: 6E Face Hit B-5: 6E Face Hit B-6: 44 Skull Crush B-7: 6E Face Hit B-8: 6E Face Hit |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-3 |
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(65) Kick キック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(99) Counter カウンター Kungfu / x / x
・(13) Charge チャージ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(66) Strong Strike 強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(14) Knocking ノッキング Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(67) Super Strike 最強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(6E) Face Hit ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
・(44) Skull Crush スカルクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE: Bone Crush
Note: No.013(0D) Evil Demon (Julian-Monica) has in B-8, instead of (6E):
・(1D) Face Hit ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / First Strike, Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
which is its compulsory action for Turn 1.
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Defend at turn 1.
Harid/Mikhail/Katarina: attack it with Masquerade (Awakening, Moulin Rouge), Demi-Lune & Snake Shot (or Sunshine if your main character has 'borrowed' Mikhail's Estoc) and heal with the Life Cane when necessary.
Julian/Monica: More difficult, Poet is a plus (Brain Split/Skull Splitter), Feint it with Monica too.
Walkthrough: Julian, Monica, Harid, Mikhail, Katarina Introductions.
GREAT THIEF / CARMINE [No.284(11C): 大野盗]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Great Thief 大野盗 Carmine Special (x) Thieves’ Cave (Bandit's Hideout) | 750 / M | TPotion (Skill Salts) *Bloody* (*Sanguinator*) *Bloody* (*Sanguinator*) | 11-10 1-PartyLV/16 |
A-1: 01 One Hand Sword A-2: 32 Sweep Down A-3: 34 Heretic Sword A-4: 35 Backstab A-5: 33 Double Mist A-6: 35 Backstab A-7: 3E 3 Slash A-8: 0E Final Strike |
B-1: 3C Far Hit B-2: 3C Far Hit B-3: 3C Far Hit B-4: 3A Sweep Draw B-5: 3B Gale Sword B-6: 3B Gale Sword B-7: 3B Gale Sword B-8: 3B Gale Sword |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(01) One Hand Sword 片手剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(32) Sweep Down なぎ払い Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Stun / EVADE: Slicing Slash
・(34) Heretic Sword 外道剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Poison
・(35) Backstab バックスタッブ Kungfu Slash / MS / Insta-Death
・(33) Double Mist かすみ二段 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT / 1st attack misses / EVADE: Multi Attack
・(3E) 3 Slash 三段斬り Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / EVADE: Multi Attack
・(0E) Final Strike ファイナルストライク Kungfu Heat Cold Bolt All / MS / Weapon breaks
・(3A) Sweep Draw 払い抜け Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / EVADE: Slicing Slash
・(3C) Far Hit 遠当て (Snipe) Kungfu Slash / MS EV SD / EVADE
・(3B) Gale Sword 烈風剣 Kungfu Pierce Shot Wind All / MS EV SD / Crit vs. Float
THIEF / BURGLAR [No.283(11B): 野盗]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Thief 野盗 Burglar Special (x) Transport goods from Lance, Thieves' Cave (Bandit's Hideout) | 220 / M | TPotion (Skill Salts) *Curve Sword* (*Crescent Blade*) Broad Sword (Broadsword) | 7-7 1-PartyLV/16 |
A-1: 01 One Hand Sword A-2: 32 Sweep Down A-3: 34 Heretic Sword A-4: 35 Backstab A-5: 33 Double Mist A-6: 35 Backstab A-7: 3E 3 Slash A-8: 0E Final Strike |
B-1: 5A Dart B-2: 5A Dart B-3: 5B Shadow Sew B-4: 5D Id Break B-5: 62 Random Dart B-6: 62 Random Dart B-7: 60 Dart Special B-8: 60 Dart Special |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-2 |
・(01) One Hand Sword 片手剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(32) Sweep Down なぎ払い Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Stun / EVADE: Slicing Slash
・(34) Heretic Sword 外道剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Poison
・(35) Backstab バックスタッブ Kungfu Slash / MS / Insta-Death
・(33) Double Mist かすみ二段 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT / 1st attack misses / EVADE: Multi Attack
・(3E) 3 Slash 三段斬り Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / EVADE: Multi Attack
・(0E) Final Strike ファイナルストライク Kungfu Heat Cold Bolt All / MS / Weapon breaks
・(5A) Dart ダート Kungfu Shot / MS EV SD
・(5B) Shadow Sew 影ぬい Kungfu Hit Status / MS EV SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(5D) Id Break イドブレイク Kungfu Shot Status / MS EV SD / Confuse, INT-5
・(62) Random Dart でたらめダート Kungfu Shot All / MS EV SD / EVADE: Random Arrow
・(60) Dart Special ダートスペシャル Kungfu Shot / MS EV SD
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
For the battle vs. the Great Thief and his unlimited band of Thieves, equip all the adequate Evade Skills available to you (Slicing Slash, Far Hit, Multi Attack, Shadow Sew, Random Arrow), and ideally have several Hit-All techs (Great Wheel/Giant Swing being the best at this point) or at least one strong Bow tech. Possibly one Parrying character at the front. If you come too early this can turn in to a war of attrition that you have no hope of winning.
Walkthrough: Thieves' Cave.
BRONZE MAG / BRONZE MAGUS [No.123(7B): ブロンズマギ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Bronze mag ブロンズマギ Bronze Magus Special (x) Undine’s House | 330 / M Mag+ Water | Mpotion (Puissance Liquor) Mpotion 2 (Spirit Liquor) Mpotion 2 (Spirit Liquor) | 10-5 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-1: 5A Dart A-2: 5A Dart A-3: 5B Shadow Sew A-4: 5D Id Break A-5: 62 Random Dart A-6: 62 Random Dart A-7: 60 Dart Special A-8: 60 Dart Special |
B-1: CD Shadow Bolt B-2: CD Shadow Bolt B-3: CD Shadow Bolt B-4: AE Suction B-5: 7F Night Call B-6: AE Suction B-7: 7B Megasuction B-8: 7F Night Call |
A/B = 25/75 1st turn: 1-3 |
・(5A) Dart ダート Kungfu Shot / MS EV SD
・(5B) Shadow Sew 影ぬい Kungfu Hit Status / MS EV SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(5D) Id Break イドブレイク Kungfu Shot Status / MS EV SD / Confuse, INT-5
・(62) Random Dart でたらめダート Kungfu Shot All / MS EV SD / EVADE: Random Arrow
・(60) Dart Special ダートスペシャル Kungfu Shot / MS EV SD
・(CD) Shadow Bolt シャドウボルト Moon Status / MS SD / Silence
・(AE) Suction サクション Status Wind / SD- / HP Drain
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
Walkthrough: Fire & Water over a Well.
CRYPTMAGI / CRYPT MAGUS [No.078(4E): クリプトマギ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Cryptmagi クリプトマギ Crypt Magus Special (Beastman) Volcano's House Zweig Tournament | 1206 / M Cold+ | Sand of Mars (Celestial Dust) Mpotion (Puissance Liquor) Mpotion 2 (Spirit Liquor) | 12-15 2-PartyLV/16 |
A/B-1: D8 Charm Sand A/B-2: D8 Charm Sand A/B-3: D8 Charm Sand A/B-4: D8 Charm Sand A/B-5: D8 Charm Sand A/B-6: D8 Charm Sand A/B-7: D8 Charm Sand A/B-8: 0E Final Strike |
A/B = 87.5/12.5 1st turn: 1-3 |
・(D8) Charm Sand 螢惑の砂 (Sand of Mars) Fire / MS SD / 100% chance to change battle environment to Fire
・(0E) Final Strike ファイナルストライク Kungfu Heat Cold Bolt All / MS / Weapon breaks
Walkthrough: Fire & Water over a Well.
MUKCHA / MUKCHAR [No.047(2F): ムクチャー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Mukcha ムクチャー Mukchar Special (Beast, Spirit map sprite) West Forest (Westos Forest) | 3958 / N Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison | x | 16-12 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
3958 | 23 | 21 | 19 | 20 | 16 | 25 | 17 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01: 10 Teeth A-02: 12 Horn A-03: 6F Tail Sweep A-04: 13 Charge A-05: 13 Charge A-06: 6F Tail Sweep A-07: 13 Charge A-08: 13 Charge |
B-01: 10 Teeth B-02: A5 Hot Gas (Single) B-03: A5 Hot Gas (Single) B-04: A5 Hot Gas (Single) B-05: A5 Hot Gas (Single) B-06: A5 Hot Gas (Single) B-07: A5 Hot Gas (Single) B-08: A5 Hot Gas (Single) |
A/B = 50/50 Sleeps at turn 1 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(13) Charge チャージ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Mukcha is the difficult enemy of the quartet of pets: high HP, high atk, no particular weakness. Hot Gas can hit one character for 200+ dmg, and Tail Sweep attacks one row (change your formation accordingly). Sleeps at turn 1 = can be Insta-killed/Petrified then. Early, try and Stun it with a fast character at every turn.
Walkthrough: Strange Pets.
FACE PLANT / MUGPLANT [No.046(2E): 奇面草]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Face Plant 奇面草 Mugplant Special (Beast, Spirit map sprite) West Forest (Westos Forest) | 1128 / N Stat- Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison | x | 13-8 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: 15 Thorn A-02: 6C Saming A-03: 57 Brain Cut A-04: 78 Blood Suck (Red) A-05: 73 Twine Around A-06: 73 Twine Around A-07: 57 Brain Cut A-08: 19 Needle (Shot All) |
B-01: 7C Hypnotize (Single) B-02: 7C Hypnotize (Single) B-03: 93 Stare (Paralyze) B-04: 93 Stare (Paralyze) B-05: 7C Hypnotize (Single) B-06: 92 Stare (Charm) B-07: 94 Stare (Petrify) B-08: 92 Stare (Charm) |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(15) Thorn トゲ Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(6C) Saming サミング Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(57) Brain Cut 脳削り Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Confuse
・(78) Blood Suck (Red) 吸血(赤) Moon Status / MS SD / HP Drain, All Stats Def-2
・(73) Twine Around 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze
・(7C) Hypnotize 催眠 Moon Status / SD / Sleep / EVADE
・(19) Needle (Shot All) 針(射:全) Kungfu Shot All / MS EV SD
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(94) Stare (Petrify) 凝視(石化) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Petrify / EVADE
・(92) Stare (Charm) 凝視(魅了) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Charm / EVADE
BUNNY / BUNNIE [No.045(2D): バーニイ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Bunny バーニイ Bunnie Special (Beast) (Spirit map sprite) West Forest (Westos Forest) | 874 / N Stat- Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison | x | 10-5 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: 10 Teeth A-02: 49 Hard Hit A-03: 6D Body Hit A-04: 6D Body Hit A-05: 6D Body Hit A-06: 66 Strong Strike A-07: 67 Super Strike A-08: 6A Trample |
B-01: 93 Stare (Paralyze) B-02: 93 Stare (Paralyze) B-03: AE Suction B-04: 91 Plasma Net B-05: 91 Plasma Net B-06: E6 Freeze Wall B-07: 7B Megasuction B-08: 7B Megasuction |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-3 |
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(49) Hard Hit ハードヒット Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6D) Body Hit 体当たり Kungfu Hit / MS EV SD- / Stun / EVADE
・(66) Strong Strike 強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(67) Super Strike 最強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(AE) Suction サクション Status Wind / SD- / HP Drain
・(91) Plasma Net エクトプラズムネット (Ectoplasm Net) Sun Status / MS / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Net
・(E6) Freeze Wall フリーズバリア (Freeze Barrier) Counter vs. (Slash Hit Pierce Shot Heat Cold Bolt Status) Wind (Water) Cold / x
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
MAKO [No.044(2C): マコ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Mako マコ Special (Beast, Spirit map sprite) West Forest (Westos Forest) | 326 / N Stat- Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison | x | 8-3 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: 00 Punch A-02: 64 Cat's Steal A-03: 75 Body Drop A-04: 6C Saming A-05: 7C Hypnotize (Single) A-06: 7C Hypnotize (Single) A-07: A3 Poison Gas (Single) |
A-08: 99 Counter B-01: 65 Kick B-02: 65 Kick B-03: 76 Step B-04: 76 Step B-05: 6A Trample B-06: D2 Charm Light B-07: 71 Bolt Kick B-08: 71 Bolt Kick |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(00) Punch パンチ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(64) Cat's Steal ねこだまし (Surprise Clap) Kungfu Status Stun / x / EVADE: Feint
・(75) Body Drop 体落とし Kungfu Hit / X / Throw, Stun
・(6C) Saming サミング Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(7C) Hypnotize 催眠 Moon Status / SD / Sleep / EVADE
・(A3) Poison Gas 猛毒ガス(単) Kungfu Status / SD / Poison, can change the battle environment to Abyss
・(99) Counter カウンター Kungfu / x / x
・(65) Kick キック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(76) Step ステップ Kungfu Status All / MS / Stun
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(D2) Charm Light 幻惑光 Moon Status All / MS / Charm (Mind), can change the battle environment
・(71) Bolt Kick 稲妻キック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Rat Cluster ねずみの群れ Rat Mischief (Algernon) (アルジャーノン) Special (x / Beast) Offering Cave (Sacrificial Cave) | 50000 (2500) / N Cold+ Throw Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 15-6 (15-12) 0-PartyLV/16 |
ALGERNON [No.257(101): アルジャーノン]
A/B-1: 64 Cat's Steal A/B-2: 64 Cat's Steal A/B-3: 1F Poison Fang A/B-4: 6C Saming A/B-5: 51 Mindstare A/B-6: 99 Counter A/B-7: 8E Life Steal A/B-8: 8E Life Steal |
A/B = 87.5/12.5 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(64) Cat's Steal ねこだまし (Surprise Clap) Kungfu Status Stun / x / EVADE: Feint
・(1F) Poison Fang 毒牙 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Poison
・(6C) Saming サミング Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(51) Mindstare マインドステア Kungfu Status / EV CT / Confuse (Mind)
・(99) Counter カウンター Kungfu / x / x
・(8E) Life Steal ライフスティール LP-1 Abyss Status / MS / HP Drain, Undead immune / EVADE
RAT CLUSTER / RAT MISCHIEF [No.256(100): ねずみの群れ]
A/B-1: 1B Rat Fever A/B-2: 1B Rat Fever A/B-3: 8F Terra Voice A/B-4: 1B Rat Fever A/B-5: 1B Rat Fever A/B-6: 1B Rat Fever A/B-7: 8F Terra Voice A/B-8: 1B Rat Fever |
A/B = 87.5/12.5 1st turn: 1-2 |
(1B) Rat Fever ラットフィーバー Kungfu (dmg: MaxHP/2) Slash Status All / MS EV SD / Def-50%
(8F) Terra Voice テラーボイス (Terror Voice) Sun Status All / MS / Sonic, Confuse (Mind)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
See the Walkthrough: Algernon the Genius Rat.
LAKE BOSS / WINTRELLIUS [No.063(3F): 氷湖の主]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Lake Boss 氷湖の主 Wintrellius Special (Fish) Ice Lake (Arctic Lake) | 3199 / N / Water Cold+ Def16 (40%):Slash Hit Pierce Shot Water, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 15-13 15-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
3199 | 19 | 17 | 19 | 11 | 13 | 16 | 25 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 37 | 64 | 37 | 37 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01: 10 Teeth A-02: 10 Teeth A-03: 2A Dagger Draw A-04: 2A Dagger Draw A-05: 44 Skull Crush A-06: 44 Skull Crush A-07: 11 Fang Crash A-08: 11 Fang Crash |
B-01: 79 HP Absorb B-02: 9F Cold Air (Single) B-03: E6 Freeze Wall B-04: 9F Cold Air (Single) B-05: 9F Cold Air (Single) B-06: 79 HP Absorb B-07: A0 Cold Air (All) B-08: E6 Freeze Wall |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(2A) Dagger Draw ダガージョー Kungfu x / (MS EV CT SD)? / Plays last
・(44) Skull Crush スカルクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE: Bone Crush
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(79) HP Absorb 体力吸収 Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP drain, All Stats Def-2
・(9F) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2
・(E6) Freeze Wall フリーズバリア (Freeze Barrier) Counter vs. (Slash Hit Pierce Shot Heat Cold Bolt Status) with Wind (Water) Cold
・(A0) Cold Air (All) 冷気(全) Water Cold All / SD / All Stats Def-2
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade: Bone Crush/Bonecrusher. Important def & resistances: Phys (Hit), Water/Cold. Equip & use techs that do not activate counters to avoid Freeze Wall/Frigid Veil. Against its Shield you can use techs that do not activate shields (look for the absence of 'SD' in the Tech tables), like most Epee techs, Tomahawk variants.. or No-Type attacks like Counters that also negate all defenses.
Walkthrough: Ice Lake.
SUNDINE / SANDINO [No.094(5E): サンディーヌ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Sundine サンディーヌ Sandino Special (Plant) Dry River | 2101 / N / Wind Slash- Heat--- Water, Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Stun | Mpotion (Puissance Liquor) Heliotrope Edelweiss | 16-18 0-16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
2101 | 20 | 22 | 17 | 16 | 16 | 15 | 16 | 12 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 2 | 14 | 14 | 14 |
Weapons: 2x Silver Sword
A-01: 00 Punch A-02: 00 Punch A-03: 68 Tentacle (Weak) A-04: 68 Tentacle (Weak) A-05: 75 Body Drop A-06: 68 Tentacle (Weak) A-07: 68 Tentacle (Weak) A-08: 69 Tentacle (Strong) |
B-01: A8 Strong Acid B-02: A8 Strong Acid B-03: A8 Strong Acid B-04: A8 Strong Acid B-05: A8 Strong Acid B-06: A9 Acid Spray B-07: A9 Acid Spray B-08: A9 Acid Spray |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(00) Punch パンチ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(68) Tentacle (Weak) 触手(弱) Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
・(75) Body Drop 体落とし Kungfu Hit / X / Throw, Stun
・(69) Tentacle (Strong) 触手(強) Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
・(A8) Strong Acid 強酸 Kungfu Heat Status / SD
・(A9) Acid Spray アシッドスプレー Kungfu Heat Status All / SD
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Can be Petrified/Insta-killed. Otherwise equip with items with high Def & Hit resistance (Hot & Status too if you can), a defensive formation. Crit with Big Log Chop/Cut Timber. Difficult early on.
Walkthrough: East of the West: From Naj to Mung.
CRYSTAL DRAGON [No.141(8D): 水晶龍]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Crystal Dragon 水晶龍 Special (Dragon) Crystal Ruins | 8164 / N / Water Cold+ Water Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 18-18 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
8164 | 21 | 22 | 19 | 16 | 20 | 17 | 21 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 17 | 24 | 17 | 17 |
Weapons: Long Sword, Broad Sword
A-01: 0B (Paralyze Claw x2) A-02: 0B (Paralyze Claw x2) A-03: A7 Electricity A-04: 6F Tail Sweep A-05: 9E Crystalizer A-06: 0B Salve (Paralyze Claw x2) A-07: 6F Tail Sweep A-08: 9E Crystalizer |
B-01: 0B Salve (Paralyze Claw x2) B-02: 0B Salve (Paralyze Claw x2) B-03: A7 Electricity B-04: 6F Tail Sweep B-05: 9E Crystalizer B-06: 0B Salve (Paralyze Claw x2) B-07: 6F Tail Sweep B-08: 9E Crystalizer | A/B = 87.5/12.5 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(0B) Salve (Paralyze Claw x2) 傷薬(マヒ爪×2) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Paralyze
・(A7) Electricity 電撃 Water Bolt / SD / Horizontal attack
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(9E) Crystalizer クリスタライザー Water Cold Status / SD / Petrify
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
One rare enemy with both horizontal (Bolt) and vertical (Hit) attacks: formation depending on your resistances. Relatively low Flash LV and no item drop: hit them hard to kill them fast. Or do not engage in battle if you want and can.
Walkthrough: Crystal Ruins.
CYCLOPS [No.260(104): サイクロプス]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Cyclops サイクロプス Special (Giant) Crystal Ruins, Ice Galaxy | 9800 / N Cold- Stat+ Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Poison Stun | Salve 2 (Quality Balm) Tpotion 2 (Strength Salts) Titan Suit | 25-18 5-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
9800 | 27 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 15 | 20 | 20 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 25 | 15 | 25 | 55 |
Weapons: 2x Silver Sword
A-01: 00 Punch A-02: 00 Punch A-03: 75 Body Drop A-04: 4A Bone Crush A-05: 66 Strong Strike A-06: 75 Body Drop A-07: 29 Blackjack A-08: 66 Strong Strike |
B-01: 66 Strong Strike B-02: 7D Hypnotize (All) B-03: 66 Strong Strike B-04: 94 Stare (Petrify) B-05: 70 Earthquake B-06: 70 Earthquake B-07: 94 Stare (Petrify) B-08: 67 Super Strike |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(00) Punch パンチ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(75) Body Drop 体落とし Kungfu Hit / X / Throw, Stun
・(4A) Bone Crush 骨砕き Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE
・(66) Strong Strike 強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(29) Blackjack ブラックジャック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / Sleep
・(7D) Hypnotize (All) 催眠(全) Moon Status All / SD / Sleep / EVADE
・(94) Stare (Petrify) 凝視(石化) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Petrify / EVADE
・(70) Earthquake 地震 Kungfu Hit Pierce ALL / x / Ground, Stun / EVADE
・(67) Super Strike 最強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
Note: Cyclops' A-set is identical to Giant's B-set.
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade: Bone Crush/Bonecrusher, Hypnotize/Hypnosis, Stare/Gaze, Earthquake/Shivers. Equip items with high physical def and strong vs. Hit (e.g. Close Helmet), and possibly item that grant immunity to Sleep (Holy King/Matriarch Helmet, Dream Gem).
Walkthrough: Crystal Ruins Ice Galaxy.
ZELNAMS / ZELNAMITE [No.237(ED): ゼルナム族]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Zelnams ゼルナム族 Zelnamite Special (x) Neft's Den | 1860 / N Hit+ Ground | x | 20-19 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: F5 Double Attack A-02: F5 Double Attack A-03: 18 Needle (Shot Single) A-04: 6B Rush A-05: 44 Skull Crush A-06: F5 Double Attack A-07: 44 Skull Crush A-08: 44 Skull Crush |
B-01: EA Thunderball B-02: EA Thunderball B-03: EA Thunderball B-04: A7 Electricity B-05: A7 Electricity B-06: E5 Light Ball B-07: E5 Light Ball B-08: A7 Electricity |
A/B = 75/25 Turn 1: Electricity 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(F5) Double Attack ダブルアタック(パンチ→牙) = [(00) Punch パンチ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD] + [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(18) Needle (Shot Single) 針(射:単) Kungfu Shot / MS EV SD
・(6B) Rush 突進 Kungfu Hit / MS EV SD- / Horizontal attack / EVADE: Body Hit
・(44) Skull Crush スカルクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE: Bone Crush
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(A7) Electricity 電撃 Water Bolt / SD / Horizontal attack
・(E5) Light Ball ライトボール Sun Status All / MS / Blind (Dark)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Vertical formation & equip with Plastic/Rubber Soles. For the battle against the Devil King/Archfiend Armor (which does not attack but has high def: 33/40), use techs that hit all or several (Great Wheel/Giant Swing, ideally, but also techs like Demi-Lune Echo).
Walkthrough: East of the West: From Naj to Mung.
3 CRAMP 三すくみ (3-Way Deadlock)
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Kanherdraco カンヘルドラコ Quetzalcoatl Serpent 6 | 1256x2=2512 / N Cold--- Poison Stun | Mpotion (Puissance Liquor) Mpotion 2 (Spirit Liquor) Mpotion 2 (Spirit Liquor) | 20-19 0-5 |
A-01: 10 Teeth A-02: 10 Teeth A-03: 2A Dagger Draw A-04: 2A Dagger Draw A-05: 44 Skull Crush A-06: 44 Skull Crush A-07: 11 Fang Crash A-08: 11 Fang Crash |
B-01: CD Shadow Bolt B-02: CD Shadow Bolt B-03: CD Shadow Bolt B-04: AE Suction B-05: 7F Night Call B-06: AE Suction B-07: 7B Megasuction B-08: 7F Night Call |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(2A) Dagger Draw ダガージョー Kungfu x / (MS EV CT SD)? / Plays last
・(44) Skull Crush スカルクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE: Bone Crush
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(CD) Shadow Bolt シャドウボルト Moon Status / MS SD / Silence
・(AE) Suction サクション Status Wind / SD- / HP Drain
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
PSN LEECH / POISON LICH [No.182(B6): ポイゾナスリーチ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Psn Leech ポイゾナスリーチ Venom Lich Inorganic 7 | 849x2=1698 / N Hit++ Mag- Water | x | 23-14 0-6 |
A-01∼06: 78 Blood Suck (Red) A-07∼08: 8E Life Steal |
B-01∼08: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(78) Blood Suck (Red) 吸血(赤) Moon Status / MS SD / HP Drain, All Stats Def-2
・(8E) Life Steal ライフスティール LP-1 Abyss Status / MS / HP Drain, Undead immune / EVADE
・(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison
CROAKER [No.148(94): クローカー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Croaker クローカー Amphibian 5 | 860x2=1720 / N / Water Hit++ Water | x | 15-15 0-4 |
A-01: 00 Punch A-02: 00 Punch A-03: 4E Feint A-04: 73 Twine Around A-05: 00 Punch A-06: 73 Twine Around A-07: 6D Body Hit A-08: 6D Body Hit |
B-01: 93 Stare (Paralyze) B-02: 93 Stare (Paralyze) B-03: 8F Terra Voice B-04: 8F Terra Voice B-05: 97 Supersonic (All) B-06: 9F Cold Air (Single) B-07: 97 Supersonic (All) B-08: 97 Supersonic (All) |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(00) Punch パンチ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(4E) Feint フェイント Kungfu Status / x / Stun / EVADE
・(73) Twine Around 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze
・(6D) Body Hit 体当たり Kungfu Hit / MS EV SD- / Stun / EVADE
・(93) Stare 凝視 Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(8F) Terra Voice テラーボイス (Terror Voice) Sun Status All / MS / Sonic, Confuse (Mind)
・(97) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic
・(9F) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
They will not act until one of them is dead: lower the HP of the 3 of them before killing one.
Walkthrough: Herman's Treasure Cave, Get the Dolphin Statue.
DEATH MASTER [No.238(EE): デスマスター]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Death Master デスマスター Special (x) Dead Man's Well | 1218 / N Hit Heat Stat--- Evade (0%, in fact 20-30%): Slash Hit Pierce Shot Heat Cold Lightning Status Death Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison | Devil King (Shield) (Archfiend's Shield) | 18-13 5-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: CD Shadow Bolt A-02: CD Shadow Bolt A-03: CD Shadow Bolt A-04: AE Suction A-05: 7F Night Call A-06: AE Suction A-07: 7B Megasuction A-08: 7F Night Call |
B-01: AA Wind Dart B-02: AB Nap B-03: AE Suction B-04: B9 Berserk B-05: AB Nap B-06: BB Stone Skin B-07: AD Stone Skin B-08: AD Stone Skin |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(CD) Shadow Bolt シャドウボルト Moon Status / MS SD / Silence
・(AE) Suction サクション Status Wind / SD- / HP Drain
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(AA) Wind Dart ウインドダート Wind Shot / MS / can change battle environment to Wind
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(AB) Nap ナップ Wind Status All / MS SD- / Sleep, can change battle environment to Wind
・(BB) Stone Skin ストーンスキン Earth Status / PhysDef+(20+EarthLV/8)
・(AD) Sewn Bind ソーンバインド (Thorn Bind) Wind Pierce All / MS / Ground, Stun, can change battle environment to Wind
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Exorcist is perfect for this battle. Otherwise other techs that crit vs. Undead (Cross Slash, Southern Cross) or hit all (the best at this point being Spear Great Wheel).
Walkthrough: Fire & Water over a Well.
GOLD MAGI / GOLD MAGUS [No.125(7D): ゴールドマギ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Gold Magi ゴールドマギ Gold Magus Special (x) Undine's House (fight instead of Undine) | 1320 / M Phys--- Heat- Water | Mpotion (Puissance Liquor) Mpotion 2 (Spirit Liquor) Mpotion 2 (Spirit Liquor) | 20-8 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: AA Wind Dart A-02: AB Nap A-03: AE Suction A-04: B9 Berserk A-05: AB Nap A-06: BB Stone Skin A-07: AD Stone Skin A-08: AD Stone Skin |
B-01: BF Squall B-02: BF Squall B-03: C0 Life Water B-04: C3 Sparkling Mist B-05: EB Thunderbolt B-06: EB Thunderbolt B-07: C2 Water Ball B-08: BF Squall |
A/B = 25/75 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(AA) Wind Dart ウインドダート Wind Shot / MS / can change battle environment to Wind
・(AB) Nap ナップ Wind Status All / MS SD- / Sleep, can change battle environment to Wind
・(AE) Suction サクション Status Wind / SD- / HP Drain
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(BB) Stone Skin ストーンスキン Earth Status / PhysDef+(20+EarthLV/8)
・(AD) Sewn Bind ソーンバインド (Thorn Bind) Wind Pierce All / MS / Ground, Stun, can change battle environment to Wind
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
・(C0) Life Water 生命の水 Water Status / x / Recover HP, can change battle environment
・(C3) Sparkling Mist スパークリングミスト Water Status All / MS SD- / DEX-(WaterLV/4), can change battle environment
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(C2) Water Ball ウォーターポール (vs. Slash Hit Pierce Shot) Status / x / Can change battle environment to Water
Note: Gold Magi also use the Ftechs: Cat and Dog, Star Virus, Zodiac Fall.
Walkthrough: Fire & Water over a Well.
UNDINE [No.127(7F): ウンディーネ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Undine ウンディーネ Special (x) Moses (Mahzoz): Dead Man's Well Exit | 3300 / F Mag+ Water | x | 20-18 15-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
3300 | 10 | 20 | 17 | 30 | 20 | 27 | 13 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 38 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01: BF Squall A-02: C3 Sparkling Mist A-03: C3 Sparkling Mist A-04: BF Squall A-05: BF Squall A-06: EB Thunderbolt A-07: EB Thunderbolt A-08: C2 Water Ball |
B-01: BF Squall B-02: C3 Sparkling Mist B-03: C3 Sparkling Mist B-04: BF Squall B-05: BF Squall B-06: EB Thunderbolt B-07: EB Thunderbolt B-08: C2 Water Ball |
A/B = 75/25 Turn 1: Water Ball 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
・(C3) Sparkling Mist スパークリングミスト Water Status All / MS SD- / DEX-(WaterLV/4), can change battle environment
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(C2) Water Ball ウォーターポール (vs. Slash Hit Pierce Shot) Status / x / Can change battle environment
VOLCANO [No.126(7E): ボルカノ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Volcano ボルカノ Special (x) Volcano's House, Moses (Mahzoz): Dead Man's Well Exit | 3300 / M Heat+++ Stat+ | x | 18-20 15-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
3300 | 15 | 10 | 13 | 28 | 17 | 26 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 136 | 14 | 14 | 30 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01: B6 Fire Wall A-02: B6 Fire Wall A-03: B1 Air Slash A-04: B5 Bard Song A-05: B5 Bard Song A-06: 63 Death Arrow A-07: D8 Charm Sand A-08: B6 Fire Wall |
B-01: B6 Fire Wall B-02: B6 Fire Wall B-03: B1 Air Slash B-04: B5 Bard Song B-05: B5 Bard Song B-06: 63 Death Arrow B-07: D8 Charm Sand B-08: B6 Fire Wall |
A/B = 75/25 Turn 1: Fire Wall 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(B6) Fire Wall ファイアウォール Fire Heat / x / Resist vs. Heat Cold, can change battle environment to Fire
・(B1) Air Slash エアスラッシュ Fire Slash Row(LV20+) / MS / Crit vs. Flying status, can change battle environment to Fire
・(B5) Bard Song バードソング (Bird Song) Fire Status All / SD- / Sonic, First Strike, Silence
・(63) Death Arrow 死ね矢 Kungfu Pierce / MS EV SD / Insta-Death
・(D8) Charm Sand 螢惑の砂 (Sand of Mars) Fire / MS SD / 100% chance to change battle environment
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Both Undine & Volcano are susceptible to Petrify/Insta-kill.
Otherwise put one character with Fire resistance at the front to tank Volcano's Fire Wall, and use No-Type or magical attacks vs. Undine's Water Ball. Again, Stun/Sleep/Paralyze can be very helpful to prevent them from casting anything at all.
Walkthrough: Fire & Water over a Well.
1 [No.029(01D): 夢魔(前半)]
2 [No.299(12B): 夢魔]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Dream Devil 夢魔 Dream Eater Special (Demon) Muse’s Dream | 6000(8000) / M Sonic Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 20-(20, 22) 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
6000 8000 | 21 19 | 14 | 20 | 40 | 18 | 32 | 20 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Weapons: 2x Silver Sword / 2x Evil Eye
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 10 Teeth A-04: 12 Horn A-05: 10 Teeth A-06: 10 Teeth A-07: 13 Charge A-08: 13 Charge |
B-01: 25 Death Grip B-02: 12 Horn B-03: 3B Gale Sword B-04: 7D Hypnotize (All) B-05: 7D Hypnotize (All) B-06: 7B Megasuction B-07: DD Nightmare B-08: DD Nightmare |
1 A/B = alternate 1st turn: 1-6 2 A/B = 0/100 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(13) Charge チャージ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(25) Death Grip デスグリップ Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Paralyze
・(3B) Gale Sword 烈風剣 Kungfu Pierce Shot Wind All / MS EV SD / Crit vs. Float
・(7D) Hypnotize (All) 催眠(全) Moon Status All / SD / Sleep / EVADE
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(DD) Nightmare ナイトメア Moon All / x / Sleep (+ Confuse, Charm or Silence), can change battle environment to Abyss
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Equip Hypnotize/Hypnosis Evade (most likely learnt during your several battles with Baku/Tapir). Having Muse actionable during the battle considerably shortens it (see Note below). Anti-Air/Float/Flying attacks crit vs. the Dream Devil.
Note: After taking 6000 dmg, the Dream Devil speaks and the 2nd form (8000 HP) takes over.
At that point, if Muse is in the battle party, she kills the Dream Devil at the time of her next action.
Note that in his 2nd form, even though his STR drops by 2 points, he hits harder because his equipment improves from Silver Sword (Atk 25) to Evil Eye (Atk 34); also, techs come from more difficult B-set exclusively.
Walkthrough: Muse in a Dream.
N. ZWEIGER / NACHT ZWEIGER [No.281(119): ナハトズィーガー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
N. Zweiger ナハトズィーガー Nacht Zweiger Special (x) West Forest (Westos Forest) | 8000 / N Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 20-15 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
8000 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 25 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 16 | 16 | 13 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01: 2E Engine On A-02∼08: A2 Poison Mist |
B-01: 2E Engine On B-02: 2F Body Hit (E) B-03: 2F Body Hit (E) B-04: 2E Engine On B-05: 2F Body Hit (E) B-06: 2F Body Hit (E) B-07: 2F Body Hit (E) B-08: 2E Engine On |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-8 |
・(2E) Engine On エンジン全開 [Sword / MS] / HP+100
・(A2) Poison Mist 毒霧 Kungfu Status All / MS / Poison, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(2F) Body Hit (E) 体当たり(術戦車:敵) Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD- / Stun / EVADE
Note: Action pattern changes depending on the distance that separates N. Zweiger from R. Zweiger (your car).
H. CANNON / HITZE CANONE [No.285(11D): ヒッツェカノネ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
H. Cannon ヒッツェカノネ Hitze Canone (Part of N. Zweiger) Special (x) West Forest (Westos Forest) | 10000 / N Throw Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 20-20 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
10000 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 28 | 28 | 19 | 28 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01∼04: 00 Punch A-05∼08: 66 Strong Strike |
B-01∼08: A5 Hot Gas (Single) |
A/B = (?) 1st turn: 1 |
・(00) Punch パンチ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(66) Strong Strike 強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5
N. CANNON / NADEL CANONE [No.286(11E): ナーデルカノネ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
N. Cannon ナーデルカノネ Nadel Canone (Part of N. Zweiger) Special (x) West Forest (Westos Forest) | 5000 / N Throw Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 20-15 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
5000 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 16 | 16 | 13 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A/B-1∼8 18 Needle (Shot Single) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-8 |
・(18) Needle (Shot Single) 針(射:単) Kungfu Shot / MS EV SD
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Only your first three characters take part in this battle and if HP=0 you fall off the car. Def, resist: Hit, Status, Poison. Magic shields can help. Have Mystic Water or Nightingale handy to cure Poison if need be, and/or Royal Rings to regen HP. Slight weakness to Bolt; but possibly better to use strong hit-all techs.
Walkthrough: Dragon Machine.
MAXIMUS (UNGUARDED) [No.293(125): マクシムス(単体)]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Maximus マクシムス Special (x) Divine Tower (Archlord Tower) | 10000 / M Heat+ Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 23-16 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
10000 8000 | 14 | 19 | 18 | 26 | 17 | 24 | 24 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: 2x Long Sword
A-01: 00 Punch A-02: 00 Punchbr/> A-03: 75 Body Drop A-04: 4A Bone Crush A-05: 66 Strong Strike A-06: 75 Body Drop A-07: 29 Blackjack A-08: 66 Strong Strike |
B-01: EB Thunderbolt B-02: C3 Sparkling Mist B-03: EB Thunderbolt B-04: EB Thunderbolt B-05: EB Thunderbolt B-06: 71 Bolt Kick B-07: 71 Bolt Kick B-08: BF Squall |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-2 |
・(00) Punch パンチ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(75) Body Drop 体落とし Kungfu Hit / X / Throw, Stun
・(4A) Bone Crush 骨砕き Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE
・(66) Strong Strike 強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(29) Blackjack ブラックジャック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / Sleep
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(C3) Sparkling Mist スパークリングミスト Water Status All / MS SD- / DEX-(WaterLV/4), can change battle environment to Water ・(71) Bolt Kick 稲妻キック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
MAXIMUS (GUARDED) [No.294(126): マクシムス(護衛付き)]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Maximus (2) Special (x) Divine Tower (Archlord Tower) | 8000 /M Heat+ Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 23-16 0-PartyLV/16 |
Weapons: Slit Hammer, Long Sword
A-01: 04 Mace A-02: 49 Hard Hit A-03: 49 Hard Hit A-04: 4A Bone Crush A-05: 13 Charge A-06: 4A Bone Crush A-07: 4B Earthquake Hit A-08: 4B Earthquake Hit |
B-01: EB Thunderbolt B-02: C3 Sparkling Mist B-03: EB Thunderbolt B-04: EB Thunderbolt B-05: EB Thunderbolt B-06: 71 Bolt Kick B-07: 71 Bolt Kick B-08: BF Squall |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(04) Mace 棍棒 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(49) Hard Hit ハードヒット Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(4A) Bone Crush 骨砕き Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE
・(13) Charge チャージ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(4B) Earthquake Hit 大震撃 Kungfu Earth Hit All / x / Ground, Stun / EVADE SKILL: Earthquake
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(71) Bolt Kick 稲妻キック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Def: Phys (Hit), Bolt, possibly Water (Squall).
Evade: Bone Crush/Bonecrusher, Bolt Kick, (Earthquake/Shivers, Slicing Slash/Eliminate, Multi Attack/Frenzy, Aiming/Aim, Axel Sniper/Lightspeed, Screwdriver, Blade Roll/Rolling Slash).
When his Guards appear (after your team has rejoined you), Maximus' stats do not change; but his weapons and A-set do.
If you do 10k dmg to Maximus before your team is back in full, the battle ends there (no Guarded form).
End this quickly (note that you can Poison or Insta-kill the Guards) or test your luck to try and learn various Evade skills.
Walkthrough: Chase Maximus.
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Max’s Guard マクシムスガード Special (x) Divine Tower (Archlord Tower) | 6000 / M | x | 20-22 0-PartyLV/16 |
MAX'S GUARD (SWORD) [No.295(127): マクシムスガード(剣)]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
6000 | 18 | 16 | 16 | 26 | 18 | 10 | 10 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 22 | 29 | 22 | 22 |
Weapons: Seven Star, Long Sword
A-01: 01 One Hand Sword A-02: 32 Sweep Down A-03: 34 Heretic Sword A-04: 35 Backstab A-05: 33 Double Mist A-06: 35 Backstab A-07: 3E 3 Slash A-08: 0E Final Strike |
B-01: B8 Stone Ballet B-02: BC Earth Heal B-03: BB Stone Skin B-04: BA Crack B-05: B8 Stone Ballet B-06: BA Crack B-07: BA Crack B-08: BB Stone Skin |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-3 |
・(01) One Hand Sword 片手剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(32) Sweep Down なぎ払い Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Stun / EVADE SKILL: Slicing Slash
・(34) Heretic Sword 外道剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Poison
・(35) Backstab バックスタッブ Kungfu Slash / MS / Insta-Death
・(33) Double Mist かすみ二段 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT / 1st attack misses / EVADE SKILL: Multi Attack
・(3E) 3 Slash 三段斬り Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / EVADE SKILL: Multi Attack
・(0E) Final Strike ファイナルストライク Kungfu Heat Cold Bolt All / MS / Weapon breaks
・(B8) Stone Ballet ストーンバレット (Stone Bullet) Earth Hit / MS / Hits also target's surroundings, can change battle environment to Earth
・(BC) Earth Heal アースヒール Earth Status / x / Can change battle environment to Earth
・(BB) Stone Skin ストーンスキン Earth Status / PhysDef+(20+EarthLV/8)
・(BA) Crack クラック Earth Pierce / x / Ground,Stun, can change battle environment to Earth
MAX'S GUARD (SPEAR) [No.296(128): マクシムスガード(槍)]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
6000 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 26 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 22 | 29 | 22 | 22 |
Weapons: Holy King Spear, Long Sword
A-01: 06 Spear A-02: 54 Leg Sweep A-03: 55 Double Stab A-04: 55 Double Stab A-05: 58 Dragon Hit A-06: 56 Aiming A-07: 72 Windmill A-08: 72 Windmill B-01: B8 Stone Ballet |
B-02: BC Earth Heal B-03: BB Stone Skin B-04: BA Crack B-05: B8 Stone Ballet B-06: BA Crack B-07: BA Crack B-08: BB Stone Skin |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(06) Spear 槍 Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(54) Leg Sweep 足ばらい Kungfu Pierce Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun, Ground
・(55) Double Stab 二段突き Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(58) Dragon Hit ミヅチ (Mizuchi Dragon) Kungfu Pierce / MS EV SD- / Poison
・(56) Aiming エイミング Kungfu x / MS / Plays last / EVADE
・(72) Windmill かざぐるま Kungfu Counter / x / can change battle environment to Wind
・(B8) Stone Ballet ストーンバレット (Stone Bullet) Earth Hit / MS / Hits also target's surroundings, can change battle environment to Earth
・(BC) Earth Heal アースヒール Earth Status / x / Can change battle environment to Earth
・(BB) Stone Skin ストーンスキン Earth Status / PhysDef+(20+EarthLV/8)
・(BA) Crack クラック Earth Pierce / x / Ground,Stun, can change battle environment to Earth
MAX'S GUARD (EPEE) [No.297(129): マクシムスガード(小剣)]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
6000 | 18 | 16 | 21 | 26 | 18 | 10 | 10 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 22 | 29 | 22 | 22 |
Weapons: Kris Naga, Long Sword
A-01: 05 Epee A-02: 4F Axel Sniper A-03: 50 Imprison A-04: 51 Mindstare A-05: 51 Mindstare A-06: 4F Axel Sniper A-07: 4F Axel Sniper A-08: 52 Screwdriver |
B-01: CD Shadow Bolt B-02: CD Shadow Bolt B-03: CD Shadow Bolt B-04: AE Suction B-05: 7F Night Call B-06: AE Suction B-07: 7B Megasuction B-08: 7F Night Call |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(05) Epee 小剣 Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT
・(4F) Axel Sniper アクセルスナイパー (Accel Sniper) Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT / SPD+8 / EVADE
・(50) Imprison インプリズン Kungfu Status / x / Paralyze
・(51) Mindstare マインドステア Kungfu Status / EV CT / Confuse (Mind)
・(52) Screwdriver スクリュードライバー Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT / Crit vs. Female / EVADE
・(CD) Shadow Bolt シャドウボルト Moon Status / MS SD / Silence
・(AE) Suction サクション Status Wind / SD- / HP Drain
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
MAX'S GUARD (AXE) [No.298(12A): マクシムスガード(斧)]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
6000 | 18 | 16 | 14 | 26 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 22 | 29 | 22 | 22 |
Weapons: Devil King Axe, Long Sword
A-01: 03 Axe A-02: 43 Tomahawk A-03: 43 Tomahawk A-04: 44 Skull Crush A-05: 45 Hyper Hammer A-06: 46 Big Rotation A-07: 46 Big Rotation A-08: 0E Final Strike |
B-01: CD Shadow Bolt B-02: CD Shadow Bolt B-03: CD Shadow Bolt B-04: AE Suction B-05: 7F Night Call B-06: AE Suction B-07: 7B Megasuction B-08: 7F Night Call |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-3 |
・(03) Axe 斧 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(43) Tomahawk トマホーク Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV
・(44) Skull Crush スカルクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE: Bone Crush
・(45) Hyper Hammer ハイパーハンマー Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(46) Big Rotation 大回転 (Great Revolution) Kungfu Slash Hit All / MS SD- / EVADE: Blade Roll
・(0E) Final Strike ファイナルストライク Kungfu Heat Cold Bolt All / MS / Weapon breaks
・(CD) Shadow Bolt シャドウボルト Moon Status / MS SD / Silence
・(AE) Suction サクション Status Wind / SD- / HP Drain
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
GWAYNE (HOSTILE) [No.143(8F): グゥエイン]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Gwayne グゥエイン(敵) Special (Dragon) Gwayne’s Den in Loob (Mount Louv) | 16000 / N Mag+ Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Drgn Scales (Dragon Scale) | 21-21 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 09 (Claw x2) A-04: 6F Tail Sweep A-05: 73 Twine Around A-06: 6F Tail Sweep A-07: 73 Twine Around A-08: 12 Horn |
B-01: 10 Teeth B-02: 10 Teeth B-03: 1C Glider Spike B-04: A7 Electricity B-05: 9C Flame (All) B-06: A7 Electricity B-07: A0 Cold Air (All) B-08: 9C Flame (All) |
A/B = 75/25 Turn 1: Electricity, Cold Air (All) or Flame (All) 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(73) Twine Around 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(A7) Electricity 電撃 Water Bolt / SD / Horizontal attack
・(A0) Cold Air (All) 冷気(全) Water Cold All / SD / All Stats Def-2
・(9C) Flame (All) 火炎(全) Fire Heat All / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Important def: Phys (Hit), Bolt, possibly Heat. Tail Sweep (vertical) comes out more often than Electricity (horizontal, against which Plastic/Rubber Soles are perfect): change your formation accordingly. Lots of physical attacks: Water Ball/Column can be useful.
Walkthrough: Wind Abyss Gate (Loob, Gwayne's Den).
GALATIA / GALATEA [No.292(124): ガラテア]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Galatia ガラテア (Galatea) Special (Beast) Ancient Ruins | 13000 / F / Earth Phys+ Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Death Frag (Deathshard) | 25-20 0-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: B8 Stone Ballet A-02: B8 Stone Ballet A-03: BA Crack A-04: BB Stone Skin A-05: BB Stone Skin A-06: BA Crack A-07: 6A Trample A-08: 6A Trample |
B-01: 8E Life Steal B-02: 7E Lullaby B-03: 7E Lullaby B-04: A2 Poison Mist B-05: 8E Life Steal B-06: 7B Megasuction B-07: 92 Stare (Charm) B-08: 93 Stare (Paralyze) |
A/B = alternate 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(B8) Stone Ballet ストーンバレット (Stone Bullet) Earth Hit / MS / Hits also target's surroundings, can change battle environment to Earth
・(BA) Crack クラック Earth Pierce / x / Ground, Stun, can change battle environment to Earth
・(BB) Stone Skin ストーンスキン Earth Status / PhysDef+(20+EarthLV/8)
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(8E) Life Steal ライフスティール LP-1 Abyss Status / MS / HP Drain, Undead immune / EVADE
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
・(A2) Poison Mist 毒霧 Kungfu Status All / MS / Poison, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(92) Stare (Charm) 凝視(魅了) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Charm / EVADE
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade techs: Stare/Gaze, Life Steal (or corresponding equipment, like Evil Mask & Royal Ring), Trample. Important def & immunities: Status, Hit, Ground, Sonic or Sleep, Poison. If you come here early, be sure to equip with some Soft (vs. Petrify); otherwise hit her hard unless you want to be turned into stone. Galatea has an evenly strong physical defense (43) and an evenly decent magic defense (18): do what you can!
Walkthrough: Ancient Temple Ruins.
WATER DRAGON [No.263(107): 水龍]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Water Dragon 水龍 Special (Dragon) Limit Island | 9888 / N / Water Water Sonic Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 25-23 15-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 12 Horn A-03: 6F Tail Sweep A-04: 74 Twine Around A-05: 74 Twine Around A-06: 11 Fang Crash A-07: 1C Glider Spike A-08: 74 Twine Around |
B-01: BF Squall B-02: BF Squall B-03: BF Squall B-04: EB Thunderbolt B-05: BF Squall B-06: BF Squall B-07: C3 Sparkling Mist B-08: EC Mad Thunder (Thunderbolt x3) |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(74) Twine Around (Strong) 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze, STR DEX-4
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(C3) Sparkling Mist スパークリングミスト Water Status All / MS SD- / DEX-(WaterLV/4), can change battle environment to Water
・(EC) Mad Thunder マッドサンダー(落雷×3) = 3x [(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD]
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
A simple Fishscales/Fish Scale accessory immunizes agains Squall; Plastic/Rubber Soles vs. Thunderbolt; otherwise physical def & shields. Change your formation adequately because of row attack Tail Sweep. A magic user can try and change the battle environment; or do not bother (and possibly take advantage of it with Water Ball) and hit the Dragon harder.
Walkthrough: Save the Lobsters.
GIANT [No.289(121): 巨人]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Giant 巨人 Special (Giant) Holy Temple (Matriarch Mausoleum) | 12000 / N Cold- Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x *Triple* (*Triumvirate*) | 25-23 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
12000 | 30 | 19 | 18 | 29 | 23 | 25 | 23 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 20 | 10 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: 2x Triple Sword
A-01: 02 Broad Sword A-02: 39 Smash A-03: 32 Sweep Down A-04: 53 Buster Swing A-05: 53 Buster Swing A-06: 39 Smash A-07: 3B Gale Sword A-08: 3B Gale Sword |
B-01: 00 Punch B-02: 00 Punch B-03: 75 Body Drop B-04: 4A Bone Crush B-05: 66 Strong Strike B-06: 75 Body Drop B-07: 29 Blackjack B-08: 66 Strong Strike |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(02) Broad Sword 大剣 (Greatsword) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(39) Smash スマッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR SPD +8 to self / EVADE
・(32) Sweep Down なぎ払い Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Stun / EVADE: Slicing Slash
・(53) Buster Swing バスタースイング Kungfu Slash Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(3B) Gale Sword 烈風剣 Kungfu Pierce Shot Wind All / MS EV SD / Crit vs. Float
・(00) Punch パンチ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(75) Body Drop 体落とし Kungfu Hit / X / Throw, Stun
・(4A) Bone Crush 骨砕き Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE
・(66) Strong Strike 強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(29) Blackjack ブラックジャック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / Sleep
Note: Giant's B-set is identical to Cyclops' A-set.
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Have a character in a position with a high target rate (ideally spot 1 in Phoenix Dance/Rising Phoenix), equipped with the Stealing Hands/Disarm Greatsword tech, to steal the Giant's Triple Sword. Equip this character with items with high phys def and resistance to Hit, and possibly the others with the adequate Evade skills. Formation: careful to Buster Swing (attacks one row). Once one Triple/Triumvirate Sword is stolen, the Giant will only use B-set techs.
Walkthrough: Holy King Trials, Earth Abyss Gate.
RED DRAGON [No.221(0DD): レッドドラゴン]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Red Dragon レッドドラゴン Winged 14-16 | 9900 / N / Fire Heat+++ Stat+ Ground, Death Stone Paralysis | x | 32-25 15-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
9900 | 25 | 20 | 20 | 35 | 16 | 25 | 22 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 143 | 21 | 21 | 51 |
Weapons: 2x Gladius
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 12 Horn A-04: 09 (Claw x2) A-05: 6F Tail Sweep A-06: 6F Tail Sweep A-07: 6A Trample A-08: 6A Trample |
B-01: 11 Fang Crash B-02: 11 Fang Crash B-03: 9B Flame (Single) B-04: B3 Self Burning B-05: 9C Flame (All) B-06: 9C Flame (All) B-07: 9C Flame (All) B-08: 9C Flame (All) |
A/B = 75/25 Turn 1: (9C) Flame (All) 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(9B) Flame 火炎 Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
・(B3) Self Burning セルフバーニング Fire / nullifies Heat attacks, counter vs. a physical attack with Fire, can change battle environment to Fire
・(9C) Flame (All) 火炎(全) Fire Heat All / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Red Dragon is a mini Red Dragon Ruler. Equip Trample Evade. Starting Flame (All) can be tough: equip Fire/magic resistant items, or keep a Fire Wall up with a fast magic user, or for the 1st turn only simply defend (halves the dmg). Vs. Self Burning, techs that do not activate counters; or tank it. Susceptible to Sleep, Dark, Mind (Confusion), Poison and Stun, which can all be extremely helpful if your party is weak (Poison + invisible status = easy win).
Walkthrough: Chase Maximus, Holy King Trials, Zweig Tournament, Earth Abyss Gate.
MYS DRAGON / GENRYU [No.105(69): 玄竜]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Mys Dragon 玄竜 Genryu Aquatic 10-16 (?) | 12896 / N / Water Def30 (40%): Slash Hit Pierce Shot Heat Cold Bolt Status Water, Poison Stun | MPotion 3 MPotion 3 Water Mirror | 34-32 0-9 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
12896 | 26 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 19 | 21 | 23 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 12 | 2 | 12 | 12 |
Weapons: 2x Dragon Scale Sword
A-01: 10 Teeth A-02: 10 Teeth A-03: 66 Strong Strike A-04: 74 Twine Around A-05: 74 Twine Around A-06: 11 Fang Crash A-07: 74 Twine Around A-08: 74 Twine Around |
B-01: 99 Counter B-02: 99 Counter B-03: A7 Electricity B-04: 9B Flame (Single) B-05: 9F Cold Air (Single) B-06: 9A Ming Wang Punch B-07: 9A Ming Wang Punch B-08: 9A Ming Wang Punch |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(66) Strong Strike 強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(74) Twine Around (Strong) 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze, STR DEX-4
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(99) Counter カウンター Kungfu / x / x
・(A7) Electricity 電撃 Water Bolt / SD / Horizontal attack
・(9B) Flame 火炎 Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
・(9F) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2
・(9A) Ming Wang Punch 明王拳 (Myohoh / Wisdom King Punch) Kungfu Hit / x / Crit vs. Undead, INT WIL CHA-5
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Mys Dragon/Genryu is one of the most difficult enemies: very strong physical attacks, including unblockable Counter (preferably use techs that do not activate counters) & MingWang Punch; a bunch will one-shot one character (esp. Twine Around): have healing magic or items ready; Tiger's Den/Tiger Ferocity in Commander Mode can help. Change formation (horizontal Electricity). Against its Water Mirror shield, No-Type techs (at this point Counters & Draw Sword/Quick Draw) and techs that do not activate shields (look for the absence of 'SD' in the Tech tables), like most Epee techs, Tomahawk variants. Sonic attacks, like Aerobit/Vortex Drive or Dimension Cut/Dimensional Slash, work wonders (Aerobit has the double advantage of having a chance to change the battle environment). Possibly have one character try to Paralyze it at every turn. Susceptible to Petrify/Insta-Death but this would mean forfeit a chance to get the droppable Water Mirror (arguably the best shield in the game with Will Guard & Dragon Scale Shield); unless you use Leonid's Gentle Touch.
Walkthrough: Save the Lobsters.
ASURA [No.028(1C): アスラ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Asura アスラ Demon 13-16 Where to fight | 19999 / M Sonic Gaze Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 36-35 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
19999 | 23 | 20 | 23 | 30 | 26 | 35 | 27 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Weapons: 2x Dragon Scale Sword
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 10 Teeth A-04: 12 Horn A-05: 10 Teeth A-06: 10 Teeth A-07: 13 Charge A-08: 13 Charge |
B-01: C7 Heat Wave B-02: 2A Dagger Draw B-03: 91 Plasma Net B-04: 90 Pheromon B-05: 2A Dagger Draw B-06: 9B Flame (Single) B-07: A2 Poison Mist B-08: 3B Gale Sword |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 2 actions per turn |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(13) Charge チャージ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(C7) Heat Wave ヒートウェイヴ Sun Heat All / MS SD- / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Sun
・(2A) Dagger Draw ダガージョー Kungfu x / (MS EV CT SD)? / Plays last
・(91) Plasma Net エクトプラズムネット (Ectoplasm Net) Sun Status / MS / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Net
・(90) Pheromone フェロモン Sun Status / MS SD / Charm (Mind) / EVADE
・(9B) Flame 火炎 Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
・(A2) Poison Mist 毒霧 Kungfu Status All / MS / Poison, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(3B) Gale Sword 烈風剣 Kungfu Pierce Shot Wind All / MS EV SD / Crit vs. Float
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Asura is one of the most difficult enemies. Hits twice per round.
Evade techs: Net (or Royal Rings or Undead status), Pheromone. Important def: Phys (Hit), Heat, possibly Poison. Lots of Phys attacks: Water Ball works nicely.
If you fight Asura to spark techs, either retreat as soon as you spark something, save and go in again, or plan for a longer battle (Perfect Magic Shields can be useful). See link in the table above to know where to find it.
YAMI [No.015(0F): ヤミー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Yami ヤミー Special (Skeleton, Undead) Leonid's Castle (Castle Leonid) | 13333 / N / Abyss Hit Heat Stat-- Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 30-20 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
13333 | 25 | 20 | 21 | 30 | 20 | 30 | 15 | 34 | 8 | 34 | 34 | 10 | 30 | 30 | 10 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01: E9 Fireball A-02: 26 Blade Net A-03: 91 Plasma Net A-04: A7 Electricity A-05: A7 Electricity A-06: F1 Death Widow A-07: F1 Death Widow A-08: DD Nightmare |
B-01: F6 Multishot B-02: 4A Bone Crush B-03: 6A Trample B-04: 7B Megasuction B-05: 7B Megasuction B-06: 6E Face Hit B-07: 6E Face Hit B-08: 6A Trample |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(E9) Fireball ファイアーボール Fire Heat / MS SD
・(26) Blade Net ブレードネット Kungfu Slash / MS EV SD- / Paralyze / EVADE: Net
・(91) Plasma Net エクトプラズムネット (Ectoplasm Net) Sun Status / MS / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Net
・(A7) Electricity 電撃 Water Bolt / SD / Horizontal attack
・(F1) Death Widow / Corpse Moss 死人ゴケ(毒霧→狂戦士) = [(A2) Poison Mist 毒霧 Kungfu Status All / MS / Poison, can change battle environment to Abyss] + [(F3) Triple Strike (Confuse: Silence) 三連撃(狂戦士) Kungfu Status All / MS / Silence (Mind)] / [EVADE]
・(DD) Nightmare ナイトメア Moon All / x / Sleep (+ Confuse, Charm or Silence), can change battle environment to Abyss
・(F6) Multishot マルチショット(エルフショット【平均】×3) = 3x [(1A) Elf Shot エルフショット Kungfu / x / All Stats Def-2, dmg=(MaxHP/8)x3]
・(4A) Bone Crush 骨砕き Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(6E) Face Hit ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
With a little effort, Yami can even be defeated during the Introduction.
It is easier to face Yami later but the basic strategy does not change drastically (it is applicable to Yama, mutatis mutandis because Yama is not Undead): high Mdef (and possibly Mind immunity), Evade skills (Net, Bone Crush/Bonecrusher, Trample, Body Hit/Tackle), Southern Cross (crit vs. Undead). Shadow Servant & Illusion Sun/Parhelion can be helpful.
Walkthrough: Leonid's Castle.
For an aggressive approach and the optimal equipment, have a look at this No-magic Katarina Solo Playthrough.
1 [No.092(5C): ドラゴンルーラー]
2 [No.107(6B): ドラゴンルーラー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Dragon Ruler (White) ドラゴンルーラー(白) Dragonlord Special (Dragon) Ice Galaxy | 7000+7000 / N / Water Cold+ Sonic Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Tpotion 2 (Strength Salts) Life Potion (Twig of Life) Dragon Spear (Sm'augg) | 25-18, 30-26 5-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
7000 7000 | 21 | 16 | 20 | 30 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 37 | 64 | 37 | 37 |
Weapons: 2x Silver Sword
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 12 Horn A-04: 09 (Claw x2) A-05: 6F Tail Sweep A-06: 6F Tail Sweep A-07: 6A Trample A-08: 6A Trample |
B-01: 11 Fang Crash B-02: E6 Freeze Wall B-03: 11 Fang Crash B-04: 11 Fang Crash B-05: A0 Cold Air (All) B-06: 1C Glider Spike B-07: A0 Cold Air (All) B-08: A0 Cold Air (All) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-5 2 actions per turn |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(E6) Freeze Wall フリーズバリア (Freeze Barrier) Counter vs. (Slash Hit Pierce Shot Heat Cold Bolt Status) Wind (Water) Cold / x
・(A0) Cold Air (All) 冷気(全) Water Cold All / SD / All Stats Def-2
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Tail Sweep hits a whole row: change formation accordingly. Important def: vs. Phys (Hit) & Cold. Evade: Trample. If you come here early (requirement for the Ice Galaxy is 350HP), try and change battle atmosphere first. Against Freeze Wall/Frigid Veil: techs that do not activate counters, or tank it. Lots of physical attacks: Water Ball/Column (if you decide to leave the Water battle environment as-is) or Dancing Leaves (more difficult to set up) or Illusion Sun/Parhelion can always be of help.
Walkthrough: Ice Galaxy.
1 [No.156(9C): ドラゴンルーラー]
2 [No.108(6C): ドラゴンルーラー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Dragon Ruler (Red) ドラゴンルーラー(赤) Dragonlord Special (Dragon) Huang City | 10000+10000 / N / Fire Heat+++ Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Tpotion 2 (Strength Salts) Life Potion (Twig of Life) Dragon Spear (Sm'augg) | 0-25, 33-33 5-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
10000 10000 | 23 | 20 | 19 | 45 | 20 | 25 | 20 25 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 138 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Dragon Scale Sword
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 12 Horn A-04: 09 (Claw x2) A-05: 6F Tail Sweep A-06: 6F Tail Sweep A-07: 6A Trample A-08: 6A Trample |
B-01: 11 Fang Crash B-02: 11 Fang Crash B-03: 9B Flame (Single) B-04: B3 Self Burning B-05: 9C Flame (All) B-06: 9C Flame (All) B-07: 9C Flame (All) B-08: 9C Flame (All) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-5 2 actions per turn |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(9B) Flame 火炎 Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
・(B3) Self Burning セルフバーニング Fire / nullifies Heat attacks, counter vs. a physical attack with Fire, can change battle environment to Fire
・(9C) Flame (All) 火炎(全) Fire Heat All / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Be sure to prepare for this fight before going to Huang City. Tail Sweep hits a whole row: change formation accordingly. Important def: vs. Phys (Hit) & Mag (Heat; a fast character casting Firewall/Wall of Fire at every turn just in case is also a viable strategy). Evade: Trample. Against Self Burning/Self-immolation: techs that do not activate counters, or tank it. Lots of physical attacks: Water Ball/Column (ideally, bc of easier set-up) or Illusion Sun/Parhelion can always be of help and counters can work.
Walkthrough: Huang City.
1 [No.158(9E): ドラゴンルーラー]
2 [No.110(6E): ドラゴンルーラー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Dragon Ruler (Green) ドラゴンルーラー(緑) Dragonlord Special (Dragon) Rotten Sea | 11000+11000 / N / Earth Heat+ Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Tpotion 2 (Strength Salts) Life Potion (Twig of Life) Dragon Spear (Sm'augg) | 30-23, 33-31 5-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
11000 11000 | 19 24 | 20 | 19 20 | 60 65 | 20 | 25 | 20 25 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: 2x Dragon Scale Sword
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 12 Horn A-04: 09 (Claw x2) A-05: 6F Tail Sweep A-06: 6F Tail Sweep A-07: 6A Trample A-08: 6A Trample |
B-01: 11 Fang Crash B-02: Poison Gas (All) B-03: 11 Fang Crash B-04: 11 Fang Crash B-05: Poison Gas (All) B-06: 6B Rush B-07: Poison Gas (All) B-08: 8F Terra Voice |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-5 2 actions per turn |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(A4) Poison Gas (All) 猛毒ガス(全) Kungfu Status All / SD / Poison, can change the battle environment to Abyss
・(6B) Rush 突進 Kungfu Hit / MS EV SD- / Horizontal attack / EVADE: Body Hit
・(8F) Terra Voice テラーボイス (Terror Voice) Sun Status All / MS / Sonic, Confuse (Mind)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade: Trample, Body Hit. Tail Sweep hits a whole row: change formation accordingly. (Rush, an horizontal attack, could also be a problem if you do not have the adequate Evade skill Body Hit/Tackle, but its probability is twice as low.) Important def: vs. Phys (Hit) & Status, possibly also vs. Poison (or have a Nightingale handy). Lots of physical attacks: Water Ball/Column (ideally, bc of easier set-up) or Illusion Sun/Parhelion can always be of help.
Walkthrough: Rotten Sea Ruins.
1 [No.157(9D): ドラゴンルーラー]
2 [No.109(6D): ドラゴンルーラー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Dragon Ruler (Black) ドラゴンルーラー(黒) Dragonlord Special (Dragon) Kings’ Capital (City of Kings) | 12000+12000 / N / Earth Heat+ Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Tpotion 2 (Strength Salts) Life Potion (Twig of Life) Dragon Spear (Sm'augg) | 30-25, 33-34 5-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
12000 12000 | 24 29 | 20 | 19 20 | 50 55 | 20 | 25 | 20 25 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 30 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: 2x Dragon Scale Sword
A-01: 1E Poison Claw A-02: 1E Poison Claw A-03: 6F Tail Sweep A-04: 1E Poison Claw A-05: 1E Poison Claw A-06: 12 Horn A-07: 1E Poison Claw A-08: 6A Trample |
B-01: 1F Poison Fang B-02: 1F Poison Fang B-03: A9 Acid Spray B-04: 11 Fang Crash B-05: 11 Fang Crash B-06: A9 Acid Spray B-07: 70 Earthquake B-08: 70 Earthquake |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-5 2 actions per turn |
・(1E) Poison Claw 毒爪 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Poison
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(1F) Poison Fang 毒牙 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Poison
・(A9) Acid Spray アシッドスプレー Kungfu Heat Status All / SD
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(70) Earthquake 地震 Kungfu Hit Pierce ALL / x / Ground, Stun / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade: Trample, Earthquake. Tail Sweep hits a whole row: change formation accordingly. Important def: vs. Phys (Hit), Heat & Status, possibly also vs. Poison (or have a Nightingale handy) - the best being Hid. Leather/Hydraskin Vest. Lots of physical attacks: Water Ball/Column (ideally, bc of easier set-up) or Illusion Sun/Parhelion can always be of help.
Walkthrough: Kings Capital.
ARAKE DEMON / ALLOCES'S OGRE [No.278(116): アラケスの戦鬼]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Arake Demon アラケスの戦鬼 Alloces's Ogre Special (x) Devil King Palace (Archfiend Palace) | 1680 / M Stat+ | Salve 2 (Quality Balm) *Two Handed* (*Zweihander*) *Viking Axe* | 11-17 2-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: 02 Broad Sword A-02: 02 Broad Sword A-03: 37 Blunt Hit A-04: 39 Smash A-05: 6D Body Hit A-06: 39 Smash A-07: 42 Super Sonic A-08: 0E Final Strike |
B-01: 43 Tomahawk B-02: 43 Tomahawk B-03: 77 Ink B-04: 44 Skull Crush B-05: 90 Pheromon B-06: 45 Hyper Hammer B-07: 46 Big Rotation B-08: 46 Big Rotation |
A/B = 25/75 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(02) Broad Sword 大剣 (Greatsword) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(37) Blunt Hit みね打ち Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Paralyze
・(39) Smash スマッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR SPD +8 to self / EVADE
・(6D) Body Hit 体当たり Kungfu Hit / MS EV SD- / Stun / EVADE
・(42) Super Sonic 超振動剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD- / STR DEX -4, Paralyze
・(0E) Final Strike ファイナルストライク Kungfu Heat Cold Bolt All / MS / Weapon breaks
・(43) Tomahawk トマホーク Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV
・(77) Ink スミ Water Status / MS SD / Sonic, can change battle environment to Water
・(44) Skull Crush スカルクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE: Bone Crush
・(90) Pheromone フェロモン Sun Status / MS SD / Charm (Mind) / EVADE
・(45) Hyper Hammer ハイパーハンマー Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(46) Big Rotation 大回転 (Great Revolution) Kungfu Slash Hit All / MS SD- / EVADE: Blade Roll
Note: Several helpful Evade Skills can be sparked (esp. Blade Roll/Rolling Slash for Arakes, possibly Pheromone for Asura, and Bone Crush/Bonecrusher is a very common enemy tech).
Walkthrough: Earth Abyss Gate.
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Storm Dragon 嵐龍 Tempest Dragon Special (Dragon) Devil King Palace | 7999 / N / Water Water Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 25-21 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
7999 | 21 | 17 | 22 | 25 | 26 | 21 | 20 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
Weapons: 2x Evil Eye
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 12 Horn A-03: 6F Tail Sweep A-04: 74 Twine Around A-05: 74 Twine Around A-06: 11 Fang Crash A-07: 1C Glider Spike A-08: 74 Twine Around |
B-01: BF Squall B-02: BF Squall B-03: BF Squall B-04: EB Thunderbolt B-05: BF Squall B-06: BF Squall B-07: C3 Sparkling Mistト B-08: EC Mad Thunder (3x Thunderbolt) |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(74) Twine Around (Strong) 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze, STR DEX-4
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(C3) Sparkling Mist スパークリングミスト Water Status All / MS SD- / DEX-(WaterLV/4), can change battle environment to Water
・(EC) Mad Thunder マッドサンダー(落雷×3) = 3x [(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD]
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Only 8k HP: probably not worth changing the battle environment if it turns to Water. Important def: Phys (Hit), Mag (Water, Bolt). Equip everyone with Plastic/Rubber Soles anyway.
Walkthrough: Earth Abyss Gate.
ARAKES / ALLOCES (PHANTOM) [No.274(112): アラケス]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Arakes (Phantom) アラケス(幻影) Alloces Special (x) Devil King Palace (Archfiend Palace) | 24000 / M / Earth Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 25-27 15-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
24000 | 28 | 14 | 20 | 32 | 16 | 25 | 17 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Weapons: Lucerne, Silver Sword
A-01: 27 Rear Burn A-02: 27 Rear Burn A-03: 29 Blackjack A-04: 46 Big Rotation A-05: 56 Aiming A-06: 70 Earthquake A-07: 13 Charge A-08: 6E Face Hit |
B-01: 09 (Claw x2) B-02: 09 (Claw x2) B-03: 11 Fang Crash B-04: 8F Terra Voice B-05: 09 (Claw x2) B-06: 09 (Claw x2) B-07: 8F Terra Voice B-08: 2A Dagger Draw |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(27) Rear Burn やきごて (Iron Brand) Kungfu Heat / MS EV SD- / Crit vs. Skeleton, STR-5
・(29) Blackjack ブラックジャック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / Sleep
・(46) Big Rotation 大回転 (Great Revolution) Kungfu Slash Hit All / MS SD- / EVADE: Blade Roll
・(56) Aiming エイミング Kungfu x / MS / Plays last / EVADE
・(70) Earthquake 地震 Kungfu Hit Pierce ALL / x / Ground, Stun / EVADE
・(13) Charge チャージ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6E) Face Hit ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(8F) Terra Voice テラーボイス (Terror Voice) Sun Status All / MS / Sonic, Confuse (Mind)
・(2A) Dagger Draw ダガージョー Kungfu x / (MS EV CT SD)? / Plays last
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Equip available Evade Skills (Blade Roll/Rolling Slash, Earthquake/Shivers, Body Hit/Tackle, Aiming/Aim) and items with high Phys def (Hit) and possibly resistance vs. Heat. Fire counters (Self Burning/Self-immolation, Flame Mantle) nullify Rear Burn. Firebird/Shucho armor renders immune to Earthquake. Tiger's Den/Ferocity formation is good. Lots of physical attacks: Water Ball/Column (ideally, bc of easier set-up) will be of great help, Counters work nicely.
Walkthrough: Earth Abyss Gate.
ARAKES / ALLOCES (ABYSS) [No.304(130): アラケス(本体)]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Arakes (True Form) アラケス(本体) Alloces Special (Beastman) Abyss | 35000 / M / Earth Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 40-35 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
35000 | 25 | 16 | 20 | 30 | 19 | 25 | 17 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 |
Weapons: Lucerne, Silver Sword
A-01: 29 Blackjack A-02: 66 Strong Strike A-03: 75 Body Drop A-04: 4B Earthquake Hit A-05: 4B Earthquake Hit A-06: 67 Super Strike A-07: 67 Super Strike A-08: 9A Ming Wang Punch |
B-01: 27 Rear Burn B-02: 57 Brain Cut B-03: 46 Big Rotation B-04: 41 Thousand Bird B-05: 58 Dragon Hit B-06: 52 Screwdriver B-07: 3A Sweep Draw B-08: 56 Aiming |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-6 2 actions per turn |
・(29) Blackjack ブラックジャック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / Sleep
・(66) Strong Strike 強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(75) Body Drop 体落とし Kungfu Hit / X / Throw, Stun
・(4B) Earthquake Hit 大震撃 Kungfu Earth Hit All / x / Ground, Stun / EVADE: Earthquake
・(67) Super Strike 最強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(9A) Ming Wang Punch 明王拳 (Myohoh / Wisdom King Punch) Kungfu Hit / x / Crit vs. Undead, INT WIL CHA-5
・(27) Rear Burn やきごて (Iron Brand) Kungfu Heat / MS EV SD- / Crit vs. Skeleton, STR-5
・(57) Brain Cut 脳削り Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Confuse
・(46) Big Rotation 大回転 (Great Revolution) Kungfu Slash Hit All / MS SD- / EVADE: Blade Roll
・(41) Thousand Bird 舞千鳥 (Dancing Plover) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
・(58) Dragon Hit ミヅチ (Mizuchi Dragon) Kungfu Pierce / MS EV SD- / Poison
・(52) Screwdriver スクリュードライバ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT / Crit vs. Female / EVADE
・(3A) Sweep Draw 払い抜け KungfuSlash / MS EV CT SD / EVADE: Slicing Slash
・(56) Aiming エイミング Kungfu x / MS / Plays last / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Equip Evade Skills (Blade Roll/Rolling Slash, Earthquake/Shievers, Thousand Bird/Dancing Plover, Screwdriver, Slicing Slash/Eliminate, Aiming/Aim) and items with high Phys def. Additional useful resistances: Heat, Mind, Poison. Fire counters (Self Burning/Self-immolation, Flame Mantle) nullify Rear Burn. Tiger's Den/Ferocity formation is good. Lots of physical attacks: Water Ball/Column (ideally, bc of easier set-up) will be very helpful, Counters work (here is a video in which Arakes is brought down by Martial Counters only).
Walkthrough: Into the Abyss.
AUNAS MAGE / AUNUS'S PIXIE [No.279(117): アウナス術妖]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Aunas mage アウナス術妖 Aunus's Pixie Special (x) Fire Palace (Fire Fortress) | 600 / N Heat+ | Sand of Mars (Celestial Dust) Mpotion (Puissance Liquor) Mpotion 2 (Spirit Liquor) | 12-12 2-PartyLV/16 |
A-01: E9 Fireball A-02: E9 Fireball A-03: B2 Hardfire A-04: E9 Fireball A-05: C7 Heat Wave A-06: C7 Heat Wave A-07: C7 Heat Wave A-08: B3 Self Burning |
B-01∼07: D8 Charm Sand B-08: 0E Final Strike |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(E9) Fireball ファイアーボール Fire Heat / MS SD
・(B2) Hardfire ハードファイア Fire Status / raises SPD by 5+(4xFireLV), can change battle environment to Fire
・(C7) Heat Wave ヒートウェイヴ Sun Heat All / MS SD- / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Sun
・(B3) Self Burning セルフバーニング Fire / nullifies Heat attacks, counter vs. a physical attack with Fire, can change battle environment to Fire
・(D8) Charm Sand 螢惑の砂 (Sand of Mars) Fire / MS SD / 100% chance to change battle environment to Fire
・(0E) Final Strike ファイナルストライク Kungfu Heat Cold Bolt All / MS / Weapon breaks
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Depending on your Party LV, pairs with 2x Shock, or appears as 5x Aunas Mage. Either way, ideally, use strong hit-all techs (ideally Spear Great Wheel/Giant Swing) to end it quickly. Early on, Shock can be used to spark techs (but Cerberus has a higher Spark LV).
Walkthrough: Fire Palace.
HIDONA / PYROHYDRA [No.142(08E): パイロヒドラ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Hidona パイロヒドラ Pyrohydra Special (Serpent) Fire Palace (Fire Fortress) | 6898 / N / Fire Heat+++ Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x Fang Charm (Fang Amulet) Hidora (Hydra Leather) | 20-20 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
6898 | 24 | 19 | 18 | 22 | 17 | 19 | 18 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 138 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01∼08: F4 Triple Strike (Teeth x3) |
B-01: F4 Triple Strike (Teeth x3) B-02: F8 Triple Strike (Teeth→Flame→Teeth) B-03: F4 Triple Strike (Teeth x3) B-04: F4 Triple Strike (Teeth x3) B-05: FA Triple Strike (Flame→Electricity→Cold Air) B-06: FA Triple Strike (Flame→Electricity→Cold Air) B-07: F8 Triple Strike (Teeth→Flame→Teeth) B-08: FA Triple Strike (Flame→Electricity→Cold Air) |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-4 |
・(F4) Triple Strike 三連撃(牙×3) = 3x [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(F8) Triple Strike 三連撃(牙→火炎→牙) = [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-] + [(9B) Flame 火炎 Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire] + [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(FA) Triple Strike 三連撃(火炎→電撃→冷気) = [(9B) Flame 火炎 Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire] + [(A7) Electricity 電撃 Water Bolt / SD / Horizontal attack] + [(9F) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2]
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Impervious to Heat. Lots of physical Triple Strike attacks: equip accordingly, Water Ball/Column can help, counters can be a good idea (see this video: counters only), alternatively equip your most sturdy character at the front with your best gear. If you come early and have very little defense against the elemental Triple Strike, either ignore it or equip the Fire items you got in the Fire Fortress. Commander Mode can help.
Walkthrough: Fire Palace.
AUNAS / AUNUS (PHANTOM) [No.275(113): アウナス] AUNUS
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Aunas (Phantom) アウナス(幻影) Aunus Special (x) Fire Palace (Fire Fortress) | 19000 / M / Fire Heat+++ Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Flame Mantle | 27-26 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
19000 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 16 | 20 | 17 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 138 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: 2x Broad Sword
A-01: 36 Dragon Tail A-02: 3E 3 Slash A-03: 8D Deathgod Stove A-04: 3B Gale Sword A-05: B6 Fire Wall A-06: 42 Super Sonic A-07: 8D Deathgod Stove A-08: 3B Gale Sword |
B-01: DE Insanity B-02: C7 Heat Wave B-03: C7 Heat Wave B-04: 9C Flame (All) B-05: DE Insanity B-06: 9C Flame (All) B-07: 9C Flame (All) B-08: 9C Flame (All) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(36) Dragon Tail 龍尾返し Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(3E) 3 Slash 三段斬り Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / EVADE: Multi Attack
・(8D) Deathgod Stove 死神のカマ Kungfu Status / MS SD- / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Death Sickle
・(3B) Gale Sword 烈風剣 Kungfu Pierce Shot Wind All / MS EV SD / Crit vs. Float
・(B6) Fire Wall ファイアウォール Fire Heat / x / Resist vs. Heat Cold, can change battle environment to Fire
・(42) Super Sonic 超振動剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD- / STR DEX -4, Paralyze
・(DE) Insanity インサニティ Moon / x / Confusion or Charm or Silence / can change battle environment to Abyss
・(C7) Heat Wave ヒートウェイヴ Sun Heat All / MS SD- / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Sun
・(9C) Flame (All) 火炎(全) Fire Heat All / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Ideally one character with your best Heat-resistant items (or with Self Burning/Self-immolation) at the front to tank Fire Wall. Important def, resist & immunities: Mdef, Heat. Against the Sword techs: shields & Water Ball/Column. Careful of Gale Sword (crit. vs. Flying: avoid the Firebird/Shucho Armor). Evade: Death Sickle/Reaper's Scythe (or Royal Ring), Multi Attack/Frenzy. Equip and use techs that do not activate counters (CM Ftechs also work). As with most bosses, a simple Squall prevents enemy HP regen (and allows Water Ball activation).
Walkthrough: Fire Palace.
AUNAS / AUNUS (ABYSS) [No.306(132): アウナス(本体)] AUNUS
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Aunas (True Form) アウナス(本体) Aunus Special (x) Abyss | 31000 / M / Fire Heat+++ Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 40-33 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
31000 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 17 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 138 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: 2x Silver Sword
A-01: B1 Air Slash A-02: B1 Air Slash A-03: C7 Heat Wave A-04: B6 Fire Wall A-05: B6 Fire Wall A-06: B5 Bard Song A-07: B5 Bard Song A-08: 7F Night Call |
B-01: 9C Flame (All) B-02: 9C Flame (All) B-03: 9C Flame (All) B-04: 8D Deathgod Stove B-05: 8D Deathgod Stove B-06: 93 Stare (Paralyze) B-07: 94 Stare (Petrify) B-08: 92 Stare (Charm) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-6 2 actions per turn |
・(B1) Air Slash エアスラッシュ Fire Slash Row(LV20+) / MS / Crit vs. Flying status, can change battle environment to Fire
・(C7) Heat Wave ヒートウェイヴ Sun Heat All / MS SD- / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Sun
・(B6) Fire Wall ファイアウォール Fire Heat / x / Resist vs. Heat Cold, can change battle environment to Fire
・(B5) Bard Song バードソング (Bird Song) Fire Status All / SD- / Sonic, First Strike, Silence
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(9C) Flame (All) 火炎(全) Fire Heat All / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
・(8D) Deathgod Stove 死神のカマ Kungfu Status / MS SD- / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Death Sickle
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(94) Stare (Petrify) 凝視(石化) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Petrify / EVADE
・(92) Stare (Charm) 凝視(魅了) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Charm / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Unlike the Phantom version, no direct physical attacks. Avoid vertical formations (Air Slash, a physical Slash attack btw). Ideally one character with Aunas' own Flame Mantle or Hid. Leather/Hydraskin Vest at the front to tank Fire Wall. Important def, resist & imunities: Mdef, Heat, Status, Sonic. Evade: Death Sickle/Reaper's Scythe (or Royal Ring, Gold Dragon armor), Stare/Gaze (or Evil Mask). Equip and use techs that do not activate counters (CM Ftechs also work).
Walkthrough: Into the Abyss.
LIFE TRAP [No.093(05D): ライフトラップ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Life Trap ライフトラップ Special (Plant) Byunei’s Den (Buné's Lair) | 4200 / N Phys+ Heat Stat--- Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 15-15 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
4200 | 16 | 22 | 18 | 25 | 22 | 30 | 12 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 51 | 3 | 22 | 19 | 3 |
Weapons: 2x Silver Sword
A-01: 7D Hypnotize (All) A-02: 31 Lifebreak A-03: 87 Spore (Poison All) A-04: 87 Spore (Poison All) A-05: 68 Tentacle A-06: 73 Twine Around A-07: 31 Lifebreak A-08: 68 Tentacle |
B-01: 78 Blood Suck (Red) B-02: 78 Blood Suck (Red) B-03: 78 Blood Suck (Red) B-04: 78 Blood Suck (Red) B-05: 78 Blood Suck (Red) B-06: 78 Blood Suck (Red) B-07: 8E Life Steal B-08: 8E Life Steal |
A/B = alternate 1st turn: 1-7 |
・(7D) Hypnotize (All) 催眠(全) Moon Status All / SD / Sleep / EVADE
・(31) Lifebreak ライフブレイク Kungfu Status / LP-1, Uneffective vs. Undead
・(87) Spore (Poison All) ほうし(毒:全) Moon Shot Status All / MS SD / Poison
・(68) Tentacle (Weak) 触手(弱) Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
・(73) Twine Around (Weak) 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze
・(78) Blood Suck (Red) 吸血(赤) Moon Status / MS SD / HP Drain, All Stats Def-2
・(8E) Life Steal ライフスティール LP-1 Abyss Status / MS / HP Drain, Undead immune / EVADE
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Sort of little plant aliens (pulsing holes in the ground), which can be annoying (4200 HP, i.e. more HP than each mini-boss, very high phys def, with Hypnotize, Life Steal, Life Break & al.). Use cheap and powerful waza like Training CaneBladed Cane Draw Sword/Quick Draw, Triple/Triumvirate Dancing Sword or any def-ignoring tech (Aiming/Aim, Instant Power/Pressure Point..) and protect yourself with the Hypnotize/Hypnosis & Life Steal Evade Skills and Royal Rings.
Walkthrough: Wind Abyss Gate (Taftan, Byunei's Den).
BYUNI BABY / BUNÉ'S IMP [No.253(FD): ビューネイベビー]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Byuni Baby ビューネイベビー Buné's Imp Special (Demon) Byunei's Den (Buné's Lair) | 3000 / N Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 20-16 0-PartyLV/16 |
A/B-01: A5 Hot Gas (Single) A/B-02: A5 Hot Gas (Single) A/B-03: 78 Blood Suck (Red) A/B-04: 93 Stare (Paralyze) A/B-05: 7F Night Call A/B-06: 8A Dissolve A/B-07: A5 Hot Gas (Single) A/B-08: A5 Hot Gas (Single) |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-8 |
・(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5
・(78) Blood Suck (Red) 吸血(赤) Moon Status / MS SD / HP Drain, All Stats Def-2
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(8A) Dissolve 溶解液 Water Status / MS SD / Water
BYUNI BIRD / BUNÉ'S BYRD [No.254(FE): ビューネイバード]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Byuni Bird ビューネイバード Buné's Byrd Special (Winged) Byunei's Den (Buné's Lair) | 3000 / N Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 20-16 0-PartyLV/16 |
A/B-01: 28 Beak A/B-02: 28 Beak A/B-03: 96 Supersonic A/B-04: 96 Supersonic A/B-05: 1C Glider Spike A/B-06: 28 Beak A/B-07: 65 Kick A/B-08: 14 Knocking |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-8 |
・(28)Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark
・(96) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status / MS SD / Sonic
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark
・(65) Kick キック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(14) Knocking ノッキング Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
BYUNI DOG / BUNÉ'S HOUND [No.255(FF): ビューネイドッグ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Byuni Dog ビューネイドッグ Buné's Hound Special (Beast) Byunei's Den (Buné's Lair) | 3000 / N Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | B. Dragon (Soryu Armor) | 20-16 0-PartyLV/16 |
A/B-01: 10 Teeth A/B-02: 11 Fang Crash A/B-03: 6B Rush A/B-04: 8F Terra Voice A/B-05: 8F Terra Voice A/B-06: 11 Fang Crash A/B-07: 11 Fang Crash A/B-08: 6B Rush |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-8 Turn 1: (6B) Rush |
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(6B) Rush 突進 Kungfu Hit / MS EV SD- / Horizontal attack / EVADE: Body Hit
・(8F) Terra Voice テラーボイス (Terror Voice) Sun Status All / MS / Sonic, Confuse (Mind)
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Walkthrough: Wind Abyss Gate (Taftan, Byunei's Den).
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Byunei (Phantom) ビューネイ(幻影) Special (x) Byunei's Den (Buné's Lair) | 3000, 3000, 3000, 9000 / F / Wind Heat+++ Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Drgn Scales (Dragon Scale) | 30-18,21,24,29 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
3000 3000 3000 9000 | 21 22 23 24 | 24 23 20 18 | 18 19 21 23 | 20 22 24 29 | 22 22 22 23 | 20 20 20 25 | 25 25 24 23 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 138 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Curve Sword
Note: Byunei has a new form each time a new head sprouts: stats change as shown above, tech sets change as shown below, and if applicable debuffs are removed.
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (PHANTOM 1) [No.265(109): ビューネイ]
A-01: B9 Berserk A-02: EA Thunderball A-03: E3 Earthlizer A-04: EA Thunderball A-05: EA Thunderball A-06: 7E Lullaby A-07: E3 Earthlizer A-08: E3 Earthlizer |
B-01: F4 Triple Strike B-02: F4 Triple Strike B-03: 6F Tail Sweep B-04: F4 Triple Strike B-05: F4 Triple Strike B-06: F4 Triple Strike B-07: 6F Tail Sweep B-08: 1C Glider Spike |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E3) Earthlizer (Def) アースライザー(防) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot Row / x / First Strike [-50% dmg against all attacks this turn only]
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
・(F4) Triple Strike 三連撃(牙×3) = 3x [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (PHANTOM 2) [No.266(10A): ビューネイ]
A-01: B9 Berserk A-02: EA Thunderball A-03: E3 Earthlizer A-04: EA Thunderball A-05: EA Thunderball A-06: 7E Lullaby A-07: E3 Earthlizer A-08: E3 Earthlizer |
B-01: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) B-02: F4 Triple Strike B-03: 6F Tail Sweep B-04: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) B-05: 7F Night Call B-06: F4 Triple Strike B-07: 1C Glider Spike B-08: 93 Stare (Paralyze) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E3) Earthlizer (Def) アースライザー(防) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot Row / x / First Strike [-50% dmg against all attacks this turn only]
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
・(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison
・(F4) Triple Strike 三連撃(牙×3) = 3x [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (PHANTOM 3) [No.267(10B): ビューネイ]
A-01: B9 Berserk A-02: EA Thunderball A-03: E3 Earthlizer A-04: EA Thunderball A-05: EA Thunderball A-06: 7E Lullaby A-07: E3 Earthlizer A-08: E3 Earthlizer |
B-01: 28 Beak B-02: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) B-03: F4 Triple Strike B-04: 96 Supersonic B-05: 1C Glider Spike B-06: 28 Beak B-07: F4 Triple Strike B-08: 1C Glider Spike |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E3) Earthlizer (Def) アースライザー(防) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot Row / x / First Strike [-50% dmg against all attacks this turn only]
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
・(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark
・(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison
・(F4) Triple Strike 三連撃(牙×3) = 3x [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(96) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status / MS SD / Sonic
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (PHANTOM 4) [No.268(10C): ビューネイ]
A-01: B9 Berserk A-02: EA Thunderball A-03: E3 Earthlizer A-04: EA Thunderball A-05: EA Thunderball A-06: 7E Lullaby A-07: E3 Earthlizer A-08: E3 Earthlizer |
B-01: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-02: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-03: 2B Super Speed B-04: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) B-05: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) B-06: 2B Super Speed B-07: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-08: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-6 2 actions per turn |
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E3) Earthlizer (Def) アースライザー(防) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot Row / x / First Strike [-50% dmg against all attacks this turn only]
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
・(2B) Super Speed 超高速ナブラ (High Speed Nebula) Kungfu Hit Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(FC) Trinity Blaster トリニティブラスター = [(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5] + [(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark] + [(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-]
・(FD) Trinity Blaster トリニティブラスター = [(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE] + [(98) Siren サイレン Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic, Silence] + [(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison]
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade techs: Stare/Gaze. Def, resist, immunities: Phys (Hit), Mag (Heat, Bolt), Status, Sonic, possibly Sleep. Formation: Tail Sweep hits rows, but low probability; Earthlizer hits your first row (equip it with better def items and keep it healed at all time): possibly Tiger's Den/Ferocity. Illusion Sun/Parhelion and good shields can really help.
Note that, as a female, Byunei is susceptible to the 9999 Dmg Bug (actionable here because she uses direct physical attacks, contrarily to her Abyss version).
Walkthrough: Wind Abyss Gate (Taftan, Byunei's Den).
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Byunei (Phantom) ビューネイ(幻影) Special (x) Loob (Mount Louv) | 3000, 3000, 3000, 9000 / F / Wind Heat+++ Throw Sonic Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Drgn Scales (Dragon Scale) | 30-18,21,24,31 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
3000 3000 3000 9000 | 21 22 23 24 | 24 23 20 18 | 18 19 21 23 | 20 22 24 29 | 22 22 22 23 | 20 20 20 25 | 25 25 24 23 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 138 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Curve Sword
Note: Byunei has a new form each time a new head sprouts: stats change as shown above, tech sets change as shown below, and if applicable debuffs are removed.
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (PHANTOM FLYING 1) [No.270(10E): ビューネイ(空中1)]
A-01: F4 Triple Strike A-02: F4 Triple Strike A-03: 6F Tail Sweep A-04: F4 Triple Strike A-05: F4 Triple Strike A-06: F4 Triple Strike A-07: 6F Tail Sweep A-08: 1C Glider Spike |
B-01: B9 Berserk B-02: EA Thunderball B-03: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) B-04: EA Thunderball B-05: EA Thunderball B-06: 7E Lullaby B-07: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) B-08: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(F4) Triple Strike 三連撃(牙×3) = 3x [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E2) Earthlizer (Atk) アースライザー(攻) Wind Hit Shot All / MS / Plays last
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (PHANTOM FLYING 2) [No.271(10F): ビューネイ(空中2)]
A-01: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) A-02: F4 Triple Strike A-03: 6F Tail Sweep A-04: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) A-05: 7F Night Call A-06: F4 Triple Strike A-07: 1C Glider Spike A-08: 93 Stare (Paralyze) |
B-01: B9 Berserk B-02: EA Thunderball B-03: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) B-04: EA Thunderball B-05: EA Thunderball B-06: 7E Lullaby B-07: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) B-08: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison
・(F4) Triple Strike 三連撃(牙×3) = 3x [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(7F) Night Call ナイトコール Moon Status ALL / x / Sleep
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E2) Earthlizer (Atk) アースライザー(攻) Wind Hit Shot All / MS / Plays last
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (PHANTOM FLYING 3) [No.272(110): ビューネイ(空中3)]
A-01: 28 Beak A-02: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) A-03: F4 Triple Strike A-04: 96 Supersonic A-05: 1C Glider Spike A-06: 28 Beak A-07: F4 Triple Strike A-08: 1C Glider Spike |
B-01: B9 Berserk B-02: EA Thunderball B-03: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) B-04: EA Thunderball B-05: EA Thunderball B-06: 7E Lullaby B-07: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) B-08: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-4 2 actions per turn |
・(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark
・(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison
・(F4) Triple Strike 三連撃(牙×3) = 3x [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(96) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status / MS SD / Sonic
・(1C) Glider Spike グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E2) Earthlizer (Atk) アースライザー(攻) Wind Hit Shot All / MS / Plays last
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (PHANTOM FLYING 4) [No.273(111): ビューネイ(空中4)]
A-01: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) A-02: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) A-03: 2B Super Speed A-04: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) A-05: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) A-06: 2B Super Speed A-07: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) A-08: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) |
B-01: B9 Berserk B-02: EA Thunderball B-03: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) B-04: EA Thunderball B-05: EA Thunderball B-06: 7E Lullaby B-07: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) B-08: E2 Earthlizer (Atk) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-5 2 actions per turn |
・(FC) Trinity Blaster トリニティブラスター = [(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5] + [(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark] + [(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-]
・(2B) Super Speed 超高速ナブラ (High Speed Nebula) Kungfu Hit Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(FD) Trinity Blaster トリニティブラスター = [(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE] + [(98) Siren サイレン Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic, Silence] + [(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison]
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E2) Earthlizer (Atk) アースライザー(攻) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot All / MS / Plays last
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade skills: Stare/Gaze. Def, resist: Hit, Status..
Early in game, far easier than through Taftan (mainly because Gwayne will tank most attacks). Equip your best armor, use your best techs without worring too much, have Focus or some healing magic handy just in case. Gwain's Twin Spike is his best attack.
Note that Gwayne's Hot Cold Bolt stats are maxed (50) for this battle: use its Flame, Cold Air or Electricity attack, have your main character use a Repeater Tech (like Split Body) and if Gwayne plays right before its rider (which is usually the case), this means huge damage every turn as long as you can use Gwayne's magic attacks.
Also note that, as a female, Byunei is susceptible to the 9999 Dmg Bug (actionable here because she uses direct physical attacks, contrarily to her Abyss version).
Walkthrough: Wind Abyss Gate (Loob, Gwayne's Den).
BYUNEI / BUNÉ (ABYSS) [No.305(131): ビューネイ(本体)]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Byunei (True Form) ビューネイ(本体) Special (x) Abyss | 32000 / F / Wind Heat+++ Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 40-34 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
32000 | 25 | 19 | 23 | 29 | 21 | 25 | 23 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 138 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Evil Eye
A-01: EA Thunderball A-02: E3 Earthlizer A-03: E3 Earthlizer A-04: 92 Stare (Charm) A-05: 92 Stare (Charm) A-06: 98 Siren A-07: 7E Lullaby A-08: E3 Earthlizer |
B-01: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-02: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-03: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) B-04: 2B Super Speed B-05: 2B Super Speed B-06: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-07: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) B-08: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-6 2 actions per turn |
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(E3) Earthlizer (Def) アースライザー(防) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot Row / x / First Strike [-50% dmg against all attacks this turn only]
・(92) Stare (Charm) 凝視(魅了) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Charm / EVADE
・(98) Siren サイレン Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic, Silence
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
・(2B) Super Speed 超高速ナブラ (High Speed Nebula) Kungfu Hit Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(FC) Trinity Blaster トリニティブラスター = [(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5] + [(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark] + [(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-]
・(FD) Trinity Blaster トリニティブラスター = [(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE] + [(98) Siren サイレン Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic, Silence] + [(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison]
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade techs: Stare/Gaze. Def, resist: Phys (Hit), Mag (Heat, Bolt), Status, Sonic. Formation: Earthlizer will hit your first row (equip it with better def items and keep it healed at all time): possibly Tiger's Den/Ferocity. Illusion Sun/Parhelion and good shields (Will Guard, Water Mirror, Dragonscale Shield) can really be a huge help.
Walkthrough: Into the Abyss.
FORNE SOLDIER / FORNEUS'S SOLDIER [No.280(118): フォルネウス兵]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Forne Soldier フォルネウス兵 Special (Fish) Vanguard Murder Case, Water Palace (Undersea Palace) | 620 / N / Water Pierce- Stat++ Water | x x Fishscales (Fish Scale)/td> | 10-11 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
620 | 17 | 16 | 17 | 12 | 14 | 19 | 9 | 16 | 16 | 8 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 40 |
FORNE GENERAL / FORNEUS'S GENERAL [No.288(120): フォルネウス将]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Forne General フォルネウス将 Forneus's General Special (Fish) Water Palace (Undersea Palace) | 2180 / N / Water Pierce- Stat++ Water | x x Fishscales (Fish Scale)/td> | 16-17 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
2180 | 22 | 17 | 19 | 16 | 21 | 16 | 7 | 16 | 16 | 8 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 40 |
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 10 Teeth A-04: 12 Horn A-05: 10 Teeth A-06: 10 Teeth A-07: 13 Charge A-08: 13 Charge |
B-01: BF Squall B-02: BF Squall B-03: C0 Life Water B-04: C3 Sparkling Mist B-05: EB Thunderbolt B-06: EB Thunderbolt B-07: C2 Water Ball B-08: BF Squall |
A/B = 75/25 1st turn: 1-3 / 1-4 |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(13) Charge チャージ Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
・(C0) Life Water 生命の水 Water Status / x / Recover HP, can change battle environment
・(C3) Sparkling Mist スパークリングミスト Water Status All / MS SD- / DEX-(WaterLV/4), can change battle environment to Water
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(C2) Water Ball ウォーターポール (vs. Slash Hit Pierce Shot) Status / x / Can change battle environment
Note: Forneus' Soldier & General have identical Action Sets but (some) different stats.
Walkthrough: Vanguard Murder Case, Water Abyss Gate.
FORNEUS (PHANTOM) [No.276(114): フォルネウス]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Forneus (Phantom) フォルネウス(幻影) Special (Fish) Water Palace (Undersea Palace) | 28000 / N / Water Pierce- Stat+ Water Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 26-28 15-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
28000 | 26 | 15 | 18 | 40 | 19 | 24 | 12 | 24 | 24 | 16 | 24 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 26 |
Weapons: Estoc, Kris Naga
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 12 Horn A-03: 77 Ink A-04: 6A Trample A-05: 6F Tail Sweep A-06: 47 Digest A-07: 47 Digest A-08: 47 Digest |
B-01: BF Squall B-02: EB Thunderbolt B-03: 11 Fang Crash B-04: 23 Poison Needle (Shot Single) B-05: DF Maelstrom B-06: EB Thunderbolt B-07: 6E Face Hit B-08: DF Maelstrom |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-5 2 actions per turn |
・(09) Salve (Claw x2) 傷薬(爪x2)Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(77) Ink スミ Water Status / MS SD / Sonic, can change battle environment to Water
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(47) Digest のみこむ (Swallow Whole) Kungfu Status / x
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(23) Poison Needle 毒針(射:単) Kungfu Shot / MS EV SD
・(DF: E1 E0) Maelstrom メイルシュトローム Water Cold Status All / x / Water, Insta-Death, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(6E) Face Hit ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade: Trample, Body Hit/Tackle. Avoid vertical formations (Tail Sweep). Important def, resistances & immunities: Water (Sea Tortoise/Genbu Armor, Devil King/Archfiend Armor, Fishscales/Fish Scale), Hit (Close Helm), Bolt (Plastic/Rubber Soles), Insta-Death (Royal Ring), possibly Status, Sonic. Change the battle environment (but this can be difficult to maintain because of Squall) or use it (Water Ball/Column).
Walkthrough: Water Abyss Gate.
FORNEUS (ABYSS) [No.307(133): フォルネウス(本体)]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Forneus (True Form) フォルネウス(本体) Special (x) Abyss | 37000 / M / Water Pierce- Stat+ Water Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 40-36 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
37000 | 26 | 14 | 19 | 40 | 19 | 22 | 12 | 24 | 24 | 16 | 24 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 26 |
Weapons: Silver Sword, Evil Eye
A-01: 55 Double Stab A-02: 55 Double Stab A-03: 59 大車輪 A-04: 0D Mighty Cyclon A-05: DF Maelstrom A-06: 0D Mighty Cyclon A-07: DF Maelstrom A-08: 72 Windmill |
B-01: BF Squall B-02: BF Squall B-03: EC Mad Thunder (Thunderbolt x3) B-04: EC Mad Thunder (Thunderbolt x3) B-05: 9F Cold Air (Single) B-06: E8 Charm (strong) B-07: E8 Charm (strong) B-08: 9E Crystalizer |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-5 2 actions per turn |
・(55) Double Stab 二段突き Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(59) Great Wheel 大車輪 Kungfu Pierce All / MS SD- / EVADE: Blade Roll
・(0D) Mighty Cyclon マイティサイクロン Kungfu Hit / x / Throw, Stun, can change battle environment to Water
・(DF: E1 E0) Maelstrom メイルシュトローム Water Cold Status All / x / Insta-Death, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(72) Windmill かざぐるま Kungfu Counter / x / can change battle environment to Wind
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
・(EC) Mad Thunder マッドサンダー(落雷×3) = 3x [(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD]
・(9F) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2
・(E8) Charm (strong) 誘惑(強) Moon Status All / MS / Charm
・(9E) Crystalizer クリスタライザー Water Cold Status / SD / Petrify
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade: Blade Roll/Rolling Slash. Important def, resist, immune: Bolt (Plastic/Rubber Soles for everyone), Insta-Death (Royal Rings for everyone, or the Gold Dragon/Koryu Armor), Water (Sea Tortoise/Genbu Armor, Water/Aqua Claw..). Use the Water environment and put Water Ball/Column on everyone (Illusion Sun/Parhelion for those who have it). The Devil King/Archfiend Armor (immune to Throw) on a character at a spot with a high target rate is a valid strategy against Mighty Cyclon. If you have not sparked Tiger Break yet, your best chances are here (SparkLV 36).
Walkthrough: Into the Abyss.
ABYSS NAGA / ABYSSAL NAGA [No.262(106): アビスナーガ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Abyss Naga アビスナーガ Abyssal Naga Special (Dragon) Huang City | 16999 / N / Abyss Sonic Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 35-33 15-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
16999 | 24 | 17 | 22 | 25 | 25 | 21 | 20 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 18 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: 1F Poison Fang A-02: A1 Poison Spit A-03: 6F Tail Sweep A-04: 94 Stare (Petrify) A-05: 73 Twine Around A-06: 73 Twine Around A-07: 94 Stare (Petrify) A-08: 94 Stare (Petrify) |
B-01: 7D Hypnotize (All) B-02: 97 Supersonic (All) B-03: 97 Supersonic (All) B-04: 8E Life Steal B-05: Poison Gas (All) B-06: Poison Gas (All) B-07: 90 Pheromon B-08: 6E Face Hit |
A/B = 100/0 1st turn: 1-6 2 actions per turn |
・(1F) Poison Fang 毒牙 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Poison
・(A1) Poison Spit ポイゾンスピット Kungfu Shot Status / SD / Sonic
・(6F) Tail Sweep 尾撃 Kungfu Hit Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(94) Stare (Petrify) 凝視(石化) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Petrify / EVADE
・(73) Twine Around 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze
・(7D) Hypnotize (All) 催眠(全) Moon Status All / SD / Sleep / EVADE
・(97) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic
・(8E) Life Steal ライフスティール LP-1 Abyss Status / MS / HP Drain, Undead immune / EVADE
・(A4) Poison Gas (All) 猛毒ガス(全) Kungfu Status All / SD / Poison, can change the battle environment to Abyss
・(90) Pheromone フェロモン Sun Status / MS SD / Charm (Mind) / EVADE
・(6E) Face Hit ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade: Stare/Gaze (and possibly Hypnotize/Hypnosis, Life Steal, Pheromone, Body Hit/Tackle).
Important def, resist & immune: Sonic, Mag (Status), Phys (Hit), Poison.
Non-vertical formation vs. Tail Sweep.
Walkthrough: Huang City.
LIGHT WING / WING OF LIGHT 1 [No.310(136): 破壊するもの]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Destroyer (Light Wing Forms 1-4) 破壊するもの 光の翼 Oblivion: Wing of Light Special (x) Abyss | 75000 in all (subsequent Light/Dark Wings) / N Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 10-24, 10-28, 10-30, 10-32 0-NA |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
75k | 19 | 22 | 18 | 45 | 21 | 25 | 25 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 25 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: 97 Supersonic (All) A-02: EB Thunderbolt A-03: 9F Cold Air (Single) A-04: A5 Hot Gas (Single) A-05: A8 Strong Acid A-06: 26 Blade Net A-07: 19 Needle (Shot All) A-08: A3 Poison Gas (Single) |
B-01: 25 Death Grip B-02: F7 Blood Suck (78 Blood Suck x2) B-03: F7 Blood Suck (78 Blood Suck x2) B-04: 4A Bone Crush B-05: 4A Bone Crush B-06: 0F Key Claw B-07: 0F Key Claw B-08: 0F Key Claw |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(97) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(9F) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2
・(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5
・(A8) Strong Acid 強酸 Kungfu Heat Status / SD
・(26) Blade Net ブレードネット Kungfu Slash / MS EV SD- / Paralyze / EVADE: Net
・(19) Needle (Shot All) 針 Kungfu Shot All / MS EV SD
・(A3) Poison Gas 猛毒ガス(単) Kungfu Status / SD / Poison, can change the battle environment to Abyss
・(25) Death Grip デスグリップ Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Paralyze
・(F7) Blood Suck 吸血(吸血[赤]【低HP】×2) = 2x (78) Blood Suck 吸血 Moon Status / MS SD / HP Drain, All Stats Def-2
・(4A) Bone Crush 骨砕き Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE
・(0F) Key Claw かぎ爪 (Claw / Talon) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
LIGHT WING / WING OF LIGHT 2 [No.311(137): 破壊するもの]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(75k) | 20 | 22 | 19 | 45 | 21 | 25 | 25 | 33 | 33 | 33 | 33 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: 91 Plasma Net A-02: 26 Blade Net A-03: 26 Blade Net A-04: EB Thunderbolt A-05: EB Thunderbolt A-06: 93 Stare (Paralyze) A-07: 92 Stare (Charm) A-08: 14 Knocking |
B-01: 7B Megasuction B-02: 7B Megasuction B-03: A9 Acid Spray B-04: A9 Acid Spray B-05: 97 Supersonic (All) B-06: 97 Supersonic (All) B-07: 97 Supersonic (All) B-08: 98 Siren |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(91) Plasma Net エクトプラズムネット (Ectoplasm Net) Sun Status / MS / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Net
・(26) Blade Net ブレードネット Kungfu Slash / MS EV SD- / Paralyze / EVADE: Net
・(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(92) Stare (Charm) 凝視(魅了) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Charm / EVADE
・(14) Knocking ノッキング Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(A9) Acid Spray アシッドスプレー Kungfu Heat Status All / SD
・(97) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic
・(98) Siren サイレン Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic, Silence
LIGHT WING / WING OF LIGHT 3 [No.312(138): 破壊するもの]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(75k) | 22 | 21 | 20 | 40 | 21 | 30 | 25 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: A6 Hot Gas (All) A-02: A0 Cold Air (All) A-03: EC Mad Thunder (Thunderbolt x3) A-04: 97 Supersonic (All) A-05: 97 Supersonic (All) A-06: 7B Megasuction A-07: 7B Megasuction A-08: A9 Acid Spray |
B-01: 0F Key Claw B-02: 4A Bone Crush B-03: 4A Bone Crush B-04: 49 Hard Hit B-05: 25 Death Grip B-06: 25 Death Grip B-07: 31 Lifebreak B-08: 31 Lifebreak |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(A6) Hot Gas (All) 高温ガス(全) Fire Heat All / SD / SPD-5
・(A0) Cold Air (All) 冷気(全) Water Cold All / SD / All Stats Def-2
・(EC) Mad Thunder マッドサンダー(落雷×3) = 3x [(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD]
・(97) Supersonic 超音波 Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(A9) Acid Spray アシッドスプレー Kungfu Heat Status All / SD
・(0F) Key Claw かぎ爪 (Claw / Talon) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(4A) Bone Crush 骨砕き Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE
・(49) Hard Hit ハードヒット Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(25) Death Grip デスグリップ Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Paralyze
・(31) Lifebreak ライフブレイク Kungfu Status / LP-1, Uneffective vs. Undead
LIGHT WING / WING OF LIGHT 4 [No.313(139): 破壊するもの]
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(75k) | 24 | 21 | 21 | 40 | 21 | 30 | 25 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: 7B Megasuction A-02: 4D Grand Cross A-03: A9 Acid Spray A-04: EC Mad Thunder (Thunderbolt x3) A-05: 75 Body Drop A-06: 75 Body Drop A-07: 49 Hard Hit A-08: 49 Hard Hit |
B-01: 93 Stare (Paralyze) B-02: 92 Stare (Charm) B-03: DC Teasing Whisper B-04: DC Teasing Whisper B-05: 8C Spider Net B-06: 1A Elf Shot B-07: 1A Elf Shot B-08: A1 Poison Spit |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(7B) Megasuction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(4D) Grand Cross グランドクロウズ Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS / Ground
・(A9) Acid Spray アシッドスプレー Kungfu Heat Status All / SD
・(EC) Mad Thunder マッドサンダー(落雷×3) = 3x [(EB) Thunderbolt 落雷 Water Bolt / MS SD]
・(75) Body Drop 体落とし Kungfu Hit / X / Throw, Stun
・(49) Hard Hit ハードヒット Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE
・(92) Stare (Charm) 凝視(魅了) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Charm / EVADE
・(DC) Teasing Whisper イビルウィスパー (Evil Whisper) Moon / x / Charm, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(8C) Spider Net スパイダーネット Sun Status / MS SD / SPD reduced by (LV/4)
・(1A) Elf Shot エルフショット Kungfu / x / All Stats Def-2, dmg=(MaxHP/8)x3
・(A1) Poison Spit ポイゾンスピット Kungfu Shot Status / SD / Sonic
DARK WING / VOID WING (WEAK) [No.314(13A): 破壊するもの]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Destroyer (Regular Dark Wing Form) 破壊するもの 闇の翼 Oblivion: Void Wing Special (x) Abyss | (Remaining) / N / Abyss Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 10-37 0-NA |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(75k) | 25 | 20 | 19 | 35 | 25 | 35 | 30 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 13 | 16 | 13 | 13 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: 8D Deathgod Stove A-02: DD Nightmare A-03: D5 Abyss Wind A-04: 9A Ming Wang Punch A-05: D5 Abyss Wind A-06: 9A Ming Wang Punch A-07: 9D Fatal Mirror A-08: 9D Fatal Mirror |
B-01: D4 Howling B-02: FE Disaster (Cold Air→Hot Gas) B-03: FE Disaster (Cold Air→Hot Gas) B-04: 14 Knocking B-05: 14 Knocking B-06: FE Disaster (Cold Air→Hot Gas) B-07: FE Disaster (Cold Air→Hot Gas) B-08: DC Teasing Whisper |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(8D) Deathgod Stove 死神のカマ Kungfu Status / MS SD- / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Death Sickle
・(DD) Nightmare ナイトメア Moon All / x / Sleep (+ Confuse, Charm or Silence), can change battle environment to Abyss
・(D5) Abyss Wind アビスの風 Moon All / x / Plays last, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(9A) Ming Wang Punch 明王拳 (Myohoh / Wisdom King Punch) Kungfu Hit / x / Crit vs. Undead, INT WIL CHA-5
・(9D) Fatal Mirror フェイタルミラー Kungfu Status / x / redirects target's attacks to party, target condition = male or female (does not work on genderless Boston or Snowman), can change battle environment to Abyss
・(D4) Howling ハウリング Sun / x / manipulates one dead character (no-attribute attack with weapon 1), can change battle environement to Abyss
・FE) Disaster カオスディザスター(冷気→高温ガス) (Chaos Disaster) = [(9F) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2] + [(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5]
・(14) Knocking ノッキング Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(DC) Teasing Whisper イビルウィスパー (Evil Whisper) Moon / x / Charm, can change battle environment to Abyss
BEAST WING / DEMONIC WING (WIND) [No.315(13B): 破壊するもの]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Destroyer (Byunei Form) 破壊するもの 獣魔の翼 ビューネイ Special (x) Abyss | 14000 / N Heat+++ Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 10-33 0-NA |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
14k | 23 | 19 | 19 | 40 | 22 | 20 | 25 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 138 | 16 | 16 | 16 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: E3 Earthlizer A-02: E3 Earthlizer A-03: E3 Earthlizer A-04: 1A Elf Shot A-05: EA Thunderball A-06: EA Thunderball A-07: 92 Stare (Charm) A-08: 92 Stare (Charm) |
B-01: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-02: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-03: 2B Super Speed B-04: 2B Super Speed B-05: FD Trinity Blaster (Stare→Siren→Blood Suck) B-06: 2B Super Speed B-07: FC Trinity Blaster (Hot Gas→Beak→Fang Crash) B-08: 2B Super Speed |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(E3) Earthlizer (Def) アースライザー(防) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot All / x / First Strike [-50% dmg against all attacks this turn only]
・(1A) Elf Shot エルフショット Kungfu / x / All Stats Def-2, dmg=(MaxHP/8)x3
・(EA) Thunderball サンダーボール Wind Bolt / MS SD
・(92) Stare 凝視 Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Charm / EVADE
・(FC) Trinity Blaster トリニティブラスター = [(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5] + [(28) Beak クチバシ Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD / Dark] + [(11) Fang Crash ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-]
・(FD) Trinity Blaster トリニティブラスター = [(93) Stare (Paralyze) 凝視(マヒ) Sun Status Stare / MS SD / Paralyze / EVADE] + [(98) Siren サイレン Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic, Silence] + [(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) 吸血(ピンク) Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison]
・(2B) Super Speed 超高速ナブラ (High Speed Nebula) Kungfu Hit Pierce / MS EV CT SD
BEAST WING / DEMONIC WING (FIRE) [No.316(13C): 破壊するもの]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Destroyer (Aunas Form) 破壊するもの 獣魔の翼 アウナス Special (x) Abyss | 12000 / N Heat+++ Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 10-33 0-NA |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
12k | 20 | 24 | 20 | 35 | 22 | 20 | 25 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 138 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: 8D Deathgod Stove A-02: 8D Deathgod Stove A-03: 3B Gale Sword A-04: 36 Dragon Tail A-05: 36 Dragon Tail A-06: 42 Super Sonic A-07: 3B Gale Sword A-08: B6 Fire Wall |
B-01: DE Insanity B-02: E9 Fireball B-03: DE Insanity B-04: 9C Flame (All) B-05: 9C Flame (All) B-06: DE Insanity B-07: DE Insanity B-08: 9C Flame (All) |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(8D) Deathgod Stove 死神のカマ Kungfu Status / MS SD- / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Death Sickle
・(3B) Gale Sword 烈風剣 Kungfu Pierce Shot Wind All / MS EV SD / Crit vs. Float
・(36) Dragon Tail 龍尾返し Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(42) Super Sonic 超振動剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD- / STR DEX -4, Paralyze
・(B6) Fire Wall ファイアウォール Fire Heat / x / Resist vs. Heat Cold, can change battle environment to Fire
・(DE) Insanity インサニティ Moon / x / Confusion or Charm or Silence / can change battle environment to Abyss
・(E9) Fireball ファイアーボール Fire Heat / MS SD
・(9C) Flame (All) 火炎 Fire Heat All / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
BEAST WING / DEMONIC WING (EARTH) [No.317(13D): 破壊するもの]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Destroyer (Arakes Form) 破壊するもの 獣魔の翼 アラケス Special (x) Abyss | 16000 / N / Abyss Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 10-34 0-NA |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
16k | 25 | 19 | 18 | 50 | 22 | 20 | 25 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: 29 Blackjack A-02: 29 Blackjack A-03: 29 Blackjack A-04: 49 Hard Hit A-05: 44 Skull Crush A-06: 4D Grand Cross A-07: 4D Grand Cross A-08: 67 Super Strike |
B-01: 27 Rear Burn B-02: 27 Rear Burn B-03: 56 Aiming B-04: 46 Big Rotation B-05: 55 Double Stab B-06: 53 Buster Swing B-07: 53 Buster Swing B-08: 41 Thousand Bird |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(29) Blackjack ブラックジャック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / Sleep
・(49) Hard Hit ハードヒット Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(44) Skull Crush スカルクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE: Bone Crush
・(4D) Grand Cross グランドクロウズ Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS / Ground
・(67) Super Strike 最強打 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(27) Rear Burn やきごて (Iron Brand) Kungfu Heat / MS EV SD- / Crit vs. Skeleton, STR-5
・(56) Aiming エイミング Kungfu x / MS / Plays last / EVADE
・(46) Big Rotation 大回転 (Great Revolution) Kungfu Slash Hit All / MS SD- / EVADE: Blade Roll
・(55) Double Stab 二段突き Kungfu Pierce / MS EV CT SD
・(53) Buster Swing バスタースイング Kungfu Slash Row / MS EV CT SD / Stun
・(41) Thousand Bird 舞千鳥 (Dancing Plover) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / EVADE
BEAST WING / DEMONIC WING (WATER) [No.318(13E): 破壊するもの]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Destroyer (Forneus Form) 破壊するもの 獣魔の翼 フォルネウス Special (x) Abyss | 18000 / N Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 10-33 0-NA |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
18k | 23 | 18 | 16 | 50 | 22 | 20 | 25 | 24 | 24 | 16 | 24 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 26 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: BF Squall A-02: BF Squall A-03: C3 Sparkling Mist A-04: C3 Sparkling Mist A-05: DF Maelstrom A-06: DF Maelstrom A-07: DF Maelstrom A-08: 6E Face Hit |
B-01: 0D Mighty Cyclon B-02: 0D Mighty Cyclon B-03: 23 Poison Needle (Shot Single) B-04: 77 Ink B-05: 8A Dissolve B-06: 89 Digest B-07: 89 Digest B-08: 73 Twine Around |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(BF) Squall スコール Water Status All / SD / Water, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, Crit vs. Fire Spirits
・(C3) Sparkling Mist スパークリングミスト Water Status All / MS SD- / DEX-(WaterLV/4), can change battle environment to Water
・(DF: E1 E0) Maelstrom メイルシュトローム Water Cold Status All / x / Insta-Death, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(6E) Face Hit ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
・(0D) Mighty Cyclon マイティサイクロン Kungfu Hit / x / Throw, Stun, can change battle environment to Water
・(23) Poison Needle (Shot Single) 毒針(射:単) Kungfu Shot / MS EV SD
・(77) Ink スミ Water Status / MS SD / Sonic, can change battle environment to Water
・(8A) Dissolve 溶解液 Water Status / MS SD / Water
・(89) Digest 消化液 (Digestive Fluids) Water / MS SD / Water
・(73) Twine Around 巻き付き Kungfu Hit Pierce / EV CT SD- / Paralyze
DARK WING / VOID WING (STRONG) [No.319(13F): 破壊するもの]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Destroyer (Strong Dark Wing Form) 破壊するもの 闇の翼(強) Special (x) Abyss | (Last form: remaining HP under 15k gets nulled and 15k∼40k is added) / N / Abyss Sonic Gaze, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x | 10-41 0-NA |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(100k) | 27 | 25 | 22 | 50 | 25 | 35 | 30 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
Weapons: 2x Invoker
A-01: 9A Ming Wang Punch A-02: 9D Fatal Mirror A-03: 9D Fatal Mirror A-04: E3 Earthlizer A-05: DF Maelstrom A-06: B6 Fire Wall A-07: D5 Abyss Wind A-08: D5 Abyss Wind |
B-01: D4 Howling B-02: FE Disaster (Cold Air→Hot Gas) B-03: DC Teasing Whisper B-04: 42 Super Sonic B-05: 0D Mighty Cyclon B-06: 27 Rear Burn B-07: D4 Howling B-08: FE Disaster (Cold Air→Hot Gas) |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(9A) Ming Wang Punch 明王拳 (Myohoh / Wisdom King Punch) Kungfu Hit / x / Crit vs. Undead, INT WIL CHA-5
・(9D) Fatal Mirror フェイタルミラー Kungfu Status / x / redirects target's attacks to party, target condition = male or female (does not work on genderless Boston or Snowman), can change battle environment to Abyss
・(E3) Earthlizer (Def) アースライザー(防) (Earth Riser) Wind Hit Shot All / x / First Strike [-50% dmg against all attacks this turn only]
・(DF: E1 E0) Maelstrom メイルシュトローム Water Cold Status All / x / Water, Insta-Death, 100% chance to change battle environment to Water, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(B6) Fire Wall ファイアウォール Fire Heat / x / Resist vs. Heat Cold, can change battle environment to Fire
・(D5) Abyss Wind アビスの風 Moon All / x / Plays last, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(D4) Howling ハウリング Sun / x / manipulates one dead character (no-attribute attack with weapon 1), can change battle environement to Abyss
・(FE) Disaster カオスディザスター(冷気→高温ガス) (Chaos Disaster) = [(9F) Cold Air 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2] + [(A5) Hot Gas 高温ガス Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5]
・(DC) Teasing Whisper イビルウィスパー (Evil Whisper) Moon / x / Charm, can change battle environment to Abyss
・(42) Super Sonic 超振動剣 Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD- / STR DEX -4, Paralyze
・(0D) Mighty Cyclon マイティサイクロン Kungfu Hit / x / Throw, Stun, can change battle environment to Water
・(27) Rear Burn やきごて (Iron Brand) Kungfu Heat / MS EV SD- / Crit vs. Skeleton, STR-5
Note about Destroyer/Oblivion's HP:
Light + Dark/Void Forms first total 75k.
Light forms: several changes can occur in the same turn, resulting in additional attacks (up to 4 per turn).
Beast/Demonic Wing forms (full Destroyer/Oblivion) have independent HP that you must deplete before they revert to a Light form.
When 60k dmg to Light + Dark/Void forms is reached, HP nulled and 15k (weakened Destroyer/Oblivion) or 40k (full Destroyer/Oblivion) HP are added.
[Remaster: Oblivion's last Void Wing, after you hear Sarah/Young Boy talking, gains HP & atk every turn, infinitely, so hurry.]
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Evade: Net, Bone Crush/Bonecrusher, Stare/Gaze (or Evil Mask / Witch's Eye), Death Sickle/Death's Scythe (alternatively, and better: Royal Ring to all).
Important def, resist & immunities: Mdef, Status, Heat, Bolt (Plastic/Rubber Soles to all), Sonic, Mind.
Dragonscale items & Hid. Leather/Hydraskin Vest are arguably the best def items. Ice/Everfrost Sword protects from Megasuction.
Keep Reviver and Magic Shields up if possible (Dark/Void Wing: Illusion Sun/Parhelion only).
Transformations into Dark/Beast Wing Form cancels all magic shields (including Shadow Servant, Illusion Sun/Parhelion, Dragon God Descent).
Sun or Moon spells have a chance to make Dark/Void Wing Form revert to Light Wing Form.
Commander Mode (with best Salves/Balms) is also a viable strategy.
If you have healers, it can be advantageous to make them invisible (Golden Bat, Feather Seal). (If you have low HP, it can be advantageous to make everyone invisible, actually. - See the Invisible section in the Solo Playthrough Tips)
Note that the Dark/Void forms can be poisoned by Water Ball/Column or Dancing Leaves (and defeated by it).
Techs: Tiger Break, Split Body/Doppelslasher, Hawk/Falconwind's Orbit Borer/Reverse Orbit or even Yo-yo, Dragon Spear/Sm'augg's Round Slicer/.
Just have one or two techs in your characters' inventory; use the rest for Evade skills.
3 easier ways (cumulative):
- Obviously: Don't battle the Full Destroyer/Oblivion, instead kill all 4 Devil Lords/Sinistrals before facing the Last Boss.
- Phoenix Dance/Rising Phoenix Formation with in spot 1 a character ideally with high LP (Zo/Rukh, Bai Meiling/Meiniang) and your best shield (Will Guard, Water Mirror, Dragonscale Shield): cast Dragon God Descent and keep Shadow Servant active (or even better: Perfect MS [SFC only]).
- Exploit: it is possible to skip the last Dark Form, when the Destroyer is at its strongest: count your damage and just before you reach 60k, do 15k+ in the last turn: no last Dark Form (the battle will cease, you win).
Against the more difficult Destroyer/Oblivion (= you have not defeated the 4 Devil Lords/Sinistrals in the Abyss, or only some of them):
- Remember to equip your characters with at least one tech that do not activate counters in case you get the Fire Beast. Ideally, Tiger Break.
- Additional Evade Skills: Blade Roll/Rolling Slash, Aiming/Aim, Thousand Bird/Dancing Plover (Earth Beast), Body Hit/Tackle (Water Beast).
- Your first row must be ready for Fire Wall & Earth Rizer. Also, add some PhysDef (Hit).
- The Beast Wing Forms have only half of the Devil Lords' HP: hit them hard.
Walkthrough and additional info (including Sara CM): Into the Abyss: Destroyer.
For a different approach and the optimal equipment, have a look at this No-magic Katarina Solo Playthrough.
The unique enemies of the Phantom Maze were supposed to be high-end regular enemies in the SFC version, that did not appear due to a programming mistake. They are now section bosses in the Maze. Ironically, Yama is now an uninteresting glorified super-copy of Yami (which appears ridiculously weak by comparison).
Below, the SFC mined data, updated when possible.
SPHINX [No.252(FC): スフィンクス]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Sphinx スフィンクス Special (Fairy) Phantom Maze (Remaster only) | (±6000) / F Sonic Ground (Throw?), Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Supreme Balm Morax Leather Dead Heart | 28-36 2-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(±6k) | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 17 | 24 | 17 | 17 |
Weapons: (2x Dragon Scale Sword?)
A-01: 11 Fang Crash A-02: 0F Key Claw A-03: 8F Terra Voice A-04: 0B (Paralyze Claw x2) A-05: 19 Needle (Shot All) A-06: 19 Needle (Shot All) A-07: 1C Glider Spike A-08: 1C Glider Spike |
B-01: 84 Riddle B-02: 84 Riddle B-03: 84 Riddle B-04: 84 Riddle B-05: 84 Riddle B-06: 84 Riddle B-07: 84 Riddle B-08: 84 Riddle |
A/B = 75/25 Turn 1: Riddle 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(11) Fang Crash / Feral Pounce ファングクラッシュ Kungfu Slash Hit / MS EV CT SD-
・(0F) Key Claw / Scratch かぎ爪 (Claw / Talon) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(8F) Terra Voice / Terrifying Wail テラーボイス (Terror Voice) Sun Status All / MS / Sonic, Confuse (Mind)
・(0B) Salve 傷薬 (マヒ爪×2) (Claw x2) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD / Paralyze
・(19) Needle (Shot All) 針(射:全) Kungfu Shot All / MS EV SD
・(1C) Glider Spike / Gliding Spikes グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
・(84) Death Widow (Riddle) / Sphinx's Riddle 死人ゴケ(リドル) Earth All / x / Insta-Death
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Equip with items that render immune to Insta-Death ('Fainting' in the Remaster), like Royal Ring or Koryu Armor (or be or become Undead), or have a healer handy, and it should be rather easy.
Walkthrough: Phantom Maze.
PALE NYMPH [No.091(5B): 蒼天女]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Pale Nymph 蒼天女 Special (Plant) Phantom Maze (Remaster only) | 4755 / N / Wind Phys+ Heat Stat-- Water, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Puissance Liquor Heliotrope Edelweiss | 33-32 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
4755 | 16 | 21 | 25 | 16 | 20 | 22 | 28 | 55 | 55 | 55 | 55 | 6 | 28 | 22 | 6 |
Weapons: (2x Silver Sword?)
A-01: 82 Pollen (Confusion Single) A-02: 82 Pollen (Confusion Single) A-03: 81 Pollen (Dark) A-04: 81 Pollen (Dark) A-05: 83 Pollen (Confusion All) A-06: 83 Pollen (Confusion All) A-07: 83 Pollen (Confusion All) A-08: 83 Pollen (Confusion All) |
B-01: AA Wind Dart B-02: AB Nap B-03: AE Suction B-04: B9 Berserk B-05: AB Nap B-06: BB Stone Skin B-07: AD Stone Skin B-08: AD Stone Skin |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(82) Pollen (Confusion Single) 花粉(混乱:単) Sun Shot Status / MS SD / Confusion
・(81) Pollen (Dark) 花粉(暗闇) Sun Shot Status / MS SD / Blind (Dark)
・(83) Pollen (Confusion All) 花粉(混乱:全) Sun Shot Status All / MS SD / Confusion
・(AA) Wind Dart ウインドダート Wind Shot / MS / can change battle environment to Wind
・(AB) Nap / Snooze ナップ Wind Status All / MS SD- / Sleep, can change battle environment to Wind
・(AE) Suction サクション Status Wind / SD- / HP Drain
・(B9) Berserk ベルセルク Earth Status / STR CON+(8+EarthLV/5)
・(BB) Stone Skin / Stoneskin ストーンスキン Earth Status / PhysDef+(20+EarthLV/8)
・(AD) Sewn Bind / Binding Thorns ソーンバインド (Thorn Bind) Wind Pierce All / MS / Ground, Stun, can change battle environment to Wind
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Equip items against Sleep (Night Cap, Dream Gem, or Leonid!) and Mind attacks (Matriach's Helmet, Death Ring), and there should not be any problem. High physical defense (can be by-passed by specific techs, applicable here: Meteor Kick, Tiger Break, Draw Sword, Swallow Hit), weak against Heat and Status attacks.
Walkthrough: Phantom Maze.
TAOTIE [No.043(2B): トウテツ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Taotie トウテツ Special (Beast) Phantom Maze (Remaster only) | 8150 / N / Earth Mag+++ Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Twig of Life Morax Leather Myst Ring | 35-35 3-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
8150 | 20 | 24 | 22 | 25 | 22 | 27 | 23 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 140 | 140 | 140 | 132 |
Weapons: (2x Silver Sword?)
A-01: E5 Light Ball A-02: E5 Light Ball A-03: E5 Light Ball A-04: 7B Megasuction A-05: 26 Blade Net A-06: 26 Blade Net A-07: 8E Life Steal A-08: 98 Siren |
B-01: B-02: B-03: B-04: B-05: B-06: B-07: B-08: |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-5 2 actions per turn |
・(E5) Light Ball / Lightball ライトボール Sun Status All / MS / Blind (Dark)
・(7B) Megasuction / Mega Suction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(26) Blade Net ブレードネット Kungfu Slash / MS EV SD- / Paralyze / EVADE: Net
・(8E) Life Steal ライフスティール LP-1 Abyss Status / MS / HP Drain, Undead immune / EVADE
・(98) Siren サイレン Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic, Silence
・(08) Claw 傷薬(爪) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(10) Teeth / Bite 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-
・(2A) Dagger Draw / Razor Teeth ダガージョー Kungfu x / (MS EV CT SD)? / Plays last
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Taotie (Totetsu) has now 2 actions per turn. Equip helmets that protect against Blind/Dark (most helmets do), equip Evade skills (Net, Life Steal) and there should not be any problem. Now extremely resistant against Heat Cold Bolt Status. Crit with anti-air attacks (Taotie has Flying status and is immune to Ground attacks).
Walkthrough: Phantom Maze.
WANDERLUST [No.219(DB): ワンダ一ラスト]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Wanderlust ワンダーラスト Winged (Dragon) Phantom Maze (Remaster only) | 9224(±12k) / N / Wind Stat+ Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Stun | x x Phoenix Hairpiece | 36-35 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(±12k) | 24 | 22 | 27 | 25 | 22 | 21 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 59 |
Weapons: (Invoker x2?)
A-01: 09 (Claw x2) A-02: 09 (Claw x2) A-03: 12 Horn A-04: 09 (Claw x2) A-05: A-06: A-07: 6A Trample A-08: 6A Trample |
B-01: 99 Counter B-02: 99 Counter B-03: A7 Electricity B-04: 9B Flame (Single) B-05: 9F Cold Air (Single) B-06: 9A Ming Wang Punch B-07: 9A Ming Wang Punch B-08: 9A Ming Wang Punch |
A/B = 50/50 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(09) Salve 傷薬 (爪×2) (Claw x2) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD
・(12) Horn 角 Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(99) Counter カウンター Kungfu / x / x
・(A7) Electricity / Lightning Pierce 電撃 Water Bolt / SD / Horizontal attack
・(9B) Flame / Blaze 火炎 Fire Heat / SD / SPD-5, can change battle environment to Fire
・(9F) Cold Air / Frost 冷気 Water Cold / SD / All Stats Def-2
・(9A) Ming Wang Punch / Pummel of Wisdom 明王拳 (Myohoh / Wisdom King Punch) Kungfu Hit / x / Crit vs. Undead, INT WIL CHA-5
・(65) Kick キック Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD
・(1C) Glider Spike / Gliding Spikes グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Equip the Trample Evade skill & preferably techs that do not activate counters, and use a rather vertical formation (like Tiger's Ferocity) to avoid being skewered by Lightning Pierce.
Walkthrough: Phantom Maze.
ZAHHAK [No.169(A9): ザッハ一ク]
![]() |
Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Zahhak ザッハーク Special (Serpent) Phantom Maze (Remaster only) | 16000 (±13k) / M Cold- Sonic Ground, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | x Fang Amulet Hydra Leather | 34-35 0 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(±13k) | 23 | 18 | 21 | 26 | 18 | 25 | 27 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 20 | 10 | 20 | 20 |
Weapons: (2x Silver Sword?)
A-01: 96 Supersonic A-02: 96 Supersonic A-03: 7E Lullaby A-04: 7E Lullaby A-05: E8 Charm (strong) A-06: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) A-07: 7A Blood Suck (Pink) A-08: 97 Supersonic (All) |
B-01: F4 Triple Strike B-02: F4 Triple Strike B-03: F4 Triple Strike B-04: A4 Poison Gas (All) B-05: A4 Poison Gas (All) B-06: F4 Triple Strike B-07: 1C Glider Spike B-08: Poison Gas (All) |
A/B = 75/25 2 actions per turn 1st turn: 1-5 |
・(96) Supersonic / Ultrasonic Wave 超音波 Moon Status / MS SD / Sonic
・(7E) Lullaby ララバイ Moon Status All / SD / Sonic, Sleep
・(E8) Charm (strong) / Seduce 誘惑(強) Moon Status All / MS / Charm
・(7A) Blood Suck (Pink) / Suck Blood 吸血 Moon Cold Status / MS SD / HP Drain, Poison
・(97) Supersonic / Ultrasonic Wave 超音波 Moon Status All / MS SD / Sonic
・(F4) Triple Strike / Triple Hit 三連撃(牙×3) = 3x [(10) Teeth 牙 (Fang / Tusk) Kungfu Slash / MS EV CT SD-]
・(A4) Poison Gas / Deadly Fumes 猛毒ガス Kungfu Status All / SD / Poison, can change the battle environment to Abyss
・(1C) Glider Spike / Gliding Spikes グライダースパイク Kungfu Slash Pierce / MS EV CT SD-
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
Equip with Sonic-immune items (e.g. Silver Mail or Armor), your female characters with Mind-immune items (e.g. Matriarch's Helm, Undead stuff), and possibly have some Genbu user with Libation (or just ignore Poison and have double HP regen active). Lots of Triple Strike: Counters can work. At that point you have already defeated all 4 Abyss Lords anyway, and can possibly wipe this thing in a few turns.
Walkthrough: Phantom Maze.
YAMA [No.012(0C): ヤマ]
![]() | Name Class Rank Race Place | HP / Gender / Element Strong+ Weak- Immunities | Item Drop (8/4/2%) | UpLVL-FlashLVL GIndex-GCoeff |
Yama ヤマ Special (Skeleton) (but not Undead) Phantom Maze (Remaster only) | 66666 / N / Abyss Hit Heat Stat-- Sonic, Death Stone Paralysis Sleep Dark Mind Poison Stun | Divine Liquor Stardust Robe Troll Stone | 36-36 G 0-PartyLV/16 |
Stats | Def | ||||||||||||||
HP | STR | DEX | SPD | CON | INT | WIL | CHA | Slsh | Hit | Prce | Shot | Heat | Cold | Bolt | Stat |
(66666) | 25 | 20 | 21 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 15 | 34 | 8 | 34 | 34 | 10 | 30 | 30 | 10 |
Weapons: (2x Silver Sword?)
A-01: E9 Fireball A-02: 26 Blade Net A-03: 91 Plasma Net A-04: A7 Electricity A-05: A7 Electricity A-06: F1 Death Widow A-07: F1 Death Widow A-08: DD Nightmare |
B-01: F6 Multishot B-02: 4A Bone Crush B-03: 6A Trample B-04: 7B Megasuction B-05: 7B Megasuction B-06: 6E Face Hit B-07: 6E Face Hit B-08: 6A Trample |
A/B = 100/0 2 actions per turn 1st turn: 1-6 |
・(E9) Fireball ファイアーボール Fire Heat / MS SD
・(26) Blade Net ブレードネット Kungfu Slash / MS EV SD- / Paralyze / EVADE: Net
・(91) Plasma Net / Ectoplasm Net エクトプラズムネット Sun Status / MS / Insta-Death, can change battle environment to Abyss / EVADE: Net
・(A7) Electricity / Lightning Pierce 電撃 Water Bolt / SD / Horizontal attack
・(F1) Death Widow / Corpse Moss 死人ゴケ(毒霧→狂戦士) = [(A2) Poison Mist 毒霧 Kungfu Status All / MS / Poison, can change battle environment to Abyss] + [(F3) Triple Strike (Confuse: Silence) 三連撃(狂戦士) Kungfu Status All / MS / Silence (Mind)] / [EVADE]
・(DD) Nightmare ナイトメア Moon All / x / Sleep (+ Confuse, Charm or Silence), can change battle environment to Abyss
・(F6) Multishot マルチショット(エルフショット×3) = 3x [(1A) Elf Shot エルフショット Kungfu / x / All Stats Def-2, dmg=(MaxHP/8)x3]
・(4A) Bone Crush / Bonecrusher 骨砕き Kungfu Hit / MS EV CT SD / STR-5, Crit vs. Skeleton / EVADE
・(6A) Trample ふみつけ Kungfu Hit / x / EVADE
・(7B) Megasuction / Mega Suction メガサクション Wind Cold Status All / MS SD / All Stats Def-2
・(6E) Face Hit / Headbutt ぶちかまし Kungfu Hit All / MS EV SD / Stun / EVADE: Body Hit
+ (8F) Terra Voice / Terrifying Wail テラーボイス (Terror Voice) Sun Status All / MS / Sonic, Confuse (Mind)
+ (B6) Fire Wall / Wall of Fire ファイアウォール Fire Heat / x / Resist vs. Heat Cold, can change battle environment to Fire
Note: The attack pattern is different than originally programmed: there only seems to be one large set of techs (you can get duplicates, e.g. 2x Multishot in the same turn). Or possibly glitched. 2 additional techs to the original sets.
Battle Strategies & Tactics:
If you equip the adequate Evade/Ward Skills (cf. the Evade section), i.e.:
- Net vs. Ectoplasm Net (alternatively Royal Ring or Koryu Armor or Undead status) and Blade Net
- Bonecrusher
- Tackle vs. Headbutt
- Trample
And if you equip with items with high magic defense (and ideally strong vs. Status, possibly also vs. Heat & Bolt) like:
- Dragon Scale Coat, Hydraskin Vest, Evil Mask, Witch's Eye, Krys Knife, Taotie Pattern, Aqua Claw, Dragon Scale, Lunar Bone, Dead Heart, Dream Gem... and specifically:
- Rubber Soles or Stardust, perfect vs. Lightning Pierce
and with good shields like:
- Will Guard, Dragon Scale Shield, Ignus Shield, Earthen Guard...
- Flame Mantle on the front row will nullify Wall of Fire for the whole party.
- Everfrost Blade will nullify Mega Suction (Cold) for self.
- Matriarch's Helm renders immune to Corpse Moss' Silence & to Terryfying Wail's Confusion.
Then the only troublesome attacks are:
- Multishot (bearable if all 3 Elf Shots do not hit the same character; they have a decent miss rate)
- Corpse Moss: use Nightingale or Water/Sun magic to cure Poison and Silence (see the Status section). Silence can be annoying if it hits everyone since in that case you cannot cure it and have to wait it out.
- Mega Suction (bearable; party defeat if you have about 300HP and if it hits twice in the same turn; set up magic shields to raise your chances; Everfrost Blade nullifies it).
Concerning attacks,
Yama is a Skeleton (hence Headsplitter & Bonecrusher crit but those are too weak)
but it is unfortunately not Undead (contrarily to Yami, go figure).
It is resistant to all status ailments and to Sonic.
The SFC mined data say it is very weak to Hit Heat Stat, but this could have been changed in the Remaster (after all it uses Wall of Fire..) and you should probably consider that Yama has no particular weakness: just use your best weapons and techs, depending on your characters' skill levels.
Shadow Servant can be of great help, especially as Yama has no physical attack that can nullify the spell (it will stay activated until the end of the battle or until your character dies).
You can also use the 'Stealthy Swing & Repeat' strategy with all your party after having changed the battle environment. 100% win but long and tedious.
For a more aggressive approach and the optimal equipment, have a look at this No-magic Katarina Solo Playthrough.
A 'Furinige' (Stealthy Swing) variant: Mikhail with his starting stats (but MP=1) and no skill, in a 2-character Commander Mode (video here):
Strategy: successful Stealthy Swing at turn 1, then one successful Sunshine (to prevent HP regen), and adequate equip: Golden Bat, Earth Guard (vs. Lightning), Everfrost Blade (vs. Megasuction), Holy Grail (SP+1/turn), Flame Mantle (vs. Fire attacks), Cyclone Shoes (SPD+2), Power Gloves (STR+2), Expert Ring (STR+5, SP/2). Most of the def items are only to raise success rate of turn 1: after that Yama is a sitting duck. Possible also with Fullbright.
Walkthrough: Phantom Maze.