THE SPELLS Notes: Magic Shields MP Cost Magic Environment Strategy Tables Wind - Fire - Earth Water - Sun - Moon Abyss |
Magic is the other way at your disposal to affect your enemies or the members of your party, at the cost of Magic Points (MP or JP Jutsu Points).
Like techs, magic spells must be learnt; but unlike techs, they can only be bought from Magic Teachers.
Characters may only learn 2 types of magic at most:
- one of the 4 Earthly/Terrestrial Magics (地術): Wind (蒼龍 Seiryu / Soryu), Fire (朱鳥 Suzaku / Shucho), Earth (白虎 Byakko), Water (玄武 Genbu)
- one of the 2 Heavenly/Celestial Magics (天術): Sun (太陽 Taiyo / Solar), Moon (月 Tsuki / Lunar)
It is possible to reset (replace your current type by a different type, all levels previously gained being lost in the process). This is partly impossible for 4 characters (permanent Earthly magic, see below).
Also, each character can have 10 spells at most at any given time (there are 10 slots in the Equip Magic Menu in the Select Menu).
Each type of magic gives one non-removable default basic spell (so if a character has one type of magic, there are 9 slots left; two types, 8 slots).
- There is one extra magic type, Abyss, specific to Leonid, that belongs to the Heavenly Magic category.
- There is no equivalent of 'Weapon Power' for Magic, and INT/MAG is all-important for attack mages (Magic LVLs become negligible): pick someone with high INT/MAG (21+) and to equip him/her with INT/MAG-boosting items (see the Items section and Command-F for 'INT/MAG +', or see the ready-made list in the Mage Party section). See also the Spell Damage section below.
- For Spell Fusion, Combined Spells & Secret Multi-Magics, see the Commander Mode section in the Gameplay section.
- There are bugs to have up to 4 Earthly magics & 3 of the strongest spells on one character.
- For Mage characters and parties, as well as further insights on Magic in RS3, see the Gameplay > Special Playthroughs > Mage Party section.
Some characters start with some magic:
- Bai Meiling/Bai Meiniang: Wind/Soryu (permanent)
- Black: Wind/Soryu
- Boston: Water/Genbu (permanent)
- Fullbright: Earth/Byakko, Sun/Solar
- Mikhail: Sun/Solar
- Robin: Wind/Soryu
- Sharl/Sharl: Fire/Shucho (permanent)
- Snowman/Flurry: Water/Genbu (permanent)
- Thomas: Water/Genbu
- Tiberius: Water/Genbu, Sun/Solar
- Undine: Water/Genbu
- Yan Fan/Yang Fan: Moon/Lunar
You can buy magic spells by talking to various characters.
This is the list of the locations of the Magic Sellers, sorted by type of magic:
Wind/Soryu: Mules/Myules (Pub) Xuan City (Bai Meiling's house, top-right) |
Fire/Shucho: Farce/Faros (Pub) Ake/Ache (top-right house) South Moses/Mahzoz (Volcano after defeating Undine or both together) |
Earth/Byakko: Pidona (Pub) Zweig (Inn/Pub) |
Water/Genbu: Stanley (Pub) Justerm (bottom-right house) North Moses/Mahzoz (Undine after defeating Volcano or both) Limit Island/World's End |
Sun/Solar: Librof/Ryblov (Inn) Pidona (Pub) Moses/Mahzoz (Undine / Volcano's house) Xuan City (Pub, lower-left house) |
Moon/Lunar: Pidona (Pub) Podol/Podorui (top house) Moses/Mahzoz (Undine / Volcano's house) Xuan City (Pub, lower-left house) |
It doesn't matter where you go to learn magic:
each location has the same set of magic spells for Fire, Water, Earth & Wind (i.e. all spells except the 'strongest spells').
For Sun & Moon, only Xuan City has the full set (all other locations only have the first three spells of each list).
You can buy the top Sun & Moon spells in Xuan City.
Anna (in Lance) gives you the strongest spells for all 4 Earthly Magics for free (after sealing the corresponding Abyss Gate): Dragon God/Dragon Descent, Reviver/Revive, Super Gravity/Hypergravity, Quick Time/Hasten Time. Which means that she can teach magic in general to a character with no magic, for free (you also get the basic spell).
Each Magic has a set of 7 spells.
Since you can only equip 10 spells at most at any given time, you'll have to choose (preferably wisely)(or not, haha).
The complete magic spell list is:
WIND/SORYU Wind Dart Nap/Snooze Dancing Leaves Sewn Bind/Binding Thorns Suction Tornado Dragon God/Dragon Descent |
FIRE/SHUCHO Air Slash Hard Fire/Flashfire Self Burning/Self-immolation Feather Seal Bard Song/Birdsong Fire Wall/Wall of Fire Reviver/Revive |
EARTH/BYAKKO Stone Ballet/Stone Bullet Berserk Crack/Tremor Stone Skin/Stoneskin Earth Heal Touch Gold/Gilded Touch Super Gravity/Hypergravity |
WATER/GENBU Squall Life Water/Water of Life Mystic Water/Libation Water Ball/Water Column Sparkling Mist Thunder Clap/Thunderclap Quick Time/Hasten Time |
SUN/SOLAR Sunshine Heat Wave Star Fixer Day Break/Daybreak Sun Wind/Corona Revival Light/Ray of Hope Illusion Sun/Parhelion |
MOON/LUNAR Shadow Bolt Moonglow Soul Freeze Moon Shine/Lunar Light Moon Read/Lunar Mirror Charm Light/Glamor Glow Shadowservant/Shadow Servant |
ABYSS Blood Suck/Suck Blood Stare/Gaze Control Undead/Rise of the Damned Gentle Touch/Caress |
In italics are the spells for HP recovery, status healing, stat boosting, or magic shields.
Suction, Blood Suck & Gentle Touch/Caress: HP drain (not HP recovery), may fail.
Mind that magic shields cannot be used (the spell will fail) for a character equipped with the Devil King/Archfiend Shield.
Note about the halving penalty of Abyss items for HP recovery spells & techs.
Note on Magic Shields
Magic Shields: Ice Sword/Everfrost Blade Counter (Freeze Wall/Frigid Veil), Water Ball/Water Column, Dancing Leaves, Feather Seal, Self Burning/Self-immolation, Reviver/Revive, Illusion Sun/Parhelion, Shadow Servant, Dragon God/Dragon Descent.
Aside from the Devil King/Archfiend Shield exception mentioned above, there is also an incompatibility between Dancing Leaves, Water Ball/Column, Self Burning/Self-immolation & Illusion Sun/Parhelion: each character can only have one individual magic shield, and only the last spell cast, if the battle environment allows it, will be active – i.e. if you cast Water Ball/Column then Illusion Sun/Parhelion, then only Illusion Sun/Parhelion activates; but if you cast Illusion Sun/Parhelion then Water Ball/Column, then only Water Ball/Column can activate (in a Water battle environment).
There is also an activation order. When a character is hit, activate, when available and possible: first Evade Techs, then Waterball / Dancing Leaves / Self Burning / Illusion Sun, then Shadow Servant, then Items (Shields) & Items Counters (Ice Sword's Freeze Wall, Fire Mantle's Self Burning), then Counter Techs, then Reviver. This can be important if you want to take advantage of the 9999 dmg bug vs Female, Undead & Dragon enemies, for example.
There is a Perfect Magic Shields Bug involving several magic shields cast in a specific order.
Dancing Leaves can also be used in order to deal damage to the Destroyer.
Note on MP Cost and Expenditure
All spells cost 1 MP less when a character has a MP / Magic Mastery Crown, acquired when Max MP ≥ 45 + (MaxTP x10).
Effective MP cost is calculated as such by order of priority:
1) If Quick/Hasten Time is used, all MP is consumed
2) If Dragon God Descent is active, further MP cost=0
3) If applicable, -1 MP discount (Undine & Boston for Earth Magic, or Magic Mastery Crown, non-cumulative: max MP discount= -1)
4) If any Devil King/Archfiend item is equipped, MP cost is doubled
E.g. Water mage Undine (innate Earth discount, doesn't apply) with a MP Crown (discount= -1MP) and equipped with the Devil King/Archfiend Shield (MP cost x2) uses Water Ball/Column (5 MP Water spell): MP consumed = (5-1) x2 = 8MP.
Note: In the Remaster Edition, the Mage Ring halves the raw MP cost of spells, rounded down. E.g. Undine with a MP Crown and equipped with the Archfiend's Shield casts Thunderclap: ([7/2 = 3]-1) x2 = 4MP.
Note on the Effect of Magic on Battle Environment
When using magic, there is a 25% chance to change the battle environment.
There are in fact 2 environments: Earthly (Wind, Fire, Earth, Water) and Heavenly (Sun, Moon, Abyss, Super Abyss).
Earthly and Heavenly environments are independent and do not interfer with one another.
Environments can boost your spell damages (see the Spell Enhancement section below), activate magic shields (Water Ball, Dancing Leaves) and trigger the auto-regenerative abilities of some cast magics (Water Ball, Dancing Leaves, Reviver, Dragon God) & equipped items (see the Armor Item section).
The Wind, Fire, Earth & Water environments are visually obvious.
Sun & Moon environments are not visible and their damage-enhancement ability is unfortunately bugged.
Abyss environment is invisible also, whereas the Super Abyss environment is visible (last boss).
When casting a spell (and successfully changing the environment), if there was a different environment, it gets cancelled and the environment becomes neutral. If the environment was neutral, it turns into an environment of the type of the spell.
- Leonid's Vampire Magic is of the Abyss type.
- A few items and spells have a success rate of 100%: Sands of Mars (Fire), Eternal Ice (Water), Squall (Water), Quicktime (Water, forcibly).
- A few techs also have a magic attribute and can change the battle environment: see the Tech section.
- Some battlegrounds have default environments: Wind (Shinon Forest, West Forest, Highways, Great Prairie, Dragon Car Battle, Real Byunei, and at every turn: Ake Jungle) - Fire (Real Aunas, and at every turn: Fire Palace & its replica in the Abyss) - Earth (all Caves, Real Arakes/Alloces) - Water (Ice Lake, Ice Galaxy, Undersea Palace & its replica in the Abyss, Ship Deck, Waterfall Cave, Real Forneus) - Sun (Air-borne Byunei/Buné Battle, Naj Desert & at every turn: Divine Tower Top) - Abyss (Leonid's Castle, Devil King Palace, Dead Man's Well, Death Desert, Rotten Ruins, Abyss Gate, and at every turn: Ancient Temple Ruins).
Note on Strategy
- Damage-wise, the most powerful spells are: Super/Hyper Gravity, Sun Wind/Corona, Tornado. As stated before, a high INT/MAG (over 21) is necessary to get a high output. See the All-Mage Party Section for a more detailed account on characters and items to use magic more efficiently.
- Characters with low INT/MAG can (and probably should) also use magic effectively, for at least two reasons. Firstly, many spells are not dependent on INT/MAG: such are all Magic Shields (Water Ball/Water Column, Dancing Leaves, Feather Seal, Self Burning/Self-immolation, Reviver/Revive, Illusion Sun/Parhelion, Shadow Servant, Dragon God/Dragon Descent; the possible counter damage excepted; see also this Note on Magic Shields), but also (de)buff spells, that depend on your Magic LV (Berserk, Moon Glow, Stone Skin, Sparkling Mist), QuickTime/Hasten Time (dependent on spent MP), the Charming attack Charm Light/Glamor Glow (dependent on CHA) and the HP%-shaving spell Moon Read/Lunar Mirror (dependent on MoonLV for extra dmg). Secondly, one healing spell on each character can be a life-saver (after an AoE attack, for example), even if the spell is not extremely potent! The combination of one healing spell and one Magic Shield per character (be careful of the Battle Magic Environment for the MShields to activate) can sensibly increase your survival rate.
- If you care, be mindful not to give magic to your TP/SP-Crowned tech-sparking characters until they are done with their job. (But others might perform just as well.)
Note on the following Tables
The mined Data, partly commented, on KaeruLabo [jp]:
Magic / Heal Cure / Status / (De)Buff
MP is the spell cost in MP.
Target can be: 1E (one enemy) CR (close range only), All (all enemies), or 1P (one character) or your Party.
Pwr is a base dmg indicator and Mod is a dmg modifier.
Acc is an accuracy indicator. (For all those, the higher the better.)
Type states the Types & Attributes of the spell:
- SL (Slash), HI (Hit), PI (Pierce), SH (Shot), HE (Heat), CO (Cold), BO (Bolt), STS (Status)
- WTR (Water), TH (Throw), SO (Sonic), STA (Stare), GR (Ground)
Monsters may have defenses & immunities against all these categories.
- Additionally: FL means critical vs. Flying status.
E Def: Any attack may trigger the Enemy's Defenses, if available:
MS (Magic Shield), CT (Counter Techs), EV (Evade Techs), SD (Shield Defense or Evade; SD- means halved activation rate).
The names of the Remaster Edition are found below the Japanese.

Wind Dart ウインドダート |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
1 | 1E | 60, n - 3 | PI | MS SD- | Default Wind spell. Throws Wind Darts at 1 enemy. More Darts as WindLV goes up (n = 1 + LV/5). |
Nap (300G) ナップ Snooze |
MP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
3 | All | 50 | STS Sleep |
MS SD- | Attempt to put all enemies to Sleep. |
Dancing Leaf (500G) ダンシングリーフ Dancing Leaves |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
5 | 1P | x | x | x | Wind Magic Shield. When in Wind battle environment: HP regen at the end of every turn, and 50% chance to nullify physical dmg. |
Sewn Bind (600G) ソーンバインド Binding Thorns |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
4 | All | 80 - 3 | PI, GR Stun |
MS | Ground attack with thorns to all enemies (Thorn Bind). Attempt to Stun. |
Suction (1200G) サクション |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
5 | 1E | 80 - 4 | STS | SD- | Status dmg + HP drain. |
Tornado (2000G) トルネード |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
8 | All | 300 - 8 | PI STS, FL | MS | Pierce & Status dmg to all. Crit to Flying units. |
Dragon God 龍神降臨 Dragon Descent |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
18 | Self | x | x | x | Instead of HP dmg, -1 LP for every hit. Can freely use techs & spells (except Quicktime & Final Strike). HP regen in Wind environment. |

Air Slash エアスラッシュ |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
1 | 1E | 60 - 3 | SL, FL | MS | Default Fire spell. Crit vs. Flying units. FireLVL20+: dmg to 1 enemy row. |
Hard Fire (200G) ハードファイアー Flashfire |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | Def | Special |
2 | 1P | x | x | x | SPD up by (5 + FireLV/4). |
Self Burning (500G) フェザーシール Self-immolation |
MP | Target | Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
5 | Self | 5 | HE | x | Grants Heat immunity. A direct hit (any Type or Attribute) activates a Fire Counter (hit turn only) and cancels further action this turn. The Fire Counter dmg depends various factors. |
Feather Seal (600G) フェザーシール |
MP | Target | Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
3 | 1P | 15 | STS | x | Invisible: cannot be targeted, but can be hit by hit-all attacks. |
Bard Song (800G) バードソング Birdsong |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
3 | All +Party |
4 - 1 | STS, SO Stun Silence |
x | Plays first. Small Sonic Dmg + attempt to Stun & Silence (Magic Stun). |
Fire Wall (1800G) ファイアウォール Wall of Fire |
MP | Target | Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
7 | Party | 7 | HE | x | Protection from Heat & Cold for 1 turn. Fire LVL21+: Fire dmg to enemy front row at the end of the turn. |
Reviver リヴァイヴァ Revive |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
16 | 1P | x | STS | x | If the character's HP reach 0, restored to full (instead of LP -1). HP regen in Fire environment. |

Stone Ballet ストーンバレット Stone Bullet |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | DE ef | Special |
1 | 1E | 40 - 3 | HI | MS SD- | Default Earth spell. Hit dmg to 1 enemy. Earth LVL20+: dmg to 1 row. |
Berserk (300G) ベルセルク |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
3 | 1E | x | x | x | STR & CON/STA up by (8 + EarthLVL/5). |
Crack (800G) クラック Tremor |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
4 | 1E | 100 - 6 | PI, GR Stun |
x | Piercing Ground attack to enemies in a straight line. May Stun. |
Stone Skin (1000G) ストーンスキン Stoneskin |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
3 | Self | x | STS Stone |
x | Phys Def up by (10+EarthLVL/8). Gradually Petrify (takes 10 turns). |
Earth Heal (1000G) アースヒール |
MP | Target | Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
4 | 1P | 4 | STS | x | Recover HP (amount depends on MaxHP EffectValue INT EarthLVL). Earth LVL15+: cure Sleep. EarthLVL30+: cure Paralysis. |
Touch Gold (1600G) タッチゴールド Gilded Touch |
MP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
6 | 1E | 25 | STS Stone |
MS EV | Attempt to Petrify 1 enemy and change it into gold. G= (MaxHP+(1∼100)RGN)/32. Max=100G. |
Super Gravity 超重力 Hypergravity |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
9 | 1E | 1000 - 7 | HI STS | MS SD- | High Hit & Status dmg, SPD -5. |

Squall スコール |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
1 | All | 20 - 2 | STS | SD | Default Water spell. No dmg to Water-immune enemies. Changes battle environment (100%). |
Life Water (200G) 生命の水 Water of Life |
MP | Target | Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
1 | 1P | 2 | STS | x | Recover HP (amount depends on MaxHP EffectValue INT/MAG & WaterLV). WaterLVL15+: cure Sleep. WaterLVL30+: cure Paralysis. |
Mystic Water (500G) 神秘の水 Libation |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
3 | 1P | x | STS | x | Cure all status ailments except Death & Petrify. |
Water Ball (500G) ウォーターポール Water Column |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
5 | 1P | x | STS | x | Water Magic Shield. When in Water battle environment: HP regen at the end of every turn, and 50% chance to nullify physical dmg (SL HI PI SH). |
Sparkling Mist (800G) スパークリングミスト |
MP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
2 | All | 60 WIL, LVL |
STS | MS | Electric fog. Attempt to reduce the DEX of all enemies by (WaterLVL/3). |
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Thunder Clap (2800G) サンダークラップ Thunderclap |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
7 | All | 180 - 7 | BO Silence |
MS SD | Bolt dmg to all. May Silence. |
Quick Time クイックタイム Hasten Time |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
All | Party | x | STS | x | Activation cancels enemy's further actions this turn & changes the environment to Water. Then party plays first for (usedMP/16 +1) turns. |

Sunshine サンシャイン |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
1 | All | 40 - 2 | HE STS | MS SD | Default Sun spell. Heat + Status dmg. Crit vs. Undead. |
Heat Wave (600G) ヒートウェイヴ |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
4 | All | 100 - 4 | HE | MS SD- | Heat dmg & SPD -5 to all. |
Star Fixer (1000G) スターフィクサー |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
5 | 1E | 220 - 7 | HE Paralyze |
MS SD- | Heat dmg to one enemy. May Paralyze. |
Day Break (1500G) デイブレーク Daybreak |
MP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
7 | All | 20 | STS Insta-Death |
MS | Attempt to Insta-kill all enemies. |
Sun Wind (2800G) 太陽風 Corona |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
9 | All | 400 - 7 | HE CO BO Confusion |
MS | Heat Cold Bolt dmg to all. May cause Confusion. |
Revival Light (2000G) 再生光 Ray of Hope |
MP | Target | Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
7 | 1P | 5 | STS | x | Recovers HP (Healing Pwr depends on the Skill value used for the previous action this turn), cures all status ailments except Petrify, and resets all stats (including Stone value). |
Illusion Sun (9999G) 幻日 Parhelion |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
11 | Self | x | STS | x | 25% chance to nullify any dmg. |

Shadow Bolt シャドウボルト |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
1 | 1E | 40 - 3 | STS Silence |
MS SD | Default Moon spell. Status dmg. May Silence. |
Moon Glow (400G) ムーングロウ |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
2 | 1P | x | STS | x | SPD & MDef up by (4+MoonLVL/4). |
Soul Freeze (1800G) ソウルフリーズ |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
6 | All | 180 - 5 | CO Paralyze |
MS | Cold dmg to all. May Paralyze. |
Moon Shine (2000G) ムーンシャイン Lunar Light |
MP | Target | Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
5 | 1P | 6 | STS | x | Recover HP (amount depends on MaxHP EffectValue INT/MAG & MoonLVL). MoonLVL20+: cure Dark. |
Moon Read (2000G) 月読の鏡 Lunar Mirror |
MP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
2 | 1E | 70 | STS, SO | MS SD- | Status Sonic Atk. Basic dmg = MaxHP/4+RGN(1∼MoonLVLx3). |
Charm Light (3200G) 幻惑光 Glamor Glow |
MP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
3 | All | 75 | STS, Mind Charm |
MS | Attempt to Charm all enemies of the opposite sex. |
Shadowservant (9999G) シャドウサーバント Shadow Servant |
MP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
10 | Self | x | x | x | A shadow clone repeats your actions. When hit by a direct phys atk, will nullify it, and disappear. |

Blood Suck 吸血 Suck Blood |
TP | Target | Pwr - Mod | Type | E Def | Special |
0 | 1P | 80 - 2 | (Kungfu) | x | Non-removable Vampire magic. Drain HP to ally. 2-handed. |
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Stare 凝視 Gaze |
TP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
4 | All | 40 | STS, STA Charm (Kungfu) |
MS SD | Vampire magic. Attempt to Charm all Female enemies. 2-handed. |
Control Undead アンデッド支配 Rise of the Damned |
TP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
8 | Front Row | 75 | STS (Kungfu) |
x | Vampire magic. Attempt to control Undead enemies or enemies with no specified race. |
Gentle Touch ジェントルタッチ Caress |
TP | Target | Acc | Type | E Def | Special |
12 | 1E CR | 35 | STS (Kungfu) |
MS SD- | Vampire magic. 100LP dmg & 999HP drain. Does not work on Undead. |
Note about Leonid's Special Magic
In the mined data, all 4 spells are listed as Kungfu and they effectively use TP/SP (WP), but since they appear in the Select Magic screen I list them here also. All 4 spells cannot be removed, and Leonid cannot learn any other kind of magic.
Spell damage can be boosted by Formations, Items & Battle Environment.
Formations Dragon Form/The Dragon, Power Raise/Seer's Focus & Spell Pyramid/Magic Pyramid grant +25% spell power to the character in position 1.
The following items grant +25% spell power at most (non-cumulative):
- All magics: Devil King/Archfiend's Shield
- Water: Dolphin Statue/Figurine, Lobster Mail
- Sun: Fire/Sunflare Robe
- Moon: Moon Bone/Lunar Bone, Moon/Moonlight Robe
For full details on these items, see the Items section.
When using a certain type of magic (and certain techs that have magic attributes), you may change the battle atmosphere (e.g. using Squall can change the battle atmosphere to Water). In the corresponding atmosphere, spell power is boosted (+25%). This doesn't work for Sun/Moon due to a bug.
Additionally, your reserve character's Support LV boosts all party members' magic power by a maximum of 39% (at SupportLV 50).
These four different boosts stack: regular spell damage x1.25 (formation) x1.25 (item) x1.25 (environment) x1.39 (support).
Hence, the maximum spell power boost is +95% without a reserve character, and a whooping +171% at most with a reserve character.
See the Tech DMG formulae section for the Preliminary Notes, Explanations and RS3-specific calculation rules.
For all offensive spells except Wind Dart, Suction, Moon Read (for Moon Read, see the Ratio DMG Formula in the Tech section):
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = PwrxHit# + CxMod + [CxMAG + (MAG-19) ÷2x (MAG+4)] xMod÷4 + RGN
C values for magic are as follows:
- For Soryu/Wind: C = (LV+11)÷2
- For the other magics: C = (LV+9)÷2
where LV = Character's Magic Level
(MAG-19)÷2×(MAG+4) means that with a MAG of 21+ you will get very high (exponential) dmg even if your Magic LV is low (and Magic LV indeed becomes irrelevant with adequately maximized MAG). This is why, for a pure attack mage, MAG is the most important damage factor and must be as high as possible. See the Gameplay > All-Mage section.
Note: Item Counters
This formula is also applicable for Item Counters (Flame Mantle Self-Burning, Ice Sword Freeze Barrier) but [128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2] exceptionally refers to your character's DEF, so the lower your DEF, the higher the dmg to the enemy. A valid battle strategy can be built on this.
Specificities for Item Counters:
- 'C' for Freeze Wall = Greatsword 'C' +1 (see the Tech DMG formulae).
- Self-Burning refers to Fire (Shucho) magic.
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = 60 + (LV÷5+1) x [(LV+9) ÷2 + MAGx3] + RGN
Dmg increases significantly when Wind (Soryu) LV > 5.
Unfortunately MAG has no significant impact on dmg.
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = 80 + (LV+9) ÷2xMAG + RGN
Strangely, Dmg x4 when using Shadow Servant (instead of x2).
DMG = D×(128-DEF-ECON÷2)÷128 - DEF×2
where D = PwrxHit# + MaxHP x Mod ÷4 + (MAF-19) ÷2 x Mod x8 + RGN
RNG depends here on MAG and varies, like the rest, between 1 and MAGx3.
A quick table for the relevant items:
Name | Pwr | Mod |
Spirit Stone (Faerie Stone) | 40 | 3 |
Sand of Mars (Celestial Dust) | 80 | 4 |
Eternal Ice (Everfrost Crystal) | 80 | 3 |