


This first section ('Characters') mostly condenses and aggregates the conclusions of the analysis of the data featured in the second section: you can skip the second section ('Stats, Skills, Equip') if you do not want to go into details & numbers. Or read it real quick?

Note: Party Management.
You can recruit most characters by talking to them and accepting; a few will forcibly join; a few become recruitable after completing a quest. To make a character leave your party, simply go to any town Pub, talk to the bartender and choose to Leave Friends. A few won't leave unconditionally. When kicked out, the characters go back to the place where you found them and where you can recruit them again (some exceptions). Which means that party (re)composition can be done freely, at no cost. For details, see below!


There are more or less three factions:
- Julian Nohl/Nord, Thomas Bent, Sarah & Ellen Carson, the Shinon/Sinon Settlers,
- Mikhail Ausbach von Loanne, Monica Ausbach and Katharina Lauran, from Loanne Castle,
- and Harid/Khalid 'Tornado' El Nool/Noor, a mercenary.

When you start a new game, you must choose:
1) your Main Character, 2) their Class/Rank/Star, and 3) their main weapon.

These three steps determine:
- their stats (fixed, can be slightly altered by your equipment; in detail here & here),
- and the list of the techs they can learn more easily (according to their Tech Sparking Type, in detail here and here) and
- their skill growth rate (= which skills will preferably level up after each battle; in detail here and here).

While initial stats are very important (they barely change throughout the game) and while the Spark Type can make early and mid-game easier, initial HP & skill levels do not matter at all (they go up), and skill growth rate, all in all, can be disregarded.
With this in mind, you may now choose your main character!

Below, for each character:

Gender (Age) Default Rank Default Favorite Weapon Formation
Default Static Stats (strongest first) / SUPPORT LVL Life Points
Growth Rate
Non-Party Growth

- Evidently, 'Default Rank', 'Default Favorite Weapon', 'Default Static Stats', (Initial default) 'Support LVL' and 'Type' will change if you choose a weapon and rank different than those of your main character's default setting. See the influence of Rank and Favorite Weapon on stats in this section below.
- 'Growth Rate': if a stat or skill is not mentioned, it does not mean that it does not grow, it is only slower.
- 'Non-Party Growth' lists the stats that can go up when a character is not in your party.
- 'Type' refers to the Tech Sparking Types, which determine which techs a character can learn more easily.
- And if you do not know which stat does what, I strongly suggest you took a moment and check the Characters' Stats Section.
- Warning: spoilers!

In addition to stat data, are given each character's backstory, special features, recruitment as non-main and some strategy elements.

Note: Incidence of your Main Character's choice on the game?
Every MC has variously differing introductions but the core of the game is the same for everyone (it depends on you: you choose your quests, your quest order and how to resolve them, as there are several outcomes for most quests). Nevertheless some characters have a few specificities, some of which you can ignore:
- Mikhail may be the most distinctive, with his Ruling Game (Mass Combats + City Management).
- Khalid has an extra dungeon.
- Julian and Monika have a possibly much longer introduction.
- Sarah can recruit a special character and has a special Last Battle.
- Thomas has a slightly different Money Minigame trigger.
- Katarina is a main-character-only.
- Town BGM is specific to each main character.

JULIAN / ユリアン

Male (20) Hunter Sword Whirlwind
WIL:22 STR:18 DEX/SPD:17 INT:16 CON:15 CHA:14 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
HP TP Slash +++
MP Pierce Sun ++ Hit Shot +
Non-Party: HP Slash

Story – Moved to Shinon after losing his sister when he was around 5. Liked Ellen unreciprocatedly. Switches to Monika and becomes her bodyguard. Or not?

Special – Default Type 01 (Sword). Julian has an extended introduction with Monica. You must chose the Elope route to be able to recruit Monica; if you kick her out, you can re-recruit her during the Byunei event (during which only Julian can recruit Mikhail and Monica).

RecruitMikhail can recruit him in Loanne Castle, at any time after calling Shadow. As Monica, talk to him first after the kidnapping (or you won't be able to recruit him after). The other characters must wait for Mikhail to ask for help to defeat Byunei. Careful: can only be recruited once: he disappears if kicked out of the party. Katarina cannot recruit Julian.

Play - Fighter/Spear boosts STR & CON to 23 & 19 and makes him a Type 10 (can spark Swallow Hit & Earth Crescent). If you want to keep him as a swordman, Fighter/Sword raises STR to 21 & CON to 18. With Kungfu/Fighter, respectively to 23 & 21.
As a recruit, Harid is better stat-wise, and much easier to recruit.

THOMAS / トーマス

Male (22) Merchant Spear Whirlwind
INT:20 CHAR/CON:19 SPD:18 STR:17 DEX:15 WIL:13 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
MP Support ++++ Sun +++ HP ++
TP Slash Hit Pierce Shot Kungfu Earth Water +
Non-Party: HP Slash Hit Pierce Shot Kungfu Support

Story – From an influent family. Raised by his very strict grandfather. Childhood friend to Julian, Ellen, Sara.

Special – Default Type 06 (Spear). As a main character he has a different 'Find Gon' quest (trigger for his Business Minigame). If you LP-kill him you do not have access to his relative's house anymore (hence cannot start the Business Minigame, cannot recruit Sara).

Recruit – Momentarily available for Sara, Ellen or Julian (not guarding Monica), right after their introduction, in Mules Pub. Leaves upon reaching Pidona. Then and otherwise:
At the start of the Find Gon Quest, if you have a party of 5 or fewer, he will join, or if you have a party of 6 and kick one out, you can recruit him.
Otherwise, after finding Gon, available in his relatives' house in Pidona (North, 1st house on the left, last door on the left).

Play - For a pure mage, Scholar/None boosts INT to 27 (see the All-Mage section for variations). For a MP Crown, with starting TP at 11, you need 155 MP for the Crown. Perfect for the Ice Sword (INT-dependant) if you do not care about the MP Crown. Eventually, Earth (Super Gravity) & Moon (Shadow Servant) will pile up huge damage.
For a 'Magic Knight', Fighter/Spear makes STR 19 & INT 21, possibly with Water & Moon.
As a recruit, use weapons (Spear, and possibly Sword & Kungfu) and magic (Water & Moon for support).

MIKHAIL / ミカエル

Male (27) Noble Epee Tiger's Den
WIL/CHA:21 SPD:19 INT:18 DEX:17 STR:16 CON:15 / SUPPORT:5 LP:10
Support ++++++++ Sun ++++ TP MP +++
HP Pierce ++ Slash Shot +
Non-Party: HP Slash Pierce Support

StoryMonica's elder brother. Became the Marquis of Loanne 3 months earlier. Ambitious and calculating.

Special – Default Type 05 (Epee). Mikhail has a difficult and rewarding Ruling Game (rule Loanne, fight Army Battles, can order Workshop items). His ending depends on how well you fared in this. Mikhail can recruit neither Tatyana nor Monica. Must place a Shadow on the throne to be able to leave Loanne (available in his room upstairs).

Recruit – In Loanne Castle, only when he asks for help to defeat Byunei/Buné. After defeating Byunei, if Mikhail or Monica is in your party, Loanne Castle stays open (you can recruit Mikhail later, once, if you leave with Monica in your party). Careful: If Monica is in your party and you talk to Mikhail, he forces her to leave. Eloped Julian can have both: during the Byunei event, talk to Mikhail, then to Monica. Monica can also recruit him, during the same event.

Play - Best Support LVL initial value (and growth) among all characters: best suitable for Commander Mode or as your reserve character.
Hunter/Epee gives him 23SPD and low STR, adequate with Epee and magic (natural affinity with Sun).
For a weapon specialist: Fighter/Spear (STR20 SPD19, Type 10: all Spear techs, most Sword & Greatsword techs, Swallow Hit). Pair this with a TP Crown.


Male (33) Fighter Sword Desert Lance
STR:21 SPD/CHA:20 WIL:19 CON:17 INT:15 DEX:12 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
Support +++++ HP Slash Wind +++
TP MP Pierce ++ Hit Kungfu Sun +
Non-Party: HP Slash Pierce Kungfu

Story – Mercenary fighter, former royalty of the lost Gessiah Dynasty from Naj, destroyed by the Divine Church ten year earlier. He is looking for his Princess.

Special – Default Type 01 (Sword). Harid's weapon in the first slot must be a curved sword (scimitar). Harid is the only one who can access Kings' Capital (the City of Kings, with Asuras to fight and nice treasure). Careful: high initial Greed Level (14).

Recruit – Momentarily available for Sara, Ellen or Julian (not guarding Monica), right after their introduction, in Mules Pub. Otherwise: In Lance, in the Divine King's Tomb (Matriarch Mausoleum).

Play - As a main character, choosing Fighter and Kungfu raises his STR, SPD & CON to 23 21 20 respectively. You can train him in Sword too (if you want all Sword techs, make a Type 01 learn them for him). Or keep him in his default configuration.
A fine recruit: great attacker, train him in Sword and Kungfu.
If you do not aim for a TP Crown, he has affinity with Wind and Sun magics.


Female (16) Hunter Bow Hunter Shift
CHA/SPD:21 INT:20 DEX:19 STR:17 CON:13 WIL:11 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
TP MP Fire Moon +++ Shot Hit Earth Water ++
Slash Hit Pierce Kungfu Sun +
Non-Party: HP Pierce Shot

Story – The youngest of the main characters. Ellen's sister.

Special – Default Type 07 (Bow). The only main character who can recruit Shonen/Young Boy. For the last battle, Sara has a special Commander Mode. The only way to have Sara fight normally in the final battle is Sara solo (but you must have a party of at least 2 for Abyss Naga, then LP-kill your comrade in the Abyss).

Recruit – Momentarily available for Thomas, Harid (if you talk to Ellen first, Sara runs away; if you talk to Sara first, you can recruit both), Ellen or Julian (not guarding Monica), right after their introduction, in Mules Pub. Otherwise: In Thomas' relatives' house in Pidona (North, 1st house on left, center room).
Cannot be recruited after the 4 Abyss Gates are sealed.

Play - High raw INT & SPD, affinity with Fire/Earth/Water & Moon, makes her a nice support magician. Choosing Hunter/Epee cultivates this (23 INT SPD) and make her a rare Type 11 (can learn many different techs). But in preparation for the last battle, be sure to use Commander Mode a lot to raise her Support LVL.
As a recruit, very good overall, especially with Bow and magic, but you won't be able to use her after your seal the 4 Abyss Gates.

ELLEN / エレン

Female (20) Fighter Axe Whirlwind
STR:21 CHA:20 SPD/WIL:18 CON/INT:15 DEX:14 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
TP ++++ HP Hit Kungfu +++
MP Slash Pierce Earth Moon +
Non-Party: HP Hit Kungfu

StorySarah's sister. Seemingly physical.

Special – Default Type 03 (Axe). Ellen has the most 'vanilla' version of the game. As a recruit, default Type 08 (Kungfu).

Recruit – Momentarily available for Thomas, Harid (if you talk to Ellen first, Sara runs away; if you talk to Sara first, you can recruit both), Sara or Julian (not guarding Monica), right after their introduction, in Mules Pub. Otherwise: In Lance, outside in town.

Play - As a main character, Fighter/Kungfu might be more appropriate (20 STR SPD), likely with a TP Crown.
Interestingly, strong thanks to her rank and weapon of choice only: her best raw stat is SPD 20 (and Charm 22!), making her compatible with magic (her raw 17 INT is not bad).
Incidentally, Epee as her Favorite Weapon makes her a rare Type 11 (can learn all kinds of techs).
As a recruit, a good fighter, Kungfu/Axe, suitable for TP Crown (she is the only recruitable character with Kungfu that can have a TP Crown, since the others, Boston & Snowman, have magic by default), and maybe all the Devil King (Archfiend) relics with the Holy Grail. If you want to give her magic instead of a TP Crown, affinity with Earth and Moon.


Female (Age) Scholar Epee x
CHA:24 SPD:20 DEX:19 WIL:17 INT:16 STR/CON:14 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
TP MP Moon ++++
HP Hit Pierce Support +
Non-Party: HP (Moon)

StoryMikhail's over-protected little sister. To be married to the Duke of Zweig's son. But?

Special – Default Type 05 (Epee). Monica has an extended introduction with Julian. You must chose the Elope route to recruit Julian.
Monica cannot recruit Leonid (she does not have access to the Zweig Tournament & thus to the Grail).

RecruitMikhail cannot recruit Monica.
As Julian guarding Monica: Talk to Monica first, elope.
As Julian not guarding Monica or the rest of the main characters: in Loanne Castle, in her room, only when Mikhail calls for help to defeat Byunei. After defeating Byunei, if Mikhail or Monica is in your party, Loanne Castle stays open.

Play - She has never left Loanne Castle, so her Skill LVLs all start at 0. Consequently suitable for either TP or MP Crown.
Merchant/Kungfu makes her a good fighter with STR SPD CON respectively 19 20 22 (strangely, she has the best raw CON among all 8 main).
Or Hunter/Epee makes her a good support character, with 22 SPD and Moon (no special growth in other magics, so up to you, Fire or Water maybe).
As a recruit, can be used to spark all Epee techs with a TP Crown. Make her even faster by giving her Feather boots, and with Moon magic and Nightingale's Nurse Heal (Medicate) she can be a great healing character.
Or given her good Support LVL growth, she can be your default reserve character.


Female (24) Merchant Big Sword Whirlwind
SPD:23 DEX:21 CON:18 STR/CHA:17 WIL:16 INT:10 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
TP +++ HP MP Slash Pierce Fire ++
Hit Shot Kungfu Moon +
(Non-Party: HP Slash Pierce Kungfu)

Story – Person of trust in Mikhail's circle, who has been attending to Monica for nearly 10 years. Keeper of the Masquerade.

Special – Default Type 09 (Mixed). Katarina cannot access Loanne until she beats Maximus. She can get her former hairstyle back (when Mikhail needs help to fight Byunei, talk to him with a full party, without Monica). Katarina cannot recruit Julian. Strangely, she will be barred from Loanne Castle after defeating Byunei like most other characters, even if you got the Masquerade back.

Recruit – If Katarina is not your main character, she cannot be recruited at all (although the code suggests that at some point the programmers wanted her to be recruitable) but you can control her in Mikhail's and Harid's Introductions (battle vs Evil Demon/Ogre in Loanne Castle). As a recruit (impossible event): Type 02.

Play - SPD & DEX are her best stats (default or raw); her Greatsword dmg is not great; possibly let her use Bow or Epee (learn techs with someone else). Fire & Moon affinity but very poor INT: possibly better suited for a TP Crown.
Fighter/Kungfu raises STR CON to 20, with SPD at 24: ideal (Kungfu dmg depends on STR & SPD). To make the best of her predispositions: Merchant/Bow brings DEX & SPD to 25. Hunter/Spear makes her a decent, fast (SPD27) Type 10, lacks STR so have her use Repeater Techs (Hunter/Kungfu raises CON to 17, with SPD & STR at 27 & 17 also). And if you really want to keep Greatsword, pair with Fighter (STR19 SPD21 CON19).


There are 23 (!) recruitable characters in addition to the original 8 (minus Katarina, only available as main).

Note: What you must know before forming a team is that only 5 characters (including your main character - Sara as main excepted) will be available for the last dungeon. So do not bother raising a 6th character (except for Sara as main); you may want to leave the reserve spot open for quest-related compulsory characters, or fill it with an expendable character that will boost your party (via his/her SupportLV) until the last dungeon.


Female (?) Scholar None Power Raise
INT:23 WIL:18 STR/CON:17 DEX:16 SPD:14 CHA:8 / SUPPORT:0 LP:13
Wind +++
HP MP Fire Earth Water +
Non-Party: HP

Story – An Eastern Wind mage. Zhi Lin & Yan Fan's master. Great one-liners.

Special – Type 00 (None). Unremovable Wind magic.

Recruit – Before the Zelnams' Den Quest, joins momentarily if you have a party of 3 or fewer.
Otherwise, after completing the Eastern Quests, in Xuan in the top-right house.

Play - High INT but poor SPD & CHA. Aim for a MP Crown, with Wind & possibly Sun. 13 LP make her a good candidate for the Dragon God Descent magic.

BLACK / ブラック

Male (49) Fighter Axe Dragon Form
WIL:24 DEX:20 STR:19 CON/INT:16 SPD:15 CHA:14 / SUPPORT:0 LP:12
Support +++ HP Hit Shot Water Moon ++
TP Slash Pierce Kungfu +
Non-Party: HP Hit Wind

Story – Black is Herman rejuvenated.

Special – Type 03 (Axe). Herman's skills and levels carry over to Black. The presence of Herman or Black in your party is required to start the Maximus quest.

RecruitDefeat Forneus with Herman in your party (with at least 1 other Abyss Gate still open). See also the Herman+Black Bug.

Play - Good DEX & STR. Have him use Axe/Mace (and Sword) and Wind/Moon. Possibly give him the Devil King/Archfiend Axe (+ Holy Grail). Note that in the Remaster NG+, Black's stats reset with every new game: he always inherits those of current Herman (so if you want to use Black in subsequent runs, focus on raising Herman).

BOSTON / ボストン

? (?) Merchant Kungfu Genbu
INT:21 SPD:20 CON:19 WIL:17 STR:16 DEX:13 CHA:9 / SUPPORT:0 LP:17
MP Water +++ HP ++
Slash Hit +
Non-Party: HP Kungfu Water

Story – A giant lobster that lives on Limit Island and wishes to see the World!

Special – Type 08 (Kungfu). Unremovable Water magic. Neither Male nor Female. Must equip his Lobster armor (immunity to Water, Water environment HP regen). Special punch: Trim (Punch & Counter dmg x2). Water magic dmg +25%.

Recruit – On Limit Island (World's End).

Play - Good SPD & INT, no possibility of Crown: go for Kungfu and Water/Moon. Endgame, a simple Shadow Servant-ed Trim means great damage. Hence a good candidate for Silver Hand (for another reason too). The weaknesses of his default armor (Hit-, low MDef) should be compensated for accordingly. Brings you a nice defensive formation (Genbu).

FAIRY / PEONY / ようせい

? (?) Fighter Spear Speculation
SPD:25 DEX:22 STR:21 CHA:20 INT:12 WIL:11 CON:10 / SUPPORT:0 LP:7
Pierce ++++ Shot +++
HP Slash Hit Kungfu Sun Moon +
Non-Party: HP Pierce Shot

Story – A Fairy from Ake Jungle captured and put on display in a travelling freak show... but for how long?

Special – Type 06 (Spear). Unremovable Scarf shirt (Ground immunity, Wind environment HP regen). Flying character. Both Male & Female.

Recruit – In Fairy Village (top-left house), after doing the following: rescue her from the Great Fake Show, go to the Fairy Village and talk to her, find and enter the Fire Palace, talk to her again.

Play - High SPD, good DEX & STR, and good growth with Spear/Epee & Bow, but Kungfu may also be a good choice (compatible with Shields too). Suitable for a TP Crown (poor INT), or at least until you've learned all Spear techs. Her Flying status makes her vulnerable to Anti-Air techs (a Wonder Bangle takes care of the rather common Projectile attack Gale Sword). Brings you a nice offensive formation (Speculation).


Male (42) Scholar Epee Tri-Anchor
Pierce ++++ HP Sun +++
TP MP Slash Wind Earth Water +
Non-Party: HP Slash Pierce

Story – The 'Fake Robin' who comes to a slender young man's aid, only to be rescued by the real Robin. Unknown identity, but for some reason, when Fat Robin is with you, the barman of the Pub in Yamas in nowhere to be found...

Special – Type 05 (Epee). Innate Crown for Epee (-1 TP for Epee techs), non-cumulative with a TP Crown.

Recruit – In the storeroom on the docks in Yamas/Yarmouth (randomly & alternatively with Robin), after completion of the Robin vs. Dophore quest.

Play - High SPD (faster than Robin) but low STR. A TP Crown (low INT) to learn techs faster. High SPD (possibly further raised by equipment) & decent DEX may hint at a Bow user with Million Dollar to quickly dispatch groups of enemies. Endgame, lacks in power: candidate for possible support and Nightingale's Nurse Heal/Medicate (equip Status/Mind-immune items).


Male (23) Noble None Phoenix Dance
WIL:21 DEX:20 INT:19 SPD:16 STR:15 CHA:14 CON:13 / SUPPORT:0 LP:9
MP +++
HP Wind Fire Earth Water Sun +
Non-Party: HP Earth

Story – A successful and wealthy businessman whose ancestors helped the Holy King.

Special – Type 00 (None).

Recruit – In the shop office in Wilmington after the following: go to Thomas' relatives' house in Pidona with Thomas in your party (after finding Gon), talk to Fullbright, accept and complete the Business Minigame or give up on it (minigame screen), or refuse.

Play - As a pure mage, Earth & Sun. But a MP Crown won't come until endgame (15 initial TP: 195 MP are necessary). Or have him use Axe/Mace also (Life Cane or Golden Bat for example). But his high DEX naturally suggests Epee or Bow.

HERMAN / ハーマン

Male (39) Fighter Axe Dragon Form
WIL:24 DEX:20 INT:16 STR:14 CHA:12 CON:11 SPD:10 / SUPPORT:0 LP:4
Non-Party: HP Hit Wind

Story – A famous pirate, cursed by Forneus. He has lost his youth but not his WILL (24), haha.

Special – Type 03 (Axe). Regains his lost youth (becomes Black) if you beat Forneus with him in your party (there must be at least 1 other Abyss Gate open). See also the Herman+Black Bug.
The presence of Herman or Black in your party is required to start the Maximus quest.

Recruit – In Great Arch. Can be recruited when you are searching for the Dolphin Statue or to confront Maximus. Won't leave your party unless LP-killed.

Play - Probably best left alone or as a reserve (when his presence is compulsory) if you do not plan to use Black. Note that in Remaster NG+, Black's stats reset with every new game: he always inherits current Herman's stats (so if you want to use Black in subsequent runs, focus on raising Herman).

LEONID / レオニード

Male (?) Fighter Epee None
CHA:27 INT:25 SPD:21 STR:19 CON:17 DEX/WIL:13 / SUPPORT:0 LP:0
Non-Party: x

Story – Leonid is a vampire (and supposedly has been since before the time of the Devil King/Archfiend). A curse forbids him to leave his castle. He treasures the Holy Grail, that once held the blood of the Holy King/Matriarch, and may follow the one who owns it.

Special – Type 05 (Epee). Leonid is undead (cannot be healed) and must use his special techs to regain HP. When knocked out, he cannot be used in the current battle anymore but comes back to life after the battle is over. He cannot use regular magic. On the up side, thanks to his fine Dusk/Twilight Robe (unremovable equipment, weak to heat), he regains HP each turn and is immune to most status ailments.

RecruitGet the Holy Grail and talk to Leonid with a party of 5 or fewer. Monica cannot enter the Zweig Tournament so she cannot recruit Leonid. Careful: if you equip Leonid with the Holy Grail and kick him out of your party, you won't be able to recruit him again.

Play - Leonid may be difficult to play (undead).
Goes well with Kungfu (good SPD & STR), or as Epee Tech Sparker, not really as an Epee user (poor DEX).
Very high INT: despite not being able to wield magic, can make the most of INT-factored techs (Ice Sword's Misty Ice, Final Strike, Flash Arrow).
Already undead: great affinity with Death Ring/Ring of Demise (& Death/Mortuus bow but Leonid has poor DEX).
His weakness to Heat should be compensated for by appropriate items, like Candy Ring and/or heat-resistant shields (including Devil King Shield).
His insta-death tech Gentle Touch/Caress does not prevent item drop when successful: useful when hunting for specific items.

MUSE / ミューズ

Female (22) Scholar None x
CHA:25 DEX:20 INT:19 WIL:18 STR:16 SPD:15 CON:10 / SUPPORT:0 LP:6
Moon ++++
Wind Earth ++ MP Fire Water +
Non-Party: HP

Story – The poor and sickly daughter of the late General of the Royal Guards of Pidona, Sir Clemens Claudius, who waged war against Ludwig in the succession war (following King Albert's death) and was assassinated by a member of the Divine Church; Ludwig claimed the throne and seized all Claudius' assets. Sharl takes care of her.

Special – Type 00 (None).

Recruit – In her house in Old Pidona (Western part of town, bottom-left house), after finding Gon and beating the Dream Devil in her Dream.

Play - Starts with 0 Skill LVL & 0 TP/MP: equally fit for a Tech or Magic Mastery Crown. Or let her use both, with weapons and magics of your choice! (Affinity with Moon magic.) Her high CHA lets her use effectively Charm Light/Glamor Glow spell and Evil Eye's Charm Stare/Enchanting Gaze tech. High DEX: Bow or Epee.

NORA / ノーラ

Female (23) Hunter Staff/Mace Tiger's Den
DEX:24 STR:23 SPD:16 INT:14 WIL/CHA:13 CON:12 / SUPPORT:0 LP:14
TP ++++ HP Hit +++
Pierce Earth ++ Kungfu +
Non-Party: HP Hit Pierce

Story – Daughter and successor of a famous blacksmith whose ancestor helped the Holy King and forged the Holy King/Matriach's Spear using Arakes/Alloces' own. The spear had been the symbol of the Workshop ever since – until it was stolen during the Pidona succession war. Her father went looking for it but was killed; the Workshop workers left. Nora decides to go in search of the spear and of her father's murderer.

Special – Type 04 (Mace). If Nora is in your party, only 10 battles (instead of 15) are needed for the Workshop to complete an item. If you help her and kick her from your party, she will be at the Workshop waiting for you to tell her to make either weapons or armor for you (for whichever, adds 2 choices, definitively, which is a huge advantage).

Recruit – In the Workshop in Pidona (North, West, basement), with a party of 5 or fewer, help her (cannot be recruited, ever, if you go see her with party of 6 the first time). Cannot be re-recruited if you tell her to craft (definitive).

Play - A powerful character. Very high DEX & STR: high damage with any weapon (which is in itself a waste of points if you don't take advantage of both stats). The only (hence precious) Spark Type 04 (Mace): give her Mace, Epee & Axe, for example? Suitable for a TP Crown. Surprisingly low CON for a blacksmith! Brings you a great defensive formation (Tiger's Den/Ferocity).

PAUL / ポール

Male (20) Hunter Bow Hunter Shift
DEX/CON:19 STR:18 SPD:17 CHA:16 WIL:15 INT:13 / SUPPORT:0 LP:11
TP MP +++
HP Slash Pierce Shot Sun ++ Kungfu Earth +
Non-Party: HP Slash Shot

Story – A thief who mends his ways thanks to you and goes back to his girlfriend who was almost eaten alive by rats. Isn't that cute?

Special – Type 09 (Mixed). He'll 'See ya' and leave your party every time you exit the Thieves' Cave..

Recruit – In the Thieves' Cave (Bandit's Hideout), talk to him; he will be in Nina's house in Kidlanto (Kyrdlund) after you seal one Abyss Gate. There is an alternate, faster way to recruit him: during the Transport Goods quest, get killed by the Thieves with at least one female character (some restrictions).

Play - Excellent all-rounder, never disappointing. Affinity with Sun but poor INT (13): suitable for a TP Crown, then Sun with Illusion Sun/Parhelion. Type 09 who can learn more easily rare top techs (Swallow Return, Earth Crescent..).


Male (?) Merchant Sword x
CHA:22 STR:20 DEX:18 SPD:17 CON:16 WIL:14 INT:13 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
HP ++ All other stats except Moon: +
Non-Party: HP Slash Hit Pierce Shot Kungfu

Story – A joyous but forceful travelling bard who studies the Holy King/Matriarch's Chronicles, in search of adventure and inspiration for his new songs.

Special – Type 01 (Sword). Poet has a fixed equipment that takes one weapon slot: Poet's Fiddle, with the built-in tech Everyone's Song, that increases allies' SPD, CON, INT & MDef based on the formula (1 + [Poet's Kungfu LVL / 10]).

Recruit – Can be recruited momentarily in Godwin's Cave during Julian's & Monica's Introductions. Otherwise, can be found in Mules, Small Village & Vanguard in the Pub, and in Pidona in the Claudius' house (top right). If you ask for a song and if you have a party of 5 or fewer, he will join and you won't be able to kick him out unless you seal one Abyss Gate or LP-kill him. Part of Mana Sword's Quest.

Play - Good offensive all-rounder: his weapon of choice is Sword, but you can give him anything. Kungfu is a must if you want to use Everyone's Song effectively. Always very solid at endgames.

ROBIN / ロビン

Male (22) Merchant Epee Tri-Anchor
STR:21 SPD:20 DEX/INT/CHA:17 CON:14 WIL:12 / SUPPORT:0 LP:12
Pierce +++
HP TP MP Slash ++ Shot Kungfu Sun +
Non-Party: HP Pierce Wind

Story – Robin is the masked hero of Yamas, who fights the unscrupulous Dophore firm. Unknown identity, but for some reason, when he's in your party, the helper at the Pub is nowhere to be found...

Special – Type 05 (Epee). Innate Crown for Epee (-1 TP for techs), non-cumulative with a TP Crown (which Robin cannot get anyway).

Recruit – In the storeroom on the docks in Yamas/Yarmouth (alternatively with Fat Robin), after completion of the Robin vs. Dophore quest.

Play - Not as fast as Fat Robin, but excellent offensive stats, second only to Harid. Type 05, but Epee underperforms offensively: Sword, Kungfu or Spear will do nicely. Can also be a healer with Nightingale's Nurse Heal/Medicate. Default Wind magic user.

SHARL / CHARL / シャール

Male (30) Noble Spear Power Raise
TP +++
HP MP Slash Pierce Support ++ Hit Shot +
Non-Party: HP Fire

Story – Former Royal Guard under the command of Muse's father, Sir Clemens Claudius. Refused to swear loyalty to Ludwig after Sir Clemens' murder and was maimed as a punishment. Takes care of Muse in Old Pidona.

Special – Type 10 (Special Spear). The Silver Hand/Glove item un-cripples him. Unremovable Fire magic.

Recruit – After finding Gon, Sharl necessarily joins for the duration of Muse's Dream Quest if you offer to help him. Even if you do not help him and let him save Muse, he can be recruited in Muse's house afterwards.

Play - If you plan to use him, equip with Silver Hand: he (re)gains excellent offensive stats (STR/DEX go from 5/3 to 21/19 - 23/19 in the Remaster edition - but the double attack feature does not work with him). Already an advanced Fire magic user: cannot get a Crown.


Male (15) Noble Greatsword Speculation
STR:23 INT/CHA:17 SPD/CON:16 DEX:14 WIL:13 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
TP MP Slash Pierce Wind Sun +++
Hit ++ Other stats except Moon: +
Non-Party: HP Slash Shot

Story – Shonen/Young Boy is the other Destined Child who survived the Death Eclipse. He was raised by Zo and his brother in Rashkuta, until monsters from the Abyss came to take him in. He escaped and has lived alone to this day.

Special – Type 09 (Mixed).

RecruitSara can recruit him in the Pubs of Justerm, Moses, Podol, Yamas & Zweig and they will part ways after sealing the 4th Abyss Gate. Shonen will join the other main characters with a party of 5 or fewer after closing the 4th Abyss Gate; you can kick him out at that point and get a different 6th character or even recruit him again in his usual Pubs; he will join again before going into the Abyss (you *must* make room for him then). Either way you cannot use him for the last battle (Abyss).

Play - Strong (great)sword user. Affinity with Wind and Sun, but a TP Crown may be an equally good choice. Type 9 (can spark Swallow Return, etc.). A shame that, for most main characters, he is too weak when he forcibly joins at the end to be of any real use, or that, for Sara, he won't be there for the very endgame.


? (?) Merchant Kungfu None
CON:24 WIL:23 CHA:18 DEX:17 INT:14 STR:11 SPD:8 / SUPPORT:0 LP:8
MP Water ++++
HP Hit ++ TP Kungfu +
Non-Party: HP

Story – Lives in Snow Town (Frostburg) near the Ice Galaxy. Accompanied the Holy King/Matriarch 300 years ago.

Special – Type 08 (Kungfu). Unremovable Water magic. Unremovable equipment: Eternal Ice (Immunity to Stun, HP regen in Water environment, Heat & Cold Def = 128). Neither Male nor Female. Sacrifices himself if last standing vs. Aunas in the Fire Fortress.

Recruit – In the basement of the 2nd house in Snow Town (Frostburg): joins if party of 5 or fewer. To get him out of Snow Town, retrieve the Eternal Ice/Everfrost Crystal in the Ice Galaxy and give it to Snowman.

Play - Water magician, but poor INT.. Kungfu user, but low STR & SPD.. Just a mascot? Has decent DEX (Epee, Bow), but maybe more suited for a MP Crown given his default stat growths. Very slow: perfect for a Suit. Or, with his high CON and very strong def vs Heat and Cold, can become a real tank: protect him also against other attributes (Dragon Scale Coat or Hidora Leather/Hydraskin Vest, Plastic Boots/Rubber Soles) and equip him with a Troll Stone/Royal Ring (high CON = high HP regen).

TATYANA / タチアナ

Female (14) Noble Sword x
CHA:20 CON:19 STR:18 INT:17 DEX:16 SPD:15 WIL:13 / SUPPORT:0 LP:10
TP ++++
Moon ++ Hit Pierce Shot Kungfu +
Non-Party: HP Pierce

Story – Librof/Ryblov-based CEO Lasaiev's youngest daughter, runaway because of the family conflicts over the succession. Has a sweet tooth and several aliases!

Special – Type 01 (Sword). Becomes a Type 05 (Epee) after re-recruiting her once and saving-reloading in game. Glitch?
Unremovable accessory: Teddy Bear.
Her magic stats growth changes depending on the name she gave you when joining your party:
・Millefeuille Crepe Souffle Eclair: Sun ++
・Sherbert Bavarois Tart: Moon ++
・Candy: Moon ++++

Recruit – Outside in the towns of Farce, Mules, Pidona, Yamas or Zweig, will forcibly join if she touches you thrice and if you have a party of 5 or fewer. She leaves only if you go to Librof or LP-kill her. Mikhail cannot recruit her.

Play - High CHA & CON, good STR (even though she's only 14!). The only character that can have 2 Spark Types during the game (glitch?): give her a TP Crown, make her learn all Swords techs, then all Epee techs, and you can even give her magic if you wish afterwards. Her storyline is clearly unfinished (even in the Remaster).

TIBERIUS / ティベリウス

Male (47) Scholar None Phoenix Dance
MP +++ Sun ++
Wind Fire Earth Water +
Non-Party: HP Hit Water Sun

Story – The leader of the Divine Church/Order.

Special – Type 00 (None). Part of the Mana Sword Quest.

Recruit – Floor 15 of the Divine/Archlord Tower. Can be recruited while chasing Maximus, or after.

Play - Good INT & WIL. Affinity with Water & Sun. Magic Mastery Crown can be impossible if Tiberius gained too many TP before you recruit him.

UNDINE / ウンディーネ

Female (34) Merchant None Power Raise
INT:24 DEX:20 WIL:17 SPD:16 CON:15 CHA:13 STR:10 / SUPPORT:0 LP:7
Water +++++ MP ++++
Moon ++
Non-Party: HP

Story – The Water mage who rules over North Moses/Mahzoz. In conflict with South Moses-based Fire mage Volcano, over something located on the island between both parts of town, in the Dead Man's Well. Her disciples are all handsome young men.

Special – Type 00 (None). Glitch: innate talent for Earth magic (-1 MP for Earth spells), non-cumulative with Magic Mastery Crown.

Recruit – In her house in North Moses/Mahzoz, after settling the situation in Moses/Mahzoz, either after accepting Undine's offer and killing Volcano, or after accepting both offers, deceiving them both, getting the Devil King/Archfiend's Shield and defeating them.

Play – Very efficient Water mage (INT 24, adequate stat growths). Decent SPD for a pure mage too. Possibly with a MP Crown. Affinity with Moon. If you want to specialize her in offense, change magic to Earth (Super Gravity).
High DEX: great with Bow & Epee. Poor learner (Type 00): use someone else to learn the techs for her.

WOOD / WARD / ウォード

Male (37) Fighter Greatsword x
CON:23 STR:22 WIL:18 DEX:16 CHA:13 INT:12 SPD:10 / SUPPORT:0 LP:15
HP Slash +++ TP Hit ++
MP Pierce Shot Kungfu Sun +
Non-Party: HP Slash Kungfu

Story – A Northern hunter in flashy clothes living in Justerm. Descendant of one of the Holy King's 12 Generals. Distantly related to Mikhail.

Special – Type 02 (Greatsword).

Recruit – In Justerm, outside. Help him fish at the Ice/Arctic Lake (greed counter of 14 or less): he joins if you have a party of 5 or fewer. Can be recruited after completing the quest.

Play - Powerful & resistant but slow: typical frontline offensive tank type. Equip with with a Suit. The only, hence precious, Type 02 (Greatsword). Suitable for TP Crown.


Male (34) Hunter Spear Genbu
TP ++++ HP Kungfu +++
Wind Earth ++ MP Slash Hit Pierce Shot +
Non-Party: HP Hit Kungfu Moon

Story – Eastern General stationed in Xuan City, opposed to the Emperor. Bai Meiling/Meiniang's disciple.

Special – Type 10 (Special Spear).

Recruit – After your brief stay in Xuan City prison (part of the Eastern Quests), joins momentarily if you have a party of 3 or fewer. Otherwise, after sealing the 4 Abyss Gates, talk to Bai Meiling, then to Yan Fan to recruit him (cannot be recruited again if kicked out of party).

Play - The only, hence precious, fast mage in the game (INT 23, SPD 21). Affinity with Wind/Earth (up to you). Cannot have a Crown. Very low STR: limited for weapons: possibly make use of his 10 in Kungfu and/or give him a Life Cane or Nightingale for healing. If you play normally, he joins a bit too late to be of any use, unfortunately. (If you really want to try him out, you should rush through the 4 Gates without any ado, recruit and raise him properly during all the remaining side quests.)


Female (28) Hunter Bow Hunter Shift
DEX:24 WIL:20 CON:18 CHA:16 SPD:15 STR:14 INT:10 / SUPPORT: LP:12
Shot ++++
HP TP ++ MP Hit Pierce Moon +
Non-Party: HP Shot

Story – Member of the Mung/Muenge Tribe, a bow user who wants to travel West. Bai Meiling/Meiniang's disciple.

Special – Type 07 (Bow).

Recruit – Joins during the Neft's Den Quest. Afterwards, can be recruited in her tent in Mung/Muenge Village.

Play - High DEX: excellent at Bow (& Epee). Low INT: suitable for a Weapon Crown. The only Spark Type 07 (Bow) with Sara.


Male (?) Fighter Axe Phoenix Dance
CON:26 WIL:20 STR:19 INT:18 DEX:14 CHA:13 SPD:7 / SUPPORT:0 LP:36
HP Kungfu ++++
TP ++ Slash Hit Pierce +
Non-Party: HP Slash Kungfu

Story – Member of the elephant tribe ('zō' means 'elephant' in Japanese) of Rashkuta. He and his brother found and raised Shonen.

Special – Type 03 (Axe). Unremovable Cotton shirt. Can guard with a Shield while using a 2-handed weapon or magic (presumably thanks to his trunk).

Recruit – In Rashkuta, wake up the elephant (his big brother) in the top-left house with Sara or Shonen (Young Boy) in your party, then talk to Zo/Rukh. It is impossible to recruit The Elephant if you have closed all 4 Gates and if Shonen didn't join (full party); if you have kicked Shonen out you can just recruit him again.

Play - One of the two characters with sparking affinity with Axe (all techs). You can take advantage of the fact that he can use a shield with two-handed weapons and give him Greatswords & Spears. TP Crown, or give him magic too (possibly Wind & Moon). Highest LP: perfect for Dragon God Descent Wind magic. Slow character: give him Suits. High CON makes up for weaker armor and allows high HP regen (Royal Ring, Troll Stone).

Note: Recruitment Limit

Once you have recruited a certain number of characters, other characters cannot join anymore.
Note: There is no recruitment limit in the Remaster edition.

- 8 spots are taken by all the main characters (even if you do not or cannot recruit them).
- Robins do not count when they join during the fight vs. Demons during the Yamas event.
- Wood counts as one when he joins during the Ice Lake event.
- Sharl counts as one if he joins during the Gon event.
- Muse and Sharl count as one each when they join during the Nightmare event.

No recruitement limit for Julian, Thomas, Mikhail, Harid, Sara, Ellen, Monica & Katarina (they count as recruited from the start).
Those 8 taken out of the equation, for all the other characters, the recruitment limit is:
14 for Boston, Fairy, Fullbright, Leonid, Nora, Paul, Poet, Robin, Snowman, Tatyana, Undine, Wood
15 for Zo, Bai Meiling
16 for Yan Fan
17 for Tiberius
No recruitement limit for Muse, Sharl, Shonen, Zhi Lin, Herman/Black (can always be recruited and count as one if they join)

If you go over the recruitment limit, you possibly cannot do the Ice Lake event (hence no Ice Galaxy), nor can you help Nora (she goes away forever). So be careful, know who you want to have in your party, or deal with the recruitment limit-sensitive quests first.

Note that the number of your recruits is a factor in the Lvl-Up Bug.

Note: Conflicting Events

The following characters are needed alive (not LP-killed) for these events to occur:
- Thomas: to recruit Sara, to trigger the Find Gon quest & the first phase of the Business minigame, & to access the Trade Agent in Pidona.
- Herman/Black: to trigger the Chase after Maximus.
- Bai Meiling / Yan Fan [SFC only]: You will get stuck and be unable to proceed to the last phase of the game 1) if you close the 4th Gate with Bai Meiling in your party and LP-kill her right after closing the Gate (Bai Meiling is nowhere to be found and talking to Yan Fan won't do anything), or 2) if you close the 4 Gates, head East for the first time, are joined by Bai Meiling & Yan Fan for the Zelnams quest and LP-kill Yan Fan at that point (Bai Meiling is miraculously revived if you try to kill her and a glitched dialogue occurs, but no Yan Fan to start the Mass Combat).

Note that all LP-killed characters are revived after closing an Abyss Gate.



Johannes' sister. Answers your questions about various topics.


They do not talk much and do not like people meddling in the Order's affairs.


Houses a tournament in his castle in Zweig. Interested in the Holy Grail. Has peculiar aesthetic taste.


Harid's Princess.
Where is she?

GON, MITCH & ???

Old Pidona orphans (?). Muse and Sharl look after them. Gon gets lost while looking for Mitch. Gon (again!) gives to Muse the Dream Medicine he got from Maximus. He is quite the trouble bringer!


Anna's brother, an astronomer living in Lance. Studies the stars and their connection to the Abyss. His parents predicted the Death Eclipse and were burned for 'misleading the people'.


The Ruler of Messana. While still General in Librof, fought against Clemens and lost, but claimed the throne after Clemens was murdered. The Royal Castle is in Pidona (it appears in Muse's Dream).


Helps Nora run the Workshop in Pidona. Invents and makes weapons for you.


Paul's girlfriend. Lives in Kidlanto/Kyrdlund.


Insect-like tribe from Southern Great Prairie in the East, that keeps the Zelnams in check.


An exuberant genius inventor living in a mansion in the Forest West of Zweig.


The head of the family. Raised Thomas strictly in the Bent tradition.


Thomas' second cousin (their grandfathers are brothers). Lives in Pidona. Welcomes Thomas (sent to Pidona by his grandfather).


The Fire Mage who lives in South Moses/Mahzoz. In quarrel with Undine over what is in the Dead Man's Well.


Worker at the Blacksmith Workshop in Pidona. The 5 of them quit when the master was murdered. You have to find them!


Zo/Ruhk's elder brother. Found Shonen/Young Boy as a child by the Rotten Sea and raised him. Tried to prevent Shonen's abduction but fell into a mysterious coma...

For hostile NPC, see the Monsters / Enemies Section. Those who can be in either category are in both.


Note that this section features tables made from data-mining, that include unused data that you won't find while playing the game. That is, unless you're a hacker! I know I'm not : / Please also note, as Endo says himself, that mined data (from the roms) should not be taken at face value, as real game experience will most likely contradict data at some point, seemingly or in fact, and that's all right, because the most important is the entertainment! (plus there are glitches). Still, it is extremely interesting to see (a bit of) the math and rules behind the game!


These are the raw initial static stats of the possible main characters. You can never see these raw stats because they always appear modified, after you choose your main character's Weapon Specialty and Class/Rank (see next section).

Name HP LP STR DEX SPD CON INT WIL CHA Initial Magic Spark Type
Julian 80 10 19 17 15 16 15 23 12 Sun 01
Ellen 85 10 16 18 20 12 17 16 22 Earth 08
Sara 70 10 18 16 19 15 21 11 19 Earth 07
Thomas 75 10 15 14 16 17 22 16 19 Water 06
Harid 170 10 19 14 21 15 16 18 19 Wind 01
Mikhail 145 10 16 17 19 17 17 21 17 Sun 05
Monica 65 10 17 17 18 18 13 17 21 Fire 05
Katarina 140 10 16 20 24 15 12 17 17 Wind 02


After choosing your main character, you must choose a Rank/Class/Occupation and a Favorite Weapon,
which alter your initial stats and several other parameters.

Your Class/Rank/Occupation (the Star/Planet under one is born, in the Japanese version) also modifies your main character's static stats.
The total sum (HP excepted) is the same for all classes.

-1 0 2 -1 1 -1 1 -5
-2 1 0 -2 2 1 1 -10
1 -1 -2 0 0 1 2 10
2 -2 -1 2 -1 1 0 5
0 2 1 1 -2 -2 1 0

Note: Reading in Japanese: 辰星(しんせい Mercury)太白(たいはく Venus)螢惑(けいわく Mars)歳星(さいせい Jupiter)填星(てんせい Saturn)from the 陰陽五行説 (inyougogyou, the theory of Yin/Yang and 5 Elements). Source: The English below the Japanese is the Remaster official translation (see this Note about the translation).

The Weapon Specialty influences your main character's:
- initial Static Stats
- initial Skill Level
- initial equipment
- Tech Sparking Type (see next section).

Sword 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Slash +1 Broad Sword 1
Greatword 1 -1 -2 2 0 1 -1 5 Slash +1 Big Sword 0
Axe 3 -2 -1 1 -1 1 -2 10 Hit +1 Battle Axe -1
Mace 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 5 Hit +1 Bat Hammer -1
Epee -1 1 2 -2 1 -1 2 -5 Pierce +1 Rapier 2
Spear 2 -1 1 1 0 -1 -1 0 Pierce +1 Long Spear 1
Bow 0 3 0 -1 -2 1 1 -10 Shot +1 Long Bow 2
Kungfu 2 -3 1 3 -2 -1 -1 15 Punch +1 Salve -1
None -2 2 -2 -3 3 1 2 -15 First Skill +1 Salve 1

Note: HP should not be taken into account when creating a new main character, because it is not a static stat.


Your main character's Favorite Weapon determines their Tech Learning/Sparking Type, with the exception of 3 special Types.

All the info is the Tech Section: see the Sparking Types and corresponding Tables, among other.

Important Note (SFC only): There is a glitch in the game: if you chose a different weapon than the default weapon for your main character, you must save, reset and load your save IN GAME once for the Type change to be effective. Otherwise, your main character will still be on his/her default Type.

Side Note: Below is the other way to present the factors that determine the Tech Sparking Type, depending on Favorite Weapon / Favorite Magic (the table is for recruits only). It is less immediately useful (partly as 'Favorite Magic' does not appear as such in the game except for characters with default magic), so I list it here for reference, and in the Tech Section we will stick to the other approach.

Magic\Weapon Sword Gsword Axe Mace Epee Spear Bow Kungfu None
Wind 01 09 03 04 05 10 07 08 00
Fire 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 00
Sun/Moon 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 00
Earth 01 02 03 04 11 06 07 08 00
Water 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 00


This table indicates the characters' attributes growth rate (0 = slow).
These are simple indicators of the relative speed at which you can gain levels in the said attribute at the end of the battles (probability to level up). It basically tells you which character gets good at what at which rate: nice!
These rates are readily available in each character's table above.

Sla: Slash (Swords)
Hit: Hit/Blunt (Axe, Mace)
Pie: Pierce/Stab (Epee, Spear)
Sho: Shot/Projectile (Bow)
Wnd: Wind/Soryu Magic
Fir: Fire/Shucho Magic
Ert: Earth/Byakko Magic
Wtr: Water/Genbu Magic
Sup: Support

Fat Robin311104001011300
Yan Fan341111132020000
Zhi Lin221011400000010
Herman00000000000 0003
Fullbright 103000001111100
Bai Meiling101000003111000


When a battle is won and over, eligible stats may go up. The order according to which the stats go up is fixed and depend on 8 stat attribution types. Each character belongs to one of those types. This order affects consecutive level-ups of a same character (due to defeating a powerful monster, for example): the LV-Up probability of later categories drops slightly.

Type 0 - Harid/Khalid, Shonen/Young Boy
Type 1 - Julian, Nora, Wood/Ward
Type 2 - Katarina, Leonid, Mikhail, Monica/Monika
Type 3 - Black, Ellen, Herman, Zo/Rukh
Type 4 - Sara/Sarah, Zhi Lin/Zhi Ling, Fairy/Peony
Type 5 - Bai Meiling/Meiniang, Boston, Fullbright, Muse, Thomas, Tiberius, Undine
Type 6 - Sharl/Charl, Yan Fan/Yang Fan
Type 7 - Poet/Minstrel, Robin & Fake/Stand-in Robin, Snowman/Flurry, Tatyana

Abbreviations in the table below: Sw (Sword/Greatsword), Pie (Pierce = Epee/Spear), KGF (Kungfu/Martial), and Hit = Mace/Axe.



Here are in further details the way your characters' HP, TP/MP and Skill Levels go up (or not!) after a victory in battle.

Various factors work either in favor or against a LV-Up:

Stats ∖ EffectPositiveNegative
HPEnemies' Up LVL
+ Character's Growth Rate
MaxHP x5/128
TP/MP2x Best Skill level
+ Sum of all Skill levels
MaxTP or MaxMP
SkillsEnemies' Up LVL
+ Character's Growth Rate
+ (Battle Counter x20/256)
Current Skill LVL
Support LVL
Enemies' Up LVL
+ Character's Growth Rate
Current Support LVL

Notes on this table:
- Each character has a specific individual battle counter that gains +1 upon battle win and resets to zero when you flee from a battle or when your character levels up.
- Here is the table for each character's Growth Rates.
- The Enemy's UpLVs are found in the relevant column of the main table of the Monsters Page.

The LV-up probability depends on three steps:
- a subtraction: positive factors minus negative factors,
- the Difference is associated to a Boundary Value (determined by a table),
- which is run against a RGN: the result decides if LV-Up or not.

Here are the Boundary Values (B Value) and Probabilities (for SFC) depending on the result of the subtraction (Difference):

DifferenceB ValueProbability to LV-Up
-5 and below10%

If the Boundary Value > RGN+1, then there is LV-Up.

E.g.: Julian (SwLV 37, Sw Growth 2) vs. Asura (UpLV 36) with a Battle Counter of 0:
36+2-37=1 --> BV=32 --> Sw LV-Up Probability = 12,89%

Note that this formula gives the answer as to why the actual MP limit (SFC) is 205.

If a character levels up several times, a corrective mechanism kicks in.
The LV-Up probability (more accurately the Boundary Value, BV) drops due to consecutive LV-Ups of a same character.
The characters' Type of Stat Level-Up Attribution Order determines which categories will be less likely to level up.
And the drop depends on the Sum of all Skill/Magic LVs (the higher the total, the higher the drop).

Sum TotalBV Drop

Long story short, the drop in LV-Up probability is quite low, from a few decimals up to less than 4% at most for the last bracket.

On LV-up, one character's skill can only level up once (LV+1) per battle, but HP works differently of course.
The formula for HP gain on HP level-up is:

HP raise = ([CON/4]+2) + (RGN mod [CON/4]) +1

In other words:


Which means that the most profitable CON/STA for HP gain is a multiple of 4.
Note that it depends on CON/STA as it appears in your character's status screen (i.e. bonuses from items are included, but not those from buffs used in battle).
Note that if no character gained a stat level-up after battle, the character with the least HP will gain 1 HP. This works for Leonid too.


These interesting character flags determine which stats can go up when a character is not in your party!
This also explains why the stats of a new recruit are sometimes different.
This system conveniently levels up - to some extent - the characters that are not currently in your party so that they do not fall behind too badly and remain usable (or about). The Non-Party (or Outside-Party) Character Growth depends on a hidden parameter, the CompanionLV.
Note: In the Remaster NG+, this can be (ab)used to max out these stats.

Eligible Stats for Non-Party Growth

In a nutshell (sorted by number of stats & alphabetical order):

Thomas: HP, Slash, Hit, Pierce, Shot, Kungfu, Support

Poet/Minstrel: HP, Slash, Hit, Pierce, Shot, Kungfu

Harid/Khalid: HP, Slash, Pierce, Kungfu
Katarina: HP, Slash, Pierce, Kungfu
Mikhail: HP, Slash, Pierce, Support
Tiberius: HP, Hit, Water, Sun
Yan Fan/Yang Fan: HP, Hit, Kungfu, Moon

Black, Herman: HP, Hit, Wind
Boston: HP, Kungfu, Water
Ellen: HP, Hit, Kungfu
Fairy/Peony: HP, Pierce, Shot
Fake Robin: HP, Slash, Pierce
Paul: HP, Slash, Shot
Nora: HP, Hit, Pierce
Sara/Sarah: HP, Pierce, Shot
Shonen/Young Boy: HP, Slash, Shot
Robin: HP, Pierce, Wind
Wood/Ward, Zo: HP, Slash, Kungfu

Julian: HP, Slash
Tatyana: HP, Pierce
Zhi Lin/Zhi Ling: HP, Shot

Fullbright: HP, Earth
Monica/Monika: HP, Moon
Sharl/Sharl: HP, Fire

Bai Meiling/Bai Meiniang, Muse, Snowman/Flurry, Undine: HP

Leonid: x

Below is the full data.

M Male
F Female
UNDD Undead
UNKW Unknown
HP Health Points
SW Sword
EP Epee
BSW Big Sword
AX Axe
SPR Spear
KGF Kungfu
SUP Support
CHJ Chijutsu (Wind Fire Earth Water)
TNJ Tenjutsu (Sun Moon)
RK Rank
HNTR Hunter
SCHO Scholar
ROY Royalty
FGHT Fighter
MRCH Merchant
WPN (Best) Weapon
MGC (Best) Magic
TYPE Spark Type

No.       Name            M   F UNDD UNKW HP SW  AX  SPR BOW KGF CHJ TNJ SUP   RK   WPN   MGC    TYPE 
000(000): Julian       :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   HNTR  SW    Sun     01
001(001): Ellen        :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   FGHT  AX    Earth   08
002(002): Sara         :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   HNTR  BOW   Earth   07
003(003): Thomas       :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ○   ○   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   MRCH  SPR   Water   06
004(004): Harid        :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   FGHT  SW    Wind    01
005(005): Mikhail      :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ○   ROY   EP    Sun     05
006(006): Monica       :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ○   ×   SCHO  EP    Fire    05
007(007): Katarina     :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   MRCH  BSW   Wind    02
008(008): Leonid       :  ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   KGF   Sun     05
009(009): Shonen       :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   BSW   Wind    09
010(00A): Tiberius     :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   SCHO  STF   Earth   00
011(00B): Wood         :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   FGHT  BSW   Water   02
012(00C): Paul         :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   HNTR  BOW   Earth   09
013(00D): Robin        :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   MRCH  EP    Fire    05
014(00E): Robin        :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   SCHO  EP    Earth   05
015(00F): Muse         :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   SCHO  None  Fire    00
016(010): Sharl        :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ROY   SPR   Sun     10
017(011): Poet         :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ○   ○   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   MRCH  STF   Earth   01
018(012): Tatyana      :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Water   05
019(013): Yan Fan      :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ○   ×   HNTR  None  Wind    10
020(014): Undine       :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   MRCH  None  Water   00
021(015): Zhi Lin      :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   HNTR  BOW   Wind    07
022(016): Herman       :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   FGHT  AX    Earth   03
023(017): Fullbright   :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ROY   None  Sun     00
024(018): Bai Meiling  :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   SCHO  None  Wind    00
025(019): Nora         :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   HNTR  STF   Earth   04
026(01A): Black        :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   FGHT  AX    Wind    03
027(01B): Catherine    :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   HNTR  SW    Wind    00
028(01C): Fairy        :  ○   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   FGHT  SPR   Fire    06
029(01D): Boston       :  ×   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   MRCH  KGF   Water   08
030(01E): Zo           :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   FGHT  KGF   Wind    03
031(01F): Snowman      :  ×   ×   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   MRCH  None  Water   08
032(020): Therese      :  ○   ×   ×   ○   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   BSW   Wind    09
033(021): Sherbet      :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Wind    01
034(022): Millefeuille :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Wind    01
035(023): Candy        :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Wind    01
036(024): Crepe        :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Wind    01
037(025): Souffle      :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Wind    01
038(026): Bavarois     :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Wind    01
039(027): Eclair       :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Wind    01
040(028): Tart         :  ×   ○   ×   ○   ○   ×   ×   ○   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ROY   EP    Wind    01

Outside-Party Growth Calculation

When (re-)recruiting a character, the recruit's Outside-Party Growth will depend on the CompanionLV (also called SubMonsterLV or PartyLV - see paragraph below) or the difference of CompanionLV since last time the character was in the party.
Which stats can go up depend on each character, as we have seen just above.

The HP/LV gain go like so (rounded down, as always):

For HP, +15 for every 8 CompanionLV difference
For Skill/Magic LVs, +1 for every 16 CompanionLV difference

This means that frequent re/recruitments will reap no (or only very limited) benefit.
Max CompanionLV = 158, which means that relevant Skill LVs will go up by 9, and HP by 19, at most (which is not great but better than nothing).
Note that in the Remaster, as Party/CompanionLV is reset with each NG+ but Skill LVs carry over, you can reach maxLV 50 for the characters' eligible LVs over a few runs if you just recruit them before going in the Abyss each time, for example. Stupidly broken, yeah, I know..


Hidden and interrelated MonsterLV (モンスターレベル, also called 種族レベル RaceLV) and CompanionLV (お供レベル, also called SubMonsterLV or PartyLV) have a chance to increase after each battle. (For all Classes/Races and Ranks, see the Monsters section.)

All in all, as MonsterLV goes up, more powerful monsters appear.
And as CompanionLV goes up, stronger sub-monsters appear, some enemies (ID above 100) can use more powerful attacks, some fixed enemies gain HP, and it also influences some enemies' Gold drop (see the Monster List and its Notes) and Non-Party Character Growth (see the dedicated section).
There is about 2/3 chance for CompanionLV to gain +1 for a win against regular enemies.

There are separate counters for each Class of enemies.
Max MonsterLV: depends on each Class of enemies, see the MonsterLV section of the Monsters Page.
Max CompanionLV = 158.

After a battle win:
First, CompanionLV increase = ([MonsterLV/16] - [CompanionLV/16], min 0) + RGN(0~8)
Then, MonsterLV increase = ([CompanionLV/16] - [MonsterLV/16], min 0) + RGN(0~8)

Where the RGN probabilities (SFC) are as in the table below:
(Note that if the first part of the equation = 0, these RNG probabilities are actually those of the LV going up.)

Probabilities (%) for RGN =012345678
(Internal RGN)(31~255)(19~30)(12~18)(8~11)(5~7)(3~4)(2)(1)(0)
Skeleton Demon Beast Fish Beastman Zombie Amphibian Ghost Fairy70.713.66.832.
Plant Insect Winged69.915.
Aquatic Spirit Inorganic7413.

In a nutshell, to increase MonsterLV and CompanionLV the most efficiently, you must battle, and it is better to focus on one Class of enemies to reach max MonsterLV for that Class, then focus on other Races whose MonsterLV will go up much faster (due to max CompanionLV).
Note that fixed enemies have no Class, so it is more difficult to increase CompanionLV (about 1/3 chance of +1) with them. Note (Remaster Only) that all enemies of the Phantom Maze are fixed enemies.

CompanionLV and your Party

Your party too is influenced by the CompanionLV (if you think about it, a battle is one party, of characters, against another party, of monsters, and each side has one MC, and companions), which influences Non-Party Character Growth (see the dedicated section).

The least inaccurate way to check your actual CompanionLV is to recruit a character for the first time and compare their HP like so:

CompanionLV = ([Present HP] - [Initial HP]) x8/15

The easiest way to do this is probably to use Poet/Minstrel (Initial HP = 120) or Tatyana (Initial HP = 65), available almost everywhere: SAVE your game, recruit one or the other, compare and calculate, DO NOT SAVE, but quit, reload, so that they may keep their status of New Recruit and you can keep making accurate PartyLV calculations (if you care).


Those are the stats for each character with their default weapon specialty and class,
and particularly the default stats for all recruitable characters.
Upon joining, some non-static values (HP, TP/SP, MP, Skill LVs) will vary depending on your Party Level (see non-party character growth).
Note: Equipped with the Silver Hand/Glove, Sharl's STR and DEX rise to 21 (23 on Remaster) and 19.

Yan Fan10152110232119(119)12
Zhi Lin14241518102016(117)12
Bai Meiling1716141723188 (113)13
Boston1613201921179 (115)17


From the FAQ 'Battle Mechanics Guide' by djinntotonic

Longsword, Salve, Leather, Leather Boots

Hand Axe, Salve, Leather, Leather Boots

Hunter, Salve, Tunic, Leather Boots

Long Spear, Hunter, Salve2, Leather Boots, Leather, Fur Vest
Leg Sweep, Squall

Curve Sword, Long Spear, Salve, Leather Boots, Tunic, Hard
Parry, Double Mist, Leg Sweep

Life Cane, Estoc, Salve2, Spirit Stone, Lord, Leather Boots
Accel Sniper, Snake shot, Hard Hit, Sunshine

Foil, Spirit Stone, Silk Shirt

Big Sword, Masquerade, Salve, Spirit Stone, Silk
Accel Sniper


Sorceror, Leather Boots
Nap, Thorn Binder, Suction, Tornado

Lobster Armor

Amen Tomb, Long Bow, Fairy Scarf

Rapier, Leather Boots, Martial
Feint, Matador, Screwdriver

Twister, Hard Leather, Tunic
Crack, Earth Heal, Star Fixer

Viking Axe, Training Cane, Spike Shield, Hard Leather, Fur
Vest, Leather Boots
Tomahawk, Big Logs Chop, Hyper Hammer, Dancing Leaf

Rapier, Dusk Robe
Blood Suck, Gaze (fascination), Undead Domination, Gentle

Spirit Stone, Silk, Guard Ring

Bat Hammer, Long Spear, Martial Arts Wear, Hard Leather, Leather Boots
Hard hit, Rotation Hit, Double Stab

Long Bow, Long Sword, Light Buckler, Tunic, Leather Armor
Parry, Shadow Sew, Random Arrow

Bat Hammer, Poet's Fiddle, Hairpin, Tunic, Hard Leather, Leather Boots
Brain Split

Rapier, Leather Boots, Martial
Feint, Matador, Bolt Pierce, Nap, Dancing Leaf, Suction

Long Spear, Leather Boots, Tunic
Aiming, Self Burning, Seal Feather, Fire Wall

Victory, Hard Leather, Martial
Rollup Strike

Eternal Ice
Focus, Counter, Life Water, Mystic Water, Sparkling Mist, Thunderclap

Foil, Teddy Bear

Life Cane, Magician Armor, Leather
Life Water, Mystery Water, Thunderclap, Day Break

Twister, Lake, Silk Shirt
Life Water, Water Pool, Sparkling Mist, Thunderclap

Club, Two-Handed, Leather Armor, Fur Vest, Gauntlet, Leather Boots
Blunt Strike, Smash

Focus, Air Throw, Moon Reading Mirror, Glare Light

Catalpa, Leather Boots, Martial, Hard Leather
Beast Chaser, Sidewinder

Elephant Shirt



KOBAYASHI Tomomi was the artist in charge of character design.
The artist's Home Page:
Her SA.GA 'room':

RS3 original character design here:


Old Songs



Small Village


New Songs

When recruiting Poet for the first time:

After beating Arakes with Poet in your party, making Poet leave and re-recruiting him:

After beating Aunas with Poet in your party, making Poet leave and re-recruiting him:

After beating Byunei with Poet in your party, making Poet leave and re-recruiting him:

After beating Forneus (or closing the 4th Abyss Gate?) with Poet in your party, making Poet leave (if you can) and re-recruiting him:

There is one extra song that appears in any case after defeating the Destroyer (see Poet's ending below).


Here is what each character says before the last battle!
There are variants for the characters that can also be your main: when you have them as recruits with Sara as main, and with the others as main.
Note that there is no special dialogue for Shonen, nor even for Sara solo.









Bai Meiling




Fake Robin















Yan Fan

Zhi Lin



There are various endings depending on your characters, party members, the choices you have made and quests you have completed!
Here are the endings for Julian, Ellen, Sarah, Thomas, Harid, Mikhail, Monika, Katarina, and all the others.

The text of the following section by Khajiit Rankin [with my corrections & additions within square brackets]:

Main endings

1) Julian

Ending 1: Mikhail says that Julian has protected Monica well. He makes him a Baron so that he can be together with Monica.
Trigger: [Monika is in the party, or you shipwrecked = accepted to be Monica's guard in the intro and didn't elope.]
[If you shipwrecked, good news at last: she survived the ordeal! She could have sent you a word a bit earlier than endgame..]

Ending 2.1: Julian declines to work for Mikhail.
Trigger: [You didn't shipwreck, and Monica is not in the party.]

Ending 2.2: Julian goes back to Shinon to visit Ellen and Sara.
Trigger: Ellen is in the party.

Note: Endings 2.1 and 2.2 can occur simultaneously.

2) Ellen

Ending 1: [Sara is well again. They plan to go meet the others.]
Trigger: Julian is not in the party in the last battle.

Ending 2: [Julian comes back to Shinon to Ellen & Sara, who is fine now; they decide to meet the others].
Trigger: Julian is in the party.
[Note: There is a script mistake (Julian/Ellen) even in the Japanese version.]

3) Sara/Sarah

[Ending 1: Ellen is in Shinon, Julian comes back, Sara is fine, they all go meet the others.
Trigger: Julian and Ellen are in the party.
Note: There is a script mistake (Julian/Sara) even in the Japanese version.]

Ending [2]: Same as ending 1 of Ellen's endings.
Trigger: Ellen is in the party.

Ending [3]: [Sara goes on an adventure with the others but Ellen stays in Shinon.]
Trigger: Ellen is not in the party.

4) Thomas

Ending 1: Thomas returns to Shinon.
Trigger: Haven't completed the Business minigame.

Ending 2: Thomas takes some pocket money and goes for a trip.
Trigger: Completed all 3 phases of the Business minigame.

5) Harid/Khalid

Ending 1: Harid is thinking about his princess and princess actually appears!
Trigger: Visit King's Capital, but don't even try fighting Dragon Ruler (better pick other best skill... just use second weapon slot!)

Ending 2: Harid is thinking about his princess, but eventually he decides to earn more money instead. (That's the spirit! :P)
Trigger: Never open up Kings' Capital on the world map, or fight the Dragon Ruler in there.

6) Mikhail

Ending 1: Loanne has become strong, and you will be declared "King" or "Duke" (depending on how well you perform on the Ruling minigame).
Trigger: Good performance on the Ruling minigame (easier said than done)

Ending 2: Mikhail decides to leave the work to Shadow.
Trigger: Poor performance on the Ruling minigame.

7) Monica/Monika

Ending 1: Same as ending 1 of Julian's endings.
Trigger: Lose Julian in shipwreck or escape and keep him in party.

Ending 2: [Julian leaves;] Monica wants her brother to get married first.
Trigger: Escape and Julian is not in the party.

8) Katarina

Ending 1: Katarina talks with Mikhail and leaves Loanne.
Trigger: Mikhail is not in the party.

Ending 2: Mikhail reveals the fact that Katrina was granted Masquerade means that she's to be the wife of the Marquis, and he asks her to stay.
Trigger: Mikhail is in the party.


The scenes for each character triggered, in order of appearance.
[Note: If a character is in your party, their ending won't play, but he/she will be on the ship at the end.]

1) Leonid

Scene: Leo goes back to his castle and keeps doing his vampire stuff...
Trigger: [Podol appears on the World Map.]

2) The Professor

Scene: Professor is dancing in front of Duke Zweig, making him chase her. (Is he blind or something? =P)
Trigger: Helped Professor to beat the machine car.

3) Paul & Nina

Scene: Paul and Nina block the entrance to the rats' cave together. (As if there were any reasons to do this now.)
Trigger: Saved Nina from the rats after she was sacrificed.

4) Wood/Ward

Scene: Wood is now catching fish in the Ice Lake.
Trigger: Completed his Ice Lake quest.

5) Snowman/Flurry

Scene: Snowman lands from the air into Snow Town. (bombs away! =P)
Trigger: Made the snowmen in Snow Town move (tickle Yuki O_o). [Appears even if you sacrificed Snowman.]

6) Johannes and Anna

Scene: Finally it's Anna's turn to sleep in the bed while Johannes walks around.
Trigger: None; will appear in any case.

7) Robin

Scene: The Robins take turn to disguise themselves [or only one of them if the other one is in your final party] and now it is very clear who they actually are... but let me quote Snow Wanderer on this: "not that it requires an IQ much higher than room temperature to notice."
Trigger: Beat the demons in Yamas.

8) Gwayne

Gwayne's ending 1
Scene: The dragon lives happily among the treasures it got.
Trigger: Reach Gwayne in its cave but keep it alive.

Gwayne's ending 2 (mutually exclusive)
Scene: The main character will mourn for the dragon at its cave entrance.
Trigger: Kill Gwayne after it destroys the Small Village.

9) Boston

Scene: A prosperous Lobster Island.
Trigger: None; appears in *any* case.

10) Yan Fan/Yang Fan

Scene: Yan Fan stands at the top of the Huang Castle
Trigger: None.

11) Bai Meiling/Bai Meiniang

Scene: This crazy old woman scares people in town with earthquakes. And I bet she's screaming sumthin' like "TOTAL IDIOT!!!" =D.
Trigger: None.

12) Zhi Ling

Scene: Zhi Lin tries to leave Mung village, but Bai comes out and casts another earthquake...
Trigger: [None.]

13) Zo/Rukh

Scene: Elephants are dancing???
Trigger: Heal Zo's brother in Rashkuta.
[Note: Appears even if Elephant is in your party.]

14) Tiberius

Scene: Tiberius stands at the top of the Divine Tower
Trigger: Defeat Maximus.

15) Fairy/Peony

Scene: All the fairies can now fly freely in the forest
Trigger: [Find the Fairy Village.]
[Note: Appears even if Fairy is in your party.]

16) Herman

Scene: Herman enjoys sunshine at Great Arc's beach.
Trigger: Get him in party after you defeat Forneus (which is a dumb thing to do). [Or do not get him at all.]

17) Undine

Scene: Undine, back to her house, is happily being surrounded by her students. [yaoi...? >_<]
Trigger: Solve Moses quest properly or in Undine's favor (kill Volcano).

18) Fullbright

Scene: Fullbright is at his shop, watching over his [booming] business.
Trigger: [Complete the 1st mission of the Business minigame].

19) Tatyana

Scene: (Tatyana goes back to Librof and meets her father.)
Trigger: According to Mana Sword, it's related to Thomas but no one achieved it... another of Squarely Unfinished Aspects (c)(tm) :/.
[Impossible event: no Tatyana ending.]

20) Black

Scene: [Black is standing at the tip of his new ship's prow, ready to resume his pirating days! See his new pirate ship in full here.]
Trigger: Get Black.

21) Ken & Nora

Scene: The Holy King spear is back on the wall and everyone is working on new weapons...
Trigger: Offer to help Nora.

22) Sharl/Charl & Muse

Scene: [Muse got the Claudius house back and they live together with the orphans.]
Trigger: Save Muse from the Dream Devil.
[Note: Appears even if Muse / Sharl are in your party.]

23) Poet/Minstrel

Scene: Poet sings the song for the new legend.
Trigger: None; appears in any case.


See the Resources section for links to the original sheets of sprite rips.