Romancing Saga 3 - Welcome

Welcome to this page dedicated to Romancing Saga 3 on Super Famicom + Remaster.

This is an attempt to gather in one place everything about RS3
and to give a fresh, encompassing, visual approach of this excellent game:
the kind of thing I wished existed when I started playing it.

I have cross-referenced, re-ordered and double-checked everything, added what I found,
and made walkthroughs & brand new maps from my own screenshots along the way.

This site is best viewed on a real PC (it's not exactly portable devices-friendly, sorry).

Started on May 26, 2019, roughly sketched on August 30, 2019, roughly completed on January 30, 2020.

I am very far from knowing everything about RS3:
suggestions and corrections are most welcome:

Possible support via PayPal, thanks!
(here or directly to )


2019, May 26: start
2019, June 22-July 23: pause
2019, July 24: on it
2019, August 30: roughly finished
Various corrections & additions, small and large, at various dates.
2019, November 20-December 12: pause.
2019, December 13: back at it. Updates, big and small, almost everyday.
2020, January 8-21: pause.
2020, January 22: back at it. Remaster / Phantom Maze sections roughly done.
2020, January 30: the last main section ('Bosses') done.
Last update: now at the top of the left-hand column
and in the dedicated Update page.